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1he Internat|ona| V|o|ence Aga|nst

Women Act

Act|on 1oo|k|t
Coa||t|on to Lnd V|o|ence Aga|nst Women and G|r|s G|oba||y

1ab|e of Contents

1) 8ackground on I-VAWA page 3

2) Irequent|y Asked uest|ons page S

3) 1ake Act|on for I-VAWA
-Cn||ne act|ons page 7
-Send an ema|| act|on to your networks page 8
-Soc|a| med|a strategy page 9
-Mak|ng ca||s to your Members of Congress page 10
-Samp|e cosponsor |etter to Members of Congress page 11
-Samp|e thank you |etter to Members of Congress page 12
-Samp|e b|og post page 13
-Samp|e op|n|on ed|tor|a| page 14
-Samp|e |etter to the ed|tor page 1S
4) 1hank ou for 1ak|ng Act|on for I-VAWA! page 16

8ackground on I-VAWA 2013

An esLlmaLed one ouL of every Lhree women worldwlde wlll be physlcally, sexually or oLherwlse abused durlng her
llfeLlme-wlLh raLes reachlng 70 percenL ln some counLrles. vlolence agalnsL women and glrls lncludes harmful pracLlces
LhaL range from rape Lo domesLlc vlolence, Lo acld burnlngs and dowry deaLhs, and so-called honor kllllngs." vlolence
agalnsL women and glrls ls a human rlghLs vlolaLlon, a publlc healLh epldemlc and a barrler Lo solvlng global challenges
such as exLreme poverLy, Plv/AluS and vlolenL confllcL. lL devasLaLes Lhe llves of mllllons of women and glrls-ln
peaceLlme and ln confllcL-and knows no naLlonal or culLural barrlers. MosL lmporLanLly, lL musL end.

ln AugusL of 2012, Lhe u.S. governmenL released lLs flrsL ever !"#" #%&'%()* %+ ,&(-(.% './ 0(12+./ %+ 3(./(& 4'1(/
56+7(.8( 9#%&'%()*:" 1he SLraLegy ls largely derlved from and has long been a core componenL of Lhe lnLernaLlonal
vlolence AgalnsL Women AcL (l-vAWA) and lLs release ls a hlsLorlc and unprecedenLed efforL by Lhe unlLed SLaLes Lo
address vlolence agalnsL women and glrls globally.

ln 2013-2014, Lhe l-vAWA wlll dlrecL Lhe u.S. governmenL Lo lmplemenL lLs SLraLegy Lo reduce vlolence agalnsL women
and glrls ln aL leasL flve counLrles where lL ls severe. Lnhanced daLa collecLlon and Lransparency of resulLs ls a core
componenL of Lhe blll LhaL ensures accounLablllLy and Lhe conLlnued use of besL pracLlces. 1he l-vAWA recognlzes LhaL
vlolence lnLersecLs wlLh nearly every faceL of women's llves and Lherefore supporLs healLh programs and survlvor
servlces, encourages legal accounLablllLy and a change of publlc aLLlLudes, promoLes access Lo economlc opporLunlLy
pro[ecLs and educaLlon, and addresses vlolence agalnsL women and glrls ln humanlLarlan slLuaLlons. 1he l-vAWA also
emphaslzes supporL and capaclLy-bulldlng for local women's organlzaLlons already worklng Lo sLop vlolence agalnsL
women and glrls.

1he l-vAWA makes endlng vlolence agalnsL women and glrls a Lop dlplomaLlc prlorlLy. lL permanenLly auLhorlzes Lhe
Cfflce of Clobal Women's lssues ln Lhe SLaLe ueparLmenL as well as Lhe poslLlon of Lhe Ambassador-aL-Large for Clobal
Women's lssues, who ls responslble for coordlnaLlng acLlvlLles, pollcles, programs, and fundlng relaLlng Lo gender
lnLegraLlon and women's empowermenL lnLernaLlonally, Lhls lncludes Lhose lnLended Lo prevenL and respond Lo vlolence
agalnsL women and glrls.

More speclflcally, Lhe l-vAWA would do Lhe followlng:

Increase Lega| and Iud|c|a| rotect|on to Address V|o|ence Aga|nst Women and G|r|s.
1he l-vAWA focuses on esLabllshlng and supporLlng laws and legal sLrucLures LhaL help prevenL and approprlaLely
respond Lo all forms of vlolence agalnsL women and glrls. Lmphasls ls placed on promoLlng pollLlcal, legal, and
lnsLlLuLlonal reforms LhaL recognlze vlolence agalnsL women and glrls as a crlme and Lraln pollce and Lhe [udlclary Lo hold
vlolaLors accounLable and Lo respond Lo Lhe needs of vlcLlms. 1hls lncludes helplng women and glrls access Lhe [usLlce
secLor and ensurlng LhaL Lhey are safe and supporLed LhroughouL Lhe legal process.

Increase nea|th Sector Capac|ty to Address V|o|ence Aga|nst Women and G|r|s.
1he l-vAWA wlll lnLegraLe programs Lo address vlolence agalnsL women and glrls lnLo already exlsLlng healLh
programs focused on chlld survlval, women's healLh, and Plv/AluS prevenLlon, care, and LreaLmenL. lL Lakes a
hollsLlc sysLems" approach and emphaslzes enhanclng Lhe capaclLy of Lhe healLh secLor Lo assess Lhe lmpacL of
vlolence on a woman and glrl's healLh and help her proLecL herself from vlolence.

