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Official Doomtown FAQ

Current Version 5.0.1

23rd June 2002 Blue Text = Changes made since the last version of the FAQ Red Text = Correction or reversal of a previous answer

This FAQ contains common questions on Doomtown game pla ! For rulings on specific cards" please see the Accumulated Rulings!
In addition, the section of the old FAQ containing resources and release dates can now be found in the History section. ""When in doubt, win the trick" !"#$" Hoyle%s #&'&

Ta le o! Contents
(ection )" *hem +ards
,udes ,eeds -oods ./ents Actions (0ells Homes

(ection +" 1layin%

(tartin% the -ame *able 2ayout +ontrollin% +ards (e3uence o% 1lay #. -amblin% 1hase $. 40kee0 1hase '. High 5oon (ho00in% 6o/in% *radin% +allin% 7ut Actin% 1assin% 8. 5ightfall Winnin% the -ame (hootouts 9obs

(ection ," ..And All the Rest

Aces +ard 6emory ,raw Hands .:0erienced +ards Fear 2e/el Harrowed ,udes Influence 9okers ;ung Fu 1owers 6a:imum Hand (i<e 6o/ement Restrictions 70tional =ictory +onditions 1ullin% Reactions (kill Ratin% (kill +heck (tatistics 6odifications *argeting *oken ,udes Wanted ,udes Wea0ons

(ection H" 7bligatory 2egal )oiler0late


"ection #$ T%em Cards


Q# What is a deed> A# A deed is a location other then a 0layer%s home, or the *own (3uare. Q# And a strike> A# A strike is a deed that is almost always found out of town. ?*he 2ode is an e:ce0tion.@ Q# 7k smart guy, what%s the real difference> A# All deeds that aren%t labelled "(trike" or "7ut 7f *own" are in town, and are therefore adAacent to the *own (3uare. Q# And what about this 1ublic and 1ri/ate stuff> A# While different 0arts of -omorra are owned by different outfits, thereBs usually nothing to sto0 you wandering into one of your o00onentBs deeds. Howe/er sometimes you ain%t really welcome there. If youBre e/er at a 1ri/ate location that you don%t own, and a shootout starts, any dudes in your 0osse become wanted the moment they Aoin your 0osse ?e/en if you didn%t start

the shootin%C@ Q# Right, got that. 5ow, what%s the difference between owning and controlling> A# *he owner is the 0layer who 0ut the deedDstrike in 0lay, and this won%t usually change ?unless a card s0ecifically allows it@. *he controller is the 0erson with the most Influence at that location, and this likely to change a lot durin% the game as 0layer%s /ie for control o% ,eeds. If there is a tie in Influence, including a tie of <ero, the owner is also the controller ?e/en if he has no ,udes there@. For more info on this, see Controllin$ Cards Q# (u00ose the u0kee0 on a deed is <ero or 0ositi/e. +an I decide not to recei/e it and let it go to the discard 0ile> A# 5o you can%t. Q# %roduction &odifiers I am a new accountant for (weetrock 6ining +o., and I%/e run into a s0ot of difficulty that someone may be able to clear u0 for me. It seems that the IR( wants to know what the 0roduction was at the (0irit of ;entucky (haft last 3uarter, and I%/e not been able to get an answer from 6r. Findley%s office. *hus, I am forced to calculate it myself. Here is the situation" *he base 0roduction at the (0irit of ;entucky ?( of ;@ shaft is ' -R D 3uarter. In the 0re/ious 3uarter, I know that the com0any had 6a: )aine order Dou'le Time for all workers at the ( of ; (haft, effecti/ely doubling their out0ut for last 3uarter. 7f course, Aust knowing the great (oward Findle is leading our great com0any ins0ires the workers and increases their 0roduction each 3uarter by #. Furthermore, 6r. Findley chose to su00lement the workforce at the ( of ; with those lo/eable waifs from the )rphanage, again doubling last 3uarter%s 0roduction. )vertime was announced for all mines at the beginning of the 3uarter, increasing their 0roduction by #. Finally, since Ro'ert *orthrop is 0resent at the strike, the 0roduction is doubled. What%s the final 0roduction for the ( of ; (haft> A# 4nless the card s0ecifically states to a00ly it%s bonus before or after other modifiers ?e.g. 7r0hanage@, a00ly them in the following order... #@ Any modifiers that s0ecify "1rinted" 0roduction are a00lied first. e.g. 2abor ,is0ute $@ *hen a00ly any other modifiers to a ,eed%s 1roduction e.g. ,ouble *ime +n 'oth cases" appl Addition and ,u'traction first" then &ultiplication and Division! (o in the e:am0le abo/e, the only card that affects 0rinted 0roduction is Robert, so he doubles the 0roduction to E. 5e:t we do the additions for the other cards ?Findley and 7/ertime@, to take it to &. *hen we do the multi0lication for ,ouble *ime, to take it to #E. Finally, as stated on the card, the 7r0hanage is a00lied after all other bonuses, so that takes the total to '$. Q# What if two or more effect double the "1rinted" 0roduction of a ,eed> How can the 1rinted 0roduction change anyway> A# Fou%re right, in fact it doesn%t. When an effect says to double 0rinted 0roduction, it%s actually shorthand for "Increase the 0roduction of this ,eed by it%s 0rinted 0roduction". (o if a ,eed has 0roduction of ', and has two effects 0layed on it that both double 0rinted 0roduction, the first effect would increase it%s 0roduction by ' to E, and the other would increase its 0roduction by another ' to G. *o0

