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What Is Project BlueGlass

Augmented Reality - View Computer Generated Virtual Data in Real View. Explore the real world in a different way.

I am recommending you to view video tutorial efore !tart http"$%%&'($ Video demo of app" http"$%)&*+(# luegla!!,demo# Project BlueGlass is a combination of four services #) Location based Advertisement Solution #) Location Reminder/Alarm #) Location based Life rac!in"/#iar$

#) Location based Social %et&or!in"'

#) Location based Advertise Solution ( Any client can po!t location a!ed audio-vi!ual adverti!ement content - text. image. audio/ in a !pecific location from we or from mo ile and other u!er will view that content once they arrived in that location either via augmented reality view or in a !imple view or via a !m!. 0ocation a!ed adverti!e can e done in two way 1ne i! pu!h. 2ou will !end ad to u!er. 3u!t go to 45end 5pot 5657 lin8 . !elect a location and type a 565. And 9lueGla!! will !end that 565 adverti!e to all tho!e people who are pre!ent near that location 5econd one i! pull. In thi! mode u!er will re:ue!t for content related to their location. Go to 4Add location Content7 lin8. !elect location. add text#image#audio and !u mit it. Any u!er having 9luerGla!! will e a le to view that content when they will open 9lueGla!! 6o ile App in that particular 0ocation. ;or example 4di!count in pi<<a hut...7 people will view that ad when they will focu! their mo ile camera on pi<<a hut or when they are pa!!ing pi<<a hut. #) Advertise )onsume ( 3ava me developer can u!e 9lueGla!! adverti!e into their pro=ect y adding 4 luegla!!-ad-con!ume.=ar7. Every time their code fetch adverti!e from 9lueGla!! it will e counted to provide them !ome enefit in future. 5ample code to get adverti!e from 9lueGla!!. *BlueGlass+Advertise+)onsume consume,ne& BlueGlass+Advertise+)onsume-.user+name.)/ Strin" advertise,consume'"etAdvertise-)/0 1r *BlueGlass+Advertise+)onsume consume,ne& BlueGlass+Advertise+)onsume-.user+name2lat,34'53462lon,78'496:;.)/ Strin" advertise,consume'"etAdvertise-)/0 <ver$ time $ou e=ecute that code $ou &ill "et an advertise from BlueGlass advertise database' If $ou send >arameter lat 2 lon in constructor then $ou &ill "et advertise s>ecific to that location' 2ou can download demo code explaining how to con!ume 9lueGla!! Adverti!e y clic8ing 4Ad-Con!ume Demo Code7. 2ou can view your adverti!e con!ume !tati!tic! y clic8ing 4Adverti!e Con!ume 5tati!tic!7 lin8. #) Location Reminder/Alarm ( In thi! u!y life it>! normal to forget. ?e often forget thing!. 9ut now 9lueGla!! will help you. 5elect a location and po!t a me!!age for your reminder. @ext time when you will e pa!!ing that location 9lueGla!! will remind you. ;or example po!t a note -i.e. 4I have to uy !having cream from here7/ near a !hopping mall and you will !ee that reminder me!!age to uy !having cream when you will e pa!!ing that !hopping mall . After po!ting reminder me!!age ma8e !ure to turn on 9lueGla!! and !elect ac8ground mode. @ow put your mo ile into your poc8et and !tart wal8ing without any ten!ion. It will remind you whenever you will reach your !elected location.