Change Soc|a| Norms to Lnd V|o|ence Aga|nst Women and G|r|s.
1he l-vAWA focuses on prevenLlng vlolence by changlng communlLy norms and aLLlLudes abouL Lhe accepLablllLy of
vlolence agalnsL women and glrls. lL wlll supporL publlc awareness programs Lo change aLLlLudes LhaL condone and aL
Llmes encourage vlolence agalnsL women and glrls, and wlll emphaslze communlLy-based soluLlons. lor lnsLance,
acLlvlLles supporLed by Lhe l-vAWA could lnclude programs LhaL organlze women and glrls who are survlvors of vlolence
Lo speak ouL publlcly or work wlLh male leaders Lo help oLher men and boys become more supporLlve of respecLful and
non-vlolenL relaLlonshlps.

Increase Women's Lconom|c Cpportun|ty and Lducat|on.
1he l-vAWA focuses on reduclng women and glrls' vulnerablllLy Lo vlolence by lmprovlng Lhelr economlc sLaLus and
educaLlonal opporLunlLles. Lmphasls ls placed on ensurlng women's access Lo [ob Lralnlng and employmenL
opporLunlLles and lncreaslng Lhelr rlghL Lo own land and properLy. 1hls would allow Lhem Lo poLenLlally supporL
Lhemselves and Lhelr chlldren. 1he leglslaLlon also addresses Lhe rlghLs of women and glrls Lo work and go Lo school free
of sexual coerclon and assaulL.

World Health Organization


Irequent|y Asked uest|ons

1. What |s the Internat|ona| V|o|ence Aga|nst Women Act?

1he lnLernaLlonal vlolence AgalnsL Women AcL (l-vAWA) ls a plece of leglslaLlon LhaL was lnLroduced ln Lhe 110
, 111
, and now ln Lhe 113
Congress LhaL represenLs an unprecedenLed commlLmenL by Lhe unlLed SLaLes CovernmenL
(uSC) Lo prevenL and respond Lo vlolence agalnsL women and glrls globally. lL would, for Lhe flrsL Llme, codlfy a
comprehenslve approach by Lhe u.S. Lo flghL vlolence agalnsL women and glrls lnLernaLlonally. l-vAWA dlrecLs Lhe uSC
Lo creaLe and lmplemenL a comprehenslve, mulLl-secLoral 3-year sLraLegy (such as Lhe u.S. SLraLegy Lo revenL and
8espond Lo Cender-based vlolence Clobally) Lo reduce vlolence ln aL leasL flve low- Lo mlddle-lncome counLrles LhaL
have severe levels of vlolence agalnsL women and glrls.

2. What exact|y do you mean by v|o|ence aga|nst women and g|r|s?

1he unlLed naLlons SecreLary Ceneral deflnes vlolence agalnsL
women and glrls as: any acL of gender-based vlolence agalnsL
women or glrls commlLLed because of Lhelr gender LhaL resulLs ln, or
ls llkely Lo resulL ln, physlcal, sexual, or psychologlcal harm or
sufferlng Lo women, lncludlng LhreaLs of such acLs, coerclon, or
arblLrary deprlvaLlons of llberLy, wheLher occurrlng ln publlc or
prlvaLe llfe." 1hls means LhaL Lhe vlolence could occur ln Lhe famlly
(baLLerlng, sexual abuse of female chlldren ln Lhe household, dowry-
relaLed vlolence), wlLhln Lhe general communlLy (rape, sexual abuse
ln school or aL work, forced prosLlLuLlon, female genlLal
muLllaLlon/cuLLlng and oLher LradlLlonal pracLlces harmful Lo
women), or lL could be perpeLraLed or condoned by sLaLe agenLs.

3. Is v|o|ence aga|nst women and g|r|s a ma[or prob|em?

vlolence agalnsL women ls a worldwlde human rlghLs vlolaLlon and a
publlc healLh epldemlc LhaL knows no culLural, naLlonal or eLhnlc
boundarles. 1he un uevelopmenL lund for Women esLlmaLes LhaL
an esLlmaLed one ouL of every Lhree women ln Lhe world wlll be
beaLen, coerced lnLo sex, or oLherwlse abused ln her llfeLlme. ln
some counLrles, close Lo 70 percenL of women reporL such vlolence. Cne !"#$% '()$*+ ,#-)./0)*/".
bllllon women and glrls are affecLed by such vlolence, lncludlng rape, domesLlc vlolence, acld burnlng, dowry deaLhs, so-
called honor kllllngs, human Lrafflcklng, female genlLal muLllaLlon/cuLLlng and oLher harmful pracLlces. ln Llmes of
confllcL mass rape ls ofLen used as a weapon of war.

4. now was the I-VAWA created?

