September 2013 Report SAP Research-News-Resources

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Monthly 2012 Report Latest Research, News and Resources on school-based and school-linked Substance Abuse Prevention This

report is drawn from the members information service of the International School Health Network in cooperation with the Canadian Association for School Health and the Council on Drug Abuse, thanks to funding from the Drug Strategy Community Initiatives Fund of Health Canada. Archive of Monthly Reports Highlights this Month of September, 2013
Here are some of the items from the research, news and social media that caught our attention this month. See below for the full listing of over 200 articles, stories, reports and resources.

Consensus Statement on Effective School Mental Health Needed: Review A research review published in Issue #3, 2013 of Advances in School Mental Health suggests that "no clear consensus statement has emerged regarding school mental health promotion other than that child mental health is an important area that should be addressed in schools. This integrative review seeks to address this gap." The authors conclude that " Findings suggest a whole school approach focusing on mental health promotion rather than on mental illness prevention is effective in promoting child and youth mental health. However, study populations are limited and many studies either lack clarity regarding who implemented interventions, lack theoretical foundations, process evaluations or youth viewpoints." Note: The International School Health Network has posted a draft consensus statement on school mental health programs on this web page. As well, an overview of the research and experience on SMH programs can be found on this web page in a Wikipedia style summary Teacher Perceptions of Parent Involvement An article in the September 2013 issue of School Psychology Quarterly describes the ambivalent feelings and perceptions of parent involvement held by by teachers. The study was designed as follows: "Parent involvement indicators and correlates were selected from a review of existing research. Participants included 34 teachers and 577 children in kindergarten through third grade. The vast majority of the sample was African American (78%), followed by Caucasian (19%) and other ethnic backgrounds (2%). Two subscales from the Parent Involvement-Teacher scale, contact and comfort, were entered as indicators in a latent profile analysis to determine the number and types of parent involvement classes. Contact included the frequency of interactions between parents and teachers; comfort included the quality of their relationship with the parent and how well their goals were aligned". The authors report that "Three classes provided the optimal solution. This included two classes of parents with low contact with teachers but different comfort levels; one with low contact and low comfort (11%), and one with low contact but high comfort (71%). The remaining class, representing 18% of parents, was rated high on both contact and comfort. Low income status, family problems, and social, emotional, academic, and selfregulation problems distinguished the low comfort class from the other two classes. It is imperative to help teachers feel more comfortable working with families who may be experiencing substantial stressors and who also have children who need support across school and home settings." Family Dinners are not a Panacea Family dinners have recently been highlighted as a way of promoting health of children and adolescents as well as preventing different health problems. However, an article in Issue #3, 2013 of the Journal of Health & Social Behavior reports that an analysis of the 1997 US National Longitudinal Study of Youth (n = 5,419) suggests that dinners have little effect on substance use and may actually cause an increase. The authors report that "The results indicate that family dinners are not generally associated with alcohol or cigarette use or with drug use initiation. However, a continuous measure of family dinners is modestly associated with marijuana frequency, thus suggesting a potential causal impact. These results show that family dinners may help prevent one form of substance use in the short term but do not generally affect substance use initiation or alcohol and cigarette use."

School Mental Health Programs Work in Low & Middle Income Countries A systematic review of school and community-based mental health programs in low and middle countries was reported in the September 2013 o=issue of BMC Public Health. The reviewers report that of the 22 studies selected for the review "With regard to the school-based interventions, the quality of evidence from the 14 studies is moderate to strong. Findings indicate that there is reasonably robust evidence that programmes implemented across diverse LMICs can have significant positive effects on students emotional and behavioural wellbeing, including reduced depression and anxiety and improved coping skills. Promising interventions include the Resourceful Adolescent Program (RAP-A), delivered by teachers in Mauritius. This study is an example of an evidence-based intervention adapted from a HIC. Another promising intervention is the teacher led peer-group support intervention for AIDs orphaned children. This study suggests the potential of peer support mental health promotion interventions in optimizing adjustment and decreasing the psychological distress associated with AIDS orphanhood. Such interventions may have great potential in addressing the increased risk of depression, peer relationship problems, post-traumatic stress and conduct problems. There is also some encouraging evidence that interventions which combine lifeskills with reproductive and sexual health education and physical health and fitness can have a significant positive effect on pupils risk -taking and prosocial behaviour. These findings are consistent with the substantive evidence from multiple reviews of school-based interventions in HICs which report the greater effectiveness of multi-component interventions (i.e. interventions that adopt a social competence approach and develop supportive environments), when compared with interventions that focus on specific problem behaviours". Adolescent Male Health When Gender Equity Means Female Only Despite the fact that make adolescents and young men are more likely to be abused, sexually assaulted, commit suicide, drop out of school, abuse substances, have unintentional injuries, have serious sexual health issues and a host of other health and social risks, the research focusing on their health and development is minimal. An article in the September 2013 issue of Pediatrics examines this gap by reviewing the research. The authors note that "This review covers male health issues related to health care access and the Centers for Disease Control and Preventions Healthy 2020 objectives for adolescents and young adults, focusing on the objectives for chronic illness, mortality, unintentional injury and violence, mental health and substance use, and reproductive and sexual health. We focus, in particular, on gender-specific issues, particularly in reproductive and sexual health. The review provides recommendations for the overall care of adolescent and young adult males." Intellectual Disabilities & Crime: Pathways involving Schools Several articles in Issue #5, 2013 of Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities examine the pathways, assessment and treatment of offenders with intellectual disabilities. The correlation and causal relationship is not surprising but what is relevant for schools is how they can be engaged in changing the pathways that are often well-established in the school-age years. Indeed, the "school-to-prison" pipeline, a topic often discussed in the school-linked crime prevention research, is likely particularly relevant here. Teen Drinking Tied to Community, Parents not Schools An article in Issue #3, 2013 of the Journal of Adolescent Health reports on the analysis of Danish HBSC and National Health Survey data to report that community norms and parental drinking practices are correlated strongly with adolescent drunkeness. The authors nites that "Risk factors for adolescent alcohol use are typically conceptualized at the individual level, and school- and community-level risk factors have received little attention. Based on the theoretical understanding of youth alcohol consumption as a reflection of community social practice, we analyzed whether adolescent drunkenness was related to community-level adult alcohol use (AAC) as well as parent drinking" The authors report that " Overall, 33.5% of students had been drunk twice or more. High community-level AAC was significantly associated with adolescent drunkenness (odds ratio [95% confidence interval], 1.94 [1.213.11]). Parental drinking was strongly related to adolescent drunkenness but did not attenuate the relationship between community-level AAC and adolescent drunkenness". Interestingly the study also found "no association between adolescent drunkenness and school-level variables (youth friendly environment, alcohol education, and exposure to alcohol outlets". Context Matters in Youth Transitions Most of the articles in the September 2013 Issue of Journal of Youth & Adolescence are part of a special issue on longitudinal and contextual influences on youth educational engagement, transitions, attainment, and achievement. The