Q# Are -oods 4ni3ue>

A# 5ot unless the -oods card states it. *here are a few uni3ue -oods, found in some of the e:0ansion sets, so you can%t 0lay another of these if there%s already a co0y in 0lay or in )oot Hill. )ut there%s no such limit on other -oods cards. Q# If I ha/e a dude with a ,raw )ullet rating, and I gi/e him a wea0on with a (tud )ullet, how does that change his )ullet rating> Is he a ,raw or a (tud> A# -oods with )ullet modifiers modify your ,ude%s )ullets ignore the color on the -oods. (o if your ,ude is a $ (tud, and you gi/e him a wea0on with a H$ ,raw )ullet, he becomes a 8 (tud dude. Q# +an you mo/e a gadget from a mad scientist to someone who is not a mad scientist. e.g. can I gi/e *.+. a Ray -un after .rik Iarko/ creates it> A# Fes. Q# ,o I need anyone s0ecial to bring & stical goods into 0lay> A# 5ot unless another trait of the goods card re3uires it. ?i.e. If there were a mystical gadget you would need a mad scientist.@ 6ystical goods in and of themsel/es do not re3uire anyone s0ecial. Q# +an I unready the only wea0on on a dude> For e:am0le if 9osef 5icolai Rocescu was about to take on a 6a<e ,ragon, and wanted to unready his Winchester A# 5o0e, this one changed as of )oot Hill. Fou can%t unready a wea0on if you don%t ha/e another wea0on to ready in its 0lace. Q# +an more than one dude trade -oods as 0art of a single action> A# Fes. (o long as you all the dudes are in the same location, and you control it, those dudes trade any number of -oods between them as a single action. In fact, Aust to make it easy, here%s a clarification on the rules for trading -oods... *he dude gi/ing the -oods can be booted or unbooted. *he dude recei/ing the -oods must be unbooted. )oth dudes must be in the same location, under your control. A dude can gi/e more than one -oods in a single trade Q# ,o I need to ha/e a ready Wea0on to attach a )ullet card. A# 5o0e, not unless the )ullet card says so ?such as the Reckoners )ullet@. *o0

Q# I%/e heard about this new headline rule, can you tell me what it%s about> A# (ure. It was felt by the design team that ./ents were becoming a bit too o/er0owering, and it was decided to reduce their im0act on the game a little. What this means is that each 0layer can now only resol/e one ./ent 0er day. If a 0layer has two or more ./ents a00ear in his or her lowball ,raw hand, 0ass them face down to an o00onent who randomly selects one this ./ent resol/es while all others are discarded without effect. Q# Hang on, you said discarded. What if my ./ent would normally ace itself> A# ,oesn%t matter. 5o 0art of the ./ent%s te:t resol/es, so it Aust goes straight into your ,iscard 0ile. Q# What about effects that cancel or delay e/ents> A# *hey are resol/ed after the e/ent is selected. Q# ,o all ./ents go to boot hill>

A# ./ents that ace themsel/es tell you do so. All cards that are aced go to )oot Hill. An ./ent that doesn%t ace itself goes back into your ,iscard 0ile. Q# If I re/eal a lowball hand with ./ents, and then use a card to redraw my lowball hand, what ha00ens to those ./ents> A# 5othing. 7nly one ./ent in the final re/ealed draw hand will take effect, regardless of how that hand was achie/ed. Q# If I%/e got ./ents in my lowball hand, can I choose not to ha/e them resol/e> A# 5o. *o0

Q# What is an action, anyway> A# Actions are card effects that begin with "5oon", "Reaction", or "(hootout". As a matter of fact, 6o/in%, +allin% 7ut, (ho00in% and *radin% are also considered 5oon Actions, but we%re not concerned with them right now we%ll Aust talk about actions on cards.. Q# (o how often can I 0erform these actions> A# Action cards from your 1lay hand can be 0layed at the times the cards s0ecify. (o for e:am0le, if you ha/e ' co0ies of the "(un In Fer .yes" shootout action in your 1lay hand, you can 0lay all ' during a shootout if you so wish. Actions 0rinted on cards in 0lay can onl be 0erformed once 0er turn, unless the card s0ecifically says otherwise. *hat means that you%/e got to be careful when you use an Action like the RangerBs mo/ement action, or *ao +heng%s )ullet )onus action. 1ick your time carefully. Q# (ure, but I%/e got this ,ude with a reaction effect that means I can use that e/ery time the reaction%s triggered, right> A# 5o0e. 6any folks don%t realise this when they first start 0laying, but reactions are a ty0e of action, and so can still only be used once 0er turn. Q# How long do shootout actions last> I had someone tell me that actions which target a dude, such as "7ut of Ammo", last the entire shootout e/en if it goes 0ast the first draw hand. A# 4nless a card says "for this round of the shootout", it%s effects last the entire shootout. Q# I don%t understand what the 0icture on the Action card background is. A# It%s the "Action" of a rifle. It%s a bad /isual 0un by the gra0hic designer, Al (kaar ?I kid you not@ who was featured as 7ne .yed Al the )arber on the original .0isodes #J$ dis0lay bo:. *o0

Q# +an I gi/e a s0ell to a booted ,ude A# 5o, he must be unbooted to attach it unless you%re using a card effect to attach it. Q# 7k, but what if the s0ell is already attached. +an my ,ude still use if heBs booted> A# Fes he can, but only if the s0ell does not re3uire the ,ude to boot when casting it. Q# +an I swa0 s0ells between ,udes> ,oes it work like swa00ing goods> A# 5o, s0ells canBt be traded. Q# +an my ,ude cast multi0le s0ells during the same turn>

A# Fes, but each spell card can only be used once 0er turn, e/en if it has more than one s0ell on it. Q# +an I 0ut multi0le co0ies of the same s0ell on a ,ude to make it easier to cast. A# 5o. *wo (oul )lasts means he can (oul )last twice. It doesn%t reduce the difficulty. Q# If I ha/e no cards left in my deck and ,iscard 0ile, is a s0ell 0ull automatically successful> ,oes it automatically fail> A# 5o to both. For a skill check, you add the 0ull to the skill le/el, and if the total is greater than the difficulty, the s0ell%s successful. If there is no 0ull, add <ero to the skill le/el. Fou could still succeed at a sim0le s0ell, if your skill le/el is high enough. *o0

Q# Are the home locations "non uni3ue", if not, is there some s0ecial rules e:ce0tion that allows two different law dog 0layers to ha/e the law dog location> A# *he Homes are non 4ni3ue. Q# +an you e/er control an o00onent%s home> A# 5o, ne/er, you can only control deeds 0lus your own home. *o0

"ection C$ &la'in!
(tartin% the -ame
Q# Am I allowed to 0ick as many ,udes as I like for my starting gang, so that if I lose any to 0ulls I can bring someone else in instead. A# ,efinitely not. Fou must be able to 0ay for all of your selected starting ,udes. Q# (ome non uni3ue ,udes ha/e e:0erienced /ersions that are uni3ue. If I try to start with a non uni3ue ine:0erienced ,ude, and my o00onent attem0ts to start with the uni3ue e:0erienced one, do we need to do a 0ull> A# 5o. Fou only do a 0ull for starting dudes if both 0layers attem0t to start the game with the same -nique dude. *o0

*able 2ayout ,eck, ,iscard J )oot Hill

Q# If a card has changed ownershi0 during a game and is later discarded, which ,scard 0ile does it go to > ?the owner in game terms is different from the "real world" owner, assuming 0layers actually own the cards they are 0laying with@ A# +ards that ha/e changed ownershi0 always re/ert back to their original owner when they lea/e 0lay.

