HHH Appr

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Half Hollow Hills Central School District

525 Half Hollow Road, Dix Hills, New York, 11746 Annual Professional Performance Review Plan (APPR) I. STATEME T !" P#RP!SE The goal of the teacher eval atio! s"ste# is to $ro#ote st de!t lear!i!g a!d i#$rove teachi!g a!d $rofessio!al $ractice% The &''R 'la! e!co rages $rofessio!al growth a!d develo$#e!t thro gh a $rocess (ased o! (est $ractices a!d alig!#e!t with the New York )tate*s Teachi!g )ta!dards% +t ass res a co##o! la!g age, a!d co##o! ex$ectatio!s a#o!g teachers a!d eval ators% +t is i!te!tio!all" li!ked with the district*s 'rofessio!al Develo$#e!t 'la! to e!s re teacher,drive! $rofessio!al develo$#e!t a!d s $$ort% +! si!g eval atio! to s $$ort teacher growth a!d st de!t lear!i!g, it has i#$licatio!s for how the school s"ste# is str ct red a!d orga!i-ed i! the areas of $olicies a!d $roced res, data s"ste#s, a!d ti#e a!d .o( res$o!si(ilities% The followi!g $ri!ci$les will gover! the &''R $rocess/ +t is ever" teacher*s res$o!si(ilit" to co!ti! e to grow $rofessio!all"% +t is the district*s res$o!si(ilit" to $rovide the reso rces a!d s $$ort for teachers to i#$rove i!str ctio! a!d $rofessio!al $ractice% +t is the district*s res$o!si(ilit" to e!gage i! $ractices that $ro#ote e0 it" i! co!ditio!s that affect teachi!g a!d lear!i!g% The overarchi!g goal of the eval atio! $rocess is that teachers a!d eval ators exa#i!e the evide!ce o(tai!ed (" # lti$le #eas res of teachi!g $ractice a!d st de!t achieve#e!t to $la! for #ea!i!gf l $rofessio!al lear!i!g a!d i#$rove#e!t of i!str ctio!% 1val atio!s will (e co!d cted o$e!l" a!d o(.ectivel" with the f ll i!volve#e!t of the teacher% Nothi!g i! the &''R 'la! will (e co!str ed to a(rogate a!" $rovisio!s of the collective (argai!i!g agree#e!t (etwee! the Half Hollow Hills 2e!tral )chool District 34District56 a!d the Half Hollow Hills Teachers* &ssociatio! 34&ssociatio!56% A. The Committee The Half Hollow Hills 2e!tral )chool District a!d Teachers* &ssociatio! will #ai!tai! a .oi!t la(or, #a!age#e!t &''R 2o##ittee 342o##ittee56% This 2o##ittee shall i!cl de a co#(i!atio! of teachers a!d ad#i!istrators a$$oi!ted (" their res$ective associatio!s a!d will (e res$o!si(le for reviewi!g the $olicies a!d $roced res related to the &''R% The &''R co##ittee shall have the $ower to esta(lish s (, co##ittees whe! !ecessar" to re$rese!t disci$li!es a!d acade#ic levels% ) (,co##ittees shall re$ort their reco##e!datio!s to the &''R 2o##ittee% +t is !derstood a!d agreed that the &''R will co!ti! e i! effect !til s ch ti#e as there is # t al agree#e!t o! a!" cha!ge% 1ither $art" #a" re0 est that the .oi!t co##ittee review s$ecific as$ects of the &''R% &!" cha!ges to the eval atio! $roced res of teachers reco##e!ded (" the &''R 2o##ittee shall (e s (#itted to (oth the District a!d the &ssociatio!% &!" !ecessar" revisio!s (ased o! the &''R co##ittee*s reco##e!datio!s or (" a!" other #ea!s shall (e acco#$lished thro gh collective (argai!i!g a!d o!l" (e effective $o! # t al writte! agree#e!t of the &ssociatio! a!d the District% II. P$A RE%#IREME TS

7!der 1d catio! 8aw 9:;12,c, each classroo# teacher # st receive a! &''R res lti!g i! a si!gle 1

co#$osite effective!ess score a!d a rati!g of 4highl" effective,5 4effective,5 4develo$i!g,5 or 4i!effective%5 The co#$osite score will (e deter#i!ed as follows/ 2; $erce!t st de!t growth o! state assess#e!ts or a co#$ara(le #eas re of st de!t growth 325 $erce!t $o! i#$le#e!tatio! of a val e,added growth #odel6% <or those assess#e!ts that do !ot se a val e,added #odel, the st de!t growth $ortio! will re#ai! at 2; $erce!t% 2; $erce!t other locall" selected #eas res of st de!t achieve#e!t that are deter#i!ed to (e rigoro s a!d co#$ara(le across classroo#s 315 $erce!t followi!g i#$le#e!tatio! of a val e, added #odel6, which are to (e develo$ed locall" thro gh collective (argai!i!g% <or those assess#e!ts that do !ot se a val e,added #odel, the st de!t growth $ortio! will re#ai! at 2; $erce!t% 6; $erce!t (ased o! # lti$le #eas res of effective teachi!g $ractice alig!ed with the state*s teachi!g sta!dards% The #eas res are to (e esta(lished locall" thro gh collective (argai!i!g%

The i!te!t of the eval atio! s"ste# is to foster a c lt re of co!ti! ed growth for $rofessio!als% The &''R is re0 ired to (e a sig!ifica!t factor i! e#$lo"#e!t decisio!s i!cl di!g ( t !ot li#ited to rete!tio!, te! re deter#i!atio!, ter#i!atio!, a!d $rofessio!al develo$#e!t% 1ach decisio! is to (e #ade i! accorda!ce with the collective (argai!i!g agree#e!t% )ho ld the &''R 'la! (e re.ected (" the 2o##issio!er of )tate 1d catio! for a!" deficie!cies, each s ch deficie!c" shall (e resolved thro gh collective (argai!i!g a!d whe! co!cl ded, the &''R 'la! res (#itted% The &''R 'la! ado$ted (" the District*s =oard of 1d catio! shall (e s (.ect to review of the District a!d the &ssociatio! o! a! a!! al (asis% &!" !ecessar" revisio!s shall (e acco#$lished thro gh collective (argai!i!g%



