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REFRACTORY DRY OUT:After the refractory works are finished the refractory work must be subjected to proper curing and initial heating. These two procedures must be strictly carried out otherwise cracks may occur on the refractory surface. These procedures are explained below. CURING FOR CASTABLE REFRACTORY:All the castable are hydraulic setting and need the presence of moisture for setting process so it is necessary to ensure that the castable does not dry out to exposure or due to heat produced within the mass. It should not be allowed to dry during first 24 hours after it has been placed. Moist condition has to be maintained by co ering the castable with wet gunny sacks or by fre!uent sprinkling of fine mist of cold water on all exposed surfaces. "prinkling should be started after the castable has set partially. It is generally ad isable to spray water on dense castables e ery 4# minutes for 24 hours. INITIAL HEATING FOR CASTABLE REFRACTORY:$roper attention should be gi en during initial heat up of castables as they ha e considerably lower permeability when compared to bricks. It is more difficult for water to pass through the castable and escape as the refractory is heated more rapidly. "o due to this high pressure steam is de eloped inside the brick and this ruptures the lining. %apid heating also causes the hot face to dry up and heat up while the rest of castable is still comparati ely cool. This will lead to expansion of hot face hence de elops a crack on cold face.

SLOW FIRING PROCEDURE:&ollowing are to be done before slow firing is started. a' All the coal no((les and air no((les must be fully co ered with bed material b' )o fans should be operated for the heating purpose. &iring should be done only by natural draught for this all dampers should be kept open. c' "ufficient si(ed fire wood re!uired has to be stocked for the dry out. The following heat and curing schedule is recommended. a' *eat gradually up to ++,- . and hold at this temperature for six hours. b' Then raise the temperature at the rate of +,- . per hour up to ##,- . and hold at this temperature for six hours. c' After this the furnace can be cooled naturally. "low firing can be done by burning si(ed waste wood in the furnace on the bed material. The fuel re!uired shall be computed as if the boiler would be operated to generate 2,/ M.% load. The si(ed wood can be fed in the furnace through the manholes. 000000000000000xxxxxxxx0000000000000000


&' .heck boiler erection is completed with all assemblies al es fittings and necessary instrumentation (' 1oiler auxiliaries such as fans2 feed pumps should ha e been trial run and made ready for operation. )' .heck 1oiler instrumentation and control panel are ready for regular operation. 1ut the following instruments are to be isolated for alkali boil out. i' &low pressure and le el transmitters. ii' $ressure switches. 4' ' 6' 7' *' 3nsure steam drum internals ha e been fixed in position. .heck all the refractory and insulation work are completed. .heck all scaffolding temporary supports debris are cleared. 3nsure slow firing is done as per the procedure. .heck suitable fire fighting e!uipment such as .42 or foam type fire extinguishers2 sand buckets etc. are a ailable at suitable con enient place. 9' .heck 1oiler chemical feeding system is ready for operation. &0' .heck sufficient !uantity of .hemicals is a ailable based on the water olume of the 1oiler the chemical re!uired can be estimated. If water olume of the boiler is 5 m6 each chemical re!uired will be 4 x 5 kgs. The same !uantity of chemicals will be re!uired for each boil out. &&' &or alkali boil out sodium carbonate and tri sodium phosphate are used. &(' $repare 2,/ concentrated solution of chemicals separately in a drum and the solution is charged in to the boiler through the no((le 7either auxiliary steam top no((le or air ent no((le ' in to the shell8drum manually by means of funnel. &)' After the addition of chemicals to the re!uired !uantity the no((les are co ered with the co er flange and fill up the water up to normal operating le el. &4' 9ight up the 1oiler and raise the steam pressure gradually to # ata as per standard operating procedure and maintain the pressure for minimum period of +2 hours. & ' Tighten all glands and flange joints. &6' %aise the firing rate to achie e a boiler loading at nearly of the normal loading rate of 1oiler. &7' "amples to be taken e ery two hours and analysis is to be carried to determine the following i' ii' iii' i ' ' p* alue Alkalinity $hosphate 4il "ilica