articles cover several aspects, including the age-old practice of disparaging academic success in some peer groups, the important role played by mothers in teen transitions in lower income communities, a detailed look at how teachers can help or hinder in transitions and many more.

Transition to College/University: A Complex time for Health A small Australian study reported in Issue #6, 2013 of Journal of Youth Studies describes the factors that influence health & well-being during the transition from secondary school to post-secondary studies. while there is nothing startling in the findings, the article does make the case for much more attention being paid to this critical time for young adults, as they experiment with alcohol, drugs, sex, relationships and more. The authors summarize their findings as follows: "Findings indicate that there are significant factors that impact on student well-being during this transition. These include: geographical relocation, engagement with university learning, sense of community as well as managing time and competing demands. Findings also indicate that whilst young people accept an individualised responsibility managing health and wellbeing, the social conditions of transition to university render this complex and problematic." New Paradigm for Understanding Puberty/Adolescence An article in Issue #6, 2013 of American Psychologist proposes a new paradigm for understanding the often-called "stormy time" in adolescence. The authors that we need to move "beyond storm and stress towards typicality, transactions, timing, and temperament to account for adolescent change. They summarize their work as follows: "Adolescent storm and stress has been a focal yet controversial developmental framework for over a century. In the present article, we challenge the current perspective that storm and stress is neither ubiquitous nor inevitable but probable. Instead, we argue, storm and stress is a vestigial developmental framework, and we propose a more comprehensive approach to understanding adolescent-typical changes based on six premises: (1) The biological changes of adolescence are inevitable and ubiquitous; (2) adolescent biological changes drive various mechanisms of adolescent behavior; (3) adolescent biological changes are shaped by environmental influences; (4) individual differences in adolescent emotional-behavior changes are domain specific and vary in intensity; (5) there are individual differences in the age of onset and duration of periods of adolescent change; and (6) individual differences in the duration and intensity of transitions in emotional arousal are functionally modulated by burgeoning emotion regulation skills. We conclude with the more comprehensive 4T (typicality, transactions, temperament, and timing) approach and suggestions to guide adolescent research in the 21st century." Community, Family Bonds Critical to Aboriginal Transition to School An article in Issue #7, 2013 of Journal of Community Psychology makes the case for strengthening community and family bonds for indigenous children prior to their transition to schooling, particularly when they are in situations where their cultures and family structures need to be rebuilt. The authors report that: "This study reports on an intervention program designed to facilitate transition to school of a whole community of Indigenous Australian children who had previously not been attending. The children were from families displaced from their traditional lands and experienced on-going social marginalisation and transience. A social capital framework was employed to track change in the children's social inclusion and family-school engagement for two years, from school entry. Sociometric measurement and interview techniques were applied to assess the children's social connectedness and peer relationship quality. Using these data, analyses examined whether bonding within the group supported or inhibited formation of new social relationships. Although transience disrupted attendance, there was a group trend towards increased social inclusion with some evidence that group bonds supported bridging to new social relationships." Note: This research is particularly relevant to a Canadian debate about a government-imposed overhaul of aboriginal education, where native leaders in Nova Scotia have been focused on these links as part of their running of band elementary schools for two decades prior to the proposed government takeover. Teen's Sense of Coherence in Adversity is Key We have been tracking a number of articles from several journals recently that have described how the "accumulation of adversity" caused by community, family and other circumstances and life incidents causes youth behaviour and other problems. An articles in Issue #3, 2013 of Journal of Public Mental Health takes it further when discussing how the young person's "sense of coherence" in the face of adverse circumstances and incidents is critical. Other articles we have noted also delineate the schools' role, particularly in areas such as their perception of the fairness of their treatment at school, whether teachers cared about them and the relationships they established at school. Their sense of coherence (SOC) was found to be "Findings RHB such as drinking alcohol, taking drugs and smoking, correlated positively with attitudes to risk

and negatively with SOC. Hierarchical regression analysis revealed that there was a significant relationship between ARBS and reported health behaviour, which was strengthened by SOC. SOC contributes to the relationship between attitudes and perception of risk and RHB, whereby individuals with stronger SOC were less likely to partake in RHB. Qualitative analysis revealed that the components of SOC (comprehensibility, manageability and meaningfulness) were perceptible six months minimum after the programme has been undertaken."

