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Multivariate Statistical Analysis of Iceland River Flow ogy: Monitoring and Research. FRIEND International 2004. North Atlantic Oscillation influence on pre-
Series and Variability in Atmospheric Circulation. XXIII Conference, Demanovska Dolina, 25–28 September cipitation, river flow, and water resources in the Iberian
Nordic Hydrological Conference, Tallinn, Estonia, 8– 2002, pp. 132–135. Peninsula. Int. J. Climatol. 24, 925–944.
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25. Snorrason, Á. 1990. Hydrological variability and Z. 2002–2003. The North Atlantic Oscillation impact Atlantic influence on Tigris-Euphrates streamflow.
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Megacryometeors: Distribution on Earth and

Current Research
The research of the historical record of ice structural and compositional character- Zhejiang, China (7). Some farmers wit-
falls brings together many cases that are istics of the ice) to distinguish among them nessed three large chunks of ice crash with
apparently similar (1–3). Practically all (4). The term megacryometeor was recently a whoosh into the paddies of Yaodou
clear-sky ice falls were not appropriately coined (5) for the following reasons: to try village; the largest chunk left a crater
researched because they were routinely to avoid terminological confusion; to about a meter in diameter and a half-
assigned, without verification, to aircraft emphasize the existence of such atmo- meter deep. In Campinas and Itapira,
icing processes, to wastewater from air- spheric phenomenon; and to describe large Brazil, two huge megacryometeors of 50
craft lavatories (blue ice), or to the leakage atmospheric ice conglomerations that, de- and 200 kg fell in 1997; the atmospheric
of aircraft water tanks. However, it is spite sharing many textural, hydrochem- isotopic signature of both specimens was
important to take into account, first, that ical, and isotopic features detected in large unequivocally confirmed (8). Finally, on
documented historical references about hailstones, are formed under unusual 21 July 2004, a huge mass of ice weighing
these events go back to the first half of atmospheric conditions that clearly differ approximately 400 kg fell very close to
the 19th century, so many cases existed from those of the cumulonimbus cloud a 15-year-old girl in Toledo, Spain.
before the invention of airplanes (1–3), scenario (i.e., clear-sky conditions). Our study of the rate of these earthfall
and second, that a detailed search of The fall of large ice blocks (weighing events indicates that mainly after 1950, the
scientific databases (Web of Science, approximately 1 kg to hundreds of kilo- number of hits has spectacularly increased,
GeoRef) regarding well-known aircraft grams) from the clear sky is one of the and the hits occur over practically the
icing processes revealed a lack of prece- most interesting (and controversial) issues whole planet (3). From 2001 to April 2006,
dents that corroborate that ice formation in the atmospheric sciences (6). Meaden a total of 46 ice-fall events have been
on any part of aircraft can reach dimen- (6) used the term ice meteors to name them witnessed and recorded. Verifiable effects
sions of approximately 1 m and weights of and proposed that their origin had to be include the megacryometeors’ crashing
up to several hundred kilograms. different from that of large hailstones. through roofs or producing small impact
A simplistic analysis of these events as Later, Corliss (1) used the term hydro- craters (i.e., La Milana, Soria, Spain, Fig.
a whole can thus lead to misunderstanding meteors. Corliss also differentiated them 1; Surrey, UK; Oakland, California, USA).
because different types of ice falls corre- from classic hailstones and suggested that These impacts have occurred in Argentina,
spond to different formation scenarios in they have an atmospheric origin, but Australia, Canada, Colombia, India, Ja-
the earth’s atmosphere, either natural in different possible formation scenarios. pan, Mexico, New Zealand, Portugal,
the strict sense of the term, or with a direct Probably the largest and most impressive Spain, Sweden, The Netherlands, the
or indirect relation with human activities. events of megacryometeors have occurred United Kingdom, and the United States.
Consequently, it is necessary to define in China, Brazil, and Spain. In 1995, an ice Fourteen ice falls occurred in 2005 alone;
differentiation criteria (e.g., texture, and block approximately 1 m in size fell in these occurred in Japan, The Netherlands,

314 Ó Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences 2006 Ambio Vol. 35, No. 6, September 2006
Figure 1. (A) Megacryometeor in situ that fell in La Milana, Soria (27 January 2002). It landed near a startled farmer who was riding his tractor.
More than 16 kg of ice was recovered by the environmental police of the Guardia Civil (SEPRONA). The size of the small impact crater generated
by the megacryometeor was ’50 cm. (B) One of the fragments of the megacryometeor that fell in San Feliz de Lena (Asturias) (26 January 2000)
(artificial illumination to highlight its textural features).