&*' 3nsure the pre0commissioning acti ities are carried out as per the commissioning check list. &9' 3nsure the alkali boil out is carried out in three stages and fresh chemicals are charged before each stage. (0' 3nsure the pressure is maintained in the 1oiler for each stage alkali boil out as follows I "tage # kg 8 s!.cm +2 hours II "tage : kg 8s!.cm +2 hours III "tage +, kg 8 s!.cm +2 hours 73nsure the pressure of the boiler is raised gradually for alkali boil out.' (&' 3ach stage of boiling can be terminated when the content of oil in the boiler water maintains a steady alue. This can be content achie ed by testing the boiler water. *owe er final reading of oil should be less than # ppm. ((' After termination of boil out procedure shut down the boiler and allow the unit to cool down gradually. ()' ;rain the boiler after the drum pressure reaches atmospheric pressure. <ater jets should be used to clean the headers. (4' After complete draining of the 1oiler2 clean complete unit by filling the water and drain it for at least one time. ( ' The hand hole pipes of all headers preferably at the bottom most point to be cut and inspected for any foreign materials a ailability and to be cleaned. (6' After inspection and cleaning reweld the end caps and hydro test the boiler to working pressure. (7' )ow the boiler is ready for "team blowing. 000000000000000xxxxxxxx0000000000000000


"team 1lowing is an established practice for the purpose of physically remo ing any substance which remain deposited in the superheater and associated pipe lines. These substance are mainly scales and loose minerals that might ha e been entrapped during manufacture2 storage and erection at site. $%I).I$93 =0 The principle of steam blowing is to gi e thermal shock and dislodge the scales. These scales will be subse!uently dri en out by dynamic elocity of the expanding steam. 1efore starting the boiler for steam blowing the following points are to be ensured. +' Alkali 1oil 4ut is completed. 2' All the instruments calibration are completed and safety interlocks are in line2 except water le el interlock which is to be isolated temporarily. 6' )%> and flow no((le should not be fitted initially and thermowell in steam line is to be remo ed. 4' All the spring hangers in steam line are loaded properly #' Temporary steam line is erected and anchored properly for steam blowing ?' Target plate fixing arrangement to be kept ready. :' %e!uired target plates are to be machined and kept ready to fix when re!uired. Target plates shall be of aluminium material. PROCEDURE :The method of steam blowing is as below =0 +' 4perate with one compartment and raise the boiler pressure abo e 6# kg8s!.cm. The bed temperature shall be maintained at about @,, 0 A#, - . 2' 5uickly open the main stream stop al e 7or the temporarily blowing al es if pro ided' I n order to maintain the flow to atmosphere the main steam stop al e is to be kept open till the steam pressure drops down close to +# kg8s!.cm 6' "lowly reduce the firing rate and slump the boiler. The main steam stop al e shall be closed when the boiler pressure reaches +# kg8s!.cm 4' After one hour the boiler shall be re started with one compartment and the bed temperature shall be maintained about @,, 0 A#, - .. The steam blowing shall be once again started when the pressure reaches 6# kg8s!.cm. by the abo e procedure2 the scale adhering to the contours get cracked due to temperature difference and get remo ed to subse!uent blows.

SCHEME OF BLOWING :Temporary discharge piping which lead the steam to atmosphere shall be welded downstream of main steam line must be properly supported and anchored. OPERATIONAL PRECAUTION :+' )ormally the steam blowing operation is the first occasion to fire the unit at significant rate. The unit must be brought up much slower while all e!uipments are checked and expansion mo ements are monitored carefully. 2' ;uring blowing water le el in drum gauge glass may fluctuate ery widely. &eed regulating station must be checked for proper remote operation. "ufficient !uantity of ;M <ater a ailability must be ensured. 6' &lue gas temperature at the inlet of con ection super heater must be restricted to 4#, - .. 4' Temporary discharge piping which should be at least e!ual to diameter of piping to which it is connected must be well supported to withstand reaction forces during steam blowing. #' ;ischarge piping should be di erted so that personnel and e!uipment are not endangered. The are should be cordoned off. ?' After three free blows target plate can be fixed. :' 1ased on target plate condition as recommended by the turbine supplier blow can be continued or terminated. @' ;uring blowing sufficient time duration should be gi en between two blows to attain better thermal shock to discharge the scale and other deposits in pressure parts and steam line. A' After clearing the steam blowing boiler to be stopped and steam line to be cooled to complete the welding of )%> and flow no((le and thermo well fixing in main steam line. +,' Temporary steam line to be remo ed and permanent line to be connected with TB. ++' After completion of the job boiler is ready for safety al es floating. 000000000000000xxxxxxxx0000000000000000

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