Attitudes, Beliefs, Gender Influence Drinking on Non-College Youth An articles in Issue #5, 2013 of Journal of Studies on Alcohol & Drugs is one of very few that have examined the alcohol use of non-college bound youth. The researchers report that " the current study aimed to identify psychosocial correlates of risky alcohol use for noncollege emerging adults. A secondary goal was to examine whether gender moderated the relationships between the psychosocial constructs and alcohol use. Method: Participants were a nationally representative sample of noncollege emerging adults (1822 years old) who reported using alcohol in the past year, recruited through an established Internet panel (N = 209; 125 women). A path model was used to examine the relationship between theoretically derived constructs (expectancies, attitudes, normative beliefs) and risky (peak) drinking. A second model examined a multigroup solution to assess moderating effects of gender. The full-sample model revealed significant associations between attitudes toward drinking and risky drinking. The model assessing gender differences revealed association between normative beliefs and drinking for women but not men, whereas attitudes were significantly associated with risky drinking for both men and women. Conclusions: Findings highlight the importance of attitudes and, for women, descriptive norms in the etiology of risky drinking among non-college emerging adults." Student Absences, Achievement & Health/Safety: Integration within Ed Researchers are now focusing on student absences as a key element in student achievement. In the US, states are examining this problem and student health and safety are showing up as key factors. In the US, an estimated 5 million to 7.5 million students (more than one out of 10) miss that much school every year, a crisis in absenteeism that is exacerbating achievement gaps and dropout rates. In Utah, a 2012 statewide analysis showed that 13.5 percent of all students were chronically absent and that those chronically absent in any year between 8th and 12th grades were 7.4 times more likely to drop out of high school. Many students cannot get to school because of chronic health conditions; inadequate access to medical, mental health or dental care; unstable or poor-quality unhealthy housing; unreliable transportation; or a lack of effective family and community supports and service delivery. This is especially true for children living in poverty or involved in the foster care or juvenile justice systems. Sometimes poor attendance occurs when students are avoiding going to school because of bullying, academic difficulty, dangerous routes to and from school, an unhealthy school climate, punitive disciplinary practices or the lack of effective instruction. For school health advocates, this means we should examine health & social problems that lead to repeated or prolonged absences as our contribution. Indeed, the US report calls for an inter-agency report. In our view, this is one example of how health agency programs can be better integrated with the core priorities of education systems. A Child Friendly Youth Justice System An article in Issue #3, 2013 of Safer Communities make the argument that youth justice systems should be based on a preventive approach when dealing with youth rather than the assumption of guilt or trouble that often accompanies their treatment in the system. "The paper presents three general findings. First, young people can be subject to youth justice intervention without a presenting problem or offence committed. More pertinently this form of pre-emptive criminalisation violates the child's human rights, due-process and legal safeguards. Second, young people who are drawn into the net of formal youth justice intervention can suffer from the stigmatising and labelling effects of being criminalised. Third, there is a pressing need for youth justice policy and practice to be transformed, in order to allow for the implementation of more informal, diversionary and restorative measures. The pap er considers alternative perspectives and the prospect of a youth justice predicated upon the principles of informal justice, child-friendly values and the notion of inclusion". Cultural Approach to Child Protection in Indigenous Communities An article in the September 2013 Issue of the international Journal of Environmental Research & Public Health cal;ls for a culturally relevant and competent approach to child protection in aboriginal communities. The authors argue that "Child Sexual Assault (CSA) in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities is a complex issue that cannot be understood in

isolation from the ongoing impacts of colonial invasion, genocide, assimilation, institutionalised racism and severe socioeconomic deprivation. Service responses to CSA are often experienced as racist, culturally, financially and/or geographically inaccessible.". The article is based on a two day forum. "The forum was attended by eighty invited Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and non-Aboriginal youth sexual assault managers and workers representing both victim and those who sexually harm others services. In keeping with Aboriginal Community -Based Research methods forum participants largely directed discussions and contributed to the analysis of key themes and recommendations reported in this article. The need for sexual assault services to prioritise cultural safety by meaningfully integrating Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Worldviews emerged as a key recommendation. It was also identified that collaboration between victims and those who sexually harm services are essential given Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander C&YP who sexually harm others may have also been victims of sexual assault or physical violence and intergenerational trauma. By working with the whole family and community, a collaborative approach is more likely than the current service model to develop cultural safety and thus increase the accessibility of sexual assault services."

Alberta, Canada, Jamaica and Mexico Consider Decriminalizing Marijuana The news reports for this week include three news stories from three different jurisdictions on their consideration of decriminalizing marijuana.