Q# If a card allows you to get a card from your deck, does that include your ,iscard 1ile> A# 5o. Q" If an effect allows me to search my deck for a card, and it doesn%t say I ha/e to show the card to my o00onents, do I ha/e to> A" *he short answer is no. ) a tournament, the other 0layers are 0erfectly within their rights to ha/e a Audge ensure that the card selected was a /alid one. Q# +an anyone look through anyone%s discard 0ile at any time> A# 5o. Q" When I discard cards, can I discard them as a block so my o00onent only gets to see the to0 one> A" 5o. Whene/er you discard cards, your o00onents are entitled to see them. Q# When do I shuffle my ,iscard to make a "new" deck> Is it when my deck is down to K cards, or is it the first time I need to ,raw or 1ull> A# *he first time you need to ,raw or 1ull Q# What if a card allows me to look at the to0 card of my deck> A# (huffle, then look. If you are allowed to look at more cards then you ha/e left, shuffle your discard 0ile u0 and 0lace your remaining deck on to0, then look. Q# If I ha/e a ,ude in )oot Hill who has ne/er been in 0lay, but was 0ut there /ia the Stagecoach Office for e:am0le, is he treated any different than a ,ude who was gunned down in a shootout at High 5oon> A" 5o0e. 7nce a card has been aced and sent to )oot Hill, it is then treated the same as any other card in )oot Hill. (o if the card in )oot Hill is a ,ude, he can be affected by any card that targets a dude in )oot Hill, such as Hells Fury. A -adget can be retrie/ed by Robert Holmes, etc. Q# How many )oot Hills are there in this town anyway> A# Actually there%s only one. .ach 0layer has his or her own )oot Hill 0ile, but all 0iles are considered 0art of the same )oot Hill. Q# I 0layed a game the other day where I had no cards left in my deck and only ' left in my discard 0ile. I got into a shootout and had to make a draw hand what ha00ens now> A# 9ust draw as many cards as 0ossible, in this case ', and make the best hand you can.,on%t forget that to make a straight or flush re3uires ! cards in the ,raw hand, so you won%t be able to make those. Q# ,o I discard face u0 or face down> And can I e/er search through my discard 0ile. A# Fou always discard face u0, but you can ne/er search through any discard 0ile without a card effect that allows you to do it. Q# Right, now I%/e got this card that lets me search through my discard 0ile. ,oes that include my deck as well> A# 5o0eC If a card doesn%t s0ecifically allow you to search your deck, then you can%t. *o0

+ontrollin% +ards

Q# ,oes it matter who controls or owns a ,eed> A# Fou bet it does. (ome deeds ha/e s0ecial abilities which are usually 0refaced by the word controller. If this is the case whoe/er controls the deed can 0erform the ability. Any ability on a deed, which does not s0ecify owner, can only be 0erformed by the controller. Howe/er, the owner is the only one who can collect -hostrock from a deed and e/en then only if they are also the controller. If a deed has a different owner and controller, nobody collects the 0roduction, and nobody has to 0ay the 40kee0. Finally, the controller is the one who recei/es any +ontrol 1oints from the deed. Q# (o if I control a deed owned by my o00onent, it 0roduces no ghostrock, right> A# Wrong, its 0roduction doesn%t change, it%s Aust that nobody collects the ghostrock. Q# +an you e/er control the town s3uare> A# 5o, ne/er. Q# +an control of a ,eed change in the middle of a Aob or shootout> A# (ure. +ontrol of a ,eed can change at A5F 0oint. Q# 2et%s say I control a ,eed, and it has a +ontroller reaction that I can 0lay when a ,ude gets aced. e.g. The Good Doctor. If all my dudes there get aced as a result of a shootout draw do I lose control of the ,oc%s as soon as they were aced, or do I kee0 control until they hit boot hill> A# Although your dudes are aced they ha/en%t left the location yet ?they%re about to@. Fou still control it and can still use the reaction to try and sa/e one of your ,udes. Q# If I take control of another 0layer%s ,ude for a turn, and he gets sent home booted, whose home does he go to> A# He goes to yours i.e. the +ontroller%s. Q# I managed to take control of my o00onent%s ,ude, who then got aced in a shootout. Whose )oot Hill 0ile does he go to> A# Whene/er you control another 0layer%s card and that card lea/es 0lay, it always returns to it%s real owner. (o it goes in your o00onent%s )oot Hill. *o0

(e3uence o% 1lay
1. Gamblin' Phase
Q# *wo 0layers re/eal their 2owball hands. )oth wish to 0lay reactions...who gets to 0lay first> A# *here isn%t a new winner until the lowball is done. Whoe/er won lowball last turn is still *he Winner and would 0lay first. Q# Who 0lays reactions first on the /ery first hand of 2ow ball> A# I ha/e to admit there%s no rule for this. I would say determine randomly in this case. Q# If there are 0ulls to be made during 2owball, for e:am0le with .aster (unday, who 0ulls first> A# *he winner of this lowball round Q# It says in the rulebook that if you don%t ha/e fi/e cards left to draw, your ,raw hand%s considered the lowest 0ossible. What does that mean> A# If you%/e got cards in your discard 0ile, Aust shuffle %em u0 as normal to make your new deck. If you still ha/en%t got enough cards left after shufflin% u0 your discard 0ile, then Aust make the

worst hand you can with the cards you ha/e left. Q# What do you mean by the worst 0ossible hand> A# I mean take the cards you ha/e in your hand, and add %0hantom cards% to the ,raw hand to make it as bad as 0ossible. For e:am0le, let say you only ha/e $ cards left in your entire deck and discard 0ile a GH and a #K+. In this case, you can 0otentially ha/e a 8 of a kind ?8 #K%s@, so that%s considered to be your lowball hand. *o0

2. Upkeep Phase
Q# ,o I ha/e to 0ay the 40kee0 cost of all my cards that I both own and control> A# 5o. Fou may choose not to 0ay, in which case the card is discarded. Q# What about if the card has <ero 40kee0, or has 1roduction instead. +an I choose to forfeit the 0roduction and discard the card> A# 5o Q# I%/e Aust 0ut a ,ude from another outfit into 0lay, so I ha/e to 0ay the additional 40kee0 cost. If I then use a card to increase that ,ude%s Influence, does his 40kee0 cost go u0 as well> A# Fes. When calculating additional 40kee0 due to Influence, use the ,ude%s total Influence. *he additional u0kee0 cost only a00lies during lowball, and not for other card effects such as Insurance 1olicy. *o0

