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Learning Intention & Success Criteria To be able to understand the difference between for, against and balanced te ts S!" # can understand that discussion te ts are balanced$ # can understand the difference between for, against and balanced te ts

Teaching HA !hildren to start with a range of te ts on their tables$ They need to organise the% into three categories& for, against and balanced 'They are all balanced()$ *nce co%+leted, introduce the new to+ic to the children& Argu%ents/Discussion$ !onsider the +ur+ose and audience of each te t and the effect of this$ !onsider when a reasoned discussion %ight be a++ro+riate$

Independent Activity MA

Plenary LA/SEN/EAL 0egin to identify 1ey features of te t$ '!ounter argu%ent connecti-es, both sides of argu%ent dis+layed, no o+inion, +resent tense, third +erson, facts )

Key Vocabulary

Day 1

Mi ed ability grou+s , children to analyse the te ts$ Debate and decide which te t or te ts +ro-ide the %ost balanced -iew, drawing e-idence fro% the content, language and organisation of each$ They use highlighters to locate the for and against as+ects of the balanced te ts$ 'one colour .for/, one colour .against/) "#tension$ Sort te ts into for%al and infor%al$

Discussion Argu%ent 2or Against 0alanced !ounter argu%ent 0ias

Resources & o!e learning 3ariety of te ts 'see +ac1 .Day 1/) 2L4 Highlighters

Day 5

L#" 0e able to use counter argu%ent connecti-es$ S!" # can identify +oints of -iew 'for/against), # can identify counter argu%ent connecti-es, # can use the% in s+ea1ing

!an you thin1 of a to+ic that we could debate6 7rite on their whiteboards different to+ics they could debate$ !hildren to loo1 at te t about dogs and locate counter argu%ent connecti-es$ E +lain this is our focus today$ 4ut children into 8 grou+s '9 grou+s 2*:, 9 grou+s A;A#NST)$ <se .7rite a balanced re+ort/ to +lan so%e ideas for/against the chosen to+ic$

Mi ed ability grou+s debate issue$ All to use 1ey words 'connecti-es) when debating$

Mi ed ability grou+s debate issue$ All to use 1ey words 'connecti-es) when

Mi ed ability grou+s debate issue$ All to use 1ey words 'connecti-es) when

!hildren +erfor%$ Say that each grou+ will get a s%iley face for e-ery ti%e a counter argu%ent connecti-e is used$

Day 9

L#" To be able to construct a balanced argu%ent S!" # can record two +oints of -iew 'for and against) # can use these to create an unbiased +resentation$

E +lain to children that they will be loo1ing at banning %obile +hones fro% school today$ Model so%e e a%+les to children, and then let the% continue to brainstor% the reasons for and against banning %obile +hones in school$

!hildren to create a 4ower4oint showing a balanced -iew$ <se connecti-es

!hildren to create a 4ower4oint showing a balanced -iew$ <se connecti-es

!hildren to create a 4ower4oint showing a balanced -iew$ <se connecti-es 'use 1ey words to su++ort)

Day @

LI$ To be able to +lan an argu%ent$ SC$ 4lan to include" #ntroduction, counter argu%ent connecti-es, for, against, conclusion, balanced LI$ 0e able to write a balanced argu%ent$ SC$ # can include" #ntroduction, counter argu%ent connecti-es, for, against, conclusion, balanced

Day D

Let/s ha-e a loo1 at what a debate would loo1 li1e in writing$ :ead through .Should dogs be banned fro% +ar1s6/ Analyse the argu%ent on #70$ :eAca+ on debate and +resentation fro% +re-ious sessions , tell the children that they are going to +lan a si%ilar argu%ent but for banning %obile +hones, using the infor%ation fro% yesterdays lesson$ :efer bac1 to te t fro% yesterday B re%ind children how an argu%ent would loo1 li1e in writing$ Now thin1 about the issue that you ha-e been debating , how could we use your ideas for shared writing6 De%o writing an introduction and 1st +aragra+h using children/s ideas$ How can we use -aried +unctuation6 '"#tension , use 3!*4 , children edit their wor1 using coloured +encils, swa+ boo1s for +eer assess%ent, two stars and a wish , see chec1list)

4lan an intro, for, against B conc$ "#tension$ 0egin to write introduction !hildren to begin writing argu%ent$

As HA with T su++$ To use 1ey words$ T scribes on +a+er$

!hildren +roduce a si%+le +lan using sentence starters and tal1 fra%es to su++ort +lanning$

7rite argu%ent with teacher su++ort

7riting using 1ey words B sentence starters$

!hildren co%e and share their +resentations to the class showing a balanced -iew$ Two stars and a wish with the class on any 1ey features they ha-e used$ 7ho can read %e their +lan for their introduction6 #s it successful in introducing the issue6 7hat about a conclusion6 Loo1 at your writing so far , who can share so%e of the connecti-es they ha-e used6

#n contrast *n the other hand, Howe-er *n the contrary As a result !onse=uently 7hile, 7hereas <nli1e, >et 0ut, Although 0alanced !onnecti-es 'see abo-e) ?ey features 'see dis+lay) 2L4

.Should dogs be banned fro% +ar1s/ .7rite a balanced re+ort/ #70 ?ey words

0oo1 la+to+s/ in #!T ti%e Mobile +hone for and against +lanning sheet

Sa%e as +re-ious lessons #ntroduction !onclusion

As last lesson <se word %ats to su++ort writing

#70 ?ey words Sentence starters for LA 4lanning sheet for MA C HA$ ?ey words .Should %obile +hones be banned/ for teachers$ #70 4lans fro% +re-ious session o!e Learning$ Discussion

Day 8

L.I. Be able to use counter argument connectives. S.C. I can name some counter argument connectives and use them within an oral debate I can use all the information to hold a balanced view

Can you remind me of the features of a debate? Talk to your partner about what you should include go through features. Discuss points of view. ut children into ! groups "# groups $%&' # groups ()(I*+T,. -odel how to record for and against a topic. &emind children that they have to give a balanced opinion it is not personal or what they think about the particular topic.issue.

Children write in their books for and against capital punishment' moving onto having a debate

Children write in their books for and against keeping animals in /oos' moving onto having a debate.

Children write in their books for and against having a dog' moving onto having a debate.

C.dren perform their debate are they points of view balanced? 0ho en1oyed the debate? "2C-,

"+ee above,

3ey words I0B 4ighlighters

Week 1: Use extended writing time to catch up on lesson (especially with laptops as we cant book them out at the same time) Week 2: Use I ! time to research topic areas "or each group (or book laptops)

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