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ampbell’s Kitchen

Hi! ad up
ndy, and I he
My name is Ci r ov er 17 years
tchen. Fo
Campbell’s Ki am to cr eate
with my te ss America.
I have worked fo r families acro
ea t- ta st in g re ci pe s
’s Ki tc he n staff has
gr s, Campbell
Over the year ic a’ s co oks. We
d a fr ie nd sh ip with Amer tu rn , our
develope s, and in
nd out recipe colleagues
develop and se eir creations with us. My
th the power
friends share day. Through
an ge id ea s with me every co nt in ue to grow.
In te rn et , ou r friendships am ed up with my
of the
ea te th is co llection, I te u our families’
To cr bring yo
the country to own
friends across u to o ca n develop your
ri te re ci pe s. Yo
ed ie nt s an d adding
favo bs ti tuting ingr ing
s, by su th e fo ll ow
creation rs. On
favorite flavo
your family’s
show you how. es helpful co
pages, we’ll on also includ
This collecti We ’v e tu ck ed in
y-saving coup stuff for your
tips and mone u can get free ion
informatio n on ho w yo ls for Educat
th roug h Ca mpbell’s Labe r Me al-Mail,
kids’ school sign up fo
ra m. I al so invite you to be ll ’s Ki tc hen.
prog Camp
led daily from mpbell’s soups long
a recipe emai ed with Ca
ly co ok agine a
My fa mi y. (I can’t im n Bean
ed the compan ee
before I join nt Re ba ’s Gr
da y di nn er without my Au Cr ea m of Mushroom
holi th Campbell’s
ol e ma de wi g re ci pes from
, cr ea ti ng and sharin on of a
soup!) Fo r me the contin ti ua
tchen has been
Campbell’s Ki
adition. for you to
long family tr e recipes make it easier
I ho pe th es e fo r a home-cooked
ur fa mi ly ar ound the tabl d li ke to share
gather yo
yo u ha ve a favorite you’ .
meal. And if for my fami ly
love to try it
with me, I’d


dy Ayres
From the desk of Cin
Welcome to Campbell’s! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
A letter from Cindy Ayers

Campbell Gives Back . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

The Labels for Education Program

Making it Yours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
A Campbell Mom shares her ideas

2-Step Meals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-11

Only two steps to dinner!

Blue Ribbon Recipes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-18

Profiles and recipes from Campbell’s contest winners

Kitchen Tips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Cooking with soup made easy

Mainly Meat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-27

Hearty main dishes in minutes

Vegetables and Side Dishes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-31

Sensational side dishes for every day of the week

Home for the Holidays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

Holiday traditions from Campbell’s

Soups and Stews . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38-43

Simmering goodness starts with Campbell’s

The Flavors of Italy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44-49

Pasta, meatballs, tomatoes—a feast of Italian dishes

Sauce it up with Campbell’s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

Campbell’s cream soups are sauces just waiting to happen

Campbell’s Kitchen Web Site . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

Visit the community and get free recipes

Hi, I’m Anne. It seems
like only yesterday my
children were in school
and I participated in
Campbell’s Labels for Education
program. Today, I work for Campbell
and I am deeply involved with the program.
In fact, my kids call me the “Label Lady.” I
love helping parents across the country build
better schools for our children. labels from Campbell’s
Participating in the program is easy. Just save educational, recreational
products and your school can redeem them for the years helped earn my
and sporting equi pme nt. The labels I save d over
ical instruments.
kids new computers, software, books and musassle fundraiser my whole family
Campbell’s Labels For Education is a no-h
ucts you already use and love.
got involved with. Just save labels from prodtime, and there is no limit to the
Labels can be collected and redeemed at any
amount of merchandise your school can earn. when they were little. They tore
My kids got so excited about the program pantry. That often meant
labels from Campbell’s soup cans stocked in surprise for dinner!
grilled cheese sand wich es and Cam pbell’s soup
helped Campbells deliver
Over the past 29 years, families like ours have
to our schools. Together, we are
nearly $100 million in valuable merchandise label at a time!
building better schools for our children—one
Hope to hear from you soon,

P.S. To learn more, visit

or call us at 1-800-424-5331.

From the desk of Anne Pizarro

Hi ! My name is Andrea,
and I’m the mother of three
boys, Liam (7), Patrick (9), and Daniel
(11). I work for Campbell part-time.
My job is to meet with people like you
and me who use Campbell’s products,
and gather their opinions. I ask
questions about new product ideas,
new soup flavors, advertising and
Many of the folks I speak to are moms
who, like me, are pressed for time but still
want to prepare delicious, homemade
meals for their families. With my three
boys—four, including my husband—I
know how important it is to catch up with family at the dinner table.
That’s where Campbell’s recipes can help. In just 20 minutes or less, I can
prepare a home cooked meal I know my family will love. My boys especially
love moist and creamy dishes like Tasty 2-Step Chicken, made with
Campbell’s Cream of Mushroom soup. I can add my personal touch to make it
fit the many tastes of my hungry gang. My son Daniel loves when I add
broccoli and serve it with noodles. My husband Ed likes it served over pasta
with garlic and extra mushrooms.
I just know these recipes will please your family as much as they do mine.
Many can be made in two easy steps, with tips on how to add ingredients you
probably have on hand to make the dish your very own.
Enjoy these delicious ways to bring your family together for dinner!



o.k., what’s for dinner

tomorrow night?
Sign up for Meal-Mail and you’ll get great
tasting, easy to prepare recipes in your
email box everyday! What could be easier?
Click here to sign up.

