Soalan Sains Tingkatan 1 Pengesanan 1

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1. What is stimulus? A. B. C. D. Part of the body that detect stimuli Any change in the environment that cause a response in a living organism Any change of the part of the body to react with receptor Wor together with receptor to send nerve impulse to brain

!. Diagram 1 shows the path of an impulse after a stimulus is detected

&timulus " &ensory .erve $


#$%& %' 1

Which of the following represents "# $ and %? A B C D " &ensory 'rgan &ensory 'rgan (otor nerves (otor nerves $ Brain (otor nerves Brain &ensory 'rgan % (otor nerves Brain &ensory 'rgan Brain

). Which stimulus is not a stimulus for the sense of touch? A. B. C. D. Pressure *eat +ight Pain

,. -able 1 show the type of stimulus that can be detected by different sensory organ. Which pair of the stimulus and sensory organ is not t !"?

A. B. C. D.

&ense &mell -aste &ight Pressure

&ensory 'rgan .ose -ongue 0ar s in

1. A2man is holding a cup of water containing hot coffee while listening to iPod. Which of his sense are stimulated? A. B. C. D. *earing and taste &ight and touch &ight# hearing and taste &ight# hearing# taste# smell and touch


F$&! " 1

3. 4igure 1 show the structure of the eye. -he structure mar ed " is the A. B. C. D. 5itreous humor $ellow spot Blind spot Choroid

6. -he fingertip is very sensitive to touch because they have more A. Cell

B. C. D.

4inger prints /eceptors Blood vessel

7. 4ood become less tasty when a person catch a cold because A. B. C. D. -he food cannot dissolve in saliva -he tongue cannot send impulses to the brain *is smell receptors are covered with thic mucus -he taste buds on the tongue cannot function well

8. Which of the following sensory organ detects chemicals? A. B. C. D. -ongue 0ye 0ar & in

19. Which of the following surfaces will produce a diffused reflection? A. B. C. D. A plain mirror &urface of a calm la e &mooth marble floor &urface of a tire

11. -he largest sensory organ in our body is the A. B. C. D. & in 0ar .ose 0ye

1!. All of the following are characteristic of an ob:ect formed by plane mirror "()"*t

A. B. C. D.

5irtual ;pright &maller than the ob:ect +aterally inverted

1). .ame the vision defect which is common among elderly people A. B. C. D. +ong<sightedness Presbyopia &hort< Colour sightedness blindness the path of a light ray that enters a

1,. 4igure ! shows bloc of glass.

F$&! " 2 Which of the following represents P# = and /? P = / A >ncident /ay .ormal /eflected ray B >ncident /ay /eflected ray .ormal C /eflected ray .ormal >ncident /ay D /eflected ray >ncident /ay .ormal 11. -he sole is not as sensitive as the nec . -his is because the sole >. *as a rougher surface than the nec >>. *as thic epidermis

>>>. *as a smaller number of nerve endings A. B. C. D. > and >> >> and >>> > and >>> ># >> and >>>

13. 4igure ) shows vision defect of a boy. *e can see nearby ob:ect clearly but distant ob:ects appear blurred. *e does not wear any glasses.

F$&! " 3

Which of the position A# B# C or ## does the image of the distant ob:ect form? 16. /aymond is long<sighted and he does not wear any glasses. *e is loo ing at a near ob:ect.

F$&! " +

A# B# C or # in 4igure , are the possible position of images formed in the eye. At which position will the image be formed? 17. Venus flytrap is the e?ample of a plant with leaves that show A. B. C. D. -higmotropism Phototropism *yrdrotropism .astic movement

18. -he range of audible fre@uencies for human is A. B. C. D. !9 A !99 999 *2 !9 A !9 999 *2 !99 A !9 999 *2 !9 999 A 1!9 999 *2

!9. A child can hear better than an adult because A. B. C. D. A childBs auditory canal is shorter A childBs ossicles vibrates better A childBs eardrum is more fle?ible A child has stereophonic hearing

!1. A person will become deaf due to defects of the following parts of hisCher ear e?cept A. B. C. D. &emicircular canals 'val window 'ssicles Cochlea

!!. -he inner wall of a cinema is covered with curtains so that A. B. C. D. -he sound can be refracted -he sound can be absorbed -he sound can be reflected -he cinema is well decorated

!). 'ptical illusion occurs when A. B. C. D. -he imaged falls on the blind spot -he brain is tired -he brain cannot interpreted the nerve impulse accurately -he sensory cells in our eyes are damaged

!,. Which of the following shows the correct se@uence for transmission of a nerve impulse when a sense organ receives a stimulus? A. B. C. D. /eceptor /eceptor 0ffector 0ffector spinal cord brain spinal cord brain brain spinal cord effector spinal cord brain effector effector receptor

spinal cord brain spinal cord


=uestion !1 to !6 is depend to ,$&! " -

F$&! " !1. What is = on figure 1? A. B. C. D. 0ustachian tube Auditory canal 'val window &emicircular canals

!3. What is the function of =? A. B. C. D. *elp the body to maintain balance (aintain the same air pressure on both side of the eardrum Directs sound waves to eardrum -ransmits the vibration and pass them to the oval window

!6. / converts the vibration into impulse. What is /? A. B. C. D. 'val window Auditory nerve Cochlea 'ssicles

!7. Damal is revising inhis study room. -hen# he come out of his room and help his father washing his father car outside his house. Which of the following changes ta es place in his eyes? A. B. C. the lenses become more thic er the lenses become more thinner the si2e of pupil become bigger


the a@ueous humour more dilute

!8. Which parts of eye control the thic ness of the lens? A. B. C. D. >ris &clera Cornea Ciliary muscle

)9. Which of the following statements is not t !" about hearing aid A. B. C. D. >t is worn by people without any hearing ability -here is more than one type of hearing aid >t is an electronic device consist of microphone# amplifier and ear phone >t is designed to fit ear

Choose the correct answers according to the following instructions summary. Instruction summary A B C # ># >># >>> ># >> only >># >>> only > only )1. -he following statements t !" about monocular vision >. >>. >>>. Wider scope of vision 0yes at the side of the head Animal of predator have this type of vision

17. What is the activities that using reflection of sound principles? >. >>. >>>. -o determines the depth of sea -o measure the length of soccer field -o measure the electric current

18. A star in the s y seem to be further than it actually is due to >. /efraction of light

>>. >>>.

/eflection of light Absorption of light

!9. -he sensitivity of the s in is affected by >. -he thic ness of dermis layer >>. -he receptors number of of

>>>. -he thic ness epidermis layer !1.

Which of the following statement show hydrotropism >. >>. >>>. /oots always grow towards the stimulus &hoots always grow away from the stimulus 0nables the plants to get enough sunlight to ma e food


F$&! " F$&! " . shows the set up of an e?periment to investigate the response of seedling towards e?ternal stimuli. .ame the t/o stimuli being investigated >. Water >>. Air >>>. +ight

)6. What are the senses that are affected when a person is having a cold >. &ense of touch >>. &ense of taste >>>. &ense of smell )7. Which of the following helps to give shape to the eyeball >. &clera >>. /etina >>>. 5itreous humour )8. Which animal has stereoscopic vision >. Cow >>. Cat >>>. Deer ,9. What lens is use to correct short<sightness >. Concave lenses >>. Conve? lenses >>>. Cylindrical lenses

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