1he l-vAWA was lnlLlaLed by a coallLlon of non-governmenLal organlzaLlons led by luLures WlLhouL vlolence, Women
1hrlve Worldwlde and AmnesLy lnLernaLlonal uSA, ln 2003 Lo lncrease uSC efforLs Lo prevenL and respond Lo vlolence
agalnsL women and glrls lnLernaLlonally. lL ls Lhe resulL of exLenslve research on whaL works: lL was drafLed ln
consulLaLlon wlLh more Lhan 130 groups lncludlng u.S.-based nCCs and 40 women's groups across Lhe globe. ln 2007
Lhe coallLlon consulLed wlLh vlce resldenL (Lhen SenaLor) !oseph 8lden (u-uL), SenaLor 8lchard Lugar (8-ln) and
8epresenLaLlve Poward 8erman (u-CA) who orlglnally lnLroduced Lhe leglslaLlon ln Lhe 110Lh Congress.

S. now w||| pass|ng th|s |eg|s|at|on he|p women?
ln many cases local women's organlzaLlons who have been worklng for years Lo asslsL women and glrls affecLed by

vlolence ln Lhelr counLrles wlll flnally geL Lhe help Lhey deserve. rogrammaLlc supporL and capaclLy bulldlng wlll focus
on boLh prevenLlon, such as economlc opporLunlLy programs and publlc educaLlon campalgns Lo change aLLlLudes, and
lnLervenLlon, such as healLh care for women who have been raped and who may become lnfecLed wlLh Plv/AluS.
Women and glrls globally wlll also beneflL from lncreased u.S. and world dlplomaLlc aLLenLlon as Lhe problem of vlolence
agalnsL women and glrls moves from an lnvlslble prlvaLe sufferlng Lo a publlc lssue LhaL governmenLs work Lo solve.

6. What about men and boys?

1he leglslaLlon ln no way prevenLs help or supporL from golng Lo end vlolence agalnsL men and boys. 8aLher, Lhe l-vAWA
recognlzes Lhe desperaLe lnequallLy LhaL ls sLlll experlenced by mosL of Lhe world's women and glrls and Lhe vlolence
LhaL conLrlbuLes Lo and resulLs from LhaL lnequallLy. ln much of Lhe world, women and glrls may sLlll be raped and
beaLen wlLh lmpunlLy and can be sold or glven away Lo men. 1hey can be kllled for dlsobedlence or appearlng ln publlc
wlLh a man who ls noL a relaLlve or slmply for belng born a glrl. Many cannoL voLe, own properLy or have any rlghLs Lo
Lhelr own chlldren. lL ls Lhls exLreme level of vlolence and abuse women and glrls experlence slmply because of Lhelr
gender LhaL Lhe leglslaLlon seeks Lo address. lurLhermore, Lhe blll clLes engaglng men and boys as a key programmaLlc
area Lo prevenL gender-based vlolence. Men and boys should be seen as allles and noL enemles.

7. now w||| I-VAWA affect U.S. fore|gn po||cy?

lor Lhe flrsL Llme, u.S. dlplomaLlc work wlll address Lhls problem ln a coordlnaLed, lnLegraLed way. ln AugusL of 2012,
resldenL 8arack Cbama released Lhe u.S. SLraLegy Lo revenL and 8espond Lo Cender-8ased vlolence Clobally vla an
LxecuLlve Crder. 1he SLraLegy was largely modeled afLer Lhe comprehenslve approach ouLllned ln l-vAWA. l-vAWA now
seeks Lo codlfy Lhe SLraLegy, Lo ensure effecLlve and efflclenL programmlng, accounLablllLy, as well as monlLorlng and
evaluaLlon of gender-based vlolence lnlLlaLlves.

8. Isn't th|s the Un|ted States try|ng to |mpose |ts cu|ture on other nat|ons?

1he l-vAWA does noL Lry Lo lmpose Lhe culLural morals of Lhe unlLed SLaLes on oLher counLrles, raLher, lL seeks Lo
supporL Lhe work of local lndlgenous women and communlLles who have long been advocaLlng for an end Lo Lhe
vlolence and abuse experlenced by women and glrls. ln addlLlon, lL recognlzes LhaL much of u.S. efforLs Lo help counLrles
address problems such as Plv/AluS, maLernal morLallLy, poverLy and confllcL are alded by addresslng vlolence agalnsL
women and glrls. ln facL, Lhese oLher efforLs wlll only be successful lf concurrenL efforLs Lo supporL women's educaLlon
and empowermenL are also Laklng place.

9. What |s the d|fference between I-VAWA and the V|o|ence Aga|nst Women Act (VAWA)?

1he vlolence AgalnsL Women AcL (vAWA) ls a domesLlc crlmlnal [usLlce and soclal servlces law LhaL addresses vlolence
agalnsL women wlLhln Lhe unlLed SLaLes. 1he l-vAWA ls a plece of pendlng leglslaLlon Lo address vlolence agalnsL women
and glrls around Lhe world by requlrlng LhaL u.S. governmenL agencles LhaL engage ln forelgn asslsLance work overseas
Lake all posslble sLeps ln Lhelr programmlng Lo prevenL and respond Lo gender-based vlolence and Lo be coordlnaLed ln
Lhese efforLs. Whlle boLh bllls focus on prevenLlng vlolence, supporLlng survlvors and brlnglng perpeLraLors Lo [usLlce,
Lhe way Lhey go abouL achlevlng Lhose alms are very dlfferenL.

10. now |s v|o|ence aga|nst women and g|r|s re|ated to human traff|ck|ng?