©2002 Campbell’s
Campbell’s Soup Company.
Company. All rights reserved.
reserved. A Message from our [LEGAL]





o.k., what’s for dinner

tomorrow night?
Sign up for Meal-Mail and you’ll get great
tasting, easy to prepare recipes in your
email box everyday! What could be easier?
Click here to sign up.

©2002 Campbell’s
Campbell’s Soup Company.
Company. All rights reserved.
reserved. A Message from our [LEGAL]



o.k., what’s for dinner

tomorrow night?
Sign up for Meal-Mail and you’ll get great
tasting, easy to prepare recipes in your
email box everyday! What could be easier?
Click here to sign up.

Campbell’s® Speedy
2-Step Beef Stroganoff
prep/cook time: 20 min. • Serves 4

Brown Add
cup 1 
1 Tbsp.

soup, sour cream, milk and
1 lb. ground beef. worcestershire. Heat
through. Serve on noodles.
For a change of pace, add 1 can of sliced mushrooms.

©2002 Campbell’s Soup Company. All rights reserved. A Message from our [LEGAL]

JUNE 19, 2002

Campbell’s® 20-Minute Recipe Challenge

Grand Prize Winner is Christina Hurt of Ada, OK
M’m! M’m! Good! That’s Campbell’s® Paprika Chicken with
what the Campbell’s
Kitchen staff declared
Sour Cream Gravy
when they tested Christina Prep/Cook Time: 20 min.
Hurt’s entry in the second 1/2 cup all-purpose flour
annual Campbell’s 20-
2 tsp. paprika
Minute Recipe Challenge.
Hurt, who hails from Ada, 1 tsp. each salt, ground pepper, garlic powder,
Oklahoma, took top cayenne pepper
honors out of thousands 4 boneless chicken breast halves
of entries received. In 1/4 cup butter or margarine
addition to claiming the
1 can (10 3/4 oz.) CAMPBELL’S Cream of
$20,000 grand prize, she
Chicken or 98% Fat Free Cream of Chicken Soup
and her winning recipe will
be featured on the label of 1/4 cup sliced green onions
Campbell’s® Condensed 1 carton (8 oz.) sour cream
Cream of Chicken Soup.
Eight First Prizes also MIX flour and seasonings. Coat chicken.
were awarded. MELT butter in skillet. Add chicken and cook until
Hurt’s recipe, Paprika browned.
Chicken with Sour Cream ADD soup and onions. Cover and cook over low heat
Gravy, uses Campbell’s® 10 min. or until done. Stir in sour cream. Serve with
continued on page 7 mashed potatoes or rice if desired. Serves 4.

Campbell’s® Microwave Enchilada Torte
1 lb. ground beef Prep/Cook Time: 20 min.
1 jar (16 oz.) PACE Chunky Salsa
2 tbsp. chili powder
8 (6 to 8”) flour tortillas
1 can CAMPBELL’S Cheddar Cheese Soup
1 cup shredded Cheddar cheese
Sour cream (optional)
COOK beef in skillet until browned. Pour off fat.
ADD salsa and chili powder.
LAYER 4 tortillas in 2-qt. microwave-safe shallow baking dish.
Top with half of the meat mixture and half of the soup. Repeat
layers. Top with cheese. Cover.
MICROWAVE at 70% power for 8 min. or until hot. Serve with sour
cream if desired. Serves 6.

ell’s Co
ntest W
Campb inners
ell’s ® C ed
1 tbsp. PREP/C y Chicken
vegetab OOK TIM
4 bonele le oil E: 20 MIN
ss chick
1/4 cup en breast h
each cra alves
1 can (1 nberry ju
0 3/4 o ice and
z.) CAM o
98% Fat
Free Cre PBELL’S range juice
1 tbsp. a m Cream o
dried cra of Mush f Mushro
1 tbsp. nberries room So om or
chopped up
crushed fresh sag
e or 1 ts
1/8 tsp. p. dried
pepper sage lea
4 cups c ves,
ooked in
stant wh
HEAT o ite rice
il in
ADD juic skillet. Add chic
es ke
boil. Cov , soup, cranberr n and cook unti
er and c ies, sag l browne
SERVE o o e d.
over rice k over low hea and pepper. Hea
. Serves t 5 min. t to a
4. or until d

Campbell’s® Fast Fiesta Shepherd’s Pie
Prep/Cook Time: 20 min.

1 lb. ground beef

1 can CAMPBELL’S Tomato with Roasted Garlic & Herbs
1 cup frozen whole kernel corn
3/4 cup PACE Picante Sauce
1 tsp. ground cumin
1 can CAMPBELL’S Fiesta Nacho Cheese Soup
1 cup milk
2 tbsp. butter or margarine
1 1/3 cups instant mashed potato flakes

COOK beef in skillet until browned. Pour off fat.

