Comments From Save UW Physics Astronomy Library Petition

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Comments from Save UW Physics Astronomy Library Petition
Name Matthew Wingate Location Haslingfield, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom Tessa Wilkinson Redmond, WA 2014-04-03 This is my favorite quiet study space on campus. I was disappointed that it was so quickly being closed. I would like the reading room to be preserved, atleast. Mila Kunis David Walt beverly hills, CA Seattle, WA 2014-04-03 2014-04-03 it is a good place to read This is not only a great library to study in, but i have several times actually needed to reference materials here that I couldn't find anywhere else. Maarten van Genabeek Quinn Bracelen Seattle, WA Renton, WA 2014-04-03 2014-04-03 i use this space to study It's the quietest, most study-friendly place on campus. Please don't take it away :( moataz alghamdi seattle, WA 2014-04-03 Because it is important to have a place where physics and astronomy students gather and read at a giant university like UW. Kunal Patel Alexander Zderic Akshay Ghalsasi Igor Tolkov Dylan Taylor Seattle, WA Seattle, WA Seattle, WA Kirkland, WA Seattle, WA 2014-04-03 2014-04-03 2014-04-03 2014-04-03 2014-04-03 Because its the best place to study and the book selection is amazing I study there Easy access to books and study space. UW Class of 2013, Mathematics, Physics, Computer Science, Linguistics. We have one of the largest undergraduate bodies, and still growing. With all the other libraries overflowing with people this is one of the last places of quite study for the students in our growing physics department. ben tickman seattle, WA 2014-04-03 i study here and its quiet and its really pretty at sunset. i prefer to do all nioghters in this libray Jon Ringuette Laura Mayorga Seattle, WA Maple Valley, WA 2014-04-03 2014-04-03 One of the few QUIET study areas for physics majors/grads That library was a quiet, calming, place to work, study, tutor, etc. It was almost an exclusive club. The views were amazing, the atmosphere calm, and it'd be a shame to see it go. Date 2014-04-03 Comment I was a postdoc at UW and made extensive use of the library and reading room. It's a shame to see it at risk.

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Name Charles Hagedorn

Location Seattle, WA

Date 2014-04-03

Comment A readily accessible Physics Library (renamed a "reading room", but it remains a library in substance) is a mark of a department that has its priorities in order and that makes research and learning a priority. I was very impressed by the library when I applied to UW, and I regard it as one of our selling points. If the University wishes to continue to attract Nobel-Prize winning physicists, this is the kind of facility that can make a difference. Physicists designed our department's buildings. That they chose the very finest location in the building for the library should give some insight into the importance with which they regard the library. They could have installed beautiful offices or a wonderful meeting room, but instead they chose to honor knowledge and study. That's what we do. An aphorism repeated to me by several great physicists, and I find true in my own work: "Months in the lab can save you literally hours in the library." The internet brings volumes of content to everyone worldwide, but they cannot replace the fertile environment and contemplative experience of a library. As software "eats the world", one physical distinction of great schools and great departments will be the presence of great libraries. I thank you for your time and attention, and ask that you carefully consider what will be lost if our library's accessible resources are stripped from our department.

Colin LaMont

Seattle, WA


The library is the core of my research. Ordering my books there saves me time, browsing there introduces me to unexpected insights. It's where I am most productive. It's part of why I am proud to be a graduate student here. It is an asset that does more for the strength of the physics department than any other single physical resource. It is difficult to think of something more cost effective for the UW's long term commitment to excellence than a strong library system (and the PAB in particular) to attract and assist researchers of the highest calibre.

Derek Chance Jeffrey Schueler

Seattle, WA New York, NY

2014-04-03 2014-04-03

The Physics Library is the best place to do work for physics majors. A dedicated former patron to UW libraries who has spent countless hours in this library.

Adam Richie-Halford John Fuini Andrew Simonetti

Seattle, WA Seattle, WA Puyallup, WA

2014-04-03 2014-04-03 2014-04-03

It's a quiet place with a nice selection. Quiet and inspiring place to think and check out physics books. For me, the PARR has been the most quite, humble, and relaxing library at the UW and continues to be my favorite place to study on campus. The resources and space the PARR provides is invaluable.

Denise Schmitz

Lynnwood, WA


This is the best study area on campus for physics majors. It's quiet and provides easy access to the books and resources we need.

