XBIS 219 Week 4 Assignment Club IT, Part 1

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Club IT: part I

Club IT: part I XBIS 219

This paper will address the mission and clientele of Club IT. Club ITs functional areas will be described alon with the use of information sources. This paper will also discuss the mana ement of different information resources and the most beneficial competiti!e strate " for the business. #s far as Club IT$s mission statement is concerned% it is stated as &'e% (uben and )isa% offer "ou li!e music% *+,s% dance space and refreshments that suit "our lifest"le. -ou are

Club IT: part I

our friends% and we see. to build a communit" that meets re ularl" at Club IT& /(ainer 0 Turban% 21123. The client base of Club IT includes mainl" "outh population such as "oun professionals% students% tourists% and commerce tra!elers. 4owe!er% Club ITs focus is to build entertainment structures to brin people of different a es to ether. 5eople come to clubs to ha!e fun b" listenin to ood music% eatin % and drin.in . 6ntertainment structures at Club IT will ma.e sure people et full !alue for their mone".

In case you want me to write a custom/fresh tutorial for you or want me to do all the work from DQs, participation, and assignments then contact me at onlinetute@gmail.com. If you need a little argain then also you can contact me on the a o!e email address. I ha!e got almost all the classes taken at "#ia $%&. In case some class is not a!aila le at 'cri d, (ust shoot me an email and I will upload it as soon as possi le.

#n" business can become competiti!e b" ma.in efficient use of its information sources. There are se!eral t"pes of competiti!e information and strate ies that can be used b" Club IT such as inno!ation% differentiation% and client satisfaction. It is important for an" business to ma.e customers happ" and satisfied in order to remain competiti!e. 4ence% it is important for Club IT to choose an" competiti!e strate " and then pursue that strate " usin information sources. If the compan" wants to increase its client base then it can create members

Club IT: part I

onl" section in the website where different members can share their e7perience and chat with each other. Club IT will also focus on suitable music to create a pleasurable ambient for the customers which will ensure e7pansion of client base at a fast speed. Compan" can also use direct mar.etin throu h local restaurants and hotels. Club IT is focusin on customer orientation since it will pro!ide a competiti!e ad!anta e. To ain competiti!e ad!anta e companies usuall" ha!e tactics in place for proper functionin . The oal of Club IT is to continuousl" impro!e and better its competitors in e!er" aspect such as speed% cost% 8ualit" etc. # compan" needs to enerate lar er profit mar ins to sta" competiti!e in the mar.et. Club IT want to ensure its customers are happ" with its ser!ices since a lar e and happ" customer base can ensure lar e profit mar ins. B" ma.in a separate pa e for customers and allowin customers to ma.e blo posts will send a messa e to customers that compan" cares for their thou hts and time. Compan" can ain trust of customers b" ma.in a feedbac. bo7 on the website where the customers can complain or ad!ice the compan" in case there are an" .ind of impro!ements that can be made. Club IT has made a safe ambience for customers b" installin securit" cameras that can capture an" thief or robber. # hi h securit" at the ate with metal detectors will ensure no weapon comes inside the club. It is important for the club to ma.e current customers happ" and attract new customers to build a lar e customer base. This can be achie!ed b" pro!idin luc." customers incenti!es such as free passes% free drin.s that will encoura e blo in . It is also important to use 9ar where

people can drop their business cards and fill out forms with their information. This would help in preparin a database of the e7istin customers who can be re8uired at some special e!ents. But it

Club IT: part I

is important to .eep this database strictl" isolated and awa" from third part" to protect pri!ac" of customers. It is important for Club IT to use information technolo " to sur!i!e in current mar.et and still remain competiti!e b" maintainin a competiti!e ad!anta e o!er its competitors usin client base e7pansion strate ". :a.in a webpa e speciall" for customers will lea!e a positi!e impression on the new and e7istin customers 5lus a well structures securit" s"stem will ensure customers will feel safe durin their sta" at Club IT. Club IT will also wor. on implementin necessar" safet" precautions that ma.e customers feel safe and rela7ed. The primar" purpose of Club IT is to e7pand client base usin !arious strate ies that will pro!ide competiti!e ad!anta e to Club IT. # hi her profit mar in ensures a competiti!e ad!anta e. #ll the strate ies should be implemented usin proper information sources.

In case you want me to write a custom/fresh tutorial for you or want me to do all the work from DQs, participation, and assignments then contact me at onlinetute@gmail.com. If you need a little argain then also you can contact me on the a o!e email address. I ha!e got almost all the classes taken at "#ia $%&. In case some class is not a!aila le at 'cri d, (ust shoot me an email and I will upload it as soon as possi le.

Club IT: part I

References (ainer% (. ;.% Turban% 6. 0 5otter% (. 6. /21123. Introduction to Information Systems: Supporting and Transforming Business. (etrie!ed from http:www.wile".com<colle e<rainer<1=>11?9111<club@it<about.html

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