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The following data show the IQ and the score in an English test of a sample of 10 pupils taken from a mixed ability class. The English test was marked out of 50 and the range of IQ values for the class was 80 to 140. B 107 31 C 127 37 D 100 20 E 132 35 F 130 34 G 98 23 H 109 38 I 114 31 J 124 36

Pupil A IQ(x) 110 English(y) 26 (i) (ii) 2.

Estimate the product-moment correlation coefficient for the class. Find the equation of the regression line of y on x

The relationship between the number of hours of revision a day, x, with the marks, y obtained by 9 students for a paper in an examination is shown in the following table. x 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 y 55 60 53 70 72 68 80 90 85 (i) (ii) (iii) Find the linear correlation coefficient. Find the equation of the regression line of y on x. Find the expected marks that a students who revises 8.5 hours a day for the paper.


Let Pearsons correlation coefficient between variables x and y for a random sample be r. (i) What does r measure? (ii) State the range of the possible values of r? (iii) What is the effect of change in the unit of measurement of either variable on the value of r? A sample of 10 data points may be summarized as follows: ( x x) 2 = 600.1 , ( y y) 2 = 444.4 , ( x x)( y y ) = 466.2 Calculate Pearsons correlation coefficient between x and y. Comment on your answer. The Mathematics test score (x) and the Economics test score (y) for eight students are summarized as x = 448 , y = 472 , xy = 26762 , ( x x) 2 = 2222 and ( y y ) 2 = 2110 . Find the correlation coefficient for the scores of the two subjects. The equation of the line of regression of the monthly wages, RM y , on the work experience, x years , of workers in a factory is given by y = a + 42 x , with 0 x 12. (i) Give the interpretation of constant a in the equation.



FHMM 1134 General Mathematics III (ii) State whether the equation can be used to predict the monthly wage of a worker who has a work experience of 20 years. Give reasons for your answer.


The following table shows the length of time that six persons have been working at an automobile inspection station and the number of cars each of them checked between noon and 1 oclock on a given day. No. of weeks employed, x Cars checked, y 5 16 1 15 7 19 9 23 2 14 12 21 a) b) c) Find the regression line that will enable us to predict y in terms of x. If a person has worked at the inspection station for 10 weeks, how many cars can we expect him or her to inspect during the given time period? What percentage of the variation of the numbers of cars checked can be attributed to differences in the length of time that the persons have been working at the inspection station?


The following table gives information on ages and cholesterol levels for a random sample of 10 men. Age 58 69 43 39 63 52 47 31 74 36 Cholesterol level 189 235 193 177 154 191 213 175 198 181 a) b) c) d) e) Taking age as an independent variable and cholesterol level as a dependent variable, compute SXX, SYY and SXY. Calculate r and r2 and explain what they mean. Find the regression of cholesterol level on age. Plot the scatter diagram and the regression line Predict the cholesterol level of a 60-year-old man.


The following table gives information on the incomes (in thousands of RM) and charitable contributions (in hundreds of RM) for a random sample of 10 households. Income 33 23 82 47 26 71 28 39 58 17 Contributions 10 4 29 23 3 28 8 16 18 1 a) b) c) d) Taking income as an independent variable and charitable contributions as a dependent variable, compute SXX, SYY and SXY. Calculate r and r2 and explain what they mean. Find the regression of contributions on income. Plot the scatter diagram and the regression line 2

FHMM 1134 General Mathematics III 9. The following table gives information on GPAs and starting salaries (rounded to the nearest hundred RM) of seven college graduates. GPA 2.90 3.81 3.20 2.42 3.94 2.05 2.25 Starting salary 23 28 23 21 32 19 22 a) b) c) d) e) f) With GPA as an independent variable and starting salary as a dependent variable, compute SXX, SYY and SXY. Find the least squares regression line. Interpret the meaning of the values of a and b calculated in part (c). Plot the scatter diagram and the regression line. Calculate r . Calculate also the coefficient of determination and briefly explain what it means.


Eight students, randomly selected from a large class, were asked to keep a record of the hours they spent studying before the midterm examination. The following table gives the number of hours these eight students studied before the midterm and their scores on the midterm. Hours studied Midterm score a) 15 97 7 78 12 87 8 92 18 89 6 57 9 74 11 69

b) c) d) e) f) g) 11.

Do the midterms scores depend on hours studied or do hours studied depend on the midterm scores? Do you expect a positive or a negative relationship between these two variables? Taking hours studied as an independent variable and midterm scores as a dependent variable compute SXX, SYY and SXY. Find the least squares regression line. Interpret the meaning of the values of a and b calculated in part (c). Plot the scatter diagram and the regression line. Calculate r . Calculate also the coefficient of determination.

Consider the following pairs of measurement

x y
x = 26

5 4

3 3 y = 24

-1 0

2 1 x 2 = 140

7 8

6 5 y 2 = 124

4 3 xy = 129

a) b) c) d) e) f)

Construct a scatter diagram for these data. Find the least squares line. Interpret the y-intercept and slope of the least squares line. Predict the value of y if x = 20. Is the predicted value reliable? Give a reason. Calculate r. Interpret the results. Calculate also the coefficient of determination.

FHMM 1134 General Mathematics III

Answer :
1. 2. 3. 4. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. (i) r = 0.7452 (ii) y = 11.798 + 0.3727 x (i) 0.9219 (ii) y = 35.397 + 4.367 x (iii) 72.52 0.9028 0.1524 = 13.4318 + 0.7614 x b) 21 a) y c) 79.71% a) 1895.6 ; 1029.8 ; 4396.4 b) 0.3567 , 0.1273 = 162.78 + 0.5433 x c) y d) 195.38 = -5.162 + 0.4519x a) 4248.40 , 964, 1920 b) 0.9487 , 0.9 c) y = 7.712 + 5.543x e) 0.9282 f) 0.8618 a) 3.364 , 18.65 , 120 b) y a) midterm scores depend on hours studied and we expect a positive relationship between these two variables. b) 119.5 , 237.75 , 1251.875 =58.98 + 1.99x c) y f) 0.6147 g) 0.3778 =0.0196 + 0.9178x b) y d) 18.3756 e) 0.9365/0.9364 f) 0.8770/0.8768


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