STIR in tomato soup, corn, picante sauce and cumin. Heat
to a boil. Cover and cook over low heat 5 min.
MIX cheese soup, milk and butter in saucepan. Heat to a
boil. Remove from heat. Stir in potato flakes. Let stand 30
seconds. Mix with fork until evenly moistened. Drop
potatoes by large spoonfuls onto beef mixture.
Serves 4.

Campbell’s® Creamy Almond Chicken
Prep/Cook Time: 20 min.
1/4 cup butter or margarine
2/3 cup sliced almonds
6 boneless chicken breast halves
1/8 tsp. each salt and pepper
1 cup heavy cream
1 can (10 3/4 oz.) CAMPBELL’S Cream of Chicken or
98% Fat Free Cream of Chicken Soup
2 tbsp. orange marmalade
1 tbsp. Dijon mustard
1/8 tsp. red pepper flakes

MELT 1 tbsp. butter in skillet. Add almonds and cook

until browned. Remove almonds.
PLACE chicken between 2 sheets of plastic wrap and
pound to even thickness. Season with salt and pepper.
MELT remaining butter in skillet. Add chicken and
cook until browned.
ADD 1/2 cup toasted almonds, cream, soup, marmalade,
mustard and red pepper. Cook 10 min. or until sauce
thickens. Garnish with remaining almonds. Serve with rice if
desired. Serves 6.
Campbell’s® Chick
en Creole wi
Prep/Cook Time: th Chile Cream Sauce
20 min.
4 boneless chicken
2 tsp. Creole or Ca east halves
1 jun seasoning
tbsp. olive oil
1 can (10 3/4 oz.)
Chicken So m of Chicken or
1/2 cup wate up 98% Fat Free Cr
eam of
1 can (4 oz.)
chopped green ch
1 tsp. lime jui iles
1/4 cup sour ce
Hot cooked rice eam

SEASON chicken
HEAT oil in skillet th Creole seasoning.
ADD soup, water, . Add chicken and cook until brow
chiles and lime jui ned.
done. ce. Heat to a boil.
STIR in sour crea Cook over low he
m and heat throug at 5 min. or until
h. Serve over ric
e. Serves 4.

Campbell’s® New Orleans Shrimp Toss

Prep/Cook Time: 20 min.

1 lb. fresh large shrimp, shelled and deveined

2 tbsp. vegetable oil
2 tbsp. lemon juice
1 tbsp. Worcestershire sauce
1 tsp. Cajun seasoning
1/2 cup chopped onion
2 cloves garlic, chopped
1 can CAMPBELL’S Cream of Chicken with Herbs Soup
1/2 cup milk
1 tsp. paprika
4 cornbread squares or biscuits

MIX shrimp, 1 tbsp. oil, lemon juice, Worcestershire and

Cajun seasoning.
HEAT remaining oil in skillet. Add onion and garlic and cook
until tender.
ADD soup, milk and paprika. Heat to a boil. Add seasoned
shrimp. Cover and cook over low heat 5 min. or until shrimp
is done. Serve with cornbread. Serves 4.
Mai nly Mea t

Swanson® Beef Teriyaki

Prep/Cook Time: 25 min.

SLICE beef into very thin strips.

1 lb. boneless beef sirloin r
steak, 3/4” thick* Mix cornstarch, broth, soy, suga
and garlic.
2 tbsp. cornstarch
STIR-FRY beef in nonstick skillet
1 can (14 oz.) SWANSON
Beef Broth or Lower until browned and juices
Sodium Beef Broth evaporate.

2 tbsp. soy sauce ADD broccoli and cornstarch

mixture. Cook and stir until
1 tbsp. packed brown sugar
mixture boils and thickens. Serve
1/4 tsp. garlic powder over rice.
4 cups broccoli flowerets Serves 4.
4 cups hot cooked rice, *To make slicing easier, freeze beef
1 hr.
cooked without salt

Prep/Cook Ti
me: 20 min.
2 tbsp. butter
4 boneless chic
ken breast halv
1 can (10 3/4 es
L’S Cream of Ch
Cream of Chic icken or 98%
ken Soup Fat Free
1/4 cup water
2 tsp. lemon ju
2 cloves garlic,
minced or 1/4
4 cups hot cook tsp. garlic pow
ed capellini or
thin spaghetti

HEAT butt
er in skillet.
browned. Add chicken
and cook un
ADD soup, til
water, lemo
boil. Cover n ju
and cook ove ice and garlic. Heat to
done. Serve r low heat 5 a
with pasta. S min. or unti
erves 4. l

Campbell’s® Chicken
Broccoli Divan
Prep Time: 10 min. Cook Time: 30 min.
4 cups fresh or frozen PLACE broccoli in 2-qt.
broccoli shallow baking dish.
4 boneless chicken breast Top with chicken.
halves MIX soup and milk. Pour over
1 can (10 3/4 oz.) chicken. Sprinkle
CAMPBELL’S Cream with cheese. Mix bread
of Chicken or 98% Fat crumbs and butter and
Free Cream of Chicken sprinkle on top.
Soup* BAKE at 350°F. for 30 min.
1/2 cup milk Serves 4.
1/2 cup shredded Cheddar
*Also delicious with Broccoli
Cheese or Cream of Broccoli
2 tbsp. dry bread crumbs
1 tbsp. melted butter