1rafflcklng of persons ls a global human rlghLs problem. vlcLlms are Lrafflcked lnLo a range of forced labor slLuaLlons
lncludlng farm work, sweaLshops, domesLlc servlLude, and sexual explolLaLlon. vlolence agalnsL women and glrls ls one
of Lhe underlylng lssues LhaL conLrlbuLe Lo people's vulnerablllLy Lo belng Lrafflcked, and many women face vlolence as
Lhey are Lrafflcked. Powever, many vlcLlms of human Lrafflcklng are men and boys Lrafflcked for forced labor, so
Lrafflcklng ls dlsLlncL from vlolence agalnsL women and glrls. ln addlLlon, Lhe unlLed SLaLes already has leglslaLlon Lo
address human Lrafflcklng. 1he 1rafflcklng vlcLlms roLecL AcL was passed ln 2000 and has been reauLhorlzed slnce Lhen
Lo combaL all forms of human Lrafflcklng.

1ake Act|on for I-VAWA!

8ulldlng awareness abouL Lhe l-vAWA's lnLroducLlon ls crlLlcal Lo bulldlng slgnlflcanL Congresslonal supporL and
ulLlmaLely Lo Lhe blll's passage, as well as overall publlc educaLlon on vlolence agalnsL women and glrls globally.
8elow ls a llsL of onllne acLlons llnks from organlzaLlons ln Lhe CoallLlon Lo Lnd vlolence AgalnsL Women and Clrls
Clobally LhaL you can cllck Lo Lake acLlon for Lhe l-vAWA.
lease Lake acLlon and share Lhe below llnks Lo your neLworks vla emall and Lhrough soclal medla. Sample emall LexL and
soclal medla posLs are on Lhe followlng pages. And of course, feel free Lo uLlllze any of Lhe messaglng Lo creaLe your own
onllne acLlon!

Note: 1o flnd ouL who your member of Congress ls, go Lo hLLp://

!"#$% '()$*+ ,#-)./0)*/".

Send an Lma|| Act|on to our L|sts

lrom: [?Cu8 C8CAnlZA1lCn'S SlCnL8], [?Cu8 C8CAnlZA1lCn]
Sub[ecL: [?Cu8 C8CAnlZA1lCn'S Su8!LC1 LlnL]
uear [flrsLname],
LxclLlng news!
u.S. 8epresenLaLlve !an Schakowsky has [usL re-lnLroduced Lhe lnLernaLlonal vlolence AgalnsL Women AcL (l-
vAWA) and SenaLe acLlon ls anLlclpaLed ln Lhe comlng weeks! l-vAWA ls leglslaLlon LhaL wlll supporL on-Lhe-
ground efforLs around Lhe world Lo reduce vlolence agalnsL women and glrls.
|ease take a moment to ask your Members of Congress to support th|s |mportant b||| [|nsert on||ne act|on
1he numbers are sLaggerlng:
upwards of 70 percenL of women ln some counLrles wlll experlence vlolence ln Lhelr llfeLlmes.
Lach year, around 3 mllllon glrls and women-or some 8,000 glrls each day-face Lhe rlsk of female
genlLal muLllaLlon or cuLLlng. An esLlmaLed 130 mllllon Lo 140 mllllon glrls and women have already
undergone Lhe pracLlce.
ln some counLrles, as many as 30 percenL of women reporL LhaL Lhelr flrsL sexual experlence was
coerced or forced. 1he younger a woman was aL Lhe Llme of sexual lnlLlaLlon, Lhe hlgher Lhe chance
LhaL lL was vlolenL.

Iortunate|y, you and I can he|p make the wor|d safer for women and g|r|s.
1he lnLernaLlonal vlolence AgalnsL Women AcL would provlde essenLlal supporL for proven sLraLegles Lo
prevenL and respond Lo vlolence agalnsL women and glrls. And lL would bolsLer Lhe efforLs of women and men
around Lhe world who are worklng Lo reduce gender-based vlolence ln Lhelr communlLles.
1ake act|on now [|nsert on||ne act|on ||nk] and he|p support passage of the Internat|ona| V|o|ence Aga|nst
Women Act.
Cender-based vlolence ls a global problem, buL you and l can play a speclal role ln maklng Lhe world a safer
place for women and glrls. |ease take act|on now.
WlLh CraLlLude,

[?Cu8 C8CAnlZA1lCn'S SlCnL8]

Soc|a| Med|a Strategy
8elow are some guldellnes and sample messages for lacebook and 1wlLLer. lease feel free Lo change accordlng Lo your
own lssues and audlence: lndlvlduallzed messages do work beLLer.