the United States, the United Kingdom, Oakland and a hole in the roof of of megacryometeors (11–14) (Fig. 2).
and Spain, and the megacryometeors a gymnasium in Loma Linda (9, 10). Megacryometeors’ textures include zones
weighed from about 0.5 kg to more than After 6 years of compilation and study of massive ice, large isolated cavities,
5 kg. As of this writing, four documented of ice events occurring all around the millimeter-sized oriented air bubbles, and
ice falls have been recorded in 2006, one in world (10), together with the analysis of ice layering. Capillary electrophoresis
India and three in the United States. The megacryometeors that fell in Spain during analysis, combined with traditional wet-
two last known events, in April 2006 in this period (Fig. 1), we are starting to chemical (molecular ultraviolet and visi-
California (USA), produced a verifiable understand the textural features and the ble-light spectrophotometry) of major
small impact crater on the ground in hydrochemical and isotopic composition anions (Cl, SO42, HPO42, and HCO3)
were performed by means of hydrostatic
injection (10 cm for 30 s) at 258C. Trace
anions (F, Br, and NO3) were quanti-
fied effectively by electrokinetic injection
(4 kV, 10 s) at 158C. The results showed
variability in their chemical composition
patterns (13). Very recent isotopic studies
of megacryometeors confirm that d18O
and dD (VSMOW) of all samples fall into
the meteoric water line (15), unequivocally
demonstrating that megacryometeors
match well with typical tropospheric val-
ues (14). Also, theoretical calculations
allow us to estimate that the vertical
trajectory in effective growth of the mega-
cryometeors was lower than 3.2 km (14).
At present, no model is able to satis-
factorily explain what factors cause the ice
nucleation and growth, or how these
unusually large ice blocks can be actually
formed and maintained in the atmosphere.
Several hypotheses have been proposed
that posit both terrestrial (1, 11–14, 16)
and cosmic (17) causes. The possibility
that the source of the megacryometeor
water could be nonterrestrial was consid-
ered, but this possibility was ruled out
because as previously defined, the water
signature (25% . dDSMOW . 127%)
(14) is clearly tropospheric (very different
from that reported for comets [þ1028% .
dDSMOW . þ862%]) (18). Crew (16)
proposed that great masses of water
(droplets and vapor) could be transported
Figure 2. Selected significant information about megacryometeors. The hydrochemical and up into the atmosphere by tornados, then
isotopic data corresponds to megacryometeors that fell in Spain. [(2-4, 11-14) and http://tierra.]. Abbreviations in the figures are C, number of countries; LOD, frozen and converted into ice chunks.
below the limit of detection; n, number of ice fall events; nd, not detected; (rc), average Crew suggests the existence of some
concentration error; SMOW, Standard Mean Ocean Water. atmospheric mechanisms that would avoid

Ambio Vol. 35, No. 6, September 2006 Ó Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences 2006 315
dispersion and favor accretion of the ice. References and Notes retic analysis of inorganic anions in atmospheric
hailstone samples. J. Chromatogr. A 956, 279–286.
Our studies indicate that during the period 1. Corliss, W.R. 1983. Ice falls or hydrometeors. In: 14. Martinez-Frias, J., Delgado, A., Millan, M., Reyes, E.,
in which the fall of megacryometeors to Tornados, Dark Days, Anomalous Precipitation and Rull, F., Travis, D., Garcı́a, R., López-Vera, F. et al.
Related Weather Phenomena: A Catalog of Geophys- 2005. Oxygen and hydrogen isotopic signatures of large
earth occurred in Spain (mainly during 10– ical Anomalies. The Sourcebook Project, P.O. Box 107, atmospheric ice conglomerations. J. Atm. Chem. 52,
17 January, 2000), anomalous atmospheric Glen Arm, MD 21057, pp. 40–44. 185–202.
2. Martı́nez-Frı́as, J. and López-Vera, F. 2000. Los 15. Craig, H. 1961. Isotopic variations in meteoric waters.
conditions were observed to exist (12, 14): bloques de hielo que caen del cielo. Antecedentes y Science 133, 1702–1703.
a sudden drop in the tropopause occurred fenomenologı́a reciente. Rev. Educa. Cienc. Tierra. 8, 16. Crew, E.W. 1977. Fall of a large ice lump after a violent
130–135 135 (In Spanish). stroke of lighting. J. Meteor. 2, 142–148.
over Spain. Atmospheric soundings from 3. Martı́nez-Frı́as, J. and López-Vera, F. 2002. Grandes 17. Foot, R. and Mitra, S. 2002. Ordinary atom-mirror
NOAA were collected for the days before bloques o meteoros de hielo. In: Riesgos Naturales. atom bound states: a new window on the mirror world.
Ayala-Carcedo, F.J. and Olcina Santos, J. (eds.). Ariel
and during the occurrence of the mega- Phys. Rev. D 66, 061301.
Ciencia, Editorial Ariel, S.A., 1141–1148 (In Spanish).
4. Martinez-Frias, J. and Rodriguez-Losada, J.A. 2006. 18. Deloule, E., Robert, F. and Doukhan, J.C. 1998.
cryometeors in Spain. The analysis of the Interstellar hydroxyl in meteoritic chondrules: implica-
Atmospheric megacryometeor events versus small
soundings indicates that the tropopause meteorite impacts: scientific and human perspective of tions for the origin of water in the inner solar system.
a potential natural hazard. In: Comet and Asteroid Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 62, 3367–3378.
sank from a level of ’250 hPa (’10 500 Impacts and Human Society. Brobovsky, P. and Rick- 19. Thanks to Dr. David Hochberg for his revision and
m) on the days before the events, to a lower man, H.(eds.). ICSU. Springer. (in press). correction of the English-language version of this
5. Martinez-Frias, J. and Travis, D. 2002. Megacryome- article. Also thanks to CSIC and ICSU for their
level of ’400 hPa (’7000 m) on the days teors: fall of atmospheric ice blocks from ancient to scientific support.
of the events. This process was not modern times. In: Environmental Catastrophes and
Recovery in the Holocene. Leroy, S. and Stewart,
observed simultaneously at all stations I.S.(eds.). Brunel University, West London, UK, pp.
and seems to have propagated from north- 54–55.
west to east and then to the south. Along 6. Meaden, G.T. 1977. The giant ice meteor mystery. J.
Meteor. 2, 137–141.
Jesus Martinez-Frias
with the amount of sinking, the other 7. Parker, J. 1995. ( Planetary Geology Laboratory
significant factor is the accompanying 8. Pinto, H. 1997. Segundo relatório sobre o fenômeno da Centro de Astrobiologia, Ctra de Ajalvir,
increase in humidity (near saturation but queda de blocos de gelo provenientes da atmosfera nas
km. 4 28850 Torrejón de Ardoz
regi~oes de Campinas e de Itapira, NO Estado de São
with no condensation) observed in all Paulo, Brasil. (
cases (except over Madrid). Ozone anom- html)
Madrid, Spain
alies and wind shear were also found to
9. (
10. (
coexist with the tropopause undulations. archive06/atmo1042206.html)
11. Martı́nez-Frı́as, J., López-Vera, F., Garcı́a, N., Delga-
Only by use of an interdisciplinary do, A., Garcı́a, R. and Montero, P. 2000. Hailstones Antonio Delgado Huertas
approach, including atmospheric and cli- fall from clear Spanish skies. Geotimes (June): 6–7.
12. Martı́nez-Frı́as, J., Millán, M., Garcı́a, N., López-Vera, Department of Earth Sciences and
matic studies, simulation, and analysis of F., Delgado, A., Garcı́a, R., Rodrı́guez-Losada, J.A.,
Environmental Chemistry Estación
physicochemical experiments of the ice will it Reyes, E., Martı́n Rubı́, J.A. and Gómez-Coedo, A.

