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BUSN 302-503 Life and Business Lessons from Mays Faculty Spring 2014

Tuesday 2:20-3:35 Wehner 185

Instructor: Dr. Nancy Simpson Student Instructor: Bailey Urban
Office: 340P Wehner Office: 339 Wehner
Phone 979.845.4140 Phone: 817-480-1556
Email: email:
Office Hours: By appointment Office Hours: By appointment

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This one-houi seminai will featuie a uiffeient Nays faculty membei each week
teaching theii favoiite, most impoitant lesson. In an engaging, inteiactive leaining
enviionment, you will leain fiom piofessois you may not otheiwise have the
oppoitunity to heai.

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By the enu of this couise, you will be able to:
2'34'), on lessons leaineu fiom speakeis anu the ieauings they iecommenu.
5('-,*36 topics about which you woulu like to leain moie.
5-,'0%/,' lessons leaineu fiom this class, othei classes, anu othei

In shoit, this class will uevelop youi capacity to be a 4*3'4#-0 *-,'0%/,*7' 4'/%-'%.

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All iequiieu ieauings will be uistiibuteu in class oi posteu on eCampus:

The movie, !"# %&' (#)*, will be available on Neuia Natiix.

Reflections 7S%
Paiticipation 2S%

Participation grading scale: Participation includes preparation for each class period,
courteous attention to speaker, thoughtful engagement and contribution during class. Here are
descriptions of participation grade:

A: Present, prepared, engaged, and contributing 90% of the time
B: Present, prepared, engaged, and contributing 80% of the time
C: Present, prepared, engaged, and contributing 70% of the time
D: Present, prepared, engaged, and contributing 60% of the time
F: Present, prepared, engaged, and contributing less than 60% of the time

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(1) Piepaiation assignments foi each class aie listeu on the Couise Scheuule.
(2) Reflection papeis aie uue at beginning of class on uates inuicateu on the
Couise Scheuule.

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Each ieflection papei has thiee paits:
(A) Summaiize
+#,#-. ./0 0* 10*# &2#)3 103. 3&'4&5&-)4. .0 607 5*01 ."# -,)33 8#*&023 )4290*
*#)2&4'3 8*#-#2&4' ."# 27# 2).#: +711)*&;# /"). 607 ,#)*4#2 )<07. ."#3#

(B) Peisonalize
=88,6 ."#3# &2#)3 .0 607* 0/4 ,&5#: >)?# 607 ,#)*4#2 301#."&4' 3&1&,)* <#50*#@
>)?# 607 #A8#*&#4-#2 301#."&4' -044#-.#2 .0 ."#3# &2#)3@ B0 607 ")?# )
8#*304), #A)18,# ."). &,,73.*).#3 ."#3# &2#)3@

(C) Take it foiwaiu
C"). ")?# ."#3# *#)2&4'39-,)33 8#*&023 1)2# 607 -7*&073 )<07.@ C"). #,3#
/07,2 607 ,&D# .0 ,#)*4@ >0/ 20 607 #4?&3&04 73&4' 0* <7&,2&4' 04 ."#3# &2#)3
&4 607* 57.7*#@

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114 Ni. Richaiu }ohnson


121 Bi. }on }aspeison


Instiuctions on eCampus.
128 Ni. Kevin Roach

Becoming a Tiusteu Auvisoi

2'/(: Chaptei 1, 11, anu 22 fiom the book "The
Tiusteu Auvisoi" by Naistei, uieen, anu ualfoiu.
Copies of the book will be pioviueu in class on
24 Bi. Ben Welch


Reflection papei #1 uue
211 Bi. Ricky uiiffin


B/,)? !"# %&' (#)* -available on Neuia Natiix

218 Ni. Bon Lewis

Peisonal Finance
"#1+4',' /-( +%*-, youi cieuit iepoit fiom The iepoit is FREE.
22S Bi. Nichael Shaub

uullibility anu Piofessional
Aiticle will be posteu on eCampus.

Reflection papei #2 uue
S4 Ns. Shannon Beei


Instiuctions on eCampus.

S18 Bi. }ohn Kiajicek

The Ninuful Leauei

S2S Bi. Leonaiu Beiiy

Aiticles posteu on eCampus.

Reflection papei #S uue
41 Bailey 0iban

The Puipose of Woik

48 Bi. }eiiy Stiawsei


41S Bi. Roemei vissei

Nanaging Youi Eneigy
2'/(C E)4)'# (07* F4#*'6G H0. (07* !&1#

Available on eCampus
422 Bi. Beniy Nusoma

The Powei of vulneiability

Instiuctions on eCampus.
429 No class (ieuefineu uay) Reflection papei #4 uue

Absences: University-excused absences will not count against your participation grade.
Please see to view student rules of attendance.
Academic Integrity: It is my hope that our class will function as a learning community
a group of people working together to learn and to support each other in that learning. As a
learning community, we must be able to trust one another, and for this reason we place a
high value on scholastic honesty. Scholastic honesty means, in essence, that everything
that you claim as your own work, i s your own work. To copy another persons work and
claim it as your own, is a violation of trust and a violation of the Aggie Honor Code: An
Aggie does not lie, cheat or steal or tolerate those who do. Your signature on every piece of work that
you turn in to us is your pledge that it is your own work. Please refer to for additional information about the Aggie Honor Code.
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a federal anti-discrimination statute that
provides comprehensive civil rights protection for persons with disabilities. Among other
things, this legislation requires that all students with disabilities be guaranteed a learning
environment that provides for reasonable accommodation of their disabilities. If you believe
you have a disability requiring an accommodation, please contact Disability Services, in Cain
Hall, Room B118, or call 845-1637. For additional information visit

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