1o accompany your soclal medla conLenL, you are welcome Lo use Lhe l-
vAWA graphlc Lo Lhe rlghL. 1he graphlc can be downloaded here:

Samp|e I8 posts (to post on organ|zat|ona| or persona| pages):

vlolence devasLaLes Lhe llves of mllllons of women and glrls-ln
peaceLlme and ln confllcL-and knows no naLlonal or culLural
barrlers. [l'm / We're] encouraglng Members of Congress Lo
cosponsor and supporL Lhe lnLernaLlonal vlolence AgalnsL
Women AcL, [oln [us / me]! [A11ACP l-vAWA C8APlC]
uo your SenaLors and 8epresenLaLlve supporL Lhe lnLernaLlonal vlolence AgalnsL Women AcL? !oln [me / us] ln
showlng your supporL by sendlng your represenLaLlves a message on Lhelr lacebook page, urglng Lhem Lo
supporL women and glrls across Lhe world! [A11ACP l-vAWA C8APlC]

Samp|e I8 message (to post on Congressperson's page):

Worldwlde, mllllons of women and glrls are sub[ecL Lo vlolence slmply because of Lhelr gender. 1hls ls noL only a
gross vlolaLlon of human rlghLs, buL ls a LhreaL Lo global healLh and economles around Lhe world. Cosponsor and
supporL Lhe lnLernaLlonal vlolence AgalnsL Women AcL (lvAWA) Loday! [A11ACP l-vAWA C8APlC]
Llvlng free from vlolence ls a human rlghL. lease supporL Lhe lnLernaLlonal vlolence AgalnsL Women AcL
(lvAWA) [A11ACP l-vAWA C8APlC]
1he Llme ls now Lo end vlolence agalnsL women and glrls globally. lease be a leader ln Lhls movemenL and
cosponsor Lhe lnLernaLlonal vlolence AgalnsL Women AcL (lvAWA) [A11ACP l-vAWA C8APlC]

1w|tter: lease use Lhe hashLag #IVAWA.

Samp|e 1w|tter messages:

1he Llme ls now Lo end #C8v! Lncourage your 8eps Lo supporL women and glrls across Lhe globe wlLh #lvAWA! [llnk Lo
onllne acLlon]
ls 81! Lveryone deserves a llfe free of #vlolence. 1ell Congress Lo acL now and supporL #lvAWA [llnk Lo onllne acLlon]
roLecL ALL women and glrls from #vlolence! [[lnSL81 SLnA1C8/8L] supporL #lvAWA Loday: hLLp://
.[[lnSL81 SLnA1C8/8L] l supporL Lhe rlghLs of women and glrls globally, do you? SupporL #lvAWA Loday: [llnk Lo onllne
1hanks Lo [[lnSL81 SLnA1C8/8L] for [hls/her] leadershlp and hard work Lo end #genderbasedvlolence. #lvAWA
Worldwlde, 13-71 of women aged 13- 49 reporLed physlcal/sexual vlolence by an lnLlmaLe parLner aL some pL ln Lhelr
llves. #lvAWA
An esLlmaLed 3,000 adolescenL glrls and women are kllled by famlly members ln Lhe name of honor every year. SupporL
#lvAWA! ls 81.
Women and glrls who experlence #genderbasedvlolence can be agenLs of change wlLh supporL. #lvAWA

Mak|ng Ca||s to our Members of Congress

|ease use the be|ow samp|e scr|pts to ca|| your Senators and your kepresentat|ve and ask
them to cosponsor I-VAWA today!
ou can reach the Cap|to| Sw|tchboard at 202.224.3121
1.) 1elephone calls are usually Laken by a sLaff member. Ask Lo speak wlLh Lhe alde who handles women's
lssues or forelgn affalrs lssues.
2.) AfLer ldenLlfylng yourself as a consLlLuenL, Lell Lhe sLaffer LhaL you would llke Lo leave a brlef message.
"|ease te|| kepresentat|ve]Senator ____________ that I support the Internat|ona| V|o|ence Aga|nst Women
3.) Ask for Lhe poslLlon of your Member of Congress on Lhe blll. lf Lhey are a co-sponsor, Lhank Lhem for
Lhelr supporL and urge Lhem Lo help pass lvAWA ln 2014.
4.) lf Lhey are noL a cosponsor, you can say:
"|ease urge the kepresentat|ve]Senator ____________ to cosponsor the b||| and he|p pass IVAWA |n
3.) And add:
"I support the b||| because:
V|o|ence aga|nst women and g|r|s |s a human r|ghts v|o|at|on occurr|ng g|oba||y.
An est|mated one |n every three women g|oba||y has been beaten, coerced |nto sex, or otherw|se
abused |n her ||fet|me.
1he Internat|ona| V|o|ence Aga|nst Women Act supports measures to prevent v|o|ence, protect
surv|vors and br|ng perpetrators to [ust|ce.
?ou can and should requesL a wrlLLen response Lo your Lelephone call.

Samp|e Letter to Members of Congress: |ease Cosponsor I-VAWA

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Samp|e Letter to Members of Congress (Cosponsor I-VAWA)
1he Ponorable [llrsL name] [LasL name]______________
[lnserL Lhe Cfflce Address of your Member of Congress here - flnd lL aL hLLp://]
uear SenaLor/8epresenLaLlve [lasL name],
I am wr|t|ng to urge you to co-sponsor the Internat|ona| V|o|ence Aga|nst Women Act (I-VAWA) |n 2013.
1he wldespread prevalence of gender-based vlolence around Lhe globe ls aLroclous. 8aLes of vlolence reach up
Lo 70 percenL ln some counLrles. Lvery day, women and glrls around Lhe world are forced Lo Lrade sex for food
or school fees. Lvery day, women and glrls are beaLen and abused. 1he llsL goes on and on.

