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Family Pedigree Project

Due Date: ___________

Overview: You will research your family tree (if you do not have access to the information from 3 generations of your family, you will need to talk to Mrs. hom!son". #y s!eaking with as many relatives as !ossi$le, you will find out a$out how traits are !assed down through generations.

Example Pedigree:

QuickTime and a decompressor are needed to see this picture.

Step 1: %hose ONE of the following !henoty!es to research. (&t least TWO PEOPLE in your family need to have the !henoty!e you choose. ' (as hitch)hiker thum$ ' (as free earlo$es ' (as widow*s !eak ' (as mid)digital hair ' (as $ent little finger ' (as cheek dim!les ' (as freckles ' (as a dim!le)chin Step 2: +ecord your data in the ,Family -ata .heet./ he first line shows an e0am!le entry. (1f you receive a !edigree from me you will use it for your data. This page will be atta hed t! "!ur pedigree a#d tur#ed i#$ Step %: %reate a !edigree using the answers you collected from relatives. +emem$er to $e creative. Your !edigree will identify: ' Males and females ' (ow !eo!le are related ' 2ho has the trait and who does not ' he genoty!es of !eo!le ' & key to tell if the trait is dominant or recessive (you will have to do a little research to find out" and to tell what the genoty!es re!resent. Step &: 3nce your !edigree is com!lete, attach all com!leted sheets and turn in. Please do in the following order: Page 4, a cover sheet !age 5, family data sheet !age 3, your !edigree !age 6, any e0tra credit !edigrees !age 7, the grading ru$ric.

Extra redit:
You may com!lete !edigrees for u! to two more traits. .o in total if you do all of the e0tra credit you will have 3 !edigrees and 3 data sheets.

'amil" Data Sheet

Trait(__________ )Whi
P+ENOT,PE (as trait
SE- )./'* F h trait did "!u resear h* 0EL1T2ONS+2P TO ,O3

Maternal 8randmother Maternal 9 mother Paternal 9 Father

'amil" Pedigree Pr!4e t 5radi#g 0ubri

T+2N5S TO 2N6L3DE '1.2L, D1T1 8 501D2N5 S+EET T012T

-ue date: :::::::::::: 4 3 7

Family -ata is not com!letely Filled out. ;<&


Family -ata 3+ 8rading .heet not attached.

Pedigree does ;3 de!ict one of the listed traits from .te! 4 of the assignment sheet.


3nly (4" generation is !resent. =ey is not !resent. 8enoty!es are not listed.
Many une0!lained ga!s are !resent, making it very difficult to follow the trait inheritance correctly. Few family mem$ers are connected to others in a logical fashion, &;-<3+ few affected !eo!le are clearly identified.

3nly (5" generations are !resent.

=ey is !resent, $ut some information re>uested is missing. 3nly some of the relative*s genoty!es are listed. .ome une0!lained ga!s are !resent, making it somewhat difficult to accurately follow the trait inheritance. Most family mem$ers are connected to others in a logical fashion, &;-?3+ most affected !eo!le are clearly identified. ree is somewhat difficult to inter!ret. &!!ears somewhat rushed or slo!!y. ;<&

Family -ata &;8rading .heet are %om!leted and attached to the !oster. Pedigree de!icts one of the listed traits from .te! 4 of the assignment sheet. &t least (3" generations are !resent. =ey is !resent and includes all information re>uested. &ll mem$ers of the family tree have genoty!es listed. ;o ga!s are !resent in the family tree, mem$ers may $e deceased or inaccessi$le, $ut are still re!resented in the tree. &ll family mem$ers are connected to others in a logical fashion, and all affected !eo!le are clearly identified. ree is easy to read and key is easy to inter!ret. Project is neat and clear. %olors, !atterns, maga@ine !ictures, !hotos, etc. have $een used to make this !edigree uni>ue.


166301TE PED250EE


ree is very difficult to read and<or inter!ret.

;o colors, !atterns, maga@ine !ictures, !hotos, etc. have $een used to make this !edigree uni>ue.


TOT1L S6O0E: Your score 0 5 9 ::::: <AB #3;C.

DE +& PD-18+DD. MC. +D%D1FD &GG 7*. 3 8D %+D-1 . 7 P31; . P3..1#GD F3+ D&%( PD-18+DD.

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