3. High Noon
Q# I%/e got $ ghostrock left in my /ault, and I decide to 0lay a New Hat, with a cost of $. 6y o00onent then 0lays a reaction to raise the cost of my Hat to '. What ha00ens ne:t> A# *o 0lay a card ?or 0erform an action@, you must be able to 0ay all costs in/ol/ed in 0laying the cost ?or action@. If the cost changes, then you may continue trying to 0ay the cost. If you are unable to 0ay the full cost or reduce the cost back down again, the card does not enter 0lay ?the action is cancelled@ and any 0artial costs that ha/e already been 0aid ?ghostrock, booting dudes, etc@ are lost and not returned. (o in your case, the New Hat remains in your hand and ghostrock you 0aid is gone. Q# I%/e got a card that says its cost can%t be reduced. What about another effect that brings the card in for free can I 0lay that instead A# 5o0e, making it free is definitely reducing the cost. Q# (omeone%s Aust 0layed a card on me that%s cancelled my sho00in% action...what ha00ens to the card and ghostrock 0aid> A# If you change the cost of a -oods so the 0layer can%t afford it, he loses what he%s 0aid so far, but the -oods remains in his hand. I%d say if you cancel a sho00in% action, it should follow the same rule to kee0 it sim0le. +osts would remain 0aid, but the sho00in% action has no effect so the -oods doesn%t enter 0lay. *herefore it stays in your hand. Q# I ha/e a card effect that allows me to attach a goods or s0ell card to a dude. ,oes this

o/erride normal attachment restrictions> A# Fes, it will allow you to attach a card to a booted dude, e/en in a location you cannot control. It does not allow you to attach cards the dude could not normally attach. *o0

Q# I can%t figure out how 6o/ement works. 1lease hel0C A# It%s real sim0le. Fou alwa s boot your dude when you mo/e... ...With $ sim0le e:ce0tions" #. If you%re mo/ing a ,ude from your own Home to an adAacent location. $. If you%re mo/ing a ,ude from the *own s3uare to an adAacent location e:ce0t your own Home if you wish to mo/e there, you must boot. Q# Wait a minuteC What about when I%m at a ,eed and I want to mo/e to an adAacent ,eed> A# Fou boot when you mo/e. AdAacency is mostly im0ortant for figuring out who can Aoin a 1osse in a (hootout or to do a 9ob. It has little to do with mo/ement. Q# (o I donBt boot when mo/ing out of my own home to an adAacent location, but I do boot when mo/ing out of yours, right> A# +orrect Q# +an I mo/e to an out of town ,eed without going through the *own (3uare> A# (ure. In fact, there is no reason whatsoe/er to go /ia the *own (3uare when you%re mo/ing out of town. Q# *hose chickens kee0 holin% u0 in their home, can I go in and call them out> A# Well, you can mo/e into your o00onent%s home at any time, but you can%t call his dudes out without a card effect. Q# If a card lets me mo/e to a new location, do I still ha/e to boot. A# 5o. When mo/ing /ia a card effect, your dude only boots if the card tells him to. Q# (ome ,eeds only let me mo/e to them by using a card effect. What does this mean> A# 6o/ing /ia a card effect means using an effect that actually mo/es the dude. For e:am0le the Rocket 1ack says "5oon" )oot the 1ack to mo/e this dude to a different location". ,on%t get confused with card effects that alter the way you mo/e though. For e:am0le, the Roan does not ha/e an effect that mo/es a dude it Aust says that if your dude is mo/ing and ha00ens to boot in the 0rocess, the Roan is booted instead of the dude. *hat is not a card effect that mo/es your dude. *he Rocket 1ack will get out to the (weetrock Western +or0orate 7ffice startin% (trike, the Roan won%t. Q# I boot to mo/e a ,ude, but my o00onent 0lays an action that cancels my mo/ement or redirects me. ,oes my ,ude remain booted> A# Fes. )ooting is a cost of mo/ing, and all costs remain 0aid after an action is cancelled. Fou also remain booted if you are redirected to a location you would not ha/e booted to mo/e to, and do not need to boot if you are redirected to a location where you would ha/e needed to. )ooting is a cost, not an effect, of mo/ement. *o0

Q# Fou used to ha/e to control a location to attach -oods using a card effect. Has that changed now> A# It sure hasC Fou can now attach a -oods to a ,ude using a card effect e/en if the ,ude doesn%t control his or her location, and e/en if the ,ude%s booted. *his is to make the *radin% rules consistent with the other standard 5oon actions ?(ho00in%, 6o/in%, and +allin% 7ut@. Q# +an you trade a goods that has already been used that turn ?like the still@ A# Fes, although ob/iously you can%t use any actions that ha/e already been used *o0

Callin$ )ut
Q# Right, so I know how to mo/e about town, and I know how to buy new cards and trade -oods. 5ow, how do I start a fight> A# (im0le really, any of your unbooted ,udes at the same location as another 0layerBs ,ude may "call out" the o00osing ,ude. Q# 7k so what ha00ens if I call someone out> A# ,e0ends on the o00osin% ,ude%s guts. He can either acce0t the challenge, or run like a dog to his home. 7f course, sometimes a ,ude can be a bit tired and can%t run at all, this ha00ens if the ,ude bein% called out is booted. Q# ,oes calling someone out boot my ,ude> A# 5o0e, kinda scary huh. Q# +an I call out my own ,udes> A# 5o way, and nor can you target your own ,udes with 9obs, before you go gettinB any funny ideas. 5ot e/en with a card effect that does not say o00osingL it doesn%t need to. Q# +an I call out my o00onentBs ,ude whoBs sitting at home> A# Fou can, but only by using a card effect. *here are many cards that let you call a ,ude out or start a shootout with a ,ude, and you must use one of them to call out a ,ude in his home. Q# What%s the difference between calling someone out, and starting a shootout with them> A# *he defending ,ude may refuse if called out, and run home booted. )ut if a card effect starts a shootout, that defending ,ude cannot refuse. Q# 6y ,ude is already at home, and I want to refuse a calling out. +an I do that> A# Fes, you Aust remain at home booted. Q# Right, got all that, now what ha00ens if they acce0t> A# )oth 0layers form a 0osse. For a ,ude to Aoin the 0osse, the ,ude must belong to that 0layerBs gang, and be in" a@ the targets location, or b@ adAacent to the targets location. ,udes in adAacent locations must boot to Aoin a 0osse. Q# When creating 0osses, what%s the order for adding 0eo0le> A# *he ,ealer adds whiche/er ,udes he wishes to his 0osse, then the *arget does the same. *he ,ealer always ti0s his hand and re/eals his (hooter first. Q# If I get into a shootout at another 0layer%s 1ri/ate ,eed, at what 0oint do my ,udes become Wanted> A# As soon as they Aoin your 0osse, they immediately become Wanted.