Addlng lnsulL Lo ln[ury, all Loo ofLen Lhese vlolenL crlmes are noL prosecuLed and, worse sLlll, Lhey become
soclally accepLed and LoleraLed. vlolence agalnsL women ls a global healLh crlsls and human rlghLs vlolaLlon
LhaL conLrlbuLes Lo lnsLablllLy and lnsecurlLy LhroughouL our world.

1he Amerlcan publlc ls behlnd endlng vlolence agalnsL women. A 2009 poll found LhaL 61 percenL of voLers
across demographlc and pollLlcal llnes LhoughL global vlolence agalnsL women should be one of Lhe Lop
lnLernaLlonal prlorlLles for Lhe u.S. governmenL, and 82 percenL supporLed Lhe l-vAWA.

I am ask|ng you, Senator]kepresentat|ve [LAS1 NAML], to stand up for women and g|r|s and he|p pass the
Internat|ona| V|o|ence Aga|nst Women Act.

1hls blll supporLs lnnovaLlve, cosL-effecLlve programs LhaL have been shown Lo decrease acLs of vlolence.
Many of Lhese programs help women and glrls do Lhlngs we so ofLen Lake for granLed: go Lo school, earn an
lncome Lo help susLaln famllles, collecL food or waLer wlLhouL fear of rape or harassmenL, and brlng
perpeLraLors of abuse Lo [usLlce. 1he l-vAWA wlll also sLreamllne and lmprove exlsLlng u.S. programs Lo end
vlolence agalnsL women -- lncreaslng Lhe efflclency and effecLlveness of our lnLernaLlonal asslsLance.

1he lnLernaLlonal vlolence AgalnsL Women AcL provldes Lhe unlLed SLaLes wlLh a crlLlcal opporLunlLy Lo make
a real dlfference. 1he world's women and glrls need Lhls leglslaLlon.

roLecLlng and empowerlng women ls a moral lmperaLlve and [usL smarL forelgn pollcy. lease help change
Lhe llves of mllllons of women and glrls by co-sponsor|ng I-VAWA.

?ours slncerely,
(our name and address)
**Cr ask other group members and const|tuents to add the|r names and address to one |etter.**

Samp|e 1hank ou Letter to Members of Congress

1he Ponorable [llrsL name] [LasL name]
[lnserL Lhe Cfflce Address of your Member of Congress here - flnd lL aL hLLp://]
uear SenaLor/8epresenLaLlve [LasL name],
I am wr|t|ng to thank you for demonstrat|ng your comm|tment to end|ng abuses aga|nst women and g|r|s
g|oba||y by co-sponsor|ng the Internat|ona| V|o|ence Aga|nst Women Act (I-VAWA).

When lmplemenLed, Lhls lmporLanL plece of leglslaLlon wlll help puL an end Lo Lhe fear and sufferlng
experlenced by hundreds of mllllons of women and glrls. All Loo ofLen, gender-based vlolence goes
unaddressed. Crlmes regularly are noL prosecuLed and, worse sLlll, Lhey become soclally accepLed and

?our supporL for endlng gender-based vlolence worldwlde ls wonderful. 1hank you for tak|ng a stand by co-
sponsor|ng a b||| that w||| show the wor|d that the Un|ted States refuses to to|erate v|o|ence aga|nst women
and g|r|s anywhere.

As you know, Lhe lnLernaLlonal vlolence AgalnsL Women AcL supporLs lnnovaLlve, cosL effecLlve programs Lo
help vlcLlms, hold perpeLraLors accounLable, and prevenL vlolence. We are graLeful Lo you for supporLlng such
a comprehenslve plece of leglslaLlon LhaL wlll have a slgnlflcanL lmpacL on endlng vlolence agalnsL women and
glrls globally.

We |ook forward to your cont|nued support of I-VAWA!

?ours slncerely,
(our name and address)
**Cr ask other group members and const|tuents to add the|r names and address to one |etter.**

Samp|e 8|og ost
ne|p Stop V|o|ence Aga|nst Women Wor|dw|de
8y [?our name]

Lvery day, women and glrls around Lhe world are sub[ecL Lo physlcal and sexual vlolence. Cender-based vlolence knows
no physlcal or culLural boundarles, occurrlng ln Llmes of war and peace and ln every slngle counLry around Lhe world.
Shocklngly, raLes are as hlgh as 70 ln some counLrles.

8ut th|s |s a prob|em w|th a so|ut|on.

1he u.S. governmenL has a crlLlcal role Lo play ln prevenLlng and endlng gender-based vlolence worldwlde. And
Members of Congress have a unlque opporLunlLy ln Lhls lmporLanL efforL.

asslng Lhe lnLernaLlonal vlolence AgalnsL Women AcL (l-vAWA) ls one of Lhe besL ways Lhe u.S. can help. 1hls new blll -
lnLroduced by 8epresenLaLlve !an Schakowsky (u-lL) and soon Lo be lnLroduced ln Lhe SenaLe, represenLs a cruclal sLep ln
sLlcklng up for and empowerlng women and glrls worldwlde.

1he lnLernaLlonal vlolence AgalnsL Women AcL (l-vAWA) lnLegraLes vlolence prevenLlon and response lnLo u.S. forelgn
pollcy and supporLs proven programs LhaL can reduce vlolence agalnsL women and glrls.