Links to stories, research articles and newly-identified resources

News, Reports, Resources News Release (Sep 3-13) Results from the 2012 US National Survey on Drug Use and Health: Findings & Detailed Tables News Release (Sep 8-13) 2012 School Health Policies and Practices Study (SHPPS) in USA Released Video Five Keys to Successful Social and Emotional Learning Blog Post (Sep 12-13) When High School Students Are Treated Like Prisoners Blog Post (Sep 13-13) How to Trust Your Students Blog Post (Sep 13-13) San Antonio Rolls Out New Attendance/Truancy Initiative Research Articles in September 2013 Issue of Journal of School Health Associations Between Perceptions of School Connectedness and Adolescent Health Risk Behaviors in South African High School Learners (pages 614 622) Data Collection Procedures for School-Based Surveys Among Adolescents: The Youth in Europe Study (pages 662667)

Articles in Issue #3, 2013 of Advances in School Mental Health Promotion Looking back and ahead for Advances in School Mental Health Promotion The Motivational Interviewing Navigation Guide: a process for enhancing teachers' motivation to adopt and implement school-based interventions What do we know about school mental health promotion programmes for children and youth?

Articles in Issue #3, 2013 of School Psychology Quarterly Latent profile analysis of teacher perceptions of parent contact and comfort. Development and initial validation of the Social and Academic Behavior Risk Screener for Elementary Grades. Daily stressors in school-age children: A multilevel approach.

Articles in Issue #8, 2013 of Psychology in the Schools Factors that predict elementary educators perceptions and practice in teaching self determination (pages 770780) Victims of bullying: whom they seek help from and why: an Australian sample (pages 798809) The psychosocial functioning of high school students in academically rigorous programs (pages 823843)

Report Factors in Dropping Out: Bullying: 160,000 kids miss school per day in the US Planning Guide/Ed Resource Ten Tips for Classroom Management Editorial (Sep 15-13) ESmoking Among Teenagers (NY Times) News Story (Sep 16-13) US States Tackle Chronic Absence in Schools News Story (Sep 17-13) Nearly 1 in 10 high school seniors in U.S. report extreme binge drinking News Story (Sep 17-13) NC woman who starred in graphic government antismoking ad campaign has died News Story (Sep 17-13) Bronx Partnership Aims to Build Parent-Engagement Skills Blog Post (Sep 20-13) Free school meals are a nobrainer Report State Policy Brief: The Student Attendance Imperative News Release (Sep 18-13) Attendance Awareness Month in USA News Release (Sep 18-13) Canadian Community Health Survey: Mental Health, 2012

Articles in Issue #3, 2013 of School Mental Health Integrating U.S. Federal Efforts to Address the Multifaceted Problems of Children: A Historical Perspective on National Education and Child Mental Health Policies The Organizational Health of Urban Elementary Schools: School Health and Teacher Functioning

Articles in Issue #3, 2013 of international Journal for the Advancement of Counselling Age, Gender, and Ethnicity of Counsellor Trainees and Corresponding Counselling SelfEfficacy: Research Findings and Implications for Counsellor Educators One School, Many Differences: An Assessment Tool for School Counselors and Multicultural Counseling

Articles in Issue #3, 2013 of Health Promotion International The concept of scalability: increasing the scale and potential adoption of health promotion interventions into policy and practice Photovoice: an opportunity and challenge for students' genuine participation Children as agents of their own health: exploratory analysis of child discourse in Spain Social media, digital video and health promotion in a culturally and linguistically diverse Australia

Articles in Issue #5, 2013 of Health Promotion Practice Can Donated Media Placements Reach Intended Audiences? The Use of Concept Mapping to Identify Community-Driven Intervention Strategies for Physical and Mental Health Intergenerational Photovoice Projects: Optimizing This Mechanism for Influencing Health Promotion Policies and Strengthening Relationships Condom Accessibility: The Moderating Effects of Alcohol Use and Erotophobia in the InformationMotivationBehavioral Skills Model

Articles in September 2013 Issues of the Journal of the American Medical Association Sep 18 - Street Children and Drug Abuse Sep 25 - Tobacco Smoke Exposure Among Children

Articles in Issue #3, 2013 of Preventive Medicine Influence of gender role attitudes on smoking and drinking among girls from Jujuy, Argentina Toward primary prevention of extra-medical OxyContin use among young people

Articles in September 2013 Issues of The Lancet Sep 7 - Child labour: the high cost of gold Sep 28 - Child maltreatment in Europe: taking a public health approach

Articles in Issue #5, 2013 of Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health News Story (Sep 18-13) Racism Impacts Mental Health of Teens Blog Post (Sep 20-13) Time to Take a Stand Against Outdated Drug Education News Story (Sep 21-13) Confidence, not peer pressure, is key to success at school, say UK researchers News Story (Sep 22-13) One-one-one: Mentoring proves every classroom counts News Story (Sep 23-13) New focus on school climate in massive California student survey Blog Post (Sep 24-13) The Counterproductive Ways Schools Punish Kids... News Story (Sep 23-13) Some New York Parents complain about homeless students at their school Social Meaning of Alcohol-Related Flushing Among University Students in China

Articles in Issue #5, 2013 of Perspectives in Public Health Youth Health Champions Healthy Young Minds, Healthy Communities In Practice: Behaviour change and public health interventions

