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A department store is a retail establishment which specializes in selling a wide range of products without a single predominant merchandise line.

Department stores usually sell products including apparel, furniture, appliances, electronics, and additionally select other lines of products such as paint, hardware, toiletries, cosmetics, photographic equipment, jewellery, toys, and sporting goods. A discount store is a type of department store, which sell products at prices lower than those asked by traditional retail outlets. Most discount department stores offer wide assortments of goods; others specialize in such merchandise as jewelry, electronic equipment, or electrical appliances.

Typical supermarket merchandise

upermarket check out

!ruit on display in a supermarket in "apan. #arger supermarkets in $orth America and %urope typically sell many different types of items, such as&

Alcoholic products 'where pro(incial)state and)or local laws allow; indi(idual state and pro(ince control as to beer, wine,* +aby foods and products +akery

+ooks, newspapers, and magazines, including supermarket tabloids ,ar care products ,Ds, D-Ds, and (ideos 'including (ideo rentals* ,onfectionery ,osmetics ,lothing and footwear Dairy products Diet foods %lectrical items !eminine hygiene products !inancial ser(ices 'mortgages, credit cards, sa(ings accounts, wire transfers, etc.* !lowers !rozen foods !ruits and (egetables .reeting cards /ousecleaning products #uggage #ottery tickets Meat Medicines and first aid items 'mostly o(er0the0counter, some supermarkets ha(e pharmacies* $on alcoholic be(erages, such as refreshments and water 1ersonal financial products 1ersonal hygiene and grooming products 1et foods and products nacks 2oys

A supermarket is a departmentalized self0ser(ice store offering a wide (ariety of food and household merchandise. 3t is larger in size and has a wider selection than a traditional grocery store. 2he supermarket typically comprises meat, produce, dairy, and baked goods departments along with shelf space reser(ed for canned and packaged goods as well as for (arious nonfood items such as household cleaners, pharmacy products, and pet supplies. Most supermarkets also sell a (ariety of other household products that are consumed regularly, such as alcohol 'where permitted*, household cleaning products, medicine, clothes, and some sell a much wider range of non0food products. 2he traditional supermarket occupies a large floor space on a single le(el and is situated near a residential area in order to be con(enient to consumers. 3ts basic appeal is the a(ailability of a broad selection of goods under a single roof at relati(ely low prices. 4ther ad(antages include ease of parking and, frequently, the con(enience of shopping hours that e5tend far into the e(ening. upermarkets usually make massi(e outlays for newspaper and other ad(ertising and often present elaborate in0store displays of products. upermarkets are often part of a chain that owns or controls 'sometimes by franchise*

other supermarkets located in the same or other towns; this increases the opportunities for economies of scale. 3n $orth America, supermarket chains are often supplied from the distribution centers of a larger business, such as #oblaw ,ompanies in ,anada, which owns thousands of supermarkets across the nation. 2hey ha(e a distribution center in e(ery pro(ince 6 usually in the largest city in the pro(ince. upermarkets usually offer products at low prices by reducing margins. ,ertain products 'typically staples such as bread, milk and sugar* are often sold as loss leaders, that is, with negati(e margins. 2o maintain a profit, supermarkets attempt to make up for the low margins with a high o(erall (olume of sales, and with sales of higher0margin items. ,ustomers usually shop by putting their products into shopping carts 'trolleys* or baskets 'self0ser(ice* and pay for the products at the check0out. At present, many supermarket chains are trying to reduce labor costs further by shifting to self0ser(ice check0out machines, where a group of four or fi(e machines is super(ised by a single assistant. A larger full0ser(ice supermarket combined with a department store is sometimes known as a hypermarket. 4ther ser(ices that supermarkets may ha(e include banks, caf7s, creches, photo de(elopment, (ideo rental, pharmacies, and)or gas stations. A shopping mall 'or simply mall*, shopping center, or shopping arcade is a building or set of buildings that contain stores, with interconnecting walkways enabling (isitors to easily walk from store to store. 2he walkways may be enclosed. A (ery large shopping mall is sometimes called a megamall
CENTRALLY air-conditioned malls with piped music, high-speed lifts and escalators, adequate parking space, an entertainment arcade, multi-cuisine restaurants and a host of national and international rands !