A. &rowth Measures The District shall e!s re that the )tate 1d catio! De$art#e!t 3the >)1D>6 receives acc rate teacher a!d st de!t data, i!cl di!g e!roll#e!t a!d atte!da!ce data a!d a!" other st de!t, teacher, school, co rse a!d teacher?st de!t li!kage data !ecessar" to co#$l" with the Reg latio!s of the =oard of Rege!ts (" $rovidi!g s ch data i! a for#at a!d ti#eli!e $rescri(ed (" the 2o##issio!er% The $rocess shall also $rovide a! o$$ort !it" for ever" classroo# teacher a!d ( ildi!g $ri!ci$al to verif" the s (.ects a!d?or st de!t rosters assig!ed to the# $rior to si!g st de!t growth a!d?or achieve#e!t data i! a! &''R% &!" classroo# teacher who (elieves that the list is i!correct a!d?or i!co!siste!t with the sta!dards esta(lished (" the 2o##issio!er*s reg latio!s for #aki!g teacher,of,record deter#i!atio!s shall (e e!titled to seek review of this deter#i!atio!% '. Data (erification =egi!!i!g of )chool Year @erificatio! of the st de!t roster shall occ r !o later tha! the last da" of the third week of the school "ear% The roster shall close o!e da" $rior to 4=1D)5 da"% Thro gho t the )chool Year @erificatio! of s (.ects a!d?or st de!t rosters shall take $lace !o later tha! the last da" of the third week of each #arki!g $eriod% 2

@erificatio! of s (.ects a!d?or st de!t rosters shall take $lace thro gho t the "ear for !ew st de!t e!tra!ts% +! additio!, teachers will also (e !otified, of all s (se0 e!t cha!ges #ade (" the )tate 1d catio! De$art#e!t, as soo! as $ractica(le% Teachers shall receive co!fir#atio! fro# the District of a!" correctio!s or cha!ges%

=ased o! )tate &ssess#e!t Dates District shall !otif" teachers of all st de!t verificatio! $roced res a!d ti#eli!es% C. Teacher of Recor) Review 1ach classroo# teacher shall (e give! a list of all st de!ts for who# s?he is the teacher of record% &!" classroo# teacher who (elieves that the list is i!correct a!d?or i!co!siste!t with the sta!dards esta(lished (" the 2o##issio!er*s reg latio!s for #aki!g teacher,of,record deter#i!atio!s shall (e e!titled to seek review of this deter#i!atio! (" the ) $eri!te!de!t or desig!ee a!d HHHT& 'reside!t% The District a!d the &ssociatio! shall colla(orativel" develo$ a verificatio! $roced re to e!s re that all teacher of record deter#i!atio!s have (ee! #ade acc ratel" a!d i! a #a!!er co!siste!t with the sta!dards esta(lished (" the 2o##issio!er*s reg latio!s $rior to si!g st de!t growth a!d?or achieve#e!t i! a! &''R% D. (erification for $ocall* Selecte) Measures <or the $ r$ose of eval ati!g teachers* effective!ess thro gh the se of the locall" selected #eas res of st de!t achieve#e!t a!d?or st de!t lear!i!g o(.ectives there will (e a #i!i# # A; $erce!t atte!da!ce re0 ire#e!t for each st de!t calc lated d ri!g the $eriod of #eas re#e!t% In-School Suspension, Out-ofschool suspensions, home-teaching, etc. shall not count towards the attendance of the course when calculating the weighting of the student in the course. )t de!ts who are !ot e!rolled i! a co rse at the ti#e of ad#i!istratio! for a!" assess#e!ts associated with a teacher*s &''R shall !ot (e i!cl ded i! that teacher*s #eas re% +! additio!, the District a!d the &ssociatio! shall, thro gh .oi!t co##ittee, esta(lish g ideli!es for the e0 ita(le #eas re#e!t of teachers withi! the s"ste#, i!cl di!g ( t !ot li#ited to those ide!tified i! )ectio! D7, Ta(le 1 of the NY)1D &''R B ida!ce Doc #e!t $dated C !e 1, 2;12% The District a!d &ssociatio! will agree o! a verificatio! $rocess for st de!t atte!da!ce for the locall", selected #eas res a!d st de!t lear!i!g o(.ectives% &tte!da!ce will (e tracked i! accorda!ce with $roced res develo$ed (" the District a!d the &ssociatio!% Additional Readjustment of established Targets for Student Growth or Achie ement !uring the course of the school "ear, teachers are also entitled to re#uest a change to the established Targets for Student Growth or Achie ement based on e$tenuating circumstances %e.g. student mobilit", large number of students with I&'s, large number of students who are &((, large number of AIS, etc). This consideration shall be at the discretion of the Superintendent, but shall not be unreasonabl" denied. The decision shall be made prior to the computation of this sub-component score. The e aluator ma" weigh indi idual student*s scores or add points to the teacher*s total score for the local assessment portion of their A''R. +pon the re#uest of either part", the teacher and e aluator shall meet to discuss e$tenuating circumstances. !ocumentation of such circumstances will be maintained b" the teacher and e aluator.

E. Re+ortin, to SED The District shall adhere strictl" to the re0 ire#e!ts for re$orti!g s (,co#$o!e!t a!d co#$osite scores to the New York )tate De$art#e!t of 1d catio! esta(lished (" reg latio!s% & !i0 e ide!tifier will (e sed, a!d the !a#es of i!divid al teachers will !ot (e $rovided% 7$o! the re0 est of a $are!t or legal g ardia!, the District shall disclose the fi!al 0 alit" rati!g a!d co#$osite effective!ess score for each of the teachers to which the st de!t is assig!ed after #aki!g reaso!a(le efforts to verif" that s ch re0 est is a (o!a fide re0 est (" a $are!t or g ardia! who is e!titled to review a!d receive s ch i!for#atio! !der the law% 1xce$t as $rovided a(ove for $are!t a!d legal g ardia!s, the &''Rs of i!divid al teachers shall !ot (e s (.ect to disclos re $ rs a!t to the <reedo# of +!for#atio! 8aw% No $ (lic release of &''R i!for#atio! (" the District shall i!cl de a!" $erso!all" ide!tif"i!g i!for#atio! for a teacher%