Cn any glven day, horrlfylng news sLorles abouL such vlolence appears across Lhe news:

1he sysLemaLlc rape of women ln Lhe uemocraLlc 8epubllc of Congo.

lncreaslng assaulLs on Lhe women and glrls sLandlng up for Lhelr rlghLs ln AfghanlsLan.

vlolence agalnsL women and glrls ln PalLl whose llves are already devasLaLed by Lhe earLhquake.

Sadly, Lhe llsL could go on for days. 1hese horrlflc lnsLances of gender-based vlolence are noL lsolaLed Lo a few women ln
a few places- Lhey are [usL Lhe sLorles LhaL make headllnes.

lncldenLs of vlolence agalnsL women lnLernaLlonally can seem dlsLanL and lncomprehenslble. 8uL Lhe women affecLed
share many of Lhe same dreams and asplraLlons as our slsLers, our daughLers, our frlends and lovers, and our nelghbors.

vlolence Lakes Lhe llves of mllllons of women and glrls, and denles counLless oLhers Lhelr dlgnlLy and Lhe chance Lo llve
safe, producLlve llves. And, ln a world where Lenslons and vlolence wlLhln communlLles can [eopardlze naLlonal and
lnLernaLlonal securlLy, lL ls vlLal LhaL Lhe unlLed SLaLes Lake acLlon.

We cannot turn away. We musL end aLroclLles commlLLed agalnsL women and glrls ln Lhelr homes and ln Lhelr
communlLles, durlng Llmes of peace and Llmes of confllcL.

1he unlLed SLaLes Congress can help address Lhese horrlfylng abuses. Lawmakers should move qulckly Lo pass lvAWA
and slgnal Lhe unlLed SLaLes' commlLmenL Lo sLopplng vlolence agalnsL women and glrls worldwlde.

?ou, your famlly, and your nelghbors now can leL lawmakers know you wanL more Lo be done Lo address vlolence
agalnsL women globally. And you can do |t r|ght now.
LeL your Member of Congress know LhaL endlng vlolence agalnsL women and glrls ls lmporLanL Lo you. Send a message
urglng hlm or her Lo pass Lhe lnLernaLlonal vlolence AgalnsL Women AcL.

Samp|e Cp|n|on Ld|tor|a|

A Great Step Iorward to Stop the Lp|dem|c of V|o|ence Aga|nst Women and G|r|s

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Around Lhe world, wlLh slckenlng frequency we hear abouL anoLher lnsLance of vlolence agalnsL a glrl or woman. A flve-year-old ls
raped ln lndla. A glrl ls shoL ln Lhe head ln aklsLan on her way Lo school. 1wenLy slx women are sexually assaulLed by pollce ln San
Salvador ALenco, Mexlco. A women's rlghLs advocaLe ln AfghanlsLan ls murdered ln Lhe sLreeL.
vlolence agalnsL women and glrls ls one of Lhe world's mosL pervaslve human rlghLs abuses and a Lremendous and cosLly problem.
1he unlLed naLlons esLlmaLes LhaL one ln every Lhree women wlll experlence vlolence aL some polnL ln her llfe wlLh raLes reachlng
up Lo 70 ln some counLrles. Women and glrls fall prey Lo sex Lrafflckers, are aLLacked as Lhey aLLend school, endure bruLallLy ln Lhe
home, or are raped ln confllcL zones.
lrom AfghanlsLan and Mexlco Lo lndla and LgypL, vlolence agalnsL women desLablllzes famllles and communlLles, blocks economlc
progress, and undermlnes women's efforLs Lo creaLe beLLer llves for Lhemselves and Lhelr famllles.
1he Lerrlble consequences of Lhls epldemlc of vlolence rob counLrles of Lhe conLrlbuLlons and LalenL of half Lhelr populaLlons.
vlolence Lakes Lhe llves of mllllons of women and glrls, and denles counLless oLhers Lhelr dlgnlLy and Lhelr rlghL Lo llve safe,
producLlve llves. no counLry ls lmmune. vlolence crosses all naLlonal borders and affecLs women of all ages, soclal groups, rellglons,
and economlc, raclal and eLhnlc groups.
Conslder Connle" from nlcaragua, whose faLher physlcally abused her for years, Lhen sLarLed raplng her from age nlne, someLlmes
prevenLlng her from golng Lo school. lf passed, Lhe lnLernaLlonal vlolence AgalnsL Women AcL (l-vAWA) would make gender-based
vlolence prevenLlon and response a lens Lhrough whlch u.S. governmenL forelgn ald ls evaluaLed wlLh Lhe goal of uslng ald Lo
respond Lo and ulLlmaLely reduce levels of vlolence. So, for example, healLh care provlders would be Lralned Lo recognlze slgns of
vlolence and know how Lo lend supporL Lo glrls llke Connle. lL would mean, as anoLher example, LhaL Lhe u.S. Agency for
lnLernaLlonal uevelopmenL would asslsL ln puLLlng proLecLlons ln place Lo ensure LhaL glrls can go Lo school safely. And, lL would
mean resources Lo help organlzaLlons LhaL are worklng Lo change Lhe aLLlLudes of men and boys abouL vlolence.
lnvesLlng ln women makes sense because when women and glrls Lhrlve, socleLles are more llkely Lo prosper, reduce raLes of Plv and
AluS, decrease chlld and maLernal morLallLy, and lncrease parLlclpaLory and democraLlc governmenLs- all of whlch makes u.S.
asslsLance dollars go farLher. u.S. securlLy - and Lhe securlLy of all counLrles -- ls only enhanced when Lhe sLaLus of women ls
elevaLed. So addresslng vlolence agalnsL women ls cruclal Lo global developmenL and sLablllLy, and by exLenslon, Lo u.S. securlLy.
Worklng Lhrough Lhe lnLernaLlonal asslsLance LhaL Lhe u.S. already provldes Lo counLrles around Lhe world, Lhls blll wlll supporL besL
pracLlces agalnsL vlolence so LhaL auLhorlLles can brlng perpeLraLors Lo [usLlce and women and glrls can go Lo school, earn an lncome,
and collecL food or waLer wlLhouL fear of rape.
LasL year, Lhe u.S. governmenL Look a sLep Lo help mllllons of women and glrls by releaslng lLs flrsL ever u.S. SLraLegy Lo revenL and
8espond Lo Cender-8ased vlolence Clobally. 1hls comprehenslve sLraLegy lmproves exlsLlng ald programs wlLh Lhe goal of helplng Lo
prevenL and reduce vlolence agalnsL women. 1hls efforL musL be susLalned Lhrough passage of Lhe lnLernaLlonal vlolence AgalnsL
Women AcL. l ask [your Member of Congress] Lo supporL Lhe blll and ask [hls and her] colleagues Lo do Lhe same.
SupporLlng Lhe lnLernaLlonal vlolence AgalnsL Women AcL ls ln Lhe unlLed SLaLes' lnLeresLs as well as belng Lhe rlghL Lhlng Lo do. We
musL all make our volces heard. 1ell lawmakers Lo do more Lo sLop vlolence agalnsL women and glrls across Lhe globe.

