Frits Ogg The Windturbines of ST Helena - Benefits and Impacts Balancing of Power and Power Quality With Medium Size Windturbines Ddefww

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WSSW 2014

The windturbines of St. Helena- benefits and impacts, balancing of power and power quality with medium size windturbines
5th World Summit for Small Wind !"# $WSSW% &rits 'gg ' ( Sustainable )nergy Solutions The *etherlands Husum " march !"#

St. Helena +re,ious *ew situation What is medium size W)S, W)S Hybrid . //alancing of power /enefits +ower 0uality 1ctual de,elopments

The windturbines of St. Helena - WSSW 2014 - Frits Ogg

2St Helena Tourism 'ffice

The windturbines of St. Helena - WSSW 2014 - Frits Ogg 3

st. Helena

3emote 4sland, South 1tlantic 'cean #!!! 4nhabitants So,ereign /ritish territory 'nly accessible by boat 5 1scencion, 6ape Town /oat transport capacity limitated 7ntil !"8 $1irport ready% Steep and challenging terrain
The windturbines of St. Helena - WSSW 2014 - Frits Ogg 4


8 1ging diesel generators 8 windturbines "" 9: distribution networ9 1,erage hourly demand " ;W

;aintaining power supply during installation

The windturbines of St. Helena - WSSW 2014 - Frits Ogg 5

*ew situation

3eplacing # e<isting generators $= 6at =5"8/ . " 6at =5!>/% )<tensi,e control system 4;6 Worldwide 5 Senergy 5 /arloworld +ower *ew "" 9: switchgear ;ore Windturbines ?ec !" system operates reliable, operators trained
The windturbines of St. Helena - WSSW 2014 - Frits Ogg

;edium windturbines
@ 5! 9W AB @ =!! 9W

The windturbines of St. Helena - WSSW 2014 - Frits Ogg

W)S . Windenergy

"C>! ?utch wind turbine pioneer Hen9 Dagerwey !!= Dagerwey went out of business !!# Wind )nergy Solution $W)S% is the owner of DagerweyEs e<clusi,e rights, drawings and engineering files The original Dagerwey DW wind turbine was installed mainly for farmers in the *etherlands. W)S impro,ed the mechanical control system and replaced power con,ersion with modern, remotemonitored technology.
The windturbines of St. Helena - WSSW 2014 - Frits Ogg "

Hybrid technology

The windturbines of St. Helena - WSSW 2014 - Frits Ogg

W)S HG/34? 6'*6)+T

6ontrolling the ma<imum power output +rimary 6ontrolF based on grid frequency /$+assi,e pitching% Secondary 6ontrolF based on communication /$'ptical, )thernet etc.%

+assi,e +itching

;a<imum rotor speed limitation 3educed power production is possible

The windturbines of St. Helena - WSSW 2014 - Frits Ogg


6on,entional SystemF
&ly wheel needed to maintain a stable frequency ?ump load needed to shed the e<cess energy generated Wind power penetration is usually not larger than =!H 1n e<ternal power management system is needed to /control the whole system

W)S Hybrid SystemF

6ontinuous and /immediate output control *o e<ternal management /system, fly wheel and /dump loads needed )<cess energy can be /used to power the diesel /generator

The windturbines of St. Helena - WSSW 2014 - Frits Ogg


Grid Power Balance 1

(rid power balance is 5! Hz or 8! Hz Higher grid frequency when consumption is less than production The 1utomatic :oltage 3egulator $1:3% of the diesel generator measures the changing grid frequency and will decrease the output When the frequency goes beyond its own control boundaries the wind turbine will limit its output The wind energy potential at that moment will not be $fully% con,erted into electricity
The windturbines of St. Helena - WSSW 2014 - Frits Ogg 12

Grid Power Balance 2

Dess energy is fed into the grid, the demand and supply will become balanced again and the frequency will decrease The reduction of the wind energy supply will continue until the required grid frequency has been reached The frequency will drop below the required le,el when the demand for energy is greater than the diesel generator and the wind turbine can supply at that moment When a number of users are suddenly switching on or when the wind speed drops, the diesel generator will automatically inIect e<tra fuel to meet the e<tra energy demand The windturbines of St. Helena - WSSW 2014 - Frits Ogg 13

/enefits . 4mpact

Since "CC> three turbines ha,e been operating on the island and can deli,er 8!!.!!!9WhJyear to the local grid. ?uring the "5 or so years since these turbines were installed, the use of electricity on the island has doubled. 1nother three turbines were added in !!C. W)S has now sold another si< ?eadwood plain st.Helena turbines to the island, that are installed now. The estimated paybac9 time for the turbines is -# years. The windturbines of St. Helena - WSSW 2014 - Frits Ogg 14

Bene!its " #$pact 2

The diesel station is controlling /the ma<imum power output of /the wind turbines 7p to 8!H of the electrical /power has been supplied by the /wind turbines With the addition of 8 turbines /the target is to reach a wind /penetration le,el of >!H or more

Diesel Savin%
"D ?iesel A =8 ;KJl A "! 9WhJl )fficiency of diesel gen-set A =!H "D ?iesel A = 9Wh "D ?iesel A L ", " 9Wh A L !,==

(Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition

" < W)S>! at ">m tower producing about // !!.!!! 9WhJyear A sa,ing about 85.!!! lJyear

The windturbines of St. Helena - WSSW 2014 - Frits Ogg


+ower 0uality 5 harmonics

Switching electronics cause ,ulnerabilities on an 16 grid A a concerning de,elopment 'ne of these ,ulnerabilities are harmonics Harmonics are not only produced by +: and Windenergy con,erters but also by D)? dri,ers, computers and motor control de,ices Harmonics are to be pre,ented J filtered

The windturbines of St. Helena - WSSW 2014 - Frits Ogg

1ctual situation

4nstalling 8 new turbines on st. Helena 1rticle $Windtech 5 international% medium turbines 1ctual o,er,iew manufacturers medium turbines ',er,iew +ower balancing systems
The windturbines of St. Helena - WSSW 2014 - Frits Ogg 1!

1ctual Situation

The windturbines of St. Helena - WSSW 2014 - Frits Ogg


1ctual Situation =

The windturbines of St. Helena - WSSW 2014 - Frits Ogg


1ctual Situation #

The windturbines of St. Helena - WSSW 2014 - Frits Ogg


1ctual Situation 5

The windturbines of St. Helena - WSSW 2014 - Frits Ogg


1ctual Situation 8

The windturbines of St. Helena - WSSW 2014 - Frits Ogg


&'an( you !or your attention www.o Mfishfrogg s9ypeF frits.ogg
;ore informationF Www.sainthelena.go,.com Www.small-wind.orgJforum Than9s to W)S, /arloworld, /ig+artnership $Kamie ;ac?onald% and the tourism office of st.Helena for the help and the pictures.
)y *a$ +adio call is PA2,#A

The windturbines of St. Helena - WSSW 2014 - Frits Ogg


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