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Service Date: Month ~"ulll\y Day I~ .~&Je -tl IleJ oJ-

[ am over the age of 18 years old, and not a party to this action.

IamdomiciJedat 100~,)wf~e,\~intheCityOf ~kJ.

in the State of California, I enclosed the above named documents in envelope(s) and mailed them with

the United States Postal Service with the postage fully prepaid. C..etrHf,~'t1~t(-:If ~ ot:J6
The envelopes were addressed and mailed as follows:

Adres_:~~ ~!~~
2z::...c=tri~_k~~~ RJ..
Mailedfrom: IDb 3J~
4.)~[~~ cJ~nJ~
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7hY'dl<&f5COJ~N;;' ~ooij.
I declare under penalty of perjury that the forgoing is true and correct.

w~.k kstifY"",
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Executed on: J(4A.UftlJ)l./ JV:J-rH 1Ctf1 WithoutPrejudice

By: 4Lkt .
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