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Carmine Esposito History 112 Exam 3 Mr.

Iachetti Franklin Delano Roosevelt is considered one of the greatest presidents in history due is ability to really help the people through one of its worst times. When asked to compare the steps of a man as legendary as FDR to Barrack Obama I laughed. Barrack Obama did not take half the steps or initiative to help the public like FDR did. During FDRs first 100 days he signed an executive order to give every bank a 3 day vacation so that the government can sort out what banks are good and working and which ones are to be closed to the public. When he did that the banks that were no good were closing anyway and the money that was lost is gone so closing them made no difference. Hey created things like NRA (National Relief Act), FERA(Federal Emergency Relief Administration), and FDIC. Also he put in the Banking Act which tells people about investments every quarter so that the people were not just blindly investing the banks could swindle them out of money. He needed people to believe in the banks again and trust the government. It just goes to show you what a man with an actual plan does in comparison to a guy who is just looking to get elected and reelected not actually take the time to help the public in a sufficient way. See Mr. Obama decided hey the car companies are in trouble let me give them almost 1 trillion dollars to help them out with no stipulations attached to it. So the car companies gave their CEOs , COOs and higher ups bonuses and were still firing people. He then proceeded to try and reform the healthcare and bring revenue into the government at the same time which is a complete failure at this point. The healthcare at this

moment should have close to 13 million people for it to bring in money and not cost the tax payers as much money at this point with the incredibly accurate government statistic of under 7 million. Obama needs to find a way (probably too late at this point) to gain trust of the American people not just get reelected like some insipid bureaucrat that he became. When FDR was trying to help the people he created programs to put people working not just handing out free money or getting and telling the public one thing and doing something completely different. See FDR created programs like WPA, PWA, and CWA which were programs which gave people a reason to get paid rather than just hand out money because even he knew in the 1930s that free money was not the answer. FDR also did the AAA(Agricultural Adjustment Act) which paid farmers to burn crops and kill animals and get paid for it so that the farmers were not suffering nearly as much. You cannot just hand out money and expect people to start working again. See Obama said he was going to do away with Bush tax cuts because he did not believe in them; then that same year decided to extend them because the US needed those cuts. He instilled no confidence whenever he talked to the people. When FDR talked he told people what he was doing than continued to do it. When Obama most people I would imagine change the channel because he is untrustworthy as a president. He continues to toy with the American people when we need him most. Say he is not going to extend tax cuts for the rich, then goes out and signs off on a document in 2012 that extends tax cuts for the rich. Whether he will tell people or not, but right now the republican trickledown effect is needed only thing is he needs to instill stipulations that way everyone makes money in the long run and wins. FDR even found a way to gain the trust of women he appointed the first women cabinet member ever by the name of Frances Perkins as Secretary of Labor. Obama just goes around telling people what they want to hear and its beginning to annoy me. First thing he did to gain

our trust was tell us were racist for not liking him. Now I am far from an expert, but if you call the American people racists for not liking you wouldnt they hate you more? FDR continued to appoint women in the federal government to allow people to know he is fair and willing to allow women to go to work as well as men. I am not finding much evidence to say that Obama instilled trust in many people in the US at all. He keeps going up lies than does the opposite of what he says. This was a huge part of what made me like Obama when he said we were all racist because we didnt like him? Thats like me getting B on this paper deserving an A and saying to the teacher you gave me a B because you hate white people. Well that just isnt right in my opinion and immediately turned me away from him as a trustworthy person. FDR was not out of the woods yet by doing those things regarding is New Deal Legislation, but well on his way than once like 1937-1938 came around the economy started to dip again and it would continue to dip until World War 2 would came around. As everyone knows the best way to get out of a depression is war. See what a lot of people dont know is that Obama promised to get troops out of Iraq which he did, but he then on the same note put more troops into Afghanistan. Furthermore, he didnt even put army because he promised he wouldnt put Army or Marine personal he put National Guard troops in that area. So he didnt lie he just proceeded to keep the war going so the economy would not plummet and it would somewhat help his horrendous unemployment rates. At least when FDR got into office the unemployment was already really high see. Obama went into office with a 4% unemployment rate most presidents would beg for something like that when the get into office. He is in the white house a couple years and it goes to an all-time high? I mean we cant blame everything on him, but how much can we really blame on the president before for making mistakes.

When FDR was really putting all of the pieces to his New Deal Legislation he did a myriad of things to gain trust and of the American people. See FDR did everything in his power to gain the trust of people and help them in way he can. It went beyond just gaining trust it went to helping all the people of the US. The only problem FDR ran into was when he tried to add people to the Supreme Court it nearly ruined his career. FDR had most of America protest the idea and in fact he decided not to go through with it because of the impact the people felt about it. With Obama when he decides to do anything he tells us what hes doing if we hate it as a people he just does it anyway and we let him. Today most of the youth dont care enough about politics like they did in the 1930s. So we let politicians in general get away with it, but it does not mean that we trust them or give us confidence. See Obama did so little for the economy I feel scared not confident at all for my future. I feel like we will be really in trouble if we dont get another FDR like president in the White House. In conclusion, I disagree that Obama instilled any confidence in the American people other than the fact that he said we needed change. Which is true but he was the wrong president at the wrong time. Obama instilled almost no confidence in the American people. The only confidence I will give him credit for is having Osama Bin Laden assassinated which any president in their right mind would have done. FDR on the other hand was the right president at the right time. He is what needed as far as a president goes because he needed a strong and understanding leader and he was both of those things. He gained the peoples trust and confidence was instilled in the government again while he was leading America out of the depression into WW2 even through WW2.

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