April 10 at 12:51pm Like

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Person A: Yes.

April 10 at 12:51pm Like Person B: Uhhh heck no April 10 at 12:52pm Like Person B: If anything raised lol April 10 at 12:53pm Like Person C: I'd like to take my response back. I think 21 is a good age because if it were lowered you'd have younger kids trying to drink and what not. That wouldn't be good. April 10 at 12:54pm Like Person B: In most cases the younger the more irresponsible/immature, there are enough 21 and older making bad decisions with alcohol, lowering the age would only make it worse April 10 at 12:58pm Like 1 Person D: Definitely not. Most 18 year olds have barely had their drivers license long enough to exude responsibility. And then you factor in legal drinking that only impairs reasoning? Tragic results are inevitable. Hell, I know 40 yr olds that shouldn't be allowed to drink lol. April 10 at 1:43pm Like Person E: If an 18 year old isn't mature/responsible enough to drink, he/she shouldn't be considered mature/responsible enough to be shipped off to war. April 10 at 2:08pm Like 2 Person F: Good point but that's a fight for another day. If the age was lowered the number of alcohol related incidents would occur. April 10 at 2:10pm Like Person E: All I'm saying is you can't call someone an adult while refusing them adult privileges. Why is it that, at 18, one can go to strip clubs, buy sexually-explicit material, smoke, vote, be prosecuted as an adult, be drafted to the military, etc. but can't buy a beer? Either the drinking age should be lowered to 18, or people should not be considered legal adults until they reach 21 and have ALL the privileges an adult is supposed to have. April 10 at 2:16pm Like 3

Person G: Yes . However if the drinking age is dropped to 18 , the driving age should be raised to 21. There's a country in Europe who's drinking age is 16 but their driving age is 18 and they have significantly lower rates of drinking and driving . April 10 at 2:32pm Edited Like Person H: Definitely a no. while even at 18 the law considers this a legal age of adulthood, most persons at that age really have no clue as to what being an adult really means and therefore still make alot of immature decisions. This holds true for alot of persons over the age of 21 as well. Personally I think you don't really start to be more rationale in your thinking until at least 25 so I'm in favor of it being raised. Think of all of the reasons that people blame their actions on alcohol. So if alcohol is causing so many temporary moments of stupidity then why not eliminate as an option. I even agree with Brandon Maynard with perhaps an 18 year old should not even be shipped off to war. In most cases at 18 and 21 we don't really start to value the choices that we make in regards to the long term consequences of them, especially since we live in a time where everyone wants instant gratification, using terminology like "YOLO" and "do you". April 10 at 3:09pm Like Person I: Yes. People are allowed to enlist in the military and possibly die for their country at age 18, but can't drink? Doesn't seem to make much sense. April 10 at 4:09pm Edited Like 1 Peron J: I think 16 is a better age!!!! April 10 at 4:38pm Like Person K: Yes, it's lower than that in Europe, so why not? Lol April 10 at 5:10pm Like 1 Person L: Yes and no. Yes, because making it widely available might lower alcoholism by making it less appealing (most of my European friends don't drink, bc they've had access to it for so long). Also, it's a form of paternalism, or the govt thinking they know better than us, so they take "bad" things away from us, so we don't harm ourselves without giving us a choice.........................................................................................................No, because our prefrontal cortex doesn't fully develop until about age 30, so, while we're already making rash decisions, this hinders it's development and doesn't allow it to grow to it's full potential. April 10 at 7:19pm Like 1 Person M: No. Alcohol impairs judgment, motor skills, and social skills. In addition, it is known the prefontal cortex of the brain that helps you make rational, not emotional, decisions is under developed and the last part of the brain to mature. And so imagine teenagers driving, under the influence of alcohol, and no executor to help make sober second thought decisions.

Person N: yes, if underage drinkers are going to get alcohal either way.. might as well make shit easier April 10 at 11:03pm Like Person O: Yes. I joined the military at 18...I'm 20 now. I carry 3 guns to work every day....If I can go to work and carry defend my country and have the authority to kill ppl if needed... I should be allowed to drink if I want. April 11 at 3:53pm Like

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