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Catherine Jobe Reflective Practice Guidance Logs

Part 1 Objective Observation

(Clearly identify the problem. Examine the context of the problem)

Date: November 11, 2013. N and I were playing with the ball outside on the playground. M chased after the ball and took it from N. N looked over at me, frowning. Her eyes followed M and the ball. As I was telling N to use her words and talk to M, M ran away with the ball. I called after her, asking for it back. M said No! Part 2 Decision
(Clearly identify the guidance strategy and state why the chosen strategy is appropriate for this child and the situation)

The guidance strategy I chose to use in this situation is Renewal Time. I began to respond to the situation with Negotiation, but it wasnt as effective as Id hoped so I ended up using renewal time. I also used the strategy of giving Choices. Time-away is another technique for managing childrens behaviour. In time-away, children are diverted from an activity that was generating conflict to some other, usually quieter, activity. For example, if a child becomes aggressive while playing with blocks, that child might be diverted to looking at books or doing a table activity, such as drawing, until the child has had an opportunity to cool off and regain self-control. (Children: A Chronological Approach, page 289.)

Part 3 Actions
(Clearly discuss your actions (what you did and said), the childs response and the results of the guidance strategy)

I stood with N for a moment, while deciding how I wanted to handle the situation. I knew that I needed to deal with the situation swiftly as N was new to the centre and it was important to me that she be treated fairly and had an opportunity to observe which behaviours were undesirable. I crossed the playground to where M was now playing with the ball and I began to negotiate with her. I explained to her that N had been playing with the ball. I gave her a choice, asking if shed like to play with the ball with N and I, or return it and have a turn later. She just held the ball to her chest and didnt respond. I asked her what she thought a good solution would be. She replied by saying, Im playing with it! I asked her to give N a turn, telling her she could have the ball in three minutes. She reluctantly relinquished the ball to me. I thanked her and handed the ball to N at which point M laid down on the ground, pounded her clenched hands on the ground, and called for her Mommy. I crouched down beside her and asked her if shed like to join in our play. She continued to cry. I gave her a few other ideas of things she could do while she waited. You can ride a tricycle, play on the climber, or build a tower Page 1 of 2

Catherine Jobe

with the blocks. Initially, she resisted, but after a few minutes she stood up, came over, and gave me a hug. I smiled at her and told her I was glad she was feeling happier. N invited M to play with her and the two of them began to kick the ball back and forth. I told them both, I like the way youre sharing and playing so nicely together! They both smiled at me and continued to play cooperatively together for quite some time, laughing and taking turns.

Part 4 Reflection
(Clearly discuss your strengths and needs and the changes that you would make if needed)



I switched strategies when negotiation wasnt working. I was patient and concerned with the feelings of both children.

I should have encouraged N to negotiate on her own behalf. At the time, I was concerned about her being overwhelmed, because she was still getting to know the other children. I realize now that it would have been beneficial for her to have had that experience.

Discuss the changes that you would make and why you would make them. I still need more practice with negotiation as it can be challenging to mediate some of the situations because the children have difficulty in seeing their classmates perspectives. Several times I have negotiated with a small group of children, only to see them all lose interest in the toy/item in question by the time weve decided on a fair course of action!

Supervising ECE Signature

Dear ECE Supervising Teacher: Please read and review the guidance log. Select the appropriate box below. This log is accurate based on your observations. This log is somewhat accurate. Please explain : _______________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ o This log is not accurate based on your observations. Agency Name: _____________________________________ Phone Number: _____________________________________ Name of ECE: (Please Print) _____________________________________ ECE Signature: _____________________________________ Date of Signature: ________________________________ Thank-you! o o

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