Q# If two 0layers are in a shootout, and neither 0layer owns the ,eed, do they still become Wanted> A# ,amn straightC 9ust %cos they ain%t shootin% at the owner, doesn%t mean they%re allowed to be there. *hey%re both tres0assin%, and they both become Wanted. *o0

Q# I%/e got this card that says I must ace a ,ude to get an effect. +an I sa/e the ,ude after I%/e aced him> A# -ood 3uestion, which boils down to whether acing the ,ude is a cost or not. If the card reads" ",o M. -ain F", then doing M is not a cost of gaining F. If the card reads" ",o M to gain F", then doing M is considered a cost. .:am0le #" 4ndead 6iners reads "Ace one of your (trikes. *arget another one of your (trikes. *he target (trike has itBs 0rinted 1roduction 0ermanently doubled". In this case, if you sa/e the strike with a )ucket )rigade, you still the double the other strikes 0roduction because acing the first strike is not a cost. .:am0le $" 5asty ,ocs reads ")oot ,oc%s and ace any non *error ,ude you control to Harrow a dude who has Aust been aced." 5ote the difference this time, acing the non *error ,ude is a cost of harrowing the Aust aced ,ude. If you sa/e the non *error ,ude, you ha/e not 0aid the cost of the action and it will fail. Q# 2et%s say I use an action on a uni3ue or non uni3ue card, like a ,ude or ,eed, and that card is then discarded. If I 0lay another co0y of that card on the same turn, can I use the action again> A# 5o. *he action on that card has been used this turn, e/en if it did tem0orarily lea/e 0lay. Q# (o when e:actly is a ,ude considered to be 0erformin% an action> A# -ood 3uestion. A ,ude%s 0erformin% an action... When you use an action 0rinted on the ,ude When you use an action 0rinted on a card attached to the ,ude. When you use an action that re3uires you to boot a ,ude, the booting ,ude is considered to be 0erforming an action When you mo/e a ,ude using the standard 6o/in% rules or /ia a card effect When you call out another ,ude using the standard +allin% 7ut rules or with a card effect. When you attach a -oods or (0ell to a ,ude using the standard (ho00in%D*radin% rules, or with a card effect. When *radin%, the original ?gi/ing@ dude is also considered 0erforming an action. Q# If an action is cancelled, does it resol/e> A# Fes. *he card resol/ed, e/en though one or more effects on it were cancelled. *o0

Q# Is 1assin% a 5oon action>

A# ,efinitely notC *o0

4. Nightfall
Q# ,o I ha/e to draw back u0 to my ma:imum hand si<e during 5ightfall> A# Fes

.innin$ the /ame

Q# 6y ,ude is already at home, and I want to chicken out of a shootout. +an I do that> A# Fes. If you chicken out of a shootout at your home, you Aust remain at home but outside the shootout. Q" 7ne of my dudes has a (hootout action 0rinted on him. ,oes he ha/e to be in the (hootout to use this action> A" Fes he does, with one e:ce0tion. If the 0ur0ose of the action is to mo/e the dude into the (hootout, then he can use it to Aoin the 0osse. Q# 6y o00onent has a card that sends my dude home booted. If he 0lays this during a shootout at my home, does my dude continue to take 0art in the (hootout> A# 5o, any card that sends a dude home booted automatically remo/es him from any shootout he%s in. HeBll remain at home, booted, but out of the shootout. Q# When doing the shootout do you kee0 going after the first ,raw, or does the shootout only end when one side either chickens out or is aced> A# *he shootout ends when there is no o00osing 1osse. If e/eryone boots to run home, there%s no more 1osse. If all the ,udes in the 1osse are dead, there%s no more 1osse. 7therwise, you%re standin% in and lettin% the lead fly, 0ardnerC If the location of the shootout is discarded, the shootout ends without resolution, and all dudes in both 0osses go home booted.. eg. 9ackelo0e (tam0ede or Foreclosure. Q# +an booted dudes be your 0rimary shooter> A# Fu0. Q" I%/e seen some cards that start a shootout in the middle of another shootout, such as Roofto0 (ni0er. 6y 3uestion is, do shootout effects from the original shootout carry o/er into this new one> For e:am0le, if my ,ude had increased his )ullet rating by H# during the initial shootout, and then he suddenly finds himself in the middle of another, does he kee0 his increased )ullet rating in this one too> A" 5o. Any card effects 0layed during the original shootout ne/er carry o/er into the new one, e/en though the original shootout hasn%t e/en finished yet. Q# I%/e got one ,ude in my 0osse, and my o00onent uses a shootout action to send him home, out of the shootout. +an I use my ne:t shootout action to bring another of my ,udes into the fray, using an action on the ,ude%s card.

A# 5o0e, %fraid not. As soon as your initial ,ude lea/es the shootout, you don%t ha/e a 0osse, and as soon as that ha00ens, the shootout ends. 9ust in case it matters, your o00onent is considered the winner of the shootout in this situation. Q# I%/e got a card that does something when I win a shootout. .:actly when am I considered to ha/e %won a shootout%. A# When you ha/e the only sur/i/ing 0osse in a shootout, you win. ./en if you Aust send all the o00osing ,udes home, you are still considered to ha/e won the shootout. Q# 6y o00onent has got this card that says "+ard effects cannot 0re/ent o00osing ,udes from being aced in this shootout." +an I still use an effect that lowers the number of casualties I take. A# (ure, that%s a different card effect. Q# 6y o00onent 0lays a card effect that 0re/ents one of my dudes from contributing to the number of cards drawn or redrawn. What does this mean> A# .ffecti/ely, the dude does not hel0 you for determining your total stud or draw bonus. ?(@he can still be chosen as a casualty though. *o0

Draw vs ,tud
A dude can only e/er be either a ,raw or a (tud these )ullet ty0es are mutually e:clusi/e. *herefore, if there are two abilities, one saying ")ob is a (tud", and the other saying ")ob is a ,raw", the two effects cancel each other out, and the dude will be whate/er bullet ty0e he would otherwise ha/e been. 5ote that an %ability% is not an a action both are card effects, but an action is a card effect 0receded by %5oon%, %(hootout%, or %Reaction%, and an ability is any other card effect. .:am0les of these abilities are" 1earl Handled Re/ol/er 1oison Woman *he 9in: ;atie ;arl the shootout. This dude is a Stud in a Shootout. All Studs become Draws during a shootout with the oison !oman. All Stud Dudes are Draws while at The "in#$s location. All Dudes in a %osse with &atie &arl are Studs while she remains in