Pantaloons At saptagiri towers "ituated in egumpet# Two floors $round floor !mens casual wear %ens formal wear &ids fashion 'nfant fashion %ens suits and la(ers %ens innerwear Accessories $reen ser)ice desk *irst floor +omen,s casuals +omens formal, Ethnic wear "ports wear Li gerie

-weller. *ragrance and accessories /roduct- mens wear,womens wear and kids wear,accessories#)er. less amount of cosmetics#and ags# /rice-high to moderate price range# /lace ! it is situated at egumpet ,easil. accessi le from the main road 0rands 1%ens1Essentials,scullers,indigo nations,akkriti,Lom ard,* factor,2ohn miller, 'ndian terrain +omens Akkriti,mi3 n match, are,anna alle,umm,rig,hone.,puma &ids wear4isne. a .# are a .# "tock a)aila ilit. ! most of the time# Entrance in the middle# rock music "ales are going on . 56,76,86# Shoppers stop At begumpet Place- visible to passing auto and pedestrians Visible and prominent image No. of floors -5 Ground floor-cosmetics and perfumes,watches,sun glassesand pens,mobile phones,fine and fashion weller!,precious weller!,ladies hand bags,pearl shop,gift shop, "rossword boo# shop $arista %st floor&adies ethnic wearbiba fashion wearladies western wear,lingerie,night wearladies footwaermeena ba'aar sarees,designer galler! &adies toilet (nd floor)ome collection bed bath children wear,#itchen,to!s games, *ids footwear,bab! nurser!,mother care "hildrens toilet and children changing room +rd floor"asual and denims,luggage vip,sports wear,ro!al sporting house,samsonite,urban !oga ,th floor-ens toilet,mens alteration consumer help des# -ens formal and semi formal suits, ac#ets ethnic wearmens accessories,footwear.inner wear and night wear

.irst citi'en des# 5th underconstuction.ladies and gents toilet. Soft western music Valet s!stem at par#ing.stairs /going upward cloc#wise. 0ach floor / lcd /#ingfisher ad. Price range /high. Promotion heav! sales and discount at all purchase. At entrance big banners of discounts up to (12 on corelle dinner set and e3change offers 0ntrance at centre. &ifest!le At virtusa tower Ground floor- men wear womens wear .irst floor- #ids wear, home furnishings ,to!s caf4 coffe da!, soft to!s, #itchen accessories, foot wears, 5estern soft music. )eav! discount lcds "it! centre mall At ban ara hill road no. 1% -P- / ground floor- peter 0ngland ,laiba for weller! ,#husboo for apparels levis,hang outs an ac famil! hall,doc#ers trouser town #huranas #for ethnic wear and mens wear And ba a electronics .irst floor- planet sports 6eebo# and adidas )7." atm )ealth and glow,titan #anish#a for ladies apparels and cosmetics reliance office,planet - cool and cotton for apparels,allan plain 80ngland 9 for apparels, :ava green 8coffe restaurant9 $ada shoe ba'aar $ig ba''ar;hree floors At ground floor food ba'aar home care health foods fruits vegetable bab! products, $everages and drin#s pulses .lour #itchen foods, pic#les 5ide range of mens cosmetics .irst floor $ig ba'aar medi care- #itchen ware appliances,croc#eries dinner sets,luggeges gas stoves steel utencils (nd floor- gold ba'aar ladies wear #ids wear ;o!s mens wear welleriesvaccesories cosmetics +rd-home furnishing furniture ba'aar .oot wears stationar!. 7oor mats electronic ba'aar,carpets

"ompletel! ac was running.

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