Writting Prompt 8 and 9

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David A. Go ENGL 1102 Professor Raymond, April 1st, 2014 WP 8 and 9 1. Hastings, Max. The Korean War. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1987. Print. (Hastings) Summary: Chronicles the Korean War with over 200 interviews of veterans, including the Chinese. Evaluation: I think this resource is very informative. Who would know better than veterans that fought in the Korean War? It helps me to understand different point of views including Chinese.

2. Spanier, John W. The Truman-Macarthur Controversy and the Korean War. Cambridge, Mass: Belknap Press, 1959. Print. (Spanier) Summary: The book provided a detailed description of the reasons why Truman and McArthur did not see eye to eye and why Truman had to eventually fire him. It provides good insight to both the personal relationship as well as the politics behing each of their points of view.


Evaluation: It helped me understand deeper what are the conflicts between Truman and McArthur and their beliefs on the Korean War.

3. Stokesbury, James L. A Short History of the Korean War. New York: W. Morrow, 1988. Print. (stokebury) Summary: An examination of the world climate following WW II, and the state of the U.S. military prior to North Korean's invasion of South Korea; the landing and victory at Inchon; the negotiations for a cease-fire; the propaganda war; the prisoners of war issue; the problems of South Korea under President Syngman Rhee; and America's changing attitudes toward the war. Evaluation: It covers every event happened in Korean War. It is not really detailed but it helps me to get the big picture and to understand general ideas what happened in the Korean War.

4. Sandler, Stanley. The Korean War: No Victors, No Vanquished. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 1999. Print. (Sandler) Summary: This book handles both the historic events leading up to the war and a very detailed rundown


of the war. From how the UN was in a high degree under United States administration, how the Soviet and Chinese pulled the strings on the puppet Kim Il Sung, a lot of detailed accounts of great battles, and statistics on both sides. Evaluation: This book is little more detailed than other book in a way that explains who were behind each countries involved in the Korean War. 5. Hunter, Helen-Louise. Kim Il-Song's North Korea. Westport, Conn: Praeger, 1999. Print (Hunter) Summary: This text offers an insight into North Korea, detailing the everyday life of people who live in one of the most isolated and secretive societies of the 20th century. It also provides a portrait of Kim II-Song, the charismatic leader who ruled his people for 45 years. Evaluation: I wanted to find out more about Kim il sung the North Korean dictator at the time of the Korean War. I would definitely look for this book to find about Kim il sung.

6. Bernstein, Barton J. "Syngman Rhee: the Pawn As Rook the Struggle to End the Korean War." Critical Asian Studies. 10.1 (1978): 38-48. Print. (Bernstein) Summary:


Examines the negotiations to end the war, focusing on South Korean President Rhee. Shows the difficulties the Truman and Eisenhower administrations had with Rhee as he thwarted their efforts to reach a settlement by threatening to take action that would wreck the chances of reaching an agreement. Evaluation: I wanted to find more about President Rhee how he dealt with the negotiations between Kim il sung. I think it is really informative as well.

7. History.com Staff, Korean War History.com. 2009. A+E Networks. Web. April 02, 2014 http://www.history.com/topics/korean-war (History.com) Summary: It contains general history based on Korean War. Evaluation: It is a reliable source but information given is pretty much same as other sources. But it contains many pictures, videos, and speeches. I would definitely use this source to find some visual that I can use on my presentation.

8. RPG entertainment Korean War in Colour (Documentary) Online video clip. YouTube. YouTube, 29 March. 2013. Web. 28 Mar. 2014. (RPG entertainment)


Summary: Documentary about the Korean War. Evaluation: Nothing really special. Very well informed documentary but also boring.

9. BBC News KOREAN WAR: EFFECTS OF ARMISTICE 60 YEARS ON Online video clip. YouTube. YouTube, 24 Sep. 2013. Web. 2 April. 2014. Summary: Impact of the Korean War armistice 60 years since the agreement was signed. Evaluations: It is about 3 minute short video but it contains a lot of statistics and aftermath of Korean War. 10. Jager, Sheila M. Brothers at War: The Unending Conflict in Korea. , 2013. Print. Summary: A major historical account of the Korean War, its origins, and its evolving impact on the world. Evaluations: What made this book stand out more than other book is that it shares how the Korean War impacted on the world. I would definitely quote from this book when I will explain how the Korean War directly or indirectly impacted other countries.

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