Actions can still alter one of these effects as always ?think 7ut 7f Ammo /s a 1earl Handled Re/ol/er@. 5ow for some e:am0les. NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN #. 1osse A has Austin (toker with a 1HR, and )illy 5o 5eck. 1osse ) has the 9in: Result" Austin is a (tud ?9in: effect is nullified by the 1HR@ )illy is a ,raw ?he has no 0rotection from the 9in:@ NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN $. 1osse A has Austin (toker 1osse ) has the 1oison Woman

+rack (hot is then 0layed on Austin Result" Initially Austin is a ,raw as 0er the 1W, but the +( then changes him to a (tud NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN '. 1osse A has Ieke )eaucham0 1osse ) has a Walking ,ead +rack (hot is 0layed on Ieke. *hen the 1oison Woman Aoins 1osse ) using Hiding In *he )ushes. Result" *he +( changes I) to a (tud, then the 1W turns him back to a ,raw. NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN 8. 1osse A has Austin (toker with a 1HR, and ;atie ;arl. 1osse ) has *he 9in: and the 1oison Woman Result" For Austin, the 1HR nullifies *he 9in: and ;;%s effect nullifies the 1W. He remains a (tud. ;atie has no defense against either effect ?note than her effect doesn%t include kee0ing herself as a (tud@, so she is a ,raw. NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN !. 1osse A has Austin (toker 1osse ) has a Walking ,ead First, 7ut of Ammo is 0layed on Austin then, the 1oison Woman Aoins 0osse ), and finally ;atie Aoins 0osse A Result" 77A turns Austin into a ,raw. When the 1oison Woman Aoins 0osse ), Austin ob/iously remains a ,raw. When ;atie Aoins 0osse A, her effect nullifies the 1W, but the effect of the 77A remains so Austin is still a ,raw. *o0

Q# ,o I ha/e to defend against a Aob, or can I Aust let it succeed without 0utting u0 a fight A# Fou are ne/er forced to defend, and sometimes it%s a good idea not to, 0articularly if you could lose a lot of ,udes in a shootout. Q# When I nominate a ,ude to start a 9ob, does that ,ude ha/e to be 0art of the 0osse going on the Aob or can the other dudes do the 9ob without him. A# He must always go along Q# If an effect 0re/ents the nominated dude from 0erforming an action, such as 6ob 9ustice or (inging Feather, what ha00ens> A# *he Aob does not start, as the action is cancelled before 0osses are formed. Q# +an a booted dude start a Aob that does not re3uire the ,ealer to boot>

A# 5o. As of )oot Hill, only unbooted dudes can start Aobs. Q# +an I target my own cards with Aobs> A# 6ostly yes, but the e:ce0tion is ,udes you can%t target ,udes you control with your own Aob. Q# (o if I own a strike that%s controlled by another 0layer, and I want to Arson it, who forms the defending 0osse> A# *he controller of a card always has first choice to defend it. If he or she o0ts not to defend, then the owner of the card can do so instead. (o in the abo/e e:am0le, if the controlling 0layer o0ts not to defend, you can choose not to as well and the Arson will automatically succeed. Q# I start a Aob at an o00onent%s ,eed, and we both form 0osses. In the middle of the shootout, one of us 0lays a card effect that sends both 0osses home booted. Is the Aob successful> A" 5o, if the ,ealer doesn%t ha/e a 0osse left standing at the location of the 9ob when it%s o/er, the 9ob fails. Q# What about if my 0osse ne/er e/en makes it to the target location, due to some de/ious trick 0layed by my o00onent. What ha00ens to the Aob then> A" If you don%t ha/e a 0osse, there%s no shootout and the Aob will automatically fail. Howe/er, as long as at least one dudes arri/es at the target location, the Aob continues, e/en if the ,ealer gets 2ost in the )adlands. Q" (ome cards, like the Stained Glass !indow, mo/e a shootout to another location. If that ha00ens during a Aob, does the Aob still succeed if the target loses the shootout> A" As abo/e, the answer%s no. For a Aob to succeed, the ,ealer has to ha/e the sole sur/i/ing 0osse at the original target location. (o if I tried to Arson your St. 'artin$s (ha%el, and you threw me through your Stained Glass !indow into the *own (3uare, the Aob would fail e/en if I won the shootout. Q# )ut what if the target was a ,ude> If the ,ude got thrown into the *own (3uare as well, 0resumably the shootout is still taking 0lace in the target location, and so can succeed. A# 7nce again, that%s a no. *he target location is determined when the Aob is declared, and doesn%t change e/en if the ,ude mo/es elsewhere. Q# *he rulebook says third 0arties in/ol/ed in a Aob can 0lay (hootout Actions. What about Reactions> A# (ure. Fou can 0lay reactions that don%t re3uire you to ha/e a draw hand ?which is most of them@. (o, for e:am0le, 5ice )oots +hief and Fanning the Hammer are both fine ?you don%t ha/e to ha/e a ,raw hand to 0lay them@, whereas Quickdraw is out. For more information, see the Reactions 2ist here Q" If a third 0layer includes one or more of his ,udes in my 9ob%s 0osse, can I choose one of those ,udes as my shooter> A" Fes, absolutely Q" (o 0resumably I%ll get ,raw bonuses for all his or her other ,udes that ha/e Aoined my 0osse too> A" +orrect. Q" When I declare a Aob using an Action card, do I discard the card immediately or wait till the Aob finishes> It makes a difference if I ha/e to reshuffle my discard 0ile to draw my ,raw hand. A" Wait until the Aob com0letes before discarding the card..