The s ccess of a! eval atio! s"ste# is directl" related to how clearl" it is li!ked to other critical work i! a district% 8ocall",develo$ed a!d teacher,created assess#e!ts of st de!t achieve#e!t $rovide o$$ort !ities for $rofessio!al develo$#e!t a!d ( ildi!g local ca$acit"% The develo$#e!t of c rric l # a!d assess#e!t tools is a!d sho ld co!ti! e to (e the work of teachers i! the District% +! i#$le#e!ti!g the tra!sitio! to the 2o##o! 2ore )tate )ta!dards a!d the &''R eval atio! s"ste#, the District will s $$ort teacher,led efforts to write (oth c rric l # a!d assess#e!ts i!ter!all"% 8ocal teachers will (e give! the o$$ort !it" to develo$ c rric l # or assess#e!ts (efore co!tracti!g third,$art" $roviders to $erfor# the work% 1val atio! a!d r (ric tools shall (e develo$ed .oi!tl" (" the District a!d the &ssociatio!% The #eas res of st de!t achieve#e!t shall (e deter#i!ed (" teachers of each grade level a!d s (.ect area% Ti#e shall (e $rovided d ri!g reg larl" sched led de$art#e!t a!d?or ( ildi!g #eeti!gs to $eriodicall" review locall" selected #eas res for validit", a$$ro$riate!ess a!d relia(ilit"% &!" cha!ges i! the !at re of the assess#e!t shall (e #ade $o! the a$$roval of the affected de$art#e!t a!d the Teachers* &ssociatio!% A. Proce)ures for Develo+ment- A)ministration an) Scorin, of $ocal Assessments The followi!g $ractices shall a$$l" to (oth assess#e!ts a!d $re,assess#e!ts that are locall" develo$ed% District,develo$ed assess#e!ts shall (e writte! .oi!tl" (" teachers a!d directors?coordi!ators% &ssess#e!ts shall (e created fro# a (a!k of o(.ective 0 estio!s s (#itted, classified, a!d a$$roved (" teachers accordi!g to the followi!g g ideli!es/ 8evel + D =asic 'roficie!c" 355,65E6 8evel ++ D 'roficie!c" 32;,:;E6 8evel +++ D Faster" 31;,15E6 District,develo$ed assess#e!ts writte! for )elf,2o!tai!ed classes shall (e co!str cted accordi!g to the followi!g g ideli!es/ 8evel + D =asic 'roficie!c" 365,75E6 8evel ++ D 'roficie!c" 325,:5E6 8evel +++ D Faster" 35,1;E6 =efore (ei!g ad#i!istered, district,develo$ed assess#e!ts will (e reviewed (" a co##ittee i!cl di!g the director?coordi!ator, assista!t $ri!ci$al, a!d a de$art#e!t teacher who does !ot have a vested i!terest i! the o tco#e of that assess#e!t% District,develo$ed assess#e!ts will (e o(.ectivel" scored si!g 8ex#ark or co#$ara(le sca!!ers whe!ever $ossi(le% 7si!g a!" data availa(le to the District a!d thro gh the scori!g of $re,assess#e!ts, where a$$lica(le, teachers shall esta(lish $erfor#a!ce goals for locall" selected #eas res% These, alo!g with targets esta(lished for Browth Feas res, shall (e esta(lished at a reg larl" sched led de$art#e!t #eeti!g as soo! as $ractica(le after ad#i!isteri!g $re,assess#e!ts or gatheri!g other (aseli!e data, as !ecessar"% '. Proce)ures for Develo+in, Assessments Throu,h Consortium &ssess#e!ts develo$ed thro gh co!sorti # shall follow all of the g ideli!es o tli!ed for locall" develo$ed assess#e!ts, with the followi!g a#e!d#e!ts/

&ll 0 estio!s (ei!g e!tered i!to the co!sorti # (a!k fro# which a local assess#e!t #a" (e develo$ed # st (e a$$roved (" de$art#e!tal teachers for the co!te!t a!d classificatio! of rigor% 5

Ghere co!sorti #s are sed to ge!erate a (a!k of 0 estio!s thro gh colla(oratio! with a !etwork of teachers a!d ad#i!istrators, assess#e!ts whose o tco#es are tied to a teacher*s &''R eval atio! shall co!ti! e to (e locall" co!str cted fro# that (a!k% ST#DE T &R!.TH MEAS#RES


<or classroo# teachers of grades 4,A 18& a!d #ath, state assess#e!ts will (e sed for the growth co#$o!e!t% <or teachers of s (.ects where there is !o state,$rovided #eas re of st de!t growth o! state assess#e!ts, )1D has deter#i!ed that these teachers will have a growth #eas re (ased o! )t de!t 8ear!i!g H(.ectives 3)8H6% )8Hs, (" defi!itio!, re0 ire a! !dersta!di!g of local !eeds a!d o(.ectives% =eca se of this, )8Hs will !eed to (e develo$ed colla(orativel" (etwee! ad#i!istrators a!d a! i!divid al teacher, or gro $s of teachers% & for# has (ee! i!cl ded i! the &$$e!dix to assist teachers i! the develo$#e!t of i!divid al )8Hs% +t is a!tici$ated that )1D will score a!d re$ort the state,$rovided growth #eas re 3or val e,added #eas re after the @&F s"ste# is a$$roved (" the Rege!ts%6 !o later tha! )e$te#(er 1 st, followi!g the "ear the teacher is eval ated% Teachers will !ot (e $e!ali-ed i! a!" wa" (eca se of s ch data !ot (ei!g received i! a ti#el" #a!!er, which res lts i! a! i!co#$lete rati!g% )t de!t 8ear!i!g H(.ectives shall (e esta(lished thro gh colla(oratio! a#o!g teachers a!d ad#i!istratio!% &fter esta(lishi!g the fra#ework for each )t de!t 8ear!i!g H(.ective, $re,assess#e!ts, where a$$lica(le, shall (e co!str cted accordi!g to the +!ter!al &ssess#e!t g ideli!es esta(lished a(ove a!d ad#i!istered withi! the first 1,: weeks of a co rse*s start date% 7$o! ad#i!isteri!g the $re, assess#e!t a!d ga gi!g st de!t a(ilit", teachers will esta(lish targets for their )8Hs that are a$$ro$riate for their class co#$ositio!s at a de$art#e!t #eeti!g followi!g the ad#i!istratio! of the $re,assess#e!t% +t is the District*s $olic" that diag!ostic data o(tai!ed fro# $re,assess#e!ts ad#i!istered for the $ r$oses of &''R shall !ot (e #ade availa(le to st de!ts or $are!ts, !or shall it (e i!cor$orated i!to a st de!t*s grade for a co rse% The District shall create a$$ro$riate fields i! its grade(ook data(ase for teachers to store the data co!fide!tiall"% (I. MEAS#RES !" TEACHER E""ECTI(E ESS 'ASED ! THE /S TEACHI & STA DARDS 2ritical to this s (co#$o!e!t is the selectio! of the r (ric that will (e sed to collect evide!ce of teacher effective!ess% 2harlotte Da!ielso!*s 2;11 <ra#ework for Teachi!g R (ric has (ee! selected fro# the list of state,a$$roved r (rics% This co#$o!e!t of a teacher*s $erfor#a!ce review shall (e scored accordi!g to the followi!g $ri!ci$les% &ll for#s associated with the eval atio! of teachers accordi!g to these #eas res of teacher effective!ess are attached i! the a$$e!dices a!d are s (.ect to review o!l" thro gh colla(oratio! (etwee! the District a!d the &ssociatio!% Do#ai! 1 Do#ai! 2 Do#ai! : Do#ai! 4 'la!!i!g a!d 're$aratio! The 2lassroo# 1!viro!#e!t +!str ctio! 'rofessio!al Res$o!si(ilities 15 'oi!ts 15 'oi!ts 2; 'oi!ts 1; 'oi!ts