Sungwon Kwak Kelsey Funkhouser Seattle, WA

2014-04-03 2014-04-03

Okay, April fool is over. There aren't a lot of places for students to comfortably study in the PAB and the reading room/library is a valuable space for that reason.

Olga Afichuk Sungwon Kwak Tiffany Jansen Maria Steinrueck

Federal Way, WA

2014-04-03 2014-04-03

It is a nice quiet place to study which is so difficult to find at UW. Okay, April fool is over. This library is the quietest library of all, and I can really focus here. This is my favorite place to study, it has a great atmosphere and usually I can focus there best.

Edmonds, WA Seattle, WA

2014-04-03 2014-04-03

Name Laura Chipman Kenton Nakamura

Location Bainbridge Island, WA Seattle, WA

Date 2014-04-03 2014-04-03

Comment The Physics library is a wonderful place to study and a south campus gem! One of the BEST places to study on campus. A very quiet, inviting place to spend time. Wish they didn't close at 5, but I'm very productive there

Adam Remesnik

Seattle, WA


The reading room is one of the few perks to being a physics major. If this change occurs I will be extremely reluctant to offer ANY donations to the University or University affiliated foundations after graduation. No communication or debate with the undergrads over this change. The administration has not informed us over how a "Data Science Studio" will be an improvement over what we currently have or why I needs to be housed in the Physics Building instead of in the Paul Allen Building or another location more central to campus and appropriate to the users. This really feels like a big "F U" from the administration.

Ching McBride Kevin Jorissen

Rutherford, CA Seattle, WA

2014-04-03 2014-04-03

My daughter goes to the UW I often use the library for work purposes as part of my scientific research, and to consult the literature on the shelves there.

Roy Taylor

Seattle, WA


As a Physics student, I recognize the reading room as a vital part of the major's community, and as a part of the STEM community as a whole.

Alex Thompson

Seattle, WA


This library provides an inspirational and distraction - free place to study. I visit many times a week, and do my best work in the PARR. Please save this valuable space!

Anthony Hall

Seattle, WA


The physics-astronomy reading room adds a sense of humanity and appreciation to what, at times, can seem rigid and static. It's closure would be not only the end of a beautiful space for students to learn but also the end of a space of quiet contemplation amidst the rush of a college education.

Karl Vyhmeister

Seattle, WA


I have used this library and enjoy the wonderful, peaceful view from the reading room. It also is a great resource for finding materials specific to Physics and Astronomy.

Zhizhen Zhou Jeremy Holt

Seattle, WA Seattle, WA

2014-04-04 2014-04-04

This library makes people love science. It is a valuable space for students, research assistants, and professors to conveniently access a wide-range of important scientific literature.

John Schaibley kaija reinelt Breana Murphy

Seattle, WA Seattle, WA Seattle, WA

2014-04-04 2014-04-04 2014-04-04

I use the library frequently. It is a valuable resource to the department. perfect study spot The Physics Library is one of the most beautiful places on campus to view west campus and Portage Bay. There is no alternative public venue on campus that has the same atmosphere or the scanning resources. The book scanning station is a great resource - the only resource of its kind on that half of campus.

Yu-hsuan Ting Emily Anderson

Seattle, WA Seattle, WA

2014-04-04 2014-04-04

I like to study here too Favorite place to study on campus. The combination of natural lighting, beautiful views, and peaceful atmosphere create a space more conducive to learning than anywhere else I've found. Save the physics library please!

Thomas Vo Caitlin Schaefer

Pasadena, CA Burien, WA

2014-04-04 2014-04-04

A peaceful place to work on difficult physics problems. It's the best place on campus to study and provides lots of resources for Physics and Astronomy majors like myself. It's important resources like libraries stay alive to keep students like me focused and prepared for their future careers in school and the job market.

Alvin Lieu

Lynnwood, WA


This is the quietest and nicest place study area on campus with some of the nicest views. You can put computers anywhere.

Name Natalie Briggs

Location Seattle, WA

Date 2014-04-04

Comment This is an amazing study space for students. It is convenient, small, quiet, and has great views. By far my favorite place to study on campus.