Articles in Issue #12, 2013 of Canadian Medical Association Journal Gambling and hospital lotteries: looking out for losers

Articles in Issue #3, 2013 of Journal of Health & Social Behavior Child and Adolescent Health and Well-Being Mothers Union Histories and the Mental and Physical Health of Adolescents Born to Unmarried Mothers Feeling Disorder as a Comparative and Contingent Process: Gender, Neighborhood Conditions, and Adolescent Mental Health Do Family Dinners Reduce the Risk for Early Adolescent Substance Use? A Propensity Score Analysis

Articles in September 2013 Issue of Canadian Family Physician Caffeinated energy drinks in children

Articles in September 2013 issue of BMC Public Health Determinants of binge drinking in a permissive environment: focus group interviews with Dutch adolescents and parents Study protocol - Indigenous Australian social networks and the impact on smoking policy and programs in Australia: protocol for a mixed-method prospective study A systematic review of the effectiveness of mental health promotion interventions for young people in low and middle income countries How do public child healthcare professionals and primary school teachers identify and handle child abuse cases? A qualitative study The school environment and student health: a systematic review and meta-ethnography of qualitative research

News Story (Sep 23-13) 50% of Albertans say yes to marijuana legalization Blog Post (Sep 23-13) How Do You Help Young People Care About School? News Story (Sep 24-13) Tackling youth drinking culture at Acadia University

Articles in Issue #8, 2013 of Journal of Health Communication Population-Level Administration of AlcoholEdu for College: An ARIMA Time-Series Analysis A Panel Study of Peer Norms and Adolescent Alcohol Consumption: Developing Strategies for Communication Interventions Feasibility and Acceptability of a Text Messaging Based Smoking Cessation Program in Ankara, Turkey How Interpersonal Communication Mediates the Relationship of Multichannel Communication Connections to Health-Enhancing and Health-Threatening Behaviors

Articles in Issue #9, 2013 of British Medical Journal News Release (Sep 24-13) Ontario youth get cigarettes and alcohol from friends and family (CAMH) Planning Guide Taking Up the Challenge of Urban Schools News Story (Sep 25-13) Lifeskills based content finally makes it to school curricula in Pakistan Article Effectiveness of Antidrinking Messages: A Defensive Processing Perspective on Shame and Guilt Report The Young and the Jobless: Canadian youth unemployment Report Understanding Racism against Indigenous People (Canada) Report Pathways to Wellbeing: Living conditions and Indigenous health (Canada) News Release (Sep 25-13) Canadian Health Ministers collaborate on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder News Release (Sep 25-13) UK Prioritising experiences of children who need help, protection & care Article. School-based programmes that work: Useful research on substance use or suspicious Cigarette pack design and adolescent smoking susceptibility: a cross-sectional survey

Articles in Issue #3, 2013 of Journal of Public Health Trends in the prevalence of multiple substance use in adolescents in England, 1998 2009 Who runs public health? A mixed-methods study combining qualitative and network analyses

Articles in September 2013 Issue of Educational Leadership Special Issue: Resilience and Learning Handle with Care: A Conversation with Maya Angelou (How to bounce back from adversity and forward to joy.) The Significance of Grit: A Conversation with Angela Lee Duckworth Havens of Resilience (How can schools capitalize on their power to promote resilience?) There's Always That One Teacher Staying Connected with Troubled Students Afraid of Looking Dumb Designing Advisories for Resilience (In effective advisories, students give and receive support.) I Can Climb the Mountain Focus on the path, not the peak. ) Reflections on Resilience (A pictographic on how resilience takes root.) Research Says / Grit Plus Talent Equals Student Success One to Grow On / Growing Capable Kids

Articles in Issue #3, 2013 of European Journal of Education Special Issue: Problematising the Issue of Early School Leaving in the European Context Editorial: conceptualising Early School Leaving (pages 327330) The Impact of Institutional Context, Education and Labour Market Policies on Early School Leaving: a comparative analysis of EU countries (pages 331 345) Developing a Framework and Agenda for Students' Voices in the School System across Europe: from diametric to concentric relational spaces for early school leaving prevention (pages 346362 Is There Anything Specific about Early School Leaving in Southeast Europe? A Review of Research and Policy (pages 363377 Some Aspects of Early School Leaving in Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Finland (pages 378389) Early School Leavers and Social Disadvantage in Spain: from books to bricks and viceversa (pages 390404) Problematising Early School Leaving (pages 405418) Inclusive Pedagogy in Light of Social Justice. Special Educational Rights and Inclusive Classrooms: on whose terms? A Field Study in Stockholm Suburbs (pages 419 435)

Articles in September 2013 Issue of The School Administrator Special Issue: Complexity in the Superintendency: Overcoming unexpected challenges and competing interests A Complex Web: The New Normal for Superintendents The Complicated Layers of Competing Interests Dealing With the Unexpected

success stories? News Story (Sep 24-13) Lawmakers in Jamaica debate decriminalization of marijuana News Story (Sep 25-13) Prominent Mexicans urge government to decriminalize marijuana News Story (Sep 26-13) Parents, Teens Strengthen Relationships through Social Media