+! accorda!ce with ed catio! law 9:;12,c, the District a!d the &ssociatio! have agreed $o! the followi!g scori!g (elt for eval ati!g teacher effective!ess (ased o! the NY) Teachi!g )ta!dards/ 6

Highl" 1ffective 1ffective Develo$i!g +!effective

5A,6; 4A,57 4;,47 ;,:I

/ighl" &ffecti e 2 2 2 3 3 3

!omain-, ,a ,b ,c ,d ,e ,f !omain-3 3a 3b 3c 3d 3e !omain-2 2a 2b 2c 2d 2e !omain-9 9a 9b 9c 9d 9e 9f

'lanning - 'reparation %,.-'oints) !emonstrating 0nowledge of 1ontent - 'edagog" !emonstrating 0nowledge of Students Setting Instructional Objecti es !emonstrating 0nowledge of Resources !esigning 1oherent Instruction !esigning Student Assessments The 1lassroom &n ironment %,.'oints) 1reating an &n ironment of Respect - Rapport &stablishing a 1ulture for (earning 6anaging 1lassroom 'rocedures 6anaging Student 7eha ior Organi8ing 'h"sical Space Instruction %35-'oints) 1ommunicating with Students +sing :uestioning - !iscussion Techni#ues &ngaging Students in (earning +sing Assessment in Instruction !emonstrating ;le$ibilit" Responsi eness 'rofessional Responsibilities %,5'oints) Reflecting on Teaching 6aintaining Accurate Records 1ommunicating with ;amilies 'articipating in a 'rofessional 1ommunit" Growing - !e eloping 'rofessionall" Showing 'rofessionalism Total 'oints

'oints 2 2 2 3 3 3

&ffecti e 3.4. 3.4. 3.4. ,.4. ,.4. ,.4.

!e eloping 3 3 3 , , ,

Ineffecti e 5 5 5 5 5 5

2 2 2 2 2 9 9 9 9 9

2 2 2 2 2 9 9 9 9 9

3.4. 3.4. 3.4. 3.4. 3.4. 2.4. 2.4. 2.4. 2.4. 2.4.

3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2

5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

3 ,.. ,.. ,.. ,.. 3 <5

3 ,.. ,.. ,.. ,.. 3 <5

,.4. ,.3. ,.3. ,.3. ,.3. ,.4. .9..

, , , , , , 95

5 5 5 5 5 5 5

Domain 0 1 Plannin, an) Pre+aration Teachers will receive their score for Do#ai! 1 (ased o! a for#al lesso! $la! s (#itted for a! o(servatio!% +! additio!, each teacher shall s (#it o!e additio!al artifact of his or her choice to de#o!strate $roficie!c" i! $la!!i!g a!d $re$aratio!% &cce$ta(le artifacts i!cl de a! assess#e!t, a! additio!al lesso! $la!, or a !it $la!% &rtifacts develo$ed i! colla(oratio! with other teachers withi! a de$art#e!t #a" (e s (#itted to f lfill this re0 ire#e!t% Domains 2 an) 3 1 The Classroom Environment an) Instruction Teachers will receive their score for Do#ai!s 2 a!d : (ased o! a co#(i!atio! of for#al a!d i!for#al o(servatio!s% These o(servatio!s shall (e co!d cted o$e!l" a!d with f ll k!owledge of the teacher% There will (e a te!tative o(servatio! sched le $rovided to teachers at the (egi!!i!g of the school "ear% The sched le will take i!to acco !t !a!!o !ced o(servatio!s withi! a ge!eral ti#e $eriod% No o(servatio!s, i!cl di!g !a!!o !ced, will (e co!d cted o!e da" $rior to or followi!g a vacatio! da", d ri!g the first or last weeks of school, or d ri!g a! a$$lica(le assess#e!t wi!dow% Ghere o(servatio!s de#o!strate a !eed for i#$rove#e!t, teachers retai! the right to re0 est a!d (e ho!ored i! a! additio!al o(servatio! for the $ r$oses of de#o!strati!g $rofessio!al growth% +f a! o(servatio!, either for#al or i!for#al, ide!tifies $artic lar !eeds for a teacher clear a!d co!str ctive feed(ack shall (e $rovided to address the teacher*s !eeds $rior to the !ext o(servatio!% No !ew o(servatio!s, either for#al or i!for#al, shall (e co!d cted (efore feed(ack is received fro# a!" $rior o(servatio!% No!,Te! red Teachers shall (e for#all" o(served three ti#es a!d i!for#all" o(served twice each "ear, accordi!g to the $rotocol for o(servatio!s o tli!ed (elow% Te! red Teachers shall (e for#all" o(served o!ce a!d i!for#all" o(served o!ce each "ear, accordi!g to the $rotocol for o(servatio!s o tli!ed (elow% <or#al H(servatio!s/ Teachers shall (e give! a #i!i# # of two weeks* 31; school da"s6 !otice for a!" for#al o(servatio!s co!d cted% +! a! effort to $ro#ote growth i! i!str ctio!, $re, o(servatio! disc ssio!s shall (e co!d cted !o less tha! 4A ho rs $rior to a for#al o(servatio!, which allows teachers ti#e to ad. st lesso!s (ased o! the g ida!ce of the o(servi!g ad#i!istrator% +! the eve!t that a! ad#i!istrator who has alread" atte!ded a $re,o(servatio! co!fere!ce is !a(le to atte!d the for#al o(servatio!, the affected teacher shall have i!$ t i! the resched li!g of the o(servatio!% 'ost,o(servatio! co!fere!ces shall take $lace withi! five school da"s of the o(servatio!, a!d shall (e co!d cted for the $ r$oses of e!ha!ci!g $rofessio!al $ractice i! accorda!ce with the $ri!ci$les esta(lished i! Da!ielso!*s work% &d#i!istrators co!d cti!g $ost,o(servatio! co!fere!ces for for#al o(servatio!s shall se the agreed $o! r (rics for Do#ai!s 2 a!d : to g ide a $rofessio!al disc ssio! o! what was o(serva(le d ri!g the lesso! i! disc ssio!% The" sho ld avoid . dg#e!tal la!g age, a!d co!sider highlighted r (rics as d"!a#ic, a!d s (.ect to cha!ge thro gh the $rocess of disc ssi!g the o(served lesso!% No teacher shall (e asked to sig! a r (ric witho t havi!g first a! o$$ort !it" to disc ss its co!te!ts% Gritte! re$orts of a for#al o(servatio! a!d $ost,o(servatio! disc ssio! shall (e co#$leted a!d a co$" give! to the teacher withi! te! school da"s of the $ost,o(servatio! co!fere!ce% Teachers shall have the right to record a!" res$o!ses the" wish o! the o(servatio! for# (efore that for# is s (#itted to 2e!tral &d#i!istratio! or $laced i! their $erso!!el file%