ffing Ba
rk Chops & Stu
ll’s Po ®
Campbe : 30 min
Cook Tim
Tim e: 10 min. ffing
Prep Bread Stu
G E FA RM Corn
4 cups P ops, 3/4” t Free
less pork ch r 98% Fa
4 to 6 bo n e
a m o f C ry o
e le
S Cre
1 can CA Soup*
f C e lery
Cream o
1/3 cup ar cheese
d Chedd
1/2 cup . directio
g to pkg
u ffin g accordin king dish.
st ba
A R E co rn bread f 3-qt. shallow
PRE P nter o
across ce uffing.
SPOON ea ch side of st
ch o ps on
rk ps.
Place po over cho
ilk. Pour . Sprinkle
p and m ntil done
MIX sou fo r 3 0 m . or u
400°F .
Bake at
COVER. es 4 to 6
ese . S erv
with che Soup.
it h C re am of M
licious w
*Also de

Campbell’s Herb

Roasted Chicken &

Prep Cook
Time: 10 min. Time: 50 min.
1 can (10 ⁄4 oz.) CAMPor 98%

Cream of Mushroom oom

Fat Free Cream of Mushr
⁄3 cup water
2 tsp. dried oregano
2 cups fresh or frozen
car rot s
4 medium potatoes, cut
ast halves
4 bone-in chicken bre
⁄2 tsp. paprika
. oregano,
MIX soup, water, 1 tsp
es in shallow
carrots and potato
roa sting pan.
TOP with chicken. Season
aining oregan o and paprika.
Place on top.
min. or until
BAKE at 400°F. for 50
done. Stir veg etable s.
Serves 4.

ck Pepp er Steak
Fr anco-Amer ican Qui

Prep/Cook Time: 25 min
steak, ⁄4" thick*
1 lb. boneless beef sirloin
2 tbsp. vegetable oil
en or red pepper strips
3 cups fresh or frozen gre
1 medium onion, cut into
⁄2 tsp. garlic pow der
1 can (10 ⁄4 oz.) FRAN

1 tbsp. Worcestershire
4 cup s hot coo ked rice
SLICE beef into very thin il browned and
oil in ski llet . Add beef and stir-fry unt
HEAT 1 tbsp.
to one side of skillet.
juices evaporate. Push lic and cook until
d peppers, onion and gar
HEAT remaining oil. Ad
tender-crisp. . Serve over rice.
stershire. Heat through
ADD gravy and Worce
Serves 4.
freeze beef 1 hr.
*To make slicing easier,

39 Recipe Classics
w-Cooker Italian Pot
Campbell’s Zesty Slo

Cook Time: 10 to 12
Prep Time: 10 min.
4 medium potatoes, qua
s fresh or fro zen baby carrots
2 cup
1 stalk celery, cut into 1”
ck roast
21⁄2 lb. boneless beef chu
⁄2 tsp. pepper up
ed Garlic & Herbs So
’S Tomato with Roast
⁄2 cup water
roast with
. slow cooker. Season
s and celery in 3 ⁄2-qt
PLACE potatoes, carrot
pepper and place on
Pour over all.
MIX soup and water. 4 to 6.
W 10 to 12 hr.* Serves
COVER and cook on LO 1 p water. Remove beef
4 cup all-pur
pose flour with ⁄2 cu
gravy, mix ⁄ H. Cook until
For a thicker cooker. Turn heat to HIG
flour mixture to slow
and keep warm. Add
kens, about 10 min.
mixture boils and thic
and 3 cloves
BELL’S Tomato Soup
1 can (10 ⁄4 oz.) CAMP
: You can sub stitute ed Garlic & He rbs Soup.
ed) for CA MP BE LL’S Tomato with Roast
garlic (minc

*Or on HIGH 5 to 6 hr.

Prep/Cook Time: 10 min. Serves 4

Barb 6/20
Cheesy Broccoli
1 can Campbell’s Cheddar Cheese Soup
1/4 cup milk
4 cups frozen broccoli cuts
Mix soup and milk in 2-qt. microwave-safe casserole. Add
broccoli. Cover.
Microwave on HIGH 8 min. or until broccoli is tender-
crisp, stirring once.

Campbell’s ®
Cheese Fries
1 bag (32 o Time: 20 m
z.) frozen F in.
1 can CAM rench fried
PBELL’S C p o ta toes
heddar Che
BAKE pota ese Soup
toes accord
PUSH pota ing to pkg.
toes into ce directions.
in can and sp nter of bakin
oon over po g sheet. Stir
BAKE 3 m tatoes. soup
in. or until
Nacho Chee so u p is hot. Ser ve
se s 6.
Nacho Chee Fries: Substitute CAM
se Soup for PBELL’S F
the Cheddar iesta
Cheese Sou

Swanson Savory Ve
min. 4
Prep/Cook Time: 20

en Broth or
1 cup SWANSON Chick ™ Chicken Broth
Natural Goodness
3 cups cut-up vegeta
at to
bles in saucepan. He
MIX broth and vegeta
a boil. til
low heat 5 min. or un
COVER and cook over
crisp. Drain.
vegetables are tender- erets, sliced carrot and
liflower flow
broccoli flowerets, cau
*Use a combination of
sliced celery.