"ection D$ ...And All t%e (est

Aces +ard 6emory
Q# ,oes card memory a00ly to -oods> For e:am0le, if I gi/e a -oods a 0ermanent H# )ullet bonus, does that a00ly to all co0ies of the -oods when they come into 0lay> A# 5o, the only time card memory a00lies to a -oods card is if it%s uni3ue. Q# 6y ,ude has his /alue reduced to less than an Ace which aces him, and then somehow returns from the gra/e. When he comes back into 0lay, does he immediately e:0lode again> A# 5o, he returns with a /alue of Ace. *o0

Q# (ay IBm in a shootout and I cheat. +an an one in the game 0lay a cheatin% card on me, or only my o00onent in the shootout> A# Anyone, but only once on each ,raw. 6ulti0le 0layers can%t hit you on the same ,raw, e/en if your hand is re0laced with a new one. Q# If my hand has less then ! cards for some reason, is it considered a cheatin% hand> A# 5o0e, thereBs nothing in the rules about ha/ing a full si<ed hand. *hat is not cheatin. Q# +an cheatin% cards be used in the lowball hand> A# (ure, but remember they do e:actly as s0ecified. In other words, they do not do the "o00osite" of what they say sim0ly because it%s the lowball hand. ?+heatin% /armint does not increase a hand by ' ranks@ Q" If I ha/e a +heatin% hand, but a card effect changes the rank of that hand, say from a Fi/e of a ;ind to a ,ead 6an%s Hand, is my hand still considered to be +heatin%> A" Fes, you still ha/e two or more cards in your hand with identical /alues. *o0

,raw Hands
Q# If I use a card to modify my ,raw hand, or e/en re0lace it with a new hand, am I %re/ealing% a new ,raw hand, meaning can I 0lay reactions like cheatin% cards on it>

A# Whene/er you draw a 0oker hand, you are drawing for a single hand. 5o matter how many times you modify the hand, or e/en discard it and redraw it, you are still Aust drawing cards for the same hand. *herefore you only %re/eal% the hand once.*his means there is only one 0oint in time when you can 0lay reactions that occur before a hand is re/ealed, one 0oint when you can 0lay reactions that occur when a hand is re/ealed, and the same again for reactions that occur after the hand is re/ealed. For more information, see Reactions. Q# +an my hand rank e/er go abo/e ## or below #> A# If it does, kee0 track of it but consider it as ## ?or #@. *o0

.:0erienced +ards
Q# If I ha/e the e:0erienced Harrowed 5orthro0 in 0lay and I re0lace him with the ine:0erienced, does the ine:0erienced get in 0lay as normal, or is he a harrowed ine:0erienced 5orthro0> A# *he ine:0erienced one enters 0lay normally and is 57* harrowed. (trange, but true... Q# What if I%d gi/en the e:0erienced 5orthro0 a Harrowed 0ower, and then re0lace him with the ine:0erienced /ersion. ,oes he kee0 the Harrowed 0ower, e/en though he%s no longer Harrowed> A" Fes, it%s a 0ermanent change to the ,ude and therefore remains through card memory. Q" (ay I%/e got a non uni3ue ,ude in 0lay, and my o00onent also has a co0y. I switch in an e:0erienced /ersion who is also uni3ue. What ha00ens to my o00onent%s ,ude> A" 5othing ha00ens to him, he remains in 0lay. Q# If a ,ude has goods or (0ells, and is re0laced by a different /ersion, are they discarded> A# 5o, he kee0s them. Q# If two 0layers try to start with different /ersions of the same dude, do they still ha/e to make the 0ull to see who starts with him. A# If both /ersions are uni3ue, yes, otherwise no. Q# *he rulebook e:0lains how to re0lace a dude in 0lay with an .:0erienced /ersion of that same dude ?or /ice /ersa@. It does not, howe/er, address card orientation ?booted /s. unbooted@. A# It remains whate/er it was before the switch. Q# What do the rules mean when they say ",ifferent /ersions of a dude are considered the same dude for deckbuilding"> A# It means you can only ha/e a total of 8 co0ies of that dude in your deck, regardless of what /ersion you include. For e:am0le, if you ha/e $ co0ies of the ine:0erienced 5ate Hunter, and $ co0ies of the e:0erienced /ersion, you can%t include any more co0ies of 5ate in your deck. Q# +an I take control of an o00onent%s ,eed then switch it with another /ersion> If so, am I considered the owner> A# Fes you can, but ownershi0 hasn%t changed it%s still owned by your o00onent. Q# (ome non uni3ue ,udes ha/e e:0erienced /ersions that are uni3ue. What ha00ens if two 0layers ha/e a co0y of the non uni3ue ine:0erienced /ersion out, and one wants to bring in the e:0erienced, uni3ue one> A# Feah, this one%s confusing. Fou can bring the e:0erienced /ersion of the ,ude in because there isn%t another uni3ue /ersion in 0lay to 0re/ent it. *he non uni3ue /ersions are unaffected when you do this, but you can%t now make any of them e:0erienced unless the first one is

somehow discarded. Q# If I try to start with a non uni3ue ine:0erienced ,ude, and my o00onent attem0ts to start with the uni3ue e:0erienced one, do we need to do a 0ull> A# 5o, for similar reasons. Fou only do a 0ull for starting dudes if both 0layers attem0t to start the game with the same -nique dude. Q# 6y ,ude had a /alue of #K, but it%s been reduced by ' to O. If I re0lace the ,ude with an e:0erienced /ersion who%s 0rinted /alue is a Q, what is the actual /alue of my ,ude now. A# It%s Q ?#$@, reduced by the ', gi/ing a current /alue of G. *o0

Fear 2e/el
Q# If the Fear 2e/el goes below #, how should I read it> A# 2ike negati/e costs, kee0 track of it, but always read it as #. ,o the same if it goes abo/e #K. Q" 9ust for the record, what%s the current Fear 2e/el> A" As of ,o 4nto 7thers, it%s !. *o0

Harrowed ,udes
Q" I%/e got a card effect that says nothing can sto0 my o00onent%s ,ude being aced. If I 0lay it on a Harrowed ,ude, does it 0re/ent the Harrowed 0ull> A" 5o this is a common mistake. *he Harrowed 0ull does not sto0 a ,ude being aced, it Aust changes his destination. (o instead of going to )oot Hill, the aced ,ude goes to discard or home instead. Q" If a dude is harrowed and returned from )oot Hill, do his goods come back with him> A" 5ot the goods he originally died with, but if he%s aced in the future, his goods mo/e with him to home or the discard 0ile. Q" An Abomination is not by definition Harrowed, correct> (o the =am0iric ,ance Hall -irl is as easy to kill as anyone else, right> A# +orrect. Q# ,o harrowed dudes who ha/e been discarded after a shootout retain their harrowed status through card memory> A# Fes. Q# (o, Aust so%s I%m com0letely sure about this, who is acing the Harrowed dude> And does the 0layer who aces a Harrowed dude always makes the Harrowed 0ull> A# *he loser chooses the dudes to be aced, then the winner aces them and gets to make the Harrowed 1ull. Q# If I gi/e an e:0erienced Harrowed ,ude a Harrowed 1ower, and then re0lace him with an ine:0erienced non Harrowed /ersion, does he kee0 the Harrowed 1ower. A# Fes, it%s a 0ermanent change and remains through +ard 6emory Q# And when am I su00osed to make that Harrowed 0ull> A# *he timing of the Harrowed 0ull occurs after all other reactions to the dude 'eing aced.

