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PART II Second Message from Our Father in Heaven "THE PRESIDENT OF THE WORLD IS DEAD!

" "My Beloved Child, I am your Father in Heaven, yea Jehovah, Most High God. My Little One, as you know by now, the one, who calls himself President of the Earth is dead and he is burning in the Lake of Fire. A great ceremony is at hand as his followers from around the world gather to pay their respects to Lucifer. The white pope is critically ill and a grand show has been going on for some time regarding this man. He shall soon follow the black pope into the Lake of Fire. Let this be a warning to the Catholics the world over that they are following after Lucifer and many, many of them the world over will follow this evil system straight into the Lake of Fire. Yes, My Child, who would believe that the fake Jews have been running the world for a very long time through the Vatican in Rome? Is this not the whore that sits on seven hills? Is this not the whore that sits on many waters? Yes, My Child, this is the great whore of all the world and they are fooling many with their pomp and ceremony. They are fooling many with prayers from books and with rosaries and with their own apparitions of the virgin Mary. My Child, do you believe that the earthly vessel, which bore My Son, would take precedence over Him? Do you believe such a thing? She was not sent as the Savior of mankind. My Son was sent; and he and he, alone, is the Savior. There is none other. I have warned My people not to make such images of things in Heaven, not of Me, not of My Son and not of anyone or anything else. Why have I given this command? My Child, it has been for your own protection. It has long been human nature to bow down to idols. How many the world over bow down before statues of this virgin Mary? How many, My Child? Their souls are damned; for they worship an idol! I have not sent My Beloved One, the earthly Mother of My Son, to appear in these apparitions. These apparitions are just that, apparitions, and they are put in the sky by the Luciferians in the Catholic Church. And, these are not all that you will see projected into the sky by them. The whole world is about to be deluged with false signs and wonders, which are brought about by this Luciferian machine. ------skipped much due to space-----------------------------------"Father, what now?" "The other pope will soon die. The replacement for the white pope will come and there will be a replacement for the black pope. The replacement for the black pope is the antichrist, who has been waiting for Lucifer to possess him." "Father, who is this man?" "My Child, he is truly a crown prince and the world will suddenly see a lot of this man. Be watchful and you will see." "So, he is put into power by the Catholic Church?"

"Of course." "Father, the inquisition has never stopped." "It has not. This church is the enemy of all mankind and it is leading billions into hell. Through their Jesuit Order, they have infiltrated every facet of every society all over the world." "And, this Dennis Bossack is a Satanic Jesuit?" "He is." "Father, it is a shame on the face of this Earth that law enforcement and military people blindly take orders to steal, kill and destroy, just because they are told to do so. Through blind obedience, Father, they are willing pawns in the hands of the Catholic Church! Now, I know why the Catholic Church has been so hated down through the ages. Father, these are the most evil people on the face of this planet. Yet, they have the white pope out there with his song and dance and with people all over the world bowing down and worshipping this evil. This is a disgusting thing." "My Child, it is and this is why the very one, the Antichrist, whom they put into power, will turn on them and burn them to the ground." "Father, this evil and disgusting thing (the Vatican) should have been destroyed a long time ago. I have never known such evil, but now I do; for I did ask you to make me see, know and understand it." "You did, My Child, and I answered your prayer, but not in any way you would imagine. Yes, they kidnapped you and all laughed at your imminent death; but you live and each one of them is marked for the fiery lake and very soon all shall be there."

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