Swanson BRice

: 25 MIN
n (14 o z.) SWANSON C odness™
1 ca tural Go
Broth or Na th
Chicke n B ro
(1 3/4 cups) r long-
cu p un c o oked regula
3/4 rice
grain white
to a boil.
in saucepan w
HEAT broth Cover and cook over lo 4.
Stir in ric e. ne. Serve s
. or until do
heat 20 min

Green Bean Casserole
America’s Favorite Casserole was really quite simple,” says
Reilly, whom Campbell calls the
Holiday Tradition “grandmother” of the Green Bean Casserole.
“I wanted to create a quick and easy recipe
Jeff Bedard around two things most Americans always
Public Relations have on hand – green beans and Campbell’s
Perhaps the most famous creation to emerge Condensed Cream of Mushroom Soup.”
from the Campbell’s Kitchens at the Campbell Why has it become a classic? “Green Bean
Soup Co. is the recipe for Green Bean Casserole has become an American holiday
Casserole, that holiday favorite of creamy, tradition because it’s attractive, convenient,
saucy green beans topped with crisp French- and quite easy to transport to a party or
fried onions. What American family hasn’t had potluck dinner,” Reilly says. “And best of all,
this on its Thanksgiving table? friends and family look forward to eating it
Very few, according to statistics from at the holidays – or any day of the year.”
Campbell. This popular side dish takes its place Over the years, consumers have customized
alongside turkey on more than 20 million the recipe by adding or substituting different
holiday tables each year. ingredients and flavors – by topping it with
Originally christened “Green Bean Bake,” shredded cheddar cheese or crunchy,
today’s Green Bean Casserole recipe recipe chopped red bell pepper, by substituting
is requested by more than 10,000 home Campbell’s Condensed Golden Mushroom
cooks each year, but most frequently during or Campbell’s 98% Fat Free Cream of
the holidays. The recipe coats green beans Mushroom Soup in lieu of regular Cream of
with a saucy combination of Campbell’s Mushroom.
Condensed Cream of Mushroom Soup and a Even Cindy Ayers, who heads up
splash of soy sauce. The green beans are then Campbell’s Kitchen, varies the basic
smothered with crunchy French Fried onions recipe. “I still love it today because I can
for the perfect finish. tailor it to perfectly suit my family’s
The recipe was created in 1955 by Dorcas needs,” Ayers says. “The options are
Reilly, former manager of the Campbell endless, and, any way you customize it, it’s
Kitchens. certain to become a family favorite.”
“My initial inspiration for the Green Bean

B e a n Casser
el l ’s® Green . e: 30 min
Campb e : 10 m in . Cook Tim
or 9 8 % F at Free C
ream of
Prep Tim Mushroo
P B EL L’S Cream of
3/4 oz.)
1 can (10 p
m Sou
1/2 cup
1 tsp. soy
Dash pep green be
o oked cut d Onions 1/2-qt. c
4 cups c ’s® Fren c h F rie
p on io n s in 1
s French d 2/3 cu
1 1/3 cup p ep pe r , beans an
, milk, soy til hot. 6.
MIX soup 0 F. for 25
min. or un . Serves ch) froz
a t 3 5 0 n io n s. Bake 5 min k g . (9 oz. ea
BAKE ain ing o ns , 2 p . fr esh
rinkle wit
h rem en bea about 1 1
/2 lb
STIR. Sp o z .) f r ozen gre e a n s o r
to 20 nb
1 bag (16 ach) gree
TIP: Use n s (a b o ut 16 oz. e
ans, 2 c
green be r this recip
b e a ns f o
gree n

❂ Recipe Favorites

Swanson® Double- PLACE apricots and broth in

microwave-safe measuring cup.
Apricot Glazed Ham Microwave on HIGH for 2 min. Let
Prep Time: 15 min. Cook Time: 2 hr. cool. Remove apricots and cut into
strips. Reserve broth. Mix apricots,
1 cup dried apricots (6 oz.) sugar and 1⁄4 cup reserved broth.
1 cup SWANSON Chicken PLACE ham in roasting pan.
Broth or Natural Bake at 325°F. for 2 hr. or until
Goodness™ Chicken Broth thermometer registers 140°F.
⁄2 cup firmly packed brown (allow 15 min. per pound). Top with
sugar apricot mixture during last 30 min.
of baking, basting frequently with
6 - 8 - lb. fully cooked whole boneless
pan drippings.
2 tbsp. butter or margarine HEAT butter in skillet. Add shallots
and cook until tender. Add apricot
⁄2 cup finely chopped shallots preserves, mustard, orange rind and
2 jars (12 oz. each) apricot remaining broth. Heat to a boil.
preserves (about 2 cups) Cook over low heat 10 min. or until
⁄4 cup Dijon mustard slightly thickened.

2 tsp. grated orange rind SLICE ham and serve with apricot
sauce. Serves 24 to 32.
*Use 3- to 31⁄2-lb. fully cooked half boneless ham for 12 servings. Prepare as
above, but reduce remaining ingredients in half.


g e t a b le S t u f f in g
® H o li d a y V e
Swanson in .
Time: 25 m
Prep/Cook o z. ) sliced water
1 ca n (8
ne drained
er of margari opped fresh
2 tbsp. butt o m s cu ps coarsely ch
p mushro 2
2 cups cut-u pp ed spinach RM Herb
nion, cho PERIDGE FA
1 medium o ed 4 cups PEPed Stuffing
ca rrots, chopp Season
2 medium S O N
) SWAN cook
1 can (14 oz.le Broth carrots and
Vegetab onion and
Add mushrooms,
in saucepot.
HEAT butter uffing.
until tender. . H ea t to a boil. Stir in st
d spinach
, chestnuts an
ADD broth
Mix lightly.
Serves 8.

