2014 Taste of The Town

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Victims Assistance Center Elaina Marra, Executive Director #$%&'()&$()# Watertown Sunrise Rotary

Jennifer Loonan C!ristine "etrie *+$&),$&%++$ #$%&*(-&#(#$

April 21, 2014

Taste o t!e To"n# Ret$rns to %aterto"n T!is %ee&en'

%aterto"n: After a one&year !iatus, t!e elevent! annual ./aste of t!e /own0 is returnin1 to t!e D$lles State O ice ($il'in) in %aterto"n, t!is "ee&en', Sat$r'a*, April 2+, 2014, ro, 11:00a, to 2:00p,2 /!is excitin1 an3 successful fun3raiser for t!e Victims Assistance Center of Jefferson County !as 4ecome an annual favorite t!rou1!out t!e 5ort! Country, 3rawin1 nearly $,+++ 6eo6le eac! year2 Due to t!e new en3eavors of t!e Victims Assistance Center in )+$#, t!e event re7uire3 a one&year !iatus2 /!e Victims Assistance Center 8oine3 forces in )+$* wit! t!e Sunrise Rotary Clu4 of Watertown to s!are t!e wor9loa3 of 6lannin1 an3 im6lementin1 a successful ./aste of t!e /own20 ./aste of t!e /own0 will feature more t!an *+ local restaurants an3 4usinesses offerin1 foo3 an3 4evera1es for all to en8oy2 :oot!s will 4e set u6 t!rou1!out t!e first floor of t!e Dulles State ;ffice :uil3in1, featurin1 3elicious sam6le&si<e servin1s of a66eti<ers, entrees, 3esserts, 4evera1es, an3 muc! more2 A 6anel of local cele4rity 8u31es will 4e on !an3 to awar3 6artici6atin1 restaurants various !onors2 Musical entertainment will 4e 6rovi3e3 4y /om =a1non an3 Jos! Weise2 >i3 activities inclu3e face 6aintin1, clowns, !air extensions, an3 t!e Watertown ?ire De6artments ?ire "revention @ouse2 /!e Victims Assistance Center 6rovi3es com6re!ensive services to all victimsAsurvivors of violence an3 crime in Jefferson County2 Services inclu3e a )*&!our tele6!one !otline for crisis su66ort, safe s!elters, !omeless !ousin1, counselin1, an3 a3vocacy services for safety 6lannin1, t!e criminal 8ustice system, me3ical, !ousin1, social services, an3 a s6ecial c!il3 a3vocacy center2 /!e Victims Assistance Center is fun3e3 4y various 5ew Bor9 State a1encies, t!e 5ational C!il3rens Alliance, an3 t!e ./aste of /own0 fun3raisin1 event2 /!e Sunrise Rotary Clu4 of Watertown is a local c!a6ter of t!e worl3&wi3e service or1ani<ation, Rotary Cnternational2 Rotarys main o48ective is service & in t!e community, in t!e wor96lace, an3 aroun3 t!e 1lo4e2 /!e $2) million Rotarians w!o ma9e u6 more t!an #*,+++ Rotary clu4s in nearly every country in t!e worl3, s!are a 3e3ication to t!e i3eal of .Service A4ove Self20 Rotary clu4s are o6en to 6eo6le of all cultures an3 et!nicities an3 are not affiliate3 wit! any 6olitical or reli1ious or1ani<ations2 Local 6ro8ects fun3e3 an3 service3 4y t!e Sunrise Rotary Clu4 inclu3e 6lay1roun3s, 6ar9 4eatification, a summer cam6 for !an3ica66e3 c!il3ren, an3 various non&6rofit an3 community 3onations2 /!e 6artners!i6 4etween t!ese two or1ani<ations !as allowe3 t!e community to once a1ain 4enefit from a won3erful event s!owcasin1 area 3inin1 o6tions2 E-ent 'etails: Sat$r'a*, April 2+t! . 11:00a, / 2:00p, . D$lles State O ice ($il'in) on %as!in)ton Street in %aterto"n 01 A',ission at t!e 'oor . Sa,ple tic&ets: 1 or 01, 12 or 010, 22 or 020 ?or more information, contact Event Co&C!airsD Jennifer Loonan at E*+$F),$&%++$, 8ennifer2loonanGtwca4le2com C!ristine "etrie at E#$%F*(-&#(#$, c!ristineGnort!ern1lass2com HHH

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