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Civil Engineering Systems

Faculty of Civil Engineering

How are we tackling the traffic congestion issue ?

By carpooling, providing route information, toll barriers, road pricing, peak period driving permits, or by automating passenger and freight transport and sensors in the transport infrastructure?

Faculty of Civil Engineering

How can we prevent electricity liberalization leading to widespread power failures?

Is there a relationship between the liberalization and power failures elsewhere in the world? What technological solutions and institutional arrangements are worth recommending?

Faculty of Civil Engineering

How do we deal with water management ?

A combination of higher river dikes, sacrificing polders as storage areas, more drinking water reservoirs and cooling towers for our power stations? By negotiating with countries upstream, or mainly through technical innovations?
Faculty of Civil Engineering

Faculty of Civil Engineering

Faculty of Civil Engineering

Civil Engineering Systems To plan, develop and maintain build environment is the main responsibility of civil engineers. Decisions are taken in regard to the planning, design and maintenance of the built environment on the basis of fundamental laws of nature.,Ex. Law of gravity. Civil engineering systems is concerned with quantitative decisionmaking techniques of use in the planning, design, construction and operation of civil engineering projects. Instead of constructing a mathematical modeling approach as analysis and manipulating it to yield behavior parameters a different mathematical approach is constructed. For synthesis purpose so that the manupulation and solution yields design decisions.

Faculty of Civil Engineering

Civil Engineering Systems

- It is concerned with examining the mathematical structures of decision-making methods for all kind of civil engineering problems, identifying similar mathematical forms and classifying decison making methods according to these forms. - It attempts to establish a basic framework encompassing all decision-making methods so that any decision making problem can be examined, clssified and, with the aid of a few appropriate methods, solved.

Faculty of Civil Engineering

Decision Making

- Many problems of design and operation in engineering, architecture, construction, and urban and regional planning are of such magnitude and complexity as to require the most systematic and rational approach possible. - Generally, these problems consist of a very large number of interacting variables many of which defy quantification. - The purpose of the systems approach is to develop methods, mathematical or otherwise, to deal systematically and rationally with the quantifiable parameters through statistical observation, testing, development of measuring technique. - And to provide a clear understanding of the situation in hand as an aid to the decision maker for subjectively evaluating the intangibles which are present in most real problems.
Faculty of Civil Engineering

Decision Making Physically, a system is composed of a large number of interacting components. Because,the components involve many areas of knowledge, systems approach is applied to decision making through team action.

System Theory It is intended to provide a common basis of understanding between disciplines and as a result the systems approach is permeating most fields of knowledge.

Faculty of Civil Engineering


Example A complex problem can be handled with success when the systems approach is effectively applied. Cost effectiveness, can be used for measuring success, strives to produce a system with the lowest possible cost for a set of effectiveness, the highest level of effectiveness for a set cost.

Example systems approach to decision making in policy making Promotion of use of mass transit system (by transport department) to tackle traffic congestion. Secod government group promotes the use of highway facilities by offering bridge and tunnel toll coupons at a saving of several rupees per month. What could be the solution? 6 passenger- no charge, 1 empty Rs. 5, 2empty- Rs. 10, 3 empty- Rs. 20 and so on.
Faculty of Civil Engineering


Structure of system analysis and design System analysis is the process of separating or breaking up a whole system into its fundamental elements or component parts. - It involves a detaile examination of the system in order to understand its nature and to determine its essential features. System design is the process of selecting the components and of contriving, the elements, steps and proceduresfor producing a system that will optimally satisfy the stated goals. System synthesis is a kin to design because it is the process of putting together composing, or combining parts or elements to form a whole system, compleletely blended to achieve its finest level of performance.

Faculty of Civil Engineering


Classification of elements

1. Decision and State Variables 1. Decision variables- One has complete control and can be manipulated. 2. State variables- Dependent on decision variables, cannot be directly contolled by the decision maker. 2. Optimization model- Involves both analysis and synthesis and consists of the development of a conceptual model which is sufficiently analogous to the real problem.
1. Is simple enough to be amendable to quantitaive analysis.

3. Objective function- measure of effectiveness. For evaluating the degree of success or failure attained in fulfilling goals. 4. Generation of alternatives and optimal solution- one producing the most desirable results is selected. 5. Policy Implementation- Carrying out the optimal policy into the real physical situation.
Faculty of Civil Engineering


Classifiction of Decision Systems

1. According To size 1. Simple Systems 2. Compley systems 3. Exceedingly complex systems 2. According to behavioural predictability1. Deterministic 2. Stochastic

Faculty of Civil Engineering


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