Mike Murray Andrew Newill

Waco, TX Belfair, WA

2014-04-04 2014-04-04

I like this library The Physics Reading Room was one of my touchstones during my undergraduate time. I utilized many environments for study and inspiration, ranging from Finn MacCool's Irish Pub to a closet. Yes, a closet. The PARR was the most perfect place for inspiring contemplation, and was one of my favorite places on the planet (I've seen a lot of the planet, by the way). Closing this space would be a severe blow to the academic experience of every person on campus, and for a dubious and unsubstantiated benefit. Please keep the PARR alive, and uphold the tradition of excellence that is synonymous with UW Physics.

yujung kim

Seattle, WA


This is the most beautiful place in the UW!! No way to close this beautiful place.. I love this place so much....

Martin Bickeboeller

Seattle, WA


As a Physics graduate and member of The President's Club of the UW I request to continue to use this space for its designed purpose of intense study and learning.

Harlin Wood

Seattle, WA


A beautiful place to study in peace and quiet and escape normal hustle and bustle

Anna MacCamy

Seattle, WA


This is the most beautiful place to study on campus or to just sit back and relax away from the hustle and bustle of campus. SAVE THIS LIBRARY!

Dawn Liang Mochamad Prananda Teresa Jiang Carlos E

Seattle, WA Everett, WA Sammamish, WA Boston, MA

2014-04-04 2014-04-04 2014-04-04 2014-04-04

This library is the best library. Very unique place that makes UW stand out as seen by students. It's my favorite place to study on campus! I am a UW grad and I studied in this library many times. This is a very special location that brings peace to many students, day after day. It would be a real loss to the UW community to lose this very special library.

Stephen Wu

Seattle, WA


I love this place, I come study all the time, and I think people in the future can enjoy it as much as I do.

Elli Novatcheva

Redmond, WA


One of the only remaining truly quiet library spots on campus! Moreover, this is used by many people outside the Physics department, and is therefore a campus resource, meaning that the decision to remove it should have involved consultation of all students.

Elizabeth Pring

Seattle, WA


The view from this library is GORGEOUS. You should also consult with students before a decision like this occurs.

Quinn Oksoktaruk

Seattle, WA


This library is silent but not an eerie silent, it has a comfortable silence to it unlike Suzzallo. This library is where I am most concentrated and productive.

Micah Berg Lovely Taidy

Seattle, WA Seattle, WA

2014-04-04 2014-04-04

best view tho No library should be closed. Period. Doesn't the school want more areas that encourage studying and reading??

Name Pearl Nguyen

Location Renton, WA

Date 2014-04-04

Comment The different perspectives and hypothetical situations required of students enrolled in Physics courses isquite difficult to grasp. As I waited for Physics class to begin over the duration of three quarter I would review the material in the Physics-Astronomy library. After class, I would head back to the same place I was an hour before. The Physics-Astronomy library isnt a typical library. Its quaint and comfortable, and caused me to appreciate Physics much more. Even if I didnt have Physics, I would make my way to this very library for the view. There is nothing more therapeutic during exams than looking up from notes - taken meticulously throughout the quarter to a beautiful panoramic view. This library is filled with literature, but also the memories of many students before me who indubitably can relate to what I said above. Ill be graduating this June, and I would very much like for future students to enjoy a special kind of ambience only to be found in the Physics-Astronomy library.

Alex Tiffin Sam Maylor

Federal Way, WA Kenmore, WA

2014-04-04 2014-04-04

Alum of the Physics program. This was an invaluable resource for my studies. This gem of a library is one of the most beautiful spots on all of UW's amazing campus. Such a quiet, inspiring work environment cannot be found anywhere else.

Kimberly Johnson

Seattle, WA


I'm going to be in the biology department at UW and this would be an amazing space for me to utilize.

Alex Vaschillo

Redmond, WA


As a senior student of mathematics, physics, and chemistry I believe that the Physics Reading Room is one of very few remaining serene studying sites on campus. The studious environment has proven invaluable to me in the last three years, and the library's collection of physics literature makes it a pleasure to browse the shelves, offering a connection to physicists past that cannot be found at any other library on campus. I am disturbed by the secrecy and suddenness of the closure of the PARR and, at the very least, would have liked to hear discussion about reasons for the closure and alternative solutions to whatever problems the closure aims to solve.

Alexa Erdogan

Seattle, WA


This library is a gorgeous and serene resource that is not only utilized by physics students but by many other UW students from a range of disciplines. Losing this place would be a significant loss to the campus and its students.