Undone by the Media

Articles in Issue #3, 2013 of School Effectiveness & School Improvement Engaging with parents: the relationship between school engagement efforts, social class, and learning Quality of implementation of a school mental health initiative and changes over time in students social and emotional competencies

Articles in Issue #26, 2013 of ASCD Express Supporting Students and Teachers in a Turnaround School Articles in September 2013 Issue of Pediatrics Parent and Child Cigarette Use: A Longitudinal, Multigenerational Study Use of Conventional and Novel Smokeless Tobacco Products Among US Adolescents Adolescent and Young Adult Male Health: A Review Rapid Changes in American Family Life: Consequences for Child Health and Pediatric Practice

Articles in Issue #3, 2013 of Youth Studies Australia Pentevangelical youth subcultures: Between resistance and compromise A walk in the park: an experiential approach to youth participation Using SMS as a harm reduction strategy: An evaluation of the RAGE (Register And Get Educated) project

Articles in Issue #5, 2013 of Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities Special Issue: Pathways, Assessment and Treatment of Offenders with Intellectual Disability Why Do Some People with Intellectual Disability Engage in Offending Behaviour and What Can We Do About It? Editorial (pages 351356) Anti-Social Behaviour and Police Contact among 13- to 15-Year-old English Adolescents with and Without Mild/Moderate Intellectual Disability (pages 362369) Pathways into the Criminal Justice System for Individuals with Intellectual Disability (pages 404409)

Articles in Issue #3, 2013 of Journal of Adolescent Health A Research Agenda for Adolescent-Centered Primary Care in the United States The Health Status of Street Children and Youth in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: A Systematic Review of the Literature Longitudinal Predictors of Stopping Smoking in Young Adulthood Adolescent Alcohol Use Reflects Community-Level Alcohol Consumption Irrespective of Parental Drinking

Articles in Issue #3, 2013 of Child Development Perspectives Spanking and Child Development: We Know Enough Now to Stop Hitting Our Children (pages 133137) Developmental Mechanisms Underlying the Legacy of Childhood Experiences (pages 149154) How Social Safety Net Programs Affect Family Economic Well-Being, Family Functioning,

and Children's Development (pages 172181)

Articles in Issue #3, 2013 of Journal of Research on Adolescence Special Issue: Network and Behavior Dynamics in Adolescence Introduction: NetworkBehavior Dynamics (pages 399412) Popularity as an Organizing Factor of Preadolescent Friendship Networks: Beyond Prosocial and Aggressive Behavior (pages 413423) Selection and Socialization of Aggressive and Prosocial Behavior: The Moderating Role of Social-Cognitive Processes (pages 424436) Selecting and Retaining Friends on the Basis of Cigarette Smoking Similarity (pages 464 473) Selection and Influence Mechanisms Associated With Marijuana Initiation and Use in Adolescent Friendship Networks (pages 474486) Onset to First Alcohol Use in Early Adolescence: A Network Diffusion Model (pages 487 499) Peers and the Emergence of Alcohol Use: Influence and Selection Processes in Adolescent Friendship Networks (pages 500512) Popularity as a Moderator of Peer Selection and Socialization of Adolescent Alcohol, Marijuana, and Tobacco Use (pages 513523) Social Goals and Adolescent Friendships: Social Selection, Deselection, and Influence (pages 550562) Selection, Deselection, and Socialization Processes of Happiness in Adolescent Friendship Networks (pages 563573) Status-Based Influence Processes: The Role of Norm Salience in Contagion of Adolescent Risk Attitudes (pages 574585) Competition, Envy, or Snobbism? How Popularity and Friendships Shape Antipathy Networks of Adolescents (pages 586595) Stochastic Agent-Based Modeling of Influence and Selection in Adolescence: Current Status and Future Directions in Understanding the Dynamics of Peer Contagion (pages 596603)

Articles in September 2013 Issue of Journal of Youth & Adolescence Special Issue: Longitudinal and Contextual Influences on Educational Engagement, Transitions, Attainment, and Achievement Do Academically-Engaged Adolescents Experience Social Sanctions from the Peer Group? Academic Success Across the Transition from Primary to Secondary Schooling Among Lower-Income Adolescents: Understanding the Effects of Family Resources and Gender Changes in Teachers Involvement Versus Rejection and Links with Academic Motivation During the First Year of Secondary Education: A Multilevel Growth Curve Analysis Changes in Academic Adjustment and Relational Self-worth Across the Transition to Middle School Striving for Educational and Career Goals During the Transition After High School: What is Beneficial? Racial/Ethnic Differences in the Educational Expectations of Adolescents: Does Pursuing Higher Education Mean Something Different to Latino Students Compared to White and Black Students? Parental Monitoring, Parental Warmth, and Minority Youths Academic Outcomes: Exploring the Integrative Model of Parenting Not Just Robo-Students: Why Full Engagement Matters and How Schools Can Promote It African American Adolescents Academic Persistence: A Strengths-Based Approach The Role of Mentor Type and Timing in Predicting Educational Attainment


Emotional and Behavioral Problems Among Adolescent Students: The Role of Immigrant, Racial/Ethnic Congruence and Belongingness in Schools

Articles in Issue #3, 2013 of Youth & Society Foster Care and College: The Educational Aspirations and Expectations of Youth in the Foster Care System Parenting Style, Depressive Symptoms, and Substance Use in Mexican American Adolescents The Roles of Perceived Neighborhood Disorganization, Social Cohesion, and Social Control in Urban Thai Adolescents Substance Use and Delinquency Individual, Family, and Peer predictors of Violence Among Samoan Adolescents

