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Disciplinary action against the three MPs and two PC members of the UNP who attended Gen.

Sarath Fonse as rally are to be ta en on the !"th by the UNP wor ing committee. # rally organised by the United $hi h% Front with former #rmy Commander Gen Sarath Fonse a to form an alliance to abolish the e&ec%ti'e presidency was held on (ctober )* at +yde Par in Colombo. ,he UNP wor ing committee banned all members from attending this rally as it was not an e'ent regarding their party. +owe'er, UNP MPs Palitha -ange $andara. Palitha ,hewarapper%ma and #sho a #beysinghe and PC co%ncillors Shiral /a tila e and Maithri G%naratne defied s%ch restrictions and attended the rally in s%pport of a 0oint opposition led by Gen. Sarath Fonse a. Following this incident. letters regarding the s%spension of the three UNP MPs and two PC co%ncillors were sent to them by UNP General Secretary ,issa #ttanaya e. ,he acc%sed howe'er do not belie'e that they are in the wrong. MP Palitha -anga $andara of the P%ttalam district spea ing to S%nday ,imes said that he belie'es that what he did was for the betterment of the people. 12m a free citi3en of this co%ntry elected by the people. 2 ha'e been elected to ser'e the people. ,his rally was held to oppose the c%rrent regime and help the common man. 4hat better way to do that than to form a strong opposition56 MP $andara said that he has prepared his own report e&plaining his actions which he will be s%bmitting to the wor ing committee. #nother of the acc%sed. MP #sho a #beysinghe of the 7%r%negala district claimed that he had not 'iolated any law and is not afraid of the conse8%ences of his actions as he belie'es he is g%iltless. 14e did not go to form any party b%t rather to protest against the 9&ec%ti'e Presidency. ,he UNP has been trying to e'ict the president since he was appointed. 2n :")" o%r main theme was to appoint a 0%st leader for the co%ntry.6 +e went on to say that he belie'ed his party was wea . that members are constantly lea'ing the party and no new members ha'e 0oined. 1,he people m%st belie'e o%r party will win. only then will they 'ote. ,herefore we m%st show them that we are capable of winning.6 MP #beysinghe said that he was aware of mo'e to remo'e certain members of the UNP incl%ding himself as certain senior members of the party fear m%tiny. 1Change has to come in o%r party and they now that we will do e'erything in o%r power to bring abo%t that change. Fear is dri'ing them to get rid of %s.6

4hen as ed what action wo%ld be ta en against these indi'id%als. UNP Gen. Secretary said that a hearing will be held on !"th of (ctober where the wor ing committee wo%ld decide any disciplinary actions. 1,he acc%sed will ha'e their t%rn to e&plain themsel'es b%t if disciplinary action will definitely be ta en if it is fo%nd that they are in the wrong6.

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