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i": To introduce basic principles of Digital Image Processing and Computer Vision techniques and to lay the theoretical foundation of image processing and computer vision theory for developing applications involving digital image processing and computer vision. Students successfully completing this course will be able to apply a variety of computer techniques for the design of efficient algorithms for real world applications. Course Contents: Modu#e I: Introdu$tion !nd Di%it!# I"!%e &und!"ent!#s The origins of Digital Image Processing! "undamentals Steps in Image Processing! #lements of Digital Image Processing Systems! Image Sampling and $uanti%ation! Some basic relationships li&e 'eighbors! Connectivity! Distance (easures between pi)els! *inear and 'on *inear +perations. Modu#e II: I"!%e En'!n$e"ent in t'e S(!ti!# !nd &re)uen$* Do"!in ,asic -ray *evel Transformations! .istogram Processing! #nhancement /sing 0rithmetic and *ogic operations! ,asics of Spatial "ilters! Smoothening and Sharpening Spatial "ilters! Combining Spatial #nhancement (ethods. Introduction to "ourier Transform and the frequency Domain! Smoothing and Sharpening "requency Domain "ilters! .omomorphic "iltering. Modu#e III: I"!%e Restor!tion (odel of The Image Degradation 1 2estoration Process! 'oise (odels! 2estoration in the presence of 'oise +nly Spatial "iltering! Periodic 'oise 2eduction by "requency Domain "iltering! *inear Position Invariant Degradations! #stimation of Degradation "unction! Inverse filtering! 3iener filtering! Constrained *east Square "iltering! -eometric (ean "ilter! -eometric Transformations. Modu#e IV: I"!%e Co"(ression !nd I"!%e Se%"ent!tion Coding redundancy4.uffman encoding 5 Decoding6! Image Compression models! #lements of Information Theory! #rror free comparison! *ossy compression! Image compression standards! "ast 3avelet Transform7 Inverse 3avelet Transform8 9P#-. Detection of Discontinuities! #dge lin&ing and boundary detection! Threshold! 2egion +riented Segmentation! (otion based segmentation.

Modu#e V: Mor('o#o%i$!# O(er!tions !nd Co"(uter Vision A((#i$!tions 2epresentation! ,oundary Descriptors! 2egional Descriptors! Introduction to (orphology! Some basic (orphological 0lgorithms. Patterns and Pattern Classes! Decision Theoretic (ethods! Structural (ethods. Camera geometry 5 stereo Imaging! Image registration! 2eview of Computer Vision applications7 "u%%y 'eural algorithms for computer vision applications

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Te+t 1 Re2eren$es:
Text: 2afael C. Con%ale% 5 2ichard #. 3oods! @Digital Image ProcessingA! Bnd edition! Pearson #ducation. 0. C. 9ain! @"undamental of Digital Image ProcessingA! P.I. David A. Forsyth, Jean Ponce, Computer Vision: A Modern Approach, Prentice Hall References: 2osefield Ca&! @Digital Picture ProcessingA! 3.C. Pratt! @Digital Image ProcessingA 9.2. Par&er! @0lgorithms for Image Processing and Computer Vision!A 9ohn 3iley Sons

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