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Worksheet # 1 Prepared by: FURQAN JAMEEL

The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The element element element element element element element element element element element element element element element element element element element element symbol symbol symbol symbol symbol symbol symbol symbol symbol symbol symbol symbol symbol symbol symbol symbol symbol symbol symbol symbol for Sodium is . for Potassium is: . for Magnesium is: . for Calcium is: . for Aluminum is: . of Copper is: . for Iodine is: . for Carbon is: . for Hydrogen is: . for Zinc is: . for Iron is: . for Oxygen is: . for Nitrogen is: . for Lead is: . for Tin is: . for Sulfur is: . for Chlorine is: . for Gold is: . for Silver is: . for Mercury is: .
b. Proton d. ion

class: 8

1. The center of an atom is called the: a. Electron c. Nucleus

2. If a substance consists of only one kind of atom, it is a(an) a. Mixture C. Compound b. Solution d. Element

3. How many electrons would a carbon atom have to gain to fill its outermost level? a. 4 c. 6 b. 5 d. 7

4. How many atoms are in a molecule of glucose, C6H12O6? A. 11 C. 24 B. 12 D. 22

5. In what temperature range does water exist as a liquid? a. 1-50 degrees Celsius c. 50-100 degrees Celsius 6. The process of transforming from a gas to a liquid is called a. Sublimation c. Evaporation b. 0-100 degrees Celsius c. 34-86 degrees Celsius .

b. Condensation d. Freezing

7. Which of the following is neutrally charged? a. an ion c. an electron 8. An atom has no net electric charge because a. its subatomic particles carry no electrical charge. b. The positively charged protons cancel out the negatively charged neutrons. c. the positively charged neutrons cancel out the negatively charged electrons. d. the positively charged protons cancel out the negatively charged electrons. 9. The octet rule states a. atoms become less stable with eight electrons in their outer energy level. b. atoms become more stable with eight electrons in their outer energy level. c. atoms will change their confiurations and become a noble gas. d. atoms will become more reative and chemically bond with noble gases. 10.__________________is the substance in a solution that dissloves. a. solution b. solvent c. solute d. mixture b. a compound d. a proton

11. write the correct name of the compound as shown in example 3

12. Boron has atomic mass of 11 and atomic number of 5. How many protons, neutrons and electrons does Boron have? Ans:_______________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 13. If you tried to breathe pure carbon dioxide, you would suffocate. Why, then, is carbon dioxide essential to all life on Earth? Ans:___________________________________________________________________________________________

Worksheet # 2 Prepared by: FURQAN JAMEEL

class: 8

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