5ote" *he Harrowed 0ull is 57* a reaction, and cannot be 0re/ented with 5o Funny (tuff *o0

Q# (ome ,udes say "P*his ,ude%sQ Influence does not add to your total during 5ightfall. ,oes that mean it doesn%t count for control of ,eeds either> A# 5o, it Aust means it%s not included in your o/erall total, used for checking =ictory +onditions and to see who gets the e:tra card.

Q" +an I use a 9oker to make a ,ead 6an%s Hand, or does it ha/e to be the e:act ! cards> A" Fe0, you can use a 9oker. Q" 6y final ,raw hand consists of 8 Queens ?one of each suit@ and a 9oker. If I say the 9oker is a Queen to gi/e myself a ! of a kind, does that make my hand illegal> A" 5o. It%s true that you ha/e to declare the /alue and suit of your 9oker, but a 9oker itself ne/er makes a ,raw hand illegal. Q# When do I declare the /alue of a 9oker> *his makes a difference for card effects that affect 0articular hand ranks, such as a ,ead 6an%s Hand. A# Fou don%t need to declare it until after all reactions to the ,raw hand ha/e been 0layed, Aust before you com0are hand ranks. Q# *he 9oker says it can be any /alue. ,oes that literally mean an /alue> e.g. the #KK of clubs> A# 5o, it has to be a legal card /alue, between Ace and ;ing. *o0

;ung Fu 1owers
Q" (o how do these work> A" 1retty much the same as Harrowed 0owers actually, instead they%re attached to ;ung Fu dudes instead of harrowed dudes.. Q" (o can a ;ung Fu ,ude be targeted with more than one co0y of a ;ung Fu 0ower> A" 5o, like Harrowed 0owers, a dude can only ha/e one co0y of each. *o0

6a:imum Hand (i<e

Q# What is the ma:imum hand si<e> ?6aybe I missed it but it doesn%t seem ob/ious anywhere.@ A# *here is no limit to the number of cards you can ha/e in your 0lay hand. At nightfall, and sometimes due to other card effects, you refill your hand to what is referred to as your ma:imum hand si<e. *his starts the game at ! cards, and can be modified by other cards. Q# (o if a card lets me redraw back u0 to my ma:imum hand si<e, and I ha/e the most Influence, do I include the e:tra card when I redraw>

A# 5o. *he e:tra card for ha/ing the highest influence is a bonus card that%s only drawn during 5ightfall. After you refill your hand normally. Q" ,o I ha/e to draw the e:tra card> A" Fes you do. Q# If I ha/e degenerated my deck and discard 0iles down to a total of ! cards, and I ha/e no cards left in my hand, can I choose not to draw any cards> A# 5o, you must draw back u0 to ! cards ?or your ma:imum hand si<e if it%s not !@ if you can *o0

6o/ement Restrictions
Q" (ome cards in the game sto0 my dudes mo/ing to a location. If one of those targets my home, can I still boot to go home, or did I get locked out without my keys> A" Whene/er you mo/e home booted, you o/erride mo/ement restrictions. ,oesn%t matter why your dude went home, whether /oluntarily through normal mo/ement, through chickening out, through his deed being aced etc. Any time that a dude boots to go home, he cannot be 0re/ented. 5ote the im0ortance of the booting bit. Fou can%t (hadow Walk to a restricted home, because you%re not booting. Q# *hese mo/ement restrictions sto0 my ,udes mo/ing to a location, right> ,oes that Aust mean using the noon 6o/in% action, or is it any form of mo/ement> A# Any time a ,ude changes location for any reason that ,ude is considered to be mo/ing. *his includes mo/ing to Aoin a 0osse, being a 0art of a 0osse that mo/es to another location, mo/ing using a Horse or a -adget, etc. As a result, any effects which restrict the mo/ement of a ,ude always restrict the mo/ement of that ,ude. Q# If I want to bring a *oken ,ude into a shootout at a location with mo/ement restrictions, can I do that> A# Fes. )ringing a ,ude into 0lay at a location is not the same as mo/ing a ,ude to that location, which means you can ignore any mo/ement restrictions. *o0

70tional =ictory +onditions 1ullin% Reactions

Q" Reactions ughC I%m confused about the timing of %em 0lease hel0C A" Feah, this can be tricky at first, so we%ll take it a ste0 at a time. First off, all reactions ha/e a trigger this must occur for the reaction to be 0layed. For e:am0le, take a look at the action Only !inged $)m. It states " lay when a Dude is aced." *hat means you can%t 0lay this card until a ,ude is aced, and if you wish to 0lay it, you must do so at the time the ,ude is aced you can%t lea/e it till later.

Q" 7k, I understand that, but the wording on some of the reactions is different. For e:am0le, you mention Only !inged $)m* but I%m now looking at And Stay Down+ *hat says " lay immediately before a Harrowed Dude is aced". (o does that mean it gets 0layed before Only !inged $)m ?assuming the ,ude who%s been aced was Harrowed of course@> A" *hat%s right the wording on these reactions is im0ortant. Reactions that occur %immediately before% a trigger are 0layed and resol/e before reactions that occur %when% a trigger occurs, and these in turn are 0layed and resol/e before reactions that are triggered %after% something ha00ens. Q" Right, gotcha. (o that means them +heatin%C cards must occur before most of the other reactions to ,raw hands, %cos +heatin% cards are 0layed when a hand is re/ealed whereas cards like Ace In *he Hole and )luff are 0layed after. A" *hat%s e:actly right. In fact, if I were to use Ace In *he Hole to 0lace a second Ace of (0ades into my ,raw hand, you can%t touch me with a +heatin%C card, because the time to 0lay it has now 0assed. Q" (eems ok, so here%s my last 3uestion. In our earlier e:am0le with the ,ude who%s been aced, let%s say it%s your ,ude who%s been aced. I want to 0lay Nice ,oots (hief, which says " lay when an o%%osing Dude is aced in a shootout".Fou announce that you want to use Only !inged $)m. )oth of these reactions occur at the same time, so what ha00ens> A" Whene/er $ or more 0layers want to 0lay a Reaction at the same time, the Winner ?that is, the 0layