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Saudi Arabia - Content Management Systems and The Web

Author: Abdullah Muhammad Abduh Hassan University: Taibahu University College: College of Business Administration

This presentation requires a basic knowledge of content management from the reader. This presentation does not intend to infringe any copyrighted material, and is used for educational proposes only. This presentation views the prospective of its author only. Any data used in the presentation should not be used as a standard of measure, and is not completely verified. Any entities referred to in this presentation should only be considered as a concept and should not refer to the entity mentioned; any criticism in this presentation does not refer to the entity mentioned. The author does not hold responsibility of any content or entity mentioned in this presentation unless otherwise specified. This presentation focuses completely on Saudi Arabia and its states at present.

This presentation focuses on web programming, website development and web

education, and content management systems only, and does not cover other aspects of the web.

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Case Study: Content Management in Saudi Arabia and the

introduction of SAcms

The Challenge
Introduce Content Management Systems to Saudi Arabia.

The Solution
A simple, powerful, and highly interactive online content management system that facilitates task management for every purpose. The system is called [SAcms].

Benefits and Goals

Provides a complete content management system to handle daily activities to modify, create, delete, and update information. This system has almost no competition in Saudi Arabia, as few to no content management systems are created by Saudis for the Arabic language. The preferred financial solution for businesses and persons, excelling in time management, effectiveness, speed and quality, reducing development time, energy and cost. Modification of all content in the system from one location, accessible from anywhere in the world. Effective Arabic to English transition, offering the flexibility of massive corporate systems in simple and easy to use methods. Usage of the latest revisions in web programming systems, language frameworks.

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First: this presentation previews an overview of the web, the web in Saudi Arabia, and individual search and usage statistics. Second: this presentation discusses the content management system definition, its benefits, the state of web content management in Saudi Arabia, and the lack of content management, then discusses the state of web programming by Saudi individuals, the learning process possible currently, and the state of educational material to use as a learning tool. Third: this presentation presents a business idea by its author, a Saudi Arabian content management system that is already being prepared for launch. Its advantages and disadvantages, compares it to other systems created by non-Saudi individuals.

Global: The Web has been steadily growing commercially from 1994, and it has proven to be a powerful tool that changes the way we interact, do business and communicate. In a few years, the web has given individuals internationality, and globalized their world. It became the universal source of data and information. It changes constantly, with the innovation of the social web, and the mobile web, it has changed the lives of persons worldwide, and gave a new method of communication to them. It offers globalization at a cost that is almost unmentionable. Almost anyone can write, and read information on the web, and establish a presence and publish his opinions and ideas. The growth of the web has reached 34.3%

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of the worlds population from 1995, reaching nearly 35% of all mankind in only 17 years. The web has removed the distances that separate individuals, and increased their borders. It has removed the limits of information that a person can obtain, removed the burden of accessing this information, and removed its cost. It has introduced countries, made businesses international and global, and individuals to a billion other individuals with any interests or mindsets without limits. Saudi Arabia: The Web was in Saudi Arabia arrived 4 years later after its commercialized state in the United States. The web arrived in Saudi Arabia in 1994 and was accessed by only academic, medical and research institutions. It was not publicized until 1999 which is another 5 year loss to the population. It was publicized by ministerial decision made in 1997. The growth of the web from 200,000 users by Dec 2000 to 2011 is almost 10 million. A growth increase of more than 1000%, and was one of the fastest growing web markets world-wide in 2007 until the title was taken by Qatar and Kuwait and Morocco from 2007 to 2009. The Web in Saudi Arabia was managed by King Abdul-Aziz City for Science and Technology (KACST), but is now under a department of KACST called the Internet Service Unit (ISU), provide it to the public through commercial Licensed ISPs. And it is a known fact that the growth of the internet will continue rapidly as young adults and teenagers are adapting to the new technology as they consist of almost 60% of the Saudi Population. Graph depicting Web Users as percentage of the population, (19902011):

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Web Usage Overview: Almost 80% of web users in Saudi Arabia use Google as their main search engine, and the most used search terms by Saudi Citizens are popular social media sites such as YouTube coming first with a massive 3.9 million Saudi user base, Facebook coming second with over 2.5 million Saudi users, and the popular newspaper site Sabq as third in line, then most uses of the internet in Saudi Arabia relates to entertainment, games, and pictures, social forums and chatting websites.

Content Management in Saudi Arabia

Content Management Definition: Content management in definition is online software that is used to manage information on a website. It is designed to facilitate tasks that include but are not limited to, formation, alteration, archiving, and removal of information from a database. In common terms, a content management system (cms) is a website that provides the user with an

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interface for doing all tasks that enable him to have complete control over a website. The Purpose and Functions of Content Management: Content management goals vary by individual or organizational usage requirements. News Organizations, e-commerce websites, and educational institutes, persons, groups, multimedia providers all use a content management system that provides features and functionality to simplify publishing of digital content. The main goal is considered to be the ability to provide non-technical users to make changes to a website with little to no training. Authors of digital content can vary from 1 to 10,000 per specific site, and overtime content may grow to a scale too large to be managed using static html pages. The process is often a collaborative process that consists of the following features: CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete. User Roles (Permissions, Responsibilities). Dynamic and Modular Design. Object Oriented (Each page is an independent entity) Single Sourced (Unlimited pages run using the same code) Workflow Orientation. Version Controlled (CRUD actions are recorded by date, time). Content Management Benefits: Effective Content Control: it enables the owner to publish his own content based on his experience regarding any subject. As he

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already has knowledge of what he wants published and for what purpose. Efficiency: it reduces repetitive activities and enables the owner to do the task he requires directly with almost no requirements. Team Management: it enables the owner to assign other users to publish content in the system based on permissions assigned to them by the owner; it also enables access from multiple users at the same time, and multiple sessions of the same user. Productivity: enables the owner to focus on other tasks by providing direction navigation to tasks that can be performed by the system, saving time and energy. Cost Efficient: having a content management system that the owner can edit himself whenever he needs, without paying any extra costs, or requesting any service from external sources is the optimum option to save money. Multiple Appearances: it can provide the owner with a number of templates to serve his content; each template changes the look of his website completely. Internationalization: it can provide users with content depending on their native tongue, and it can change dynamically depending on what the user requests from the content management system. Thus changing the websites right to left direction to left to right to change from Arabic to English or vise versa, and changing the websites template to another direction entirely and repositioning elements on the webpage without any duplication of the site, or the software. Decentralization: it can be accessed from any location on earth, using any type of technological device that contains a web browser.

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Ease of Use: it does not require any programming knowledge from the owner; it is programmed to be word processing software for web content. Privacy: it can provide content specific to certain people with authorization from the owner. Why should an individual choose content management? To decide to usage a content management system should be an easy decision. The individual is only required to answer one question. Do you want the ability to update your website? If the answer is yes then a content management system is a must. Almost all websites run on a content management system because it is dynamic. And using static HTML and CSS requires a web developer to edit the content that is in the website. Having a content management system skips the web developer and enables the individual to directly update his content without being tech-savvy. Another good question you might ask is regarding SEO (social engine optimization) which is a method of web content publishing that provides search engines such as Google and yahoo an easier to understand description of the website to enable users to find the website directly without having to enter the URL just by searching using the search engine.

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