+!for#al H(servatio!s/ +!for#al o(servatio!s shall (e 5,15 #i! tes i! le!gth a!d whe!ever $ossi(le shall (e co!d cted (" a! ad#i!istrator other than the o!e co!d cti!g the for#al o(servatio! for that "ear% Teachers will (e $rovided with a $ost,o(servatio! ack!owledge#e!t for#, agreed $o! (etwee! the District a!d the &ssociatio!, to sig!, a!d will have the o$$ort !it" to i!cl de additio!al co##e!ts or re( ttal% Domain 4 1 Professional Res+onsi5ilities Teachers will receive their score for Do#ai! 4 (ased o! a writte! reflectio! s (#itted at the e!d of the school "ear% &!" cha!ges #ade i! the for#s or $rocesses associated with the reflectio! shall (e agreed $o! (" the District a!d the &ssociatio!% No!,$artici$atio! i! a vol !tar" activit" shall !ot (e a valid co!sideratio! whe! eval ati!g a teacher% A) "ormative Evaluation 6 7anuar* &d#i!istratio! shall #eet with $ro(atio!ar" teachers a!d teachers o! a 3T+'6 teacher i#$rove#e!t $la! !o later tha! <e(r ar" 1 to $rovide #ea!i!gf l a!d co!str ctive feed(ack, ide!tif"i!g areas of $rogress a!d of co!ti! ed challe!ge% <or#ative #eeti!gs that ide!tif" co!ti! ed areas of weak!ess shall also $rovide $ractical s ggestio!s a!d ide!tif" $rofessio!al develo$#e!t o$$ort !ities ai#ed at i#$rovi!g teacher $erfor#a!ce i! those areas% ') Summative Evaluation - Ma*87une The s ##ative eval atio! i!cl des the teacher*s a!! al rati!g of effective!ess a!d the ratio!ale s $$orti!g the rati!g% &reas of stre!gth a!d areas i! !eed of i#$rove#e!t sho ld (e ide!tified a!d s$ecific reco##e!datio!s #ade to i#$rove effective!ess% The s ##ative eval atio! will i!cl de all of the evide!ce of effective teachi!g $ractice a!d the #eas res of st de!t achieve#e!t% (II. C!MP!SITE SC!RE

The District a!d &ssociatio! shall a!! all" eval ate the rati!g s"ste# tili-ed i! the &''R% &t the (egi!!i!g of the each school "ear, teachers will (e i!for#ed of the rati!g $roced res a!d what is re0 ired for a rati!g of 4highl" effective,5 4effective,5 4develo$i!g,5 a!d 4i!effective5 for the 2; $erce!t locall", selected #eas res a!d the 6; $erce!t other #eas res of teacher effective!ess% The state,$rovided 2;,25 $erce!t growth #eas re, or co#$ara(le #eas re, s (co#$o!e!t shall (e for# lated (" the state% The co#$lete &''R shall (e $rovided to the teacher as soo! as $ractica(le ( t !o later tha! )e$te#(er 1 of the school "ear followi!g the "ear of the eval atio!% The teacher*s rati!g a!d score o! the 6; $erce!t other #eas res of teacher effective!ess shall (e co#$ ted a!d $rovided to the teacher, i! writi!g, !o later tha! the last da" of the school "ear for which the teacher is (ei!g eval ated% The teacher*s rati!g a!d score o! the 2; $erce!t of locall" selected #eas res shall also (e co#$ ted a!d $rovided to the teacher i! writi!g $rior to the e!d of the school "ear whe!ever $ossi(le% The $ r$ose of this !otificatio! is to give teachers s fficie!t ti#e to assess their $ractice a!d $la! accordi!gl", i!cl di!g seeki!g $rofessio!al develo$#e!t a!d other s $$orts d ri!g the s ##er% A) Consistenc* Assurance The District a!d the &ssociatio! are co##itted to $ro#oti!g e0 it", acco !ta(ilit" a!d $artici$atio! a#o!g all stakeholders i! the eval atio! s"ste#% To $hold these $ri!ci$les, the followi!g $olicies a!d $ractices will (e tili-ed/ 9

