Questionnaire: MANAGEMENT, Conducting A Research, "A Comparative Study On Shopping Malls in

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Dear respondent, As a part of an academic curriculum, Im students of NIFT (NATIONA INSTITUTE OF FAS!IION TE"!NO O#$%, !&dera'ad, doin( )asters in FASHION MANAGEMENT, conductin( a researc*, +A "omparati,e Stud& on S*oppin( )alls in !&dera'ad- !&dera'ad "entral and "it& "entral./ It is our *eart filled re0uest to please participate in t*is sur,e& and contri'ute to (at*er additional 1no2led(e for our pro3ect/ $our personal information 2ill 'e 1ept *i(*l& confidential and 2e ensure t*is information collection is for academic purpose onl& 4ersonal information- 5 6/ Name7/ AddressDemo(rap*ic Information-5 6/ Educational Qualification 7/ Occupation (2or1in(8stud&in(8An& ot*er specif&% 9/ )arital status (sin(le5S 8 married5)% :/ $our mont*l& income is Rs/ (please tic1 t*e appropriate column% ;elo2 6<,=== 6<,==659=,=== 9=,==65<=,=== <=,==656,==,=== A'o,e 6,==,===

</ $our a(e (roup (please tic1 t*e appropriate column%6>57< 7?5 9= 9659< 9?5:= @indl& ans2er t*e follo2in(- 5 6/ 4lease c*oose at least t2o s*oppin( malls from t*e follo2in( A )4) )all )a(na "it& "entral S*oppers stop !&dera'ad central S*oppers stop

A'o,e :=

7/ B*ic* s*oppin( mall do &ou ,isit fre0uentl& (please tic1 Appropriate column%A )4) mall !&d "entral "it& center An& ot*er name it 9/ !o2 man& times do &ou ,isit t*e mall (t*e store &ou preferred to ,isit%A Rarel& Once in a 2ee1 Occasionall& Once in a mont* Bee1ends T2ice in a mont* :/ $ou li1e to s*op 2it*A Sin(le Famil& Friends Ot*ers (please specif&%

</ B*at is t*e 'asic factor t*at dri,es &ou to t*e storeA 4rice of t*e products ocation of t*e store Discounts C ser,ices 4roducts a,aila'le ?/ $ou ,isit t*e mall forA S*oppin( Spend leisure time

Assess ne2 products D/ $ou li1e to ,isit t*e mall durin(A Normal da&s Festi,al Discounts8sales

An& ot*er (please specif&%

Bee1ends An& ot*er (please specif&%

>/ Rate &our satisfaction le,el for t*e follo2in( (please tic1 appropriate column%5 65eEcellent, 75 ,er& (ood, 95 (ood, :5 a,era(e, <5 poor 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 4roducts 7 4rice 7 Ser,ices 7 9 9 : : : : < < < <


ocation of t*e store8accessi'ilit& 7 9 Am'ience of t*e mall/ 7 9

Opinion a'out salesmen 'e*a,iour81no2led(e in t*e mall/ 7 9 : < Opinion a'out a,aila'ilit& of par1in( space in t*e mall/ 7 9 : <

F/ 4lease tic1 2*ere do &ou prefer to s*op for t*e follo2in( cate(oriesA "ate(ories 6/ "lot*in( 7/ Electronics Items 9/ Food :/ )o,ies (4GR% </ Accessories !&d/ "entral "it& "enter

6=/ O,erall rate t*e follo2in( retail store from 6 H < (4lease tic1 Appropriate "olumn% 65eEcellent, 75 ,er& (ood, 95 (ood, :5 a,era(e, <5 poor STORE RATIN# !&d "entral "it& "enter

Inter,ie2 Date- 5 Name of t*e Inter,ie2er-5

Inter,ie2 Time- 5

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