Elana Voigt

Bremerton, WA


The lack of student representation in this decision is highly disturbing. That student spaces should be removed without student input is counter to a productive academic environment.

Kaleb Smith Loren Hart Haley Wofford Elizabeth Muntean

Redmond, WA Seattle, WA Seattle, WA Seattle, WA

2014-04-04 2014-04-04 2014-04-04 2014-04-04

I study there often. It's a beautiful library and I love studying there This is an amazing space and great for studying! This is my favorite library on campus! It has the most beautiful views and I go there all the time. I even wish it was open more often.

Andrew Wilmington

Seattle, WA


I study here extremely often and it would be a shame to close this beautiful library down.

Taylor Posey Juliana Borges

Seattle, WA Lake Stevens, WA

2014-04-04 2014-04-04

My absolute favorite library on campus This is a beautiful space for students from all disciplines to be productive. There are precious few locations like this one on campus - please don't take it away.

Julianne Sloane

Seattle, WA


This is one of the best library on campuses. A personal favorite to study and a key place that makes UW great.

Name Kaia Barth

Location Seattle, WA

Date 2014-04-04

Comment I am a junior biochemistry major who uses the physics reading room several times a week because it is a beautiful, quiet and peaceful setting in which to focus on difficult assignments. It is also one of the only places on campus where students have access to the beautiful mountain views surrounding UW, and is the only nice study space on the west side of campus, so a perfect destination for short study breaks between classes.

Emily Fowler

Seattle, WA


Truly peaceful study space, with calming views and a variety of different topics of interest. Though I didn't end up majoring in Physics or Astronomy, I loved the atmosphere of this library and it's convenient location to the science buildings as well.

Mitchell Harper

Seattle, WA


The library is one of the best spaces on campus to study, and losing it would be a significant blow to the student community.

Aera Shin

Seattle, WA


I studied here when I was most stressed and it really calmed me down. I love the atmosphere and this place has been really special to me.

Benjamin Brosseau

Seattle, WA


I am a writer and as such I truly appreciate a quiet space. After visiting all of the libraries on campus I have found this to be one of a select few that is consistently quiet, which makes it great for people like me who cannot handle over stimulating environments. I think that this library's use transcends just science and business majors and it is approachable to anyone who really needs some quiet space. As such, since I believe that UW lacks true "quiet" reading areas, it would be great if this library could remain open. The UW is a big school and it needs to have some nooks and crannies to help tone down the hustle and bustle.

Alex Burner

Seattle, WA


Beautiful & peaceful areas are important for inspired reading & learning. Breathtaking spaces such as the Physics and Astronomy Reading Room help students develop an attitude of reverence and respect for both the physical and academic world.

Nicholas Cutlip vyvy pham August Glover

Seattle, WA Burien, WA Seattle, WA

2014-04-04 2014-04-04 2014-04-04

This library is an amazing place and should be kept open to the community. I feel that closing of ANY library on the UW campus would be a great loss. This is easily the best study spot on campus. Why would one repurpose it to contain a mass of computers for 'eScience'? The view is inspiring and it makes the Physics Pavilion a destination for more than just engineering students.

Alex Hardison Ryan Russell Rachel Ryan

Seattle, WA Seattle, WA Seattle, WA

2014-04-04 2014-04-04 2014-04-05

I love Astronomy and this is a great place to study. I am a UW student that uses the PARR often. The physics astronomy library is a quiet workspace within the physics building and houses valuable books and journals.

Jenny Stein

Seattle, WA


I utilize the resources in the Physics/Astronomy library and it'd be a huge shame to close it down.

Susan Dolland

Federal Way, WA


Both my daughters, current students at the UW value the relative solitude, serenity and beauty of this space for success in their studies.

Beck Pang

Seattle, WA


I believe that the students have our right to choose the library they want to keep. Library is a place that need time to accumulate its taste, and we should be very careful when we need to turn it down.

Diana Landro Andrew Melvin

Bremerton, WA Seattle, WA

2014-04-05 2014-04-05

I study there I love this library! I have spent time in it many times since I was a freshman. Always quiet, and the most beautiful view of any campus library.

Karel Reeves

Seattle, WA


A beautiful, peaceful reading space. We need more of them.

Name Susie Dobkins

Location Seattle, WA

Date 2014-04-05

Comment It's important that all different areas of knowledge are represented on our campus, and that students have a quiet, distraction-free space to concentrate.