The District a!d the &ssociatio! agree to reco!ve!e the &''R 2o##ittee at the e!d of the first "ear !der the !ew law for the $ r$oses of checki!g a!d i#$rovi!g co!siste!c" a!d #a!agea(ilit" of the s"ste#% No teacher shall have his or her co#$osite score for the 2;12,2;1: school "ear sed towards a! ex$edited :;2;,a heari!g% The District will #eet with the &ssociatio! a!d?or &''R 2o##ittee $o! the co#$letio! of each "ear to verif" co!siste!c" i! eval atio! data% =arri!g a! acce$ta(le deviatio! of a$$roxi#atel" five $erce!t, $atter!s i! either co#$osite or s (co#$o!e!t scores that widel" se$arate o!e de$art#e!t, school or eval ator fro# a!other sho ld (e i##ediatel" addressed% Re#ediatio! of s ch a!o#alies #a" i!cl de reeval ati!g how scores are derived fro# assess#e!t data a!d?or retrai!i!g eval ators to e!s re i!ter,rater relia(ilit" i! eval ati!g teachers accordi!g to the fo r do#ai!s esta(lished i! the <ra#ework for Teachi!g% &t the e!d of each "ear, the District shall f r!ish the &ssociatio! with a! electro!ic re$ort of teacher eval atio! data that i!cl des $erfor#a!ce data for each s (co#$o!e!t a!d do#ai!, ( ildi!g a!d de$art#e!t classificatio! a!d a! ide!tificatio! of (oth the lead eval ator a!d o(servi!g ad#i!istrator% The District shall i!stit te sched li!g $ractices ai#ed at i#$rovi!g e0 it" across classes% These $ractices i!cl de the followi!g/ o 2lasses of si#ilar levels (ei!g ta ght (" # lti$le teachers will (e o(.ectivel" $o$ lated to e!s re heteroge!eo s, e0 ita(le distri( tio! of st de!t $o$ latio!, accordi!g to the $ri!ci$les esta(lished (" the )tate 1d catio! De$art#e!t, sectio! D7, ta(le 1 of the &''R B ida!ce Doc #e!t released C !e 2;12% o +! a! effort to achieve the afore#e!tio!ed class e0 it", a co##ittee of &ssociatio! #e#(ers, 2e!tral Hffice, a!d = ildi!g &d#i!istratio! will co!ve!e d ri!g the 2;12,2;1: school "ear to exa#i!e the iss e% o +! the eve!t that a review of Teacher,of,Record assig!#e!ts reveals i!e0 it" i! class $o$ latio!, the District a!d the &ssociatio! shall #eet to address the dis$arit" as soo! as $ossi(le%

') Teacher Im+rovement Plans (TIP) 7$o! receivi!g a rati!g of 4develo$i!g5 or 4i!effective5, a teacher shall (e $rovided with a T+'% The T+' shall (e $rovided as soo! as $ractica(le, ( t i! !o case later tha! te! 31;6 school da"s after the o$e!i!g of classes for the school "ear% The 'arties !dersta!d a!d agree that the sole a!d excl sive $ r$ose of a T+' is the i#$rove#e!t of teachi!g $ractice a!d that the iss a!ce of a T+' is !ot a disci$li!ar" actio!% The T+' shall (e develo$ed i! co!s ltatio! with the teacher, a!d &ssociatio! re$rese!tatio! shall (e afforded at the teacher*s re0 est% The teacher shall (e advised of his?her right to s ch re$rese!tatio!% The &ssociatio! $reside!t shall (e ti#el" i!for#ed whe!ever a teacher is $laced o! a T+' a!d, with the agree#e!t of the teacher, shall (e $rovided with a co$" of the T+'% & T+' shall clearl" s$ecif"/ 3i6 the area3s6 i! !eed of i#$rove#e!tJ 3ii6 the $erfor#a!ce goals, ex$ectatio!s, (e!ch#arks, sta!dards a!d ti#eli!es the teacher # st #eet i! order to achieve a! effective rati!gJ 3iii6 how i#$rove#e!t will (e #eas red a!d #o!itored, a!d $rovide for $eriodic reviews of $rogressJ a!d 3iv6 the a$$ro$riate differe!tiated $rofessio!al develo$#e!t o$$ort !ities, #aterials, reso rces a!d s $$orts the District will #ake availa(le to assist the teacher i!cl di!g, where a$$ro$riate, the assig!#e!t of a #e!tor teacher% The $la! for i#$rove#e!t derived fro# this co!s ltatio! (etwee! the teacher a!d $ri!ci$al #a" i!cl de $eer coachi!g, classroo# visitatio!s, trai!i!g co!fere!ces, co rsework, selected readi!g, a!d s $ervisor" co!fere!ces%


&fter the T+' is i! $lace, the teacher, ad#i!istrator, #e!tor 3if o!e has (ee! assig!ed6 a!d a! &ssociatio! re$rese!tative shall #eet, accordi!g to the sched le ide!tified i! the T+', to assess the effective!ess a!d a$$ro$riate!ess of the T+', for the $ r$ose of assisti!g the teacher to achieve the goals set forth i! the T+'% =ased o! the o tco#e of s ch assess#e!t3s6, the T+' shall (e #odified accordi!gl"% & teacher who (elieves that the ter#s of a T+' are ar(itrar", !reaso!a(le, i!a$$ro$riate or defective, or that the District has failed to #eet its o(ligatio! to $ro$erl" i#$le#e!t the ter#s of a T+', #a" seek relief thro gh the &''R a$$eals $roced re% &ll costs associated with the i#$le#e!tatio! of a T+' i!cl di!g, ( t !ot li#ited to, t itio!, fees, (ooks a!d travel, shall (e (or!e (" the District i! their e!tiret"% No disci$li!ar" actio! $redicated $o! i!effective $erfor#a!ce shall (e take! (" the District agai!st a teacher !til a T+' has (ee! f ll" i#$le#e!ted a!d its effective!ess i! i#$rovi!g the teacher*s $erfor#a!ce has (ee! eval ated% No disci$li!ar" actio! shall (e take! (" the District agai!st a teacher $redicated o! a! i!effective rati!g who has #et the $erfor#a!ce ex$ectatio!s set (" a T+'% C) Termination an) Tenure Determinations of Pro5ationar* Teachers The &''R is to (e a sig!ifica!t factor for ter#i!atio! a!d te! re deter#i!atio!s of $ro(atio!ar" teachers% +! the eve!t that a! eval ator is co!cer!ed with the co#$ete!ce of a $ro(atio!ar" teacher, it is agreed that the teacher will (e i!vited to a co!fere!ce with the eval ator, a$$ro$riate ad#i!istrator 3if differe!t fro# the eval ator6, a!d the &ssociatio! 'reside!t or his?her desig!ee as earl" i! the school "ear as reaso!a(le% The co!fere!ce will res lt i! a! i!terve!tio! a!d T+' (ei!g develo$ed% & $ro(atio!ar" teacher, who is disci$li!ed, dis#issed, !ot re!ewed, or de!ied te! re, (ased i! whole or i! $art $o! classroo# $erfor#a!ce or a!" other factor #eas red (" the &''R, shall have the right to a$$eal s ch actio! thro gh the &''R &$$eals $roced re% Nothi!g herei! relieves the District of its o(ligatio!s !der New York )tate 1d catio! 8aw )ectio!s :;12326 a!d :;:1% &ll deter#i!atio!s a!d !otificatio!s of te! re a!d e#$lo"#e!t decisio!s shall (e iss ed accordi!g to the g ideli!es esta(lished i! the collective (argai!i!g agree#e!t (etwee! the Half Hollow Hills =oard of 1d catio! a!d Half Hollow Teachers* &ssociatio!% (III. TRAI I & "!R E(A$#AT!RS A D STA""