Articles in Issue #6, 2013 of Journal of Youth Studies Guessing where the goal posts are: managing health and well-being during the transition to university studies

Articles in September 2013 Issue of the Journal of Child Psychology & Psychiatry Research Review: Evaluating and reformulating the developmental taxonomic theory of antisocial behaviour (pages 924940) Parent- and self-reported dimensions of oppositionality in youth: construct validity, concurrent validity, and the prediction of criminal outcomes in adulthood (pages 941 949) Concurrent and prospective effects of psychopathic traits on affective and cognitive empathy in a community sample of late adolescents (pages 969976) Executive function as a mediator in the link between attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and social problems (pages 9961004)

Articles in September 2013 Issue of Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Transitional Aged Youth: A New Frontier in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Two-Year Impact of Personality-Targeted, Teacher-Delivered Interventions on Youth Internalizing and Externalizing Problems: A Cluster-Randomized Trial Childhood Maltreatment and Psychopathology Affect Brain Development During Adolescence Book Review: The Behavior Code: A Practical Guide to Understanding and Teaching the Most Challenging Students

Articles in Issue #6, 2013 of American Psychologist Beyond storm and stress: Typicality, transactions, timing, and temperament to account for adolescent change.

Articles in Issue #7, 2013 of Journal of Community Psychology Using GIS to describe risk and neighborhood-level factors associated with substance abuse treatment outcomes (pages 799810) Quality of life and sense of community. a study on health and place of residence (pages 811826) Bonding and bridging: transition to school and social capital formation among a


community of indigenous Australian children (pages 827843) Alcohol environment, perceived safety, and exposure to alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs in early adolescence (pages 867883)

Articles in Issue #3, 2013 of Child & Adolescent Mental Health Special Issue: Focus on child and adolescent mental health in schools Editorial: Child and adolescent mental health in schools (pages 129130) How do schools promote emotional well-being among their pupils? Findings from a national scoping survey of mental health provision in English schools (pages 151 157) Social and emotional aspects of learning (SEAL) for secondary schools: implementation difficulties and their implications for school-based mental health promotion (pages 158 164) Parental and children's report of emotional problems: agreement, explanatory factors and event-emotion correlation (pages 180186)

Articles in September 2013 Issue of Addictions Addicted to constructs: science in reverse? (pages 1532 1533) Confounding and studies of moderate alcohol consumption: the case of drinking frequency and implications for low-risk drinking guidelines (pages 15341543) Significance of frequency patterns in moderate drinkers for low-risk drinking guidelines (pages 15451547) How do we formulate low-risk drinking guidelines if zero consumption is lowest risk? (pages 15471548) Gambling experiences, problems, research and policy: gambling in Germany (pages 15541561) Impacts of the minimum legal drinking age legislation on in-patient morbidity in Canada, 19972007: a regression-discontinuity approach (pages 15901600) Commentary on Callaghan etal. (2013): Minimum legal drinking age laws protect high school students from both crashes and alcohol abuse (pages 16011602) The collectivity of drinking cultures: is the theory applicable to African settings? (pages 16121617) How should network-based prevention for homeless youth be implemented? (pages 16251626) The impact of cigarette pack shape, size and opening: evidence from tobacco company documents (pages 16581668)

Articles in Issue #3, 2013 of Journal of Health & Social Behavior Child and Adolescent Health and Well-Being Mothers Union Histories and the Mental and Physical Health of Adolescents Born to Unmarried Mothers Feeling Disorder as a Comparative and Contingent Process: Gender, Neighborhood Conditions, and Adolescent Mental Health Do Family Dinners Reduce the Risk for Early Adolescent Substance Use? A Propensity Score Analysis

Articles in September 2013 Issue of Nicotine & Tobacco Research Meta-Analysis of the Association Between Secondhand Smoke Exposure and PhysicianDiagnosed Childhood Asthma Editor's Choice: Cigarette Affordability in the United States


Randomized Controlled Trial of MyLastDip: A Web-Based Smokeless Tobacco Cessation Program for Chewers Ages 1425

Articles in Issue #3, 2013 of Substance Abuse Cigarette Smoking and Measures of Impulsivity in a College Sample Sex, Age, and Progression of Drug Use in Adolescents Admitted for Substance Use Disorder Treatment in the Northeastern United States: Comparison With a National Survey Physical Factors, Personal Characteristics, and Substance Use: Associations With Obesity

Articles in September 2013 Issue of Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research Multidimensionality in Impulsivity and Alcohol Use: A Meta-Analysis Using the UPPS Model of Impulsivity (pages 14411450)

Articles in Issue #3, 2013 of Psychology of Addictive Behaviors Parental and peer disapproval of alcohol use and its relationship to adolescent drinking: Age, gender, and racial differences. Drinking less and drinking smarter: Direct and indirect protective strategies in young adults. The motive to drink due to social anxiety and its relation to hazardous alcohol use. Psychometric properties of the Important People Instrument with college student drinkers. Daily use of protective behavioral strategies and alcohol-related outcomes among college students. Factors mediating the association of the recency of parents marijuana use and their adolescent childrens subsequent initiation. Marijuana use, driving, and related cognitions.