Swanson® Ult
ra Creamy Ma
shed Potatoes
Prep/Cook Tim
e: 25 min.
2 cans (14 oz
. each) SWAN
Natural Goodn ™ SON C
(3 1⁄2 cups) ess Chicken hicken Broth or
5 large potato
es, cu
⁄2 cup light crea t into 1” pieces (about 7 1⁄2 cups)
2 tbsp. butter
or margarine
Generous dash
PLACE broth
over medium and potatoes in saucepan. H
heat 10 min. or ea
until tender. D t to a boil. Cover and cook
MASH potato rain, reserving
es broth.
additional brot with ⁄4 cup broth, cream
h, if needed, un , bu
til desired cons tter and pepper. Add
Serves about 6. istency.

2-Bean Chili

1 lb. ground beef

1 large green pepper,
1 large onion, chopped
2 tbsp. chili powder
⁄4 tsp. pepper
3 cups CAMPBELL’S Tomato
1 can (about 15 oz.) each
kidney beans and great
Northern beans, rinsed and
Sour cream, sliced green
onions, shredded Cheddar
cheese, chopped tomato
COOK beef, green pepper, onion, chili
powder and pepper in
skillet until
browned. Pour off
ADD tomato juice
and beans and
heat through.Top
with sour cream,
green onions, cheese
and tomato.


Sensational Chicken Noodle Soup

3 1/2 cups SWANSON Chicken PREP/COOK TIME: 20 MIN.

Broth or Natural GoodnessTM
Chicken Broth MIX broth, pepper, carrot and celery in
saucepan. Heat to a boil.
Generous dash pepper
STIR in noodles and chicken. Cook
1 medium carrot, sliced
over medium heat 10 min. or until
1 stalk celery, sliced noodles are done. Serves 4.
1/2 cup uncooked medium
egg noodles Nutritional Values Per Serving: Calories
106, Fat 3g, Protein 12g, Carbohydrate 6g,
1 cup cubed cooked chicken Sodium 903mg.


Hearty Lasagna Soup

1 lb. ground beef PREP/COOK TIME: 25 MIN.

1/4 tsp. garlic powder
COOK beef with garlic in skillet until
2 cans (14 oz. each) SWANSON browned. Pour off fat.
Seasoned Beef Broth
with Onion ADD broth, tomatoes and Italian seasoning.
Heat to a boil.
1 can (14 1/2 oz.) diced
tomatoes STIR in pasta. Cook over medium heat
1/4 tsp. dried Italian seasoning, 10 min. or until pasta is done. Stir in cheese.
Serve with additional cheese, if desired.
Serves 4.
1 1/2 cups uncooked mafalda or Nutritional Values Per Serving: Calories 446,
corkscrew pasta Fat 18g, Protein 31g, Carbohydrate 39g,
Sodium 1157mg.
1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese

Ca mp be ll’s ® Slo w- Co ok er
Tu sca n Be ef Ste w
Prep Time: 5 min. Cook Time: 8 to 9 hr.


Tomato Soup
1 can (10 ⁄4 oz.) CAMPBELL’S

PBELL’S Con den sed Beef Broth

1 can CAM
⁄2 cup red wine or water
2 lb. beef for stew, cut into 1”
1 oz.) diced Italian-style tomatoes
1 can (14 ⁄2
3 large carrots, cut into 1” piec
1 tsp. Italian seasoning, crushed
⁄2 tsp. garlic powder
te kidney (cannellini)
2 cans (about 16 oz. each) whi
beans, drai ned
toes, carrots, Italian
MIX soup, broth, wine, 1beef, toma
and garlic in 3 2-qt. slow cooker.

9 hr.*
COVER and cook on LOW 8 to
heat to HIG H and cook 10 min.
STIR in beans. Turn
*Or on HIGH 4 to 5 hr.

Swanson ® Herb-Simmered Beef Stew
2 lb. beef for stew, cut into 1” cubes
Freshly ground pepper
2 tbsp. all-purpose flour
2 tbsp. olive oil
3 cups thickly sliced mushrooms
3 cloves garlic, minced
1/2 tsp. each dried marjoram, thyme and rosemary leaves, crushed
1 bay leaf
1 can (14 oz.) SWANSON Beef Broth or Lower Sodium Beef Broth
3 cups fresh or frozen baby carrots
12 whole baby red-skinned potatoes, with a strip of peel removed in center

SEASON beef with pepper and coat with flour. Heat oil in saucepot. Add beef
and cook until browned, stirring often. Add mushrooms, garlic, herbs and bay
leaf and cook until mushrooms are tender and liquid evaporates. Add broth.
HEAT to a boil. Cover and cook over low heat 45 min.
ADD carrots and potatoes. Heat to a boil. Cover and cook over low heat 30 min.
or until done. Remove bay leaf. Serves 6.