&!" ad#i!istrator, s $ervisor or $eer reviewer, if a$$lica(le, who eval ates teachers for the $ r$ose of deter#i!i!g a! &''R rati!g shall (e f ll" trai!ed a!d?or certified as re0 ired (" 1d catio! 8aw 9:;12,c a!d the Reg latio!s of the 2o##issio!er of )tate 1d catio! $rior to co!d cti!g a!" teacher o(servatio! or eval atio!% &!" rati!g that is deter#i!ed i! whole or i! $art (" a! ad#i!istrator, s $ervisor, or $eer reviewer who is !ot f ll" trai!ed a!d?or certified to co!d ct s ch eval atio!s shall, $o! a$$eal (" the s (.ect of the eval atio! or &''R rati!g, (e dee#ed to (e i!valid, ex$ !ged fro# the teacher*s record a!d shall (e i!ad#issi(le as evide!ce i! a!" s (se0 e!t disci$li!ar" $roceedi!g% The i!validatio! of a! eval atio! or &''R rati!g for this reaso! shall also $recl de its se i! a!" a!d all other e#$lo"#e!t decisio!s% The associatio! shall (e f r!ished with a list of all ad#i!istrators a!d s $ervisors who have (ee! trai!ed i!cl di!g the date a!d a#o !t of ti#e each have received trai!i!g%


&ll $rofessio!al staff s (.ect to the district*s &''R will (e $rovided with a! orie!tatio! a!d?or trai!i!g o! the eval atio! s"ste# that will i!cl de/ a review of the co!te!t a!d se of the eval atio! s"ste#, the NY) Teachi!g )ta!dards, the District*s teacher $ractice r (ric, for#s a!d the $roced res to (e followed co!siste!t with the a$$roved &''R 'la! a!d collective (argai!i!g agree#e!t% &ll trai!i!g for c rre!t staff will (e co!d cted withi! :; cale!dar da"s of the (egi!!i!g of the school "ear, a!d as !ecessar" for !ewl" hired staff% I9. APPR APPEA$S PR!CED#RES

A) Pur+ose The $ r$ose of the i!ter!al &''R a$$eal $rocess is to foster a!d ! rt re growth of the $rofessio!al staff i! order to #ai!tai! a highl" 0 alified a!d effective work force% The a$$eal $roced res shall $rovide for the ti#el" a!d ex$editio s resol tio! of the a$$eal% &ll te! red a!d $ro(atio!ar" e#$lo"ees who #eet the a$$eal $rocess criteria ide!tified (elow #a" se this a$$eal $rocess% & teacher #a" !ot file # lti$le a$$eals regardi!g the sa#e $erfor#a!ce review or T+'% &ll gro !ds for a$$eal # st (e raised withi! o!e a$$eal, $rovided that the teacher k!ew or co ld have reaso!a(l" k!ow! the gro !d3s6 existed at the ti#e the a$$eal was i!itiated, i! which i!sta!ce a f rther a$$eal #a" (e filed ( t o!l" (ased $o! s ch $revio sl" !k!ow! gro !d3s6% ') &roun)s for A++eal &$$eals shall (e li#ited to those eval atio!s res lti!g i! a rati!g of Develo$i!g or +!effective . The res lts of the a$$eal $rocess are fi!al a!d are !ot s (.ect to the grieva!ce $roced re of the 2=&, exce$t as to e!force violatio!s of the $roced ral as$ects of the &''R $rocess as set forth herei!% No!,te! red teachers shall (e $er#itted to a$$eal $ rs a!t to this $roced re% However, i! the eve!t that a $ro(atio!ar" teacher elects to exercise a right to a$$eal i! the last "ear of a $ro(atio!ar" $eriod, the lead eval ator shall (e $er#itted to iss e a! eval atio! witho t waiti!g for the iss a!ce of the state assess#e!t $ortio! of the co#$osite score% )aid eval atio! shall (e iss ed $rior to C !e :; th of the fi!al $ro(atio!ar" "ear a!d the ti#eli!es for fili!g a!d $rocessi!g of a! a$$eal set forth herei! shall a$$l" si!g ( si!ess da"s% &! overall $erfor#a!ce rati!g of 4develo$i!g5 or 4i!effective5 o! the a!! al eval atio! is the o!l" rati!g s (.ect to a$$eal% Teachers who are rated effective, highl" effective or develo$i!g #a" elect to s (#it a writte! res$o!se to their overall rati!g, which res$o!se shall (e a$$e!ded to the &''R eval atio! a!d filed i! the teacher*s $erso!!el file% ) ch res$o!se shall (e filed withi! te! 31;6 ( si!ess da"s, occ rri!g d ri!g the school "ear i!cl di!g s ##er recess, of the teachers of the &''R eval atio!% C) Proce)ures for A++eals 7$o! <irst Rati!g of +!effective or Develo$i!g 1% Githi! te! 31;6 school da"s of the recei$t of a teacher*s first eval atio! rati!g of develo$i!g or i!effective, the teacher #a" re0 est, i! writi!g, review (" the ) $eri!te!de!t of )chools or the &ssista!t ) $eri!te!de!t for Districtwide &d#i!istratio!% 2% The a$$eal writi!g shall artic late i! detail the (asis of the a$$eal to the ) $eri!te!de!t of )chools or the &ssista!t ) $eri!te!de!t for Districtwide &d#i!istratio!% <ail re to artic late a 12