be possible to learn the real cause of

2001. Compositional heterogeneity of hailstones: atmo-
spheric conditions and possible environmental implica-
Experimental del Zaidı´n, CSIC Prof.
megacryometeors and the reasons for the tions. Ambio 30, 450–453. Albareda 1 18008 Granada, Spain
13. Santoyo, E., Garcı́a, R., Martı́nez-Frı́as, J., López-
apparent multiplication of these objects (19). Vera, F. and Verma, S.P. 2002. Capillary electropho-


Ecological Economic Problems and

Development Patterns of the Arid Inland River
Basin in Northwest China
The inland river basin in arid Northwest opment (2). We take the Heihe River Basin in the HRB. In the upper reaches of the
China is located in the center of the as a case to focus on some critical HRB, mountain grassland and forest are
Eurasian continent, north of 358N and ecological economic problems that have the main landscape types, and desert
west of 1068E, occupying 24.5% of China’s recently arisen in the inland river basin, grassland is the main landscape type in
total land area, and it is one of the most and we put forward a sustainable de- its lower reaches. Therefore, the main
arid regions in the world (1). This region is velopment pattern according to the system human production in the upper and lower
characterized by alternating bands of coupling theory. reaches of HRB is animal husbandry
relatively humid mountains and arid based on mountain grassland and desert
plains. Several rivers, such as the Heihe, STUDY AREA grassland. In the middle reaches of the
Shiyang, Shule, and Tarim, originate in HRB, irrigation oases are distributed
the mountainous regions, nourish some The Heihe River Basin (HRB), the second along the sides of the Heihe River.This is
oases in the middle reaches, and then flow largest inland river basin in arid North- a productive zone of economic develop-
to small lakes or disappear in the large west China, is located between 97842 0 – ment for the entire HRB: 88.47% of the
arid desert plain. Alternating mountains, 1028E and 37841 0 –42842 0 N. It covers an HRB population lives here, and 87.93% of
oases, and desert is the typical landscape area of approximately 128 000 km2. The the HRB GDP are focused here. It is one
pattern of the arid inland river basin in main stream of the Heihe River, with of the major grain-producing regions in
Northwest China. Although there is more a length of 821 km, originates in the Qilian China. However, because water utilization
agricultural and animal husbandry pro- Mountians, flows through the Hexi corri- intensity is continuously increasing in the
duction in these basins than in other arid dor of Gansu Province, and enters into oases located in the middle reaches of the
regions, water resources are the most two terminal lakes (Fig. 1). The landscape HRB, the discharge of water into the lower
significant factor restricting basin devel- and human production are very different reaches of the river has decreased signifi-

316 Ó Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences 2006 Ambio Vol. 35, No. 6, September 2006

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