The Hon Bill Shorten MP

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SUBJECT/S: Rebuilding Labor, Kevin Rudd. DAVID KOCH: The Opposition Leader joins me live, from Melbourne, Bill Shorten welcome to you, are these reports accurate? BILL SHORTEN, LEADER OF THE OPPOSITION: Today I will be spea in! about rebuildin! the Labor "arty# $hat I want to do today is outline my vision to show that the Labor "arty is chan!in!, that we will be a competitive force at the ne%t election and that we will rebuild# KOCH: So what about cuttin! your ties with the union, to be selected to run and represent the Labor "arty you&ve !ot to be a union member, will that say in? SHORTEN: $ell I believe it&s time for us to modernise our relationship with the unions# I&m a union member, I&m proud of that, but what I fundamentally believe is that the Labor "arty needs to appeal to candidates from all wal s of life, that we need to be a membership based party not a faction based party, that we need to !ive real power to our members, that we need to ma e sure that the best possible candidates are encoura!ed so I no lon!er believe that is should be compulsory to belon! to a union to join the Labor "arty# $e need to reach out to people from small business from re!ional towns, from all wal s of life# KOCH: $ow, that is a massive chan!e, what&s the, have you run this past any union leaders, have you run it past the factions, they&re pretty powerful# SHORTEN: I&ve discussed this over the months since I !ot elected, since I became elected leader of the Labor "arty with a ran!e of people# These are my thou!hts# I believe that the Labor "arty, to be competitive at the ne%t election needs to reach out and say to people from all parts of the economy, from all parts of our communities we want you#

KOCH: 'o you have their support for the chan!es? SHORTEN: $ell we&ll find that out# I believe that people ( over ) million people voted Labor at the last election, that wasn&t enou!h but over ) million people did# $e&ve a *uarter of a million people on our email list yet our membership is barely )+,+++# I want to today announce to people, if you&re interested in politics that joinin! the Labor "arty means you can help chan!e the problems you perceive in our society# ,ou can ma e this country a better country# $e want people, we don-t want to put any bars on people comin! to the Labor "arty# KOCH: ,ou haven-t !ot the approval of the unions or the factions# It-s just your thou!hts, you&re throwin! it out there? SHORTEN: I&m the leader of the Labor "arty, I believe that as the first leader elected by the broader process that we en!a!ed in after the last election defeat, the broader election, that I do have a mandate for chan!e# .ustralians, even people who will never vote Labor, but are all .ustralians, and includin! the millions who depend upon Labor, want to see Labor chan!e# They want to see Labor be a party which is competitive at the ne%t election# Our homeland, .ustralia, our democracy wor s best when you&ve !ot two competin! !roups and / KOCH: Or more# SHORTEN: 0o one li es to !o to a football !ame and see a one sided match and I&m sayin! Labor&s determined to rebuild so we are competitive# KOCH: 1ust *uic ly while we&ve !ot you, recent reports su!!est 2evin 3udd is aimin! for the 40 secretary !eneral-s job, will he be !ood? SHORTEN: I-m sure he&d be very !ood at that# 5e&d be very accomplished# KOCH: O ay, all ri!ht Bill, than you for that# 6ood luc today# SHORTEN: 6ood on you 2ochie, no problems, see you later# ENDS

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