Articles in Issue #3, 2013 of Journal of Public Mental Health Sense of coherence as a predictor of risky health behaviours amongst teenage girls on a targeted youth development programme Cognitive contributors to resilience in youth from underserved populations: A brief report

Articles in Issue #5, 2013 of International Journal on Drug Policy Editorial: Building partnerships between law enforcement and harm reduction programs The impact of New Zealand's 2008 prohibition of piperazine-based party pills on young people's substance use: Results of a longitudinal, web-based study Injecting behaviour and service use among young injectors in Albania, Moldova, Romania and Serbia Patterns of excess alcohol consumption among school children in two English comprehensive schools The role of child protection in cannabis grow-operations

Articles in Issue #3, 2013 of Drugs & Alcohol Today Integrating substance use services into improving access to psychological therapies


through multi-agency group work a discussion document Articles in Issue #5, 2013 of Journal of Studies on Alcohol & Drugs Impact of Fathers' Alcohol Problems on the Development of Effortful Control in Early Adolescence Alcohol-Specific Parenting as a Mechanism of Parental Drinking and Alcohol Use Disorder Risk on Adolescent Alcohol Use Onset Parental Socialization and Children's Susceptibility to Alcohol Use Initiation Causal Influence of Age at First Drink on Alcohol Involvement in Adulthood and Its Moderation by Familial Context Adolescent Athletic Participation and Nonmedical Adderall Use: An Exploratory Analysis of a Performance-Enhancing Drug College Cannabis Use: The Unique Roles of Social Norms, Motives, and Expectancies Transitional Life Events and Trajectories of Cigarette and Alcohol Use During Emerging Adulthood: Latent Class Analysis and Growth Mixture Modeling Perceived Norms Moderate the Association Between Mental Health Symptoms and Drinking Outcomes Among At-Risk Adolescents Early Risk Factors for Alcohol Use Across High School and Its Covariation With Deviant Friends Identifying Theoretical Predictors of Risky Alcohol Use Among Noncollege Emerging Adults Characterizing College Systems for Addressing Student Alcohol Use: Latent Class Analysis of U.S. Four-Year Colleges Potential Side Effects of Unhealthy Lifestyle Choices and Health Risks on Basal and Reactive Heart Rate Variability in College Drinkers

Articles in Issue #3, 2013 of Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse Examining Tobacco Outlet Concentration in New Jersey: Does Income and Ethnicity Matter? Substance Abuse and Mental Health Issues Within Native American Grandparenting Families Ethnic and Gender Differences in Normative Perceptions of Substance Use and Actual Use Among College Students Protective Behavioral Strategies, Alcohol Consumption, and Negative Alcohol-Related Consequences: Do Race and Gender Moderate these Associations?

Articles in Issue #3, 2013 of Journal of Gambling Studies Graphic Gambling Warnings: How they Affect Emotions, Cognitive Responses and Attitude Change Intergenerational Transmission of Gambling: Links Between Young Adult and Perceived Grandparent Gambling Attitudes and Behavior Problem Gambling in Adolescents: An Examination of the Pathways Model

Articles in September 2013 Issue of Drug & Alcohol Dependence Clinical and pharmacological aspects of bath salt use: A review of the literature and case reports Alcohol and drug use among young adults driving to a drinking location Evaluation of the effectiveness of a school-based cannabis prevention program Alcohol consumption among high-risk Thai youth after raising the legal drinking age


Association of cannabis use with opioid outcomes among opioid-dependent youth

Articles in September 2013 Issue of Criminal Justice & Behavior The Protective Effects of Religious Coping and Spirituality on Delinquency: Results Among High-Risk and Gang-Involved Salvadoran Youth

Articles in Issue #3, 2013 of Journal of Quantitative Criminology Differential Effects of Parental Controls on Adolescent Substance Use: For Whom is the Family Most Important?

Articles in Issue #1, 2013 of Canadian Journal of Family and Youth Correlates of Help-Seeking Behaviour in Adolescents Experiencing a Recent Negative Life Even

Articles in Issue #3, 2013 of Journal of Childrens Services Parenting programmes: identification and referral

Articles in Issue #3, 2013 of Journal of Prevention & intervention in the Community Special Issue: Participatory Research and Capacity Building for Community Health and Development Introduction: Participatory Research and Capacity Building for Community Health and Development Participatory Research and Capacity Building for Community Health and Development Community-Based Participatory Research Within the Latino Health for All Coalition Enhancing the Capacity of Substance Abuse Prevention Coalitions Through Training and Technical Assistance Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation Within a Statewide Support System to Prevent Adolescent Substance Abuse

Articles in September 2013 Issue of International Journal of Environmental Research & Public Health Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Worldviews and Cultural Safety Transforming Sexual Assault Service Provision for Children and Young People Family Process and Peer Influences on Substance Use by Adolescents Education as a Social Determinant of Health: Issues Facing Indigenous and Visible Minority Students in Postsecondary Education in Western Canada Differential Impact of Tobacco Control Policies on Youth Sub-Populations

Articles in Vol 23, 2013 of Health & Place Changes in smoking, sports participation and overweight: Does neighborhood prevalence matter? Transitions into and out of homelessness among street-involved youth in a Canadian setting


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