47 Suppers
® Slow-Cooke
p b ell’s
❖ Cam i❖
earty Be ef & Bean Chil
H .
e: 8 to 10 hr
e : 1 5 m in . • Cook Tim
Prep Tim
und beef
11⁄2 lb. gro ed
ion, chopp
1 large on d
arlic, mince mato Soup
2 cloves g3 A M P BELL’S To
⁄4 o z.) C
1 can (10 1 iced tomato
n (1 4 ⁄2 oz.) d
1 ca
r ns
⁄2 cup wate kidney bea
n s (1 5 o z. each) red
2 ca
⁄4 cup chili
und cumin
2 tsp. gro ed. Pour off
f in sk ill et until brown
COOK bee water,
, tomatoes, slow
f, o nio n , garlic, soup 3 1 /2 -qt.
MIX bee min in
ns, ch ili p owder and cu
cooker. r.* Serves 6
o k on L O W 8 to 10 h
d co
H 4 to 5 hr.
*Or on HIG

Prego® Easy
Spaghetti &
Time: 20

1 jar (28 oz
12 frozen or Traditional
Pasta Sauce
fully cooked
(about 12 oz meatballs
4 cups hot
cooked spag
MIX pasta
sauce and m
a boil. Cover eatballs in sa
ucepan. Hea
and cook ov t to
until hot. er low heat
15 min. or
SERVE over
spaghetti. Se
rves 4.
*For quicke
r Spaghetti &
meatballs an Meatballs, om
d substitute it fully cooked
Meatball Pas 1 jar (28 oz.)
ta Sauce for P REGO Min
ditional Pas
ta Sauce.

Prego® Mini Pizzas
Prep/Cook Time: 5 min.
⁄2 cup PREGO Pepperoni Hearty Meat Pasta
4 slices Italian bread, 1⁄2” thick, toasted
⁄4 cup shredded mozzarella cheese
1. SPREAD about 2 tbsp. pasta sauce on
each bread slice. Top with cheese. Place on
microwave-safe plate.
2. MICROWAVE on HIGH 1 min. or until
cheese is melted.

Serves 2.

*Also delicious with Italian Sausage & Garlic

and Mini-Meatball.

Campbell’s® Tuna & Pasta
Cheddar Melt
Prep/Cook Time: 20 min.
3 cups uncooked corkscrew pasta
1 can CAMPBELL’S Condensed Chicken Broth
1 soup can water
1 can (10 3/4 oz.) CAMPBELL’S Cream of Mushroom or 98%
Fat Free Cream of Mushroom Soup
1 cup milk
1 can (6 1/2 oz.) solid-pack tuna, drained
1 cup shredded Cheddar cheese
2 tbsp. Italian seasoned bread crumbs
2 tsp. melted butter
COOK pasta in broth and water in skillet until just tender. Do not
ADD soup, milk and tuna. Top with cheese. Mix bread crumbs and
butter. Sprinkle on top. Heat through. Serves 4.

Campbell’s Italian

Vegetables and Pasta

Prep/Cook Time: 25 min.

1 tbsp. olive or vegetable oil

2 medium carrots, thinly slic
medium zucchini, sliced
1 medium onion, sliced
1 cup CAMPBELL'S Tomato
cup grated Par me san cheese
⁄4 tsp. dried oregano leaves,
ves garlic, minced
⁄4 tsp. garlic powder or 2 clo
m tube-s haped, medium shell or
2 cups cooked mediu
corkscrew pasta

and cook
carrots, zucchini and onion
HEAT oil in skillet. Add
until tender-crisp. to a boil.
, oregano and garlic. Heat
ADD tomato juice, cheese heat 5 min. or until veg etables
Cover and cook over low
are tender.
Serves 4.
ADD pasta Heat through.

Mix 'n'
Pasta Bake
PREGO Pasta Bake Sauces turn
are specially blended to
uncooked pasta into in
homemade Italian meals
just 40 minutes. ta, 1
• Mix 1 lb. uncooked pas Sau ce
jar PREG O Pa sta Bake
and 1 full jar water in 9"
13" baking dish.
• Cover tightly with foil.
at 425˚ F. 30 min. ese
• Stir. Top with 2 cups che il
and bake 10 min. or unt
pasta is tender.

You can create an

endless variety of pasta
bakes by starting with
1 lb. uncooked pasta, adding one of our PREGO Pasta Bake Sauces and
topping with a different cheese each time (see below).

Start with pasta

16 oz. rotini pasta

+ Add PREGO Pasta
Bake Sauce
Three-Cheese Marinara
+ Top with cheese

2 cups shredded pizza

cheese blend
8 oz. penne pasta plus Hearty Meat 2 cups shredded sharp
8 oz. rotini pasta Cheddar cheese
16 oz. ziti pasta Mushroom Garlic & Onion 2 cups shredded mozzarella
cheese plus 1⁄4 cup grated
16 oz. medium shell pasta Tomato Garlic & Basil 2 cups shredded Mexican
4-cheese blend
8 oz. bow tie pasta plus Authentic Italian Sausage 1 cup shredded mozzarella
8 oz. penne pasta cheese plus 1 cup shredded
Cheddar cheese