#) Location Based Life


Remem er the old day! when mo!t of the people u!ed to write dairy for memorie!. @ow a day>! people don>t want to carry diary with them. 9ut !ometime we want to 8eep valua le information. good or ad incident or anything !o thu! in near future we can view tho!e. read tho!e. @ow 9lueGla!! will help you to 8eep your memorie! in a very ea!y way. ?hether you are in outdoor or indoor. if anything in your mind or anything you want to memorie! =u!t !end a !m! to *$'$ and 9lueGla!! will ta8e care of the re!t. It will !tore your note with location. time and date !o thu! in near future you can view where you were in a !pecific date or what wa! in your mind in a !pecific area in a !pecific time and date. Ao te!t 0ife Arac8ing Download 0ife Arac8er app y clic8ing lin8 4Download 9lueGla!!-0ife Arac8er7. Do 0ogin with your Aloa!h ei u!ername#pa!!word#phone num er. @ow !end a !m! from your Aloa!h ei regi!ter num er and clic8 on retrieve !m! utton on 0ifeArac8er application. And your !m! will e !tore with location. time and date. Ao view your life trac8 clic8 on 40ife Arac87 lin8. Ahere you will !ee all your note entry. Even you can !earch entrie! for a !pecific date or for a !pecific area. #) Location Based Social %et&or!in" ( ;rom your mo ile or from we you can add any location a!ed content for all 9lueGla!! u!er. If you are in a location and you found !omething intere!ting =u!t po!t a m!g. Any 9luegla!! u!er will get that me!!age once they arrived there -i.e 4I have =u!t eat in a re!taurent named Bhana Bha<ana near Gul!han mar8et. 2ou !hould try7/. 5ome example 0ocation a!ed per!onal me!!age. picture or audio for !omeone !pecial - i.e. C you are my e!t friendC that per!on will view your me!!age#picture#audio when he#!he focu! hi! mo ile camera into a particular !pot - i.e. a !pecific tree in a !pecific par8/ or when they are pa!!ing that location. 0ocation a!ed !ong#audio me!!age. D!er will hear that !ong#audio me!!age once he#!he arrived there. 0ocation a!ed !ell info.- i.e 4I will !ell a mo ile. contact me on ++&E*FFFF7 /. Any 9lueGla!! u!er will get that me!!age when they are pa!!ing your home. 0ocation a!ed home rent info - i.e 4home for rent from 1cto er '&E&7 .Any u!er will view that me!!age once they focu! their camera into your home or pa!!ing your home/. Even u!er can comment on a location a!ed po!t and that comment will e in!tantly !m! to the creator of po!t. ?hen you will find a location a!ed content you can view direction from your current location to that content location from 9lueGla!!.

Au"mented Realit$( ?hat i! augmented reality viewGGG Ahe thing i! you can view computer generated virtual data in real world viewHHH Real world viewHHH ?hat i! real world viewGG Real world view i! your mo ile !creen camera view. 9lueGla!! will capture your !urrounded world via mo ile phone camera len! and will draw in mo ile !creen. will trac8 your location via Aloa!h ei Api. will determine direction -north.!outh ea!t.we!t/ via mo ile 8eypad -up 8ey for north. down for !outh. left for we!t and right 8ey for ea!t/ and will download that location !pecific content via mo ile phone internet connection and then it will lend that content on top of your camera view.

After install BlueGlass Into your mobile make sure you give it permission to use multimedia (camera capture to ask first time rather then ask every time) from your app manager or from app setting otherwise every time it will ask your permission to use those.

his is an al>ha version' I have im>lemented all of features in a ver$ short time' ?ou ma$ found some bu" as I "et ver$ short time to test it' ?ou are &elcome for $our valuable su""estion' If Blue"lass not found $our location usin" Aloashbei Location A>i then it &ill use simulated location' So if $ou found false location don@t >anic' here is some issue of Att>)onnection class of java me in some mobile >hone -for e=am>le no!ia 6648' Its &ritten in their forum) so $ou ma$ found >roblem on that device' Au"mented Realit$ is still in e=>erimental sta"e' It &ill &or! &ell on lo& resolution camera mobile' 5tep" 3u!t vi!it http" luegla!! I/ Regi!ter with your aloa!h ei u!ername#pa!!word#phone num er I/ Add location a!ed content into !everal location I/ In!tall 9lueGla!! into your mo ile I/ 1nce you vi!it that location you will e a le to view your location a!ed content -text .image. audio/ into your mo ile.

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