$artic lar (asis for the a$$eal i! the aforesaid a$$eal writi!g shall (e dee#ed a waiver of that clai#% The eval ated teacher #a" o!l" challe!ge the s (sta!ce, rati!g a!d?or adhere!ce to the $arties* a!! al $rofessio!al $erfor#a!ce review $la! ado$ted $ rs a!t to A NY2RR :;,2 a!d 1d catio! 8aw :;12,c% :% Githi! te! 31;6 school da"s of recei$t of the a$$eal, the ) $eri!te!de!t of )chools or the &ssista!t ) $eri!te!de!t for Districtwide &d#i!istratio! shall re!der a fi!al, (i!di!g deter#i!atio!, i! writi!g, res$ecti!g the a$$eal% 4% The deter#i!atio! of the ) $eri!te!de!t of )chools or his?her desig!ee as to the a$$eal referred to a(ove shall !ot (e s (.ect to grieva!ce, ar(itratio! or review i! a!" other for #% 7$o! )eco!d Rati!g of +!effective 1% +! the eve!t a teacher receives a seco!d co!sec tive a!! al eval atio! of i!effective, the teacher shall (e e!titled to a$$eal his?her rati!g, (ased $o! a $a$er s (#issio! to a third $art" .oi!tl" selected (etwee! the District a!d the &ssociatio!% The cost of ex$ert review shall (e (or!e (" the District% 2% The ex$ert #a" iss e a #odificatio! of the T+', or a #odificatio! of the rati!g, alo!g with his?her ratio!ale for the sa#e% 1x$ert review shall (e co#$leted withi! te! 31;6 da"s of deliver" of the writte! re0 est for review to the third $art"% No heari!g shall (e held a!d the review shall (e (ased solel" $o! the origi!al a$$eal, s $$orti!g $a$ers s (#itted (" the teacher a!d?or a res$o!se to the a$$eal (" the teacher*s eval ator% :% The third $art"*s writte! review deter#i!atio! shall (e tra!s#itted to the ) $eri!te!de!t, &ssociatio! a!d a$$ella!t $o! co#$letio!% The ) $eri!te!de!t shall receive the writte! review deter#i!atio! of the $a!elist a!d shall iss e a writte! decisio! with te! 31;6 da"s thereof%



The $arties agree that the $ r$ose of co!d cti!g a! &''R is to i#$rove $rofessio!al $ractice a!d e!s re s ccessf l st de!t $erfor#a!ce% &''R # st therefore (e a sig!ifica!t factor i! sha$i!g the $rofessio!al develo$#e!t o$$ort !ities $rovided to teachers% The District a!d the &ssociatio! shall coo$erate i! desig!i!g $rofessio!al develo$#e!t activities that are a$$ro$riate for a!d res$o!sive to the i!divid al !eeds of each i!divid al teacher as ide!tified i! his?her &''R% H!e ) $eri!te!de!t*s 2o!fere!ce Da" shall (e .oi!tl" develo$ed (" the ) $eri!te!de!t a!d the Teachers* &ssociatio!% The 'rofessio!al Develo$#e!t 2o##ittee, .oi!tl" co!stit ted (" the District a!d the &ssociatio!, shall oversee all as$ects of $rofessio!al develo$#e!t% & #a.orit" of the #e#(ers of the co##ittee shall (e a$$oi!ted (" the associatio!% &#o!g the res$o!si(ilities a!d $owers of the 2o##ittee shall (e to/ 3i6 oversee the desig!, selectio! a!d i#$le#e!tatio! of all $rofessio!al develo$#e!t activitiesJ 3ii6 a$$oi!t s (.ect area or grade level s (co##ittees, as !eeded, to assist i! the desig! a!d i#$le#e!tatio! of $rofessio!al develo$#e!t activitiesJ 3iii6 e!s re that each teacher is afforded the o$$ort !it" to $artici$ate i! selecti!g $rofessio!al develo$#e!t activities that are a$$ro$riate for his or her !eedsJ 3iv6 deter#i!e the a$$ro$riate!ess a!d?or effective!ess of existi!g $rofessio!al develo$#e!t activities a!d to direct that cha!ges (e #ade where !ecessar"J 3v6 co!s lt a!d advise i! the selectio! of a$$ro$riate $rofessio!al develo$#e!t activities to (e sed i! Teacher +#$rove#e!t 'la!sJ 3vi6 e!s re that $rofessio!al develo$#e!t i!cl des trai!i!g o! the Teachi!g )ta!dard3s6 a!d r (ric3s6 sed i! the &''R $rocessJ a!d 3vii6 #ake a!" a!d all other decisio!s, other tha! those re0 iri!g the ex$e!dit re of additio!al District 13

f !ds, as #a" (e !ecessar" to e!s re the co!ti! ed i#$le#e!tatio! of effective $rofessio!al develo$#e!t o$$ort !ities for all District teachers% &ll costs associated with the $rovisio! of $rofessio!al develo$#e!t will (e (or!e (" the district% 1ver" effort will (e #ade to $rovide $rofessio!al develo$#e!t, i!cl di!g ( t !ot li#ited to $rofessio!al colla(oratio! o! the develo$#e!t of assess#e!ts a!d c rric l # withi! the de$art#e!t a!d alig!ed to the re0 ire#e!ts of the 2o##o! 2ore )tate )ta!dards withi! the teachers* co!tract al da" or d ri!g co!tract al after,school #eeti!g ti#e or o! da"s withi! the co!tract al work "ear that are desig!ated for $rofessio!al develo$#e!t% +! the eve!t that $rofessio!al develo$#e!t # st occ r o tside of the teachers* co!tract al da" or o! da"s other tha! co!tract al work da"s, teachers will (e co#$e!sated thro gh 'D' credit or at the at the co!tract al ho rl" rate% Teachers shall (e i!for#ed of the #ethod of co#$e!satio! (efore (egi!!i!g said work% +! res$o!se to the re0 ire#e!ts esta(lished (" 1d catio! 8aw 9 :;12,c a!d the tra!sitio! to the 2o##o! 2ore )tate )ta!dards, the District shall seek to offer $rofessio!al develo$#e!t o$$ort !ities that will $ro#ote the a% (% c% d% e% f% se of data to drive i!str ctio!, !dersta!di!g of the <ra#ework for Teachi!g, i!tegratio! of 2o##o! 2ore sta!dards i!to existi!g c rric l #, develo$#e!t of st de!t lear!i!g o(.ectives, i!tegratio! of readi!g a!d writi!g across the co!te!t areas, a!d the creatio! a!d o!goi!g ad. st#e!t of a!" c rric l # or assess#e!t tools re0 ired to #ai!tai! the c rre!t &''R eval atio! s"ste#%


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