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Silver Bugle
Bringing you todays news since 2012 Early Edition Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Generals deal drops sex assault charge

RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) Defense attorneys said Sunday that the Army will drop sexual assault charges against a general under a plea deal that marks the end of a closely watched case that unfolded as the military grapples with sex crimes within the ranks. Lawyers representing Brig. Gen. Jeffrey Sinclair said he will plead to lesser charges in exchange for the dropping of the sexual assault charges and two other counts that might have required Sinclair to register as a sex offender. Sinclair, 51, had been accused of twice forcing a female captain under his command to perform oral sex during a threeyear extramarital affair. But the Armys case against Sinclair crumbled in recent weeks as questions arose about whether the woman had lied in a pre-trial hearing. The defense provided a copy of the plea agreement approved and signed by a high-ranking general overseeing the case. Sinclair is expected to enter the new pleas when his court martial reconvenes Monday morning at Fort Bragg. The married 27-year Army veteran pleaded guilty earlier this month to having improper relationships with three subordinate officers, including the female captain who accused him of assault. He also pleaded guilty to adultery, which is a crime in the military. Under the plea deal reached over the weekend, Sinclair will also admit abusing a govern-

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Final words from jet came after systems shutdown

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia (AP) When someone at the controls calmly said the last words heard from the missing Malaysian jetliner, one of the Boeing 777s communications systems had already been disabled, authorities said, adding to suspicions that one or both of the pilots were involved in the disappearance of the flight. Investigators also were examining a flight simulator confiscated from the home of one of the pilots and dug through the background of all 239 people on board, as well as the ground crew that serviced the plane. The Malaysia Airlines jet took off from Kuala Lumpur in the wee hours of March 8, headed to Beijing. On Saturday, the Malaysian government announced findings that strongly suggested the plane was deliberately diverted and may have flown as far north as Central Asia or south into the vast reaches of the Indian Ocean. Authorities have said someone on board the plane first disabled one of its communications

- In this March 4, 2014, file photo, Brig. Gen. Jeffrey Sinclair leaves the courthouse following a day of motions at Fort Bragg, N.C. A news release Sunday,

U.S. Navy, crew members on board an aircraft P-8A Poseidon assist in search and rescue operations for Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 in the Indian Ocean on Sunday, March 16, 2014

systems the Aircraft and Communications Addressing and Reporting System, or ACARS about 40 minutes after takeoff. The ACARS equipment sends information about the jets engines and other data to the airline. About 14 minutes later, the transponder that identifies the plane to commercial radar systems was also shut down. The fact that both systems went dark separately offered strong evidence that the planes disappearance was deContinued on 3B

Obamas promise to review deportations has risks WASHINGTON (AP) within the confines of the acting a comprehensive Democratic-controlled
President Barack Obamas new promise to seek ways to ease his administrations rate of deportations aims to mollify angry immigrant advocates but carries risks for a White House that has insisted it has little recourse. In asking Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson to review enforcement practices, Obama could undo already fragile congressional efforts to overhaul immigration laws. And he still could fall short of satisfying the demands of pro-immigrant groups that have been increasing pressure on him to dramatically reverse the administrations record of deportations. The White House announced Thursday that Obama had directed Johnson, who was sworn in three months ago, to see how the department can conduct enforcement more humanely law. Then the president summoned 17 labor and immigration leaders to the White House Friday afternoon for what some participants described as a spirited discussion of his deportations policies congressional overhaul of immigration laws. The president displayed a great deal of sympathy for the families affected by the deportation machinery, Frank Sharry, executive director of Americas Voice, said after the nearly two-hour session. There was less agreement on when and what should be done about it by the president. Participants emerged from the meeting unified in their call for House Republicans to act on immigration legislation. Privately, some said Obama voiced frustration during the meeting with the criticism some of them have directed at him, including calling him deporter in chief. Republican House Speaker John Boehners office pointedly warned that fixes to the immigration system should be carried out by Congress, not by the president on his own. The

Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson prepares to testify on Capitol Hill in Washington, Thursday, March 13, 2014 and the strategy for en-

Senate last year passed a comprehensive bill that would enhance border security and provide a path to citizenship for Zeb Postelwait sits in a treehouse at his home in many of the 11 million immigrants who entered Wenatchee, Wash., on March 11, 2014. the country illegally or Washington homeowner fighting to keep overstayed their visas. treehouse But the Republican-held Officials say the treewait says no way. The House has delayed action house overhangs the city is prepared to seek and favors a more piece- sidewalk, threatening a court order to remove meal approach. public safety. Postelwait the treehouse and send Theres no doubt we disagrees. City officials Postelwait the bill. He have an immigration sys- say he could keep it if he feels the city is harassing tem that is failing famitakes out a $1 million him. lies and our economy, insurance policy. Postelbut until it is reformed Oprah Winfrey to sell Harpo Studios in through the democratic Chicago process, the president is obligated to enforce the laws we have, Boehner spokesman Brendan Buck said Friday. Failing to do so would damage perhaps beyond repair our ability to build the trust necessary to This Sept. 15, 2011, file photo shows Rosie enact real immigration ODonnell, right, and Oprah Winfrey speaking to reform. But immigrant advocates the media after the unveiling of a new sign outside Harpo Studios welcoming The Rosie Show, to the inContinued on 4C studio in Chicago. sisted Continued on 3D

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