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Recess Time Children have recess everyday.

They have a chance to interact with all of their peers and spend time playing and just having fun. For Jessica to interact with her peers, she needs to feel comfortable with games or activities they are involved in and needs to know how to go about it. This will help her with confidence and vocabulary used by her peers. bjective The child will be able to identify common phrases!words that can be heard during recess" during practice #ranging from easiest to hardest difficulty level$ and during role play and everyday life with the clinician and other individuals. %evels of &ifficulty" '. (ingle words in tasks with ) choices ). (ingle words with increased number of choices *. +ords embedded in a rote carrier phrase #followed by increasing number of choices of phrase$ ,. +ords presented in novel short phrases -. .hrases of increasing length with more than one critical feature to comprehend /. Connected spoken language .redict &iscuss with the student different situations where the subject of recess and the associated vocabulary words might be used" 0 1ames that can be played 0 .eople may ask 2what games do you want to play34 0 Tag 0 5ide and seek 0 6all 0 Run 0 (kip 0 Jump 0 5opscotch 0 7ickball 0 .lay, game 0 Talking about your favorite games!activities 0 8nderstanding politeness and share 0 Turn taking 0 &uck, goose 0 Rules on how games are meant to be played 0 Common commands teachers!adults may use to instruct the children of what to do .ractice 0 .resent the word!phrase in sign language and write it #Jessica might not know how to read yet but e9posing her to the written word could be beneficial$ 0 .resent it again in spoken :nglish without signing and encouraging the child to imitate it 0 .resent it a third time in spoken :nglish, indicating the print form 0 .resent the phrases for the student to choose from a group of options which is appropriate, but challenging to the students ability .ractice#;ctivity$ Rationale0 (ince children play with toys all the time, using toys that are seen at recess can be used to

help demonstrate activities or games that are played. 0The clinician could use a ball, rope and chalk. (ay the word and have the child pick up the object being said. %ater, the clinician could do the same with more objects. 0 To increase the difficulty level the clinician could tell the child certain recess activities and the child could act them out. < For e9ample0 the clinician could say 2let=s play jumprope4 and the child could act out the activity Role .lay Rationale0 (et up a pretend recess. %et the child invite someone they know, whether it be a parent, sibling, relative or friend. To e9perience some of the activities beforehand can make it easier on the child. The e9tended help would show more e9amples of circumstances the child can have at recess, with more speakers. 0 First the clinician and the child can come up with a few activities, what they are going to play, inviting others to play, how to play games, taking turns, etc. The clinician could ask 2+ant to play hide and seek34 25ow long should > count for34. This can help the child understand possible ?uestions she may be asked and rules on how to play games she never has played before. < .ossible (cenario0 (tart with one game, switch to another. The clinician could ask 25ow do you play this game3 ;re you going to play another game after3 +ould you like to play with chalk3 Can > play with you3 0 ;t the ne9t session the child, clinician and invited guest#s$ could play the games. This can help the with practice words!phrases they went over < .ossible (cenario0 The clinician could ask to play hopscotch or to play jumprope. :veryone could play kickball or duck, duck, goose. Communication 0%et the parents know the topic being covered and the associated practice words!phrases, and encourage them to practice those words! phrases with the child at home. 5ave the parents include the child in discussions about recess and common activities. 0 %et the teacher know the topic and associated practice words!phrases and have him or her incorporate those words into stories read in class or e9amples during lessons. ;dditional >nformation @aterials 0.encil and .aper! @arker and white board #to write down ideas from .redict discussion$ 0ToysA ball, jumprope, chalk #and if anything from practice recess$ .rompts 0 use of level of difficulties under 2 bjectives4 0 use of sign or multimodal communication when necessary Reinforcements 0 verbal positive reinforcement0 always provide feedback 0 getting to play with toys 0 physical activity 0 feeling of leadership planning the games

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