Jennifer Ginn

Seattle, WA


I study here and the view is exceptional. Its a fond part of my UW experience. I have found books here such as A Brief History of Time that have expanded my mind and engaged me in learning about subjects beyond my major.

Wick Haxton

Lake Forest Park, WA


I frequently use the library during my two-month summer visits to the INT: it is often the only nearby location for quiet study.

Gordon Watts

seattle, WA


At the very least keep it as useful space for the physics department... Surely there should be more common goals here.

Charity Coppedge Michelle Haywood

Vancouver, WA Seattle, WA

2014-04-08 2014-04-08

This is a great, beautiful place to study! This library is important for all physic and astronomy majors to keep their resources in one spot and a place to study.


Seattle, WA


I am a grad student in Physics and Materials Science Department. This library has been my to go place for literature reading and studying room. There hasn't been another place like physics library on campus with its quietness. After many years it already became part of my graduate study pattern and second home. I couldn't imagine it's being taken away. Please save UW physics library.

Michael Wagman

providence, RI


Quiet, visually appealing spaces are a necessity for serious study. The PARR is an exemplary example of such a spaced and is used by students from across disciplines. I know of no similar location that could take its place for us.

William Reinhardt

Seattle, WA


This specialty library is a heart of all collegiality in physics, as it was designed to be when this new Physics Complex was built. Were it just an "annex," it would not matter, but it is far, far more than that.

Dustin Chiang

Seattle, WA


This is one of the few places that still works as a library at UW; its's got peace and quiet and a good environment for focused study. It works as a great place for facilitating important meetings and tops it all off with the best view for Mt. Rainier on a bright sunny day. Having the H-bar directly downstairs helps too.

Alan Jamison

Seattle, WA


The library is a beautiful, peaceful space for work, which has helped my work many times in my nearly seven years as a graduate student at UW. It's also quiet valuable to have physics books right on hand, both because I frequently find I need a specific book in the course of my research, and because browsing at random leads me to books I might never have heard of. The fact that the number of physics books is slated to be starkly reduced in their being moved to Suzzallo makes this all the more painful.

Adam Easter William Detmold

Seattle, WA

2014-04-08 2014-04-08

This is a beautiful space that would be a shame to lose I found the space very useful when I was at UW and in visits since then. It is a rare space in its tranquility.

Brian Ross

Seattle, WA


This is a great quiet study area in one of the only scenic publicly accessible spots on campus. If the amount of PUBLIC window space goes down due to the renovation then I am against it!

David Hertzog

Lake Forest Park, WA


Good for students to study and to see reserve materials in their "home" department

Alejandro Castro Meagan Albright

Seattle, WA Seattle, WA

2014-04-09 2014-04-09

Its a wonderful place to relax and read This is the most inspiring place to study on campus. It would be a huge loss to lose this resource.

Alexander Novokhodko

Redmond, WA


I am a UW student, who intends to major in a science and engineering related field (probably CE). I believe that the petition and commentary made here adequately reflects my concerns on this issue.

Name Niklas Mueller

Location Germany

Date 2014-04-09

Comment As a visting graduate student in 2011 and 2012 I realized the impotance of this place of study as there is basically no other room available, especially for undergraduates. This is certainly not about having a nice place with a great view. This is about an integral part of physics education as the libary enables students to read through books and collect knowledge at the spot and not alone at home (where there are no comparable ressources and no physics community around). Science and knowledge comes from interaction, which means it is crucial that the PARR is kept as one of the important pillars of the UW's effort for excellence.

Jenny Mae Samson

Seattle, WA


One of the best quiet libraries that UW has, WHY WOULD YOU WANT TO GET RID OF IT?

Xiangyu Yin

Pullman, WA


As a graduate student in physics, I know the importance of a library for the department.

Michael Bawel

Destin, FL


I spent numerous hours in this library studying for exams. It is one of the few lesser known gems left on campus.

Destini Vaile

Omaha, NE


A great place to do research. Perfect atmosphere for studying and working on problems.

Zach Fregin Sylvia Kowalski

Seattle, WA Shoreline, WA

2014-04-13 2014-04-16

It is one of my primary study locations, especially on weekends Tranquil, Beautiful, Calm and Comfortable place to learn any subject. Please Post to Facebook and have all your study buddies sign!

Daniel Gorrie Yuliya Baran Naomi Musgrave

Issaquah, WA Seattle, WA Seattle, WA

2014-04-16 2014-04-16 2014-04-16

The PARR is an excellent place to study Indeed, it's a nice place to study Gorgeous place to study. Just because UW had a bunch of money thrown at it doesn't mean they can destroy one of the best study spots on campus.

Alvin Loong

Woodinville, WA


As a Liberal Arts student, I rarely trek to south campus, and the top floor of the Physics building is nowhere near my classes. However, amist the dungeons that comprise my classes, PARR offers a refuge, where I can find a niche to contemplate, tucked away from the bustle of Odegaard and Suzzallo. While I visit PARR far less often than my peers in science majors, I understand the loss that would be inflicted on all students if such an invaluable location were restricted to lab and studio use. Please reconsider such an abrupt change, and I ask for the views of those being served by these facilities-- the students, to be considered first.

Celvie Tubera

Marysville, WA


Amazing place to study. Quiet and peaceful. Very relaxing. Closest library from the physics buildings and hitchcock. Save this space!

Elliot Baglini Sam Landsman Michael Von Hippel

Seattle, WA Seattle, WA Seattle, WA

2014-04-16 2014-04-16 2014-04-16

Great view, great vibes to learn in. It's a beautiful space. It is an important resource for physics students, as well as engineering students.

Katrina Ezis

Vista, CA


This library is both beautiful and tranquil. It allows me to really focus and get my work done.

Grant Bennett Seth Hampson Steffi Molina Mahir Kothary Angli Liu

Seattle, WA Seattle, WA Kihei, HI Seattle, WA Seattle, WA

2014-04-16 2014-04-16 2014-04-16 2014-04-16 2014-04-16

This is a great study space for UW students It is an incredible place to study This library is my favorite library here at UW. Nice and quiet place to study and its in the perfect place Because physics and astronomy are at least as important as the so called data science.

Name Debosmit Ray Julian Hirsch Uyseah Ung Hannah Ruwe

Location Seattle, WA Seattle, WA Tukwila, WA Seattle, WA

Date 2014-04-16 2014-04-16 2014-04-16 2014-04-16

Comment I go to school at the UW. I am a student at the UW who would like to see that this library be preserved. I study there often Because more people need to study in a library where they can learn about how cool Astronomy is. We exist thanks to Jupiter and the Sun. I need this library to contemplate my galactic existence.

Patrick Ma

Seattle, WA


It is the small, departmental libraries (open to all) that balance the larger better known libraries on campus. They provide, in their own way, an integral part of the overall University character. By virtue of their small, off-the-beaten-path nature, they offer students a place to retreat, relax, and enrich their college experience. The closure of even one library has an impact on students.

Jared Tess Nicole McKernan kirsten ma

Seattle, WA Seattle, WA Seattle, WA

2014-04-16 2014-04-16 2014-04-16

Save the library for the students Absolutely not. Departmental libraries are smaller, more intimate, and easier to access than the larger libraries which are crowded, out of the way (the UW has a large campus, and trekking to a central library is not always reasonable to study in between classes), and not focused enough. The closure of one departmental library impacts a large amount of people. The physics and astronomy library has a vast amount of resources in the form of information, a place to meet, and a place to relax while caught up in the storm of college.

Darren Pouv Jennifer Cheng

Everett, WA Lynnwood, WA

2014-04-16 2014-04-16

Books are important. It pushes me to study Physics. The library is beautiful and motivates people to study physics. This makes me want to become a physics major.

Sean Aryana Heather Eberhart DANA Washington alice grette Jess Little Helen Jones

Seattle, WA Seattle, WA seattle, WA shoreline, WA Sammamish, WA Seattle, WA

2014-04-16 2014-04-16 2014-04-16 2014-04-17 2014-04-17 2014-04-17

This fine establishment shouldn't be replaced. The Physics Astronomy Library is my favorite library at UW. this is a quiet library that has a great view of seattle and is relaxing because it is a needed space This is the most peaceful place that I have found on campus. Please save it! This library is one of the best library on campus. I spent many hours studying there. A center for data science could be anywhere on campus.

Margaret Stark

Seattle, WA


It's a quiet place, with a beautiful view, to study without getting the typical stir crazy feeling of other libraries on campus

Lauren Alexander Samantha Allen

Seattle, WA Seattle, WA

2014-04-18 2014-04-18

quiet studying It is important to support our students in their studies and I feel like that should be the primary objective of a University.

Micah Buuck

Seattle, WA


The physics library is an important resource, both in the space it provides to undergraduate physics students for quiet study, and in the accessibility of physics texts needed for research.


Michael K. Young, Steve Majeski, Ed Lazowska, Scott Anderson, Blayne Heckel, Lizabeth Betsy Wilson, and Ana Mari Cauce Greetings, We believe the decision to close the Physics and Astronomy Reading Room (PARR) was made without appropriate consultations with, and adequate representations from, the body of people that use this unique space in the UW. An agreement signed by UW Libraries, UW Department of Physics, UW Department of Astronomy, UW eScience Institute, and UW College of Arts and Sciences defines a smaller shared space within the current PARR, while the entire space is substantially transformed to host the new eScience Data Science Studio (DSS). Unfortunately, this agreement was unknown to most people concerned both before and after it was signed. Inquiries into why no public announcements were made to the students concerning the closure of PARR led to the March 7th email from the chair of the Physics department to Physics undergraduate and graduate students, announcing impending changes to the PARR. PARR is a unique space in the UW where students from all over the University of Washington come together. It is used by students in the department of Philosophy, Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Astronomy, by students in the Business School, and also those in other areas. Its users range from freshmen to graduate students to professors to visiting scholars who have realized that it is increasingly difficult to find an isolated and inspiring space on campus to accomplish tasks that require deep concentration and minimal environmental interruptions. It also facilitates access to a valuable collection of books and journals that will no longer exist in such a convenient location for Physicists and Astronomers given the transformation of the space to DSS. Additionally, PARR performs its function as a proxy library for departments that have lost their own libraries recently e.g. the Chemistry, Fisheries and Oceanography departments. PARR, formerly known as the Physics and Astronomy Library, is and has been an experience lived by many of the former and current members of the UW, a place they visit when they return to the campus. It is an invaluable asset to the university in its role in students' lives. Its spectacular view of Portage Bay, Lake Union and Mount Rainier, is to be shared and should be open to everyone in the University of Washington. There is no place better than a library to provide a truly open space


with universal access, and to offer the quiet and inspiring environment needed for performing an intellectual work. As a result, we urge the president of UW, the provost, the associate dean for research administration and infrastructure at the college of Arts and Sciences, the director of UW eScience Institute, the chair of department of Astronomy, the chair of department of Physics, the vice provost for digital initiatives and the dean of University Libraries to pause the current plans for transforming PARR, to reconsider their decision after acquiring adequate feedback from the PARRs current users, to suspend the agreement recently put in place to transform the PARR into effectively a computer science data help center until they have understood and quantified its negative impact upon the natural sciences, and finally to restore PARR to its former status as the Physics and Astronomy Library once it is confirmed that the majority of students and faculties of the UW favor such a plan. Additionally, as the graduate and undergraduate students in, and the alumni of, the College of Arts and Science, we make the following recommendations: In future situations where the intellectual environment in the natural sciences may be negatively impacted by decisions regarding the use of space on campus, the UW administration is encouraged to better understand and evaluate the impact of such decisions on the education mission at the undergraduate and graduate level prior to making them. Further, we encourage the UW administration to seek input from the students and faculty regarding such changes, and have such a study complete, and available for feedback, well in advance of actually making the decision(s). We prefer a UW community that welcomes input from students prior to making decisions that impact the quality of the student educational experience. Despite budget cuts at the state level, the UW administration should embrace academic quality, and the quality of the intellectual environment, in its decisionmaking processes (as opposed to, what appears to be, the somewhat intellectually-limited selection criterion of income grant dollars per square-foot). We encourage the UW Libraries to engage in discussions with the departments within the College of Arts and Science, and possibly elsewhere, to identify aspects of a library space that are important to an academic environment. Access to information is only one component that continues to evolve, and it would appear from the current actions that the UW Libraries has so far been unable to identify and/or acknowledge the other important functions/aspects that a Library plays in research and education within the natural sciences. The UW Libraries could benefit from jointly preparing a document detailing the multiple roles that such spaces play in education in the sciences, in order to provide a resource to the UW administration for use in future decision-making processes.

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