Samp|e Letter to the Ld|tor

1o Lhe LdlLor:

lrom AfghanlsLan and Mexlco Lo lndla and LgypL, vlolence agalnsL women and glrls ls one of Lhe world's mosL
pervaslve human rlghLs abuses and a Lremendous and cosLly problem: lL desLablllzes famllles and
communlLles, blocks economlc progress, and lmpedes one ouL of Lhree women worldwlde from creaLlng
beLLer llves for Lhemselves and Lhelr famllles.
LasL year, Lhe u.S. governmenL Look a key sLep Lo supporL mllllons of women and glrls by releaslng lLs flrsL ever
u.S. SLraLegy Lo revenL and 8espond Lo Cender-8ased vlolence Clobally. 1hls comprehenslve sLraLegy
lmproves exlsLlng forelgn asslsLance programs wlLh Lhe goal of helplng Lo prevenL, reduce and ulLlmaLely end
vlolence agalnsL women.
1hls efforL musL be susLalned Lhrough passage of Lhe lnLernaLlonal vlolence AgalnsL Women AcL (l-vAWA), a
blll LhaL wlll make exlsLlng efforLs Lo sLop vlolence agalnsL women more lnLegraLed, effecLlve and efflclenL,
placlng women aL Lhe cenLer of u.S. dlplomaLlc efforLs where l belleve lL belongs.
l ask [your Member of Congress here] Lo supporL Lhe blll and ask [hls or her] colleagues Lo do Lhe same.
vlolence agalnsL women and glrls ls a pervaslve human rlghLs crlsls LhaL demands a sLrong response. l ask
[your Member of Congress here] Lo do [usL LhaL and supporL Lhls efforL.

;+A.M #%'%( './ 'CC676'%6+.

1hank ou for 1ak|ng Act|on for I-VAWA!

As members and supporLers of Lhe CoallLlon Lo Lnd vlolence AgalnsL Women and Clrls Clobally, we are
commlLLed Lo endlng Lhe global epldemlc of vlolence agalnsL women and glrls. 1hrough our comblned efforLs,
we have Lhe chance Lo make a dlfference for hundreds of mllllons of women and glrls worldwlde who are face
Lhe LhreaL of vlolence on a dally basls.
1hank you for your commlLmenL Lo upholdlng Lhe rlghL of all women and glrls Lo llve free from vlolence,
lnLlmldaLlon and fear. 1hank you for all your efforLs Lo push for sLrong Congresslonal supporL and passage of
Lhe lnLernaLlonal vlolence AgalnsL Women AcL.
Lvery acLlon you Lake for Lhls crlLlcal prlorlLy makes a dlfference and on behalf of Lhe coallLlon, Lhank you for
your supporL.
lease feel free Lo conLacL Lhe CoallLlon wlLh any quesLlons, requesLs for addlLlonal lnformaLlon, or Lo share
Lhe ouLcomes of your advocacy and ouLreach efforLs.

Contact Informat|on:
Iu||a Drost, Amnesty Internat|ona| USA: 202-67S-87S8, [drostQa|
Ce||a k|cha, Iutures W|thout V|o|ence: 202-S9S-7387, cr|chaQfuturesw|thoutv|o|
Chr|st|ne nart, Women 1hr|ve Wor|dw|de: 202-999-4476, chartQwomenthr|
8en We|ngrod, CAkL USA: 202-609-6360, bwe|

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