Tips for Cooking
with Campbell’s Sn oup Kitche
by Jane Freiman, Campbell’s mer
make • Soup up your burgers. Sim
Campbell’s Condensed Soups in
n browned hamburger patties
delicious sauces that can tur p.
hom e- Campbell’s French Onion Sou
everyday ingredients into cheese
p them Add a slice of your favorite
cooked meals in no time. Kee bur ger.
me als for a deliciously different
on hand for quick and easy
your family will love. Here are
d: • For Souper Simple Mac and
some ideas to get you starte bell’s
Cheese, combine 1 can Camp
sou p
oom Cheddar Cheese Soup, 1/2
• Campbell’s Cream of Mushr heat
king can milk and 1/2 can water;
Soup makes perfect basic coo ook ed
les s to a boil. Stir in 1 cup unc
sauce. You can make an end r low
other elbow macaroni and cook ove
variety of sauces by adding il done,
Try heat for 10 minutes or unt
simple on-hand ingredients.
stirring often.
adding a little chili powder to
tasty 2-step chicken and top y
. Your • Keep an eye out for our eas
chicken with shredded cheese ks of
an twi st. 2-Step Recipes on the bac
family will love the Mexic
cans and in your favorite
magazines. All you have to do
• When cooking meat for a
e it is look at a picture for a great-
Campbell’s recipe, make sur your
makes the tasting home-cooked dinner
well browned. Browning
whole family will love.
final dish more flavorful.

• Stir your favorite Campbel
Condensed Soup into coo ked
e dish
instant rice for a savory sid
in no time.

No Time To M
ake a Tradition
auce? al S
Try Cooking
With Campbe
Condensed S ll’s
By Jennifer C
ob b
Campbell’s Kitch from beef stock
en , herbs, and toma
The Campbell thickened with a toes, and
Soup Company browned roux of
producing M’m ha s been Be fo re Jo fat and flour.
! M’m! Good! hn Dorrance create
soups since 1897 condensed condensed d Campbell’s
when John Dorra soups, home cook
with a way to rem nce came up create th s who wanted to
ove water from so ese sauces had
it easier for consum up to make themselves. to make them
ers to use at home Now home cooks
Dorrance was a tru . and creaminess to can add moisture
e culinarian in ev their favorite recipe
of the word. He ery sense the hassle or without
studied in Germ time required to
developed a taste any and these sauces fro create one of
for soup and a pa m scratch.
food. After ret ssion for For example, Cr
urning the U.S. eam of Mushroo
continued to study , Dorrance performs in m soup
under top chefs in many ways like a
3 months each Paris for Characterized béchamel sauce.
year and was by its smooth, cre
honorary memb named an Cream of amy texture,
er of an elite Fr Mushroom soup
association. He ev ench chef alternative is an ideal
en won a gold me to a white sauce be
Paris exhibition of dal at the adaptable flavo cause of its
1900. r and ability to thi
Perhaps what is co at a wide range of fo cken, bind and
most interesting ods.
Dorrance’s creati about Mr. Cream of Chick
on, is how closely en soup is simila
his soups (Crea several of and consisten r in flavor
m of Mushroom, cy to a velouté sa
Chicken and To Cream of home cook uce and allows
mato) mirror th s to prepare me
classic sauces de e syste als in minutes
veloped by Carêm m of without the labor-intensive steps
system includes e. This make a tradition required to
four sauces refer al velouté.
“mother sauces,” red to as “Many America
because all other n cooks have ne
made from them. sauces are roux and do ver made a
The mother sauc n’t know what a
Béchamel: A wh es are: loo k, sm béchamel should
ite sauce made fro ell or taste like,”
cream thickened m mi said Cindy Ayers
with a roux, a mi lk or Campbell’s Kitchen. “Campbell’s of
butter and flour tha xture of Cream of Mus Condensed
t has been cooked hroom and Crea
Velouté: Also . soups offer bu m of Chicken
a white sauce, sy home cooks
chicken, veal, or made from convenien all of the
fish stock and thi ce of a ready-to-u
a roux usually ma ckened with only minim se sauce. They no
de with flour and ize the time inves t
instead of butter chicken fat prepare a sa tment needed to
uce from scratch
Tomate: Essentiall remove the guessw , but they also
y a tomato sauce ork.”
roux of pork fat based on a W ith Ca mpbell’s Conden
and flour. Tomate sed cooking soup
also contains brow commonly even the bu s,
ned onions and ca siest home cook
various seasoning rro ts an d de liciou s, cre can create a
s. am y sauce in minutes
Espagnole: Also the soup with fav by blending
known as brown sa orite flavors and
uce. Made seasonings.

is a great
The kitchen Table eas and
e id
place to get recip her Moms
s from ot
cooking tip
bell’s Kitchen
just like me! Camp e fun too by I cr
staff joins in on th
s at the “table.”
my own eated
chatting with cook and now ecipe box,
Campbe I st
ll’s favo ore my
rites on

I lov
“find e the
featu a recip
r e”
I ente e. Last we
er cool. rice a red chick ek,
l- mail is supience n e
T h e M e a
onve n Crea d Campbe n,
I like the cw recipe emailed Soup
m of
C l l’s
a n e . The hicken
of having e every weekday. ut instan finde
to m p abo
hurch grou t
up 15 ly popped
I told my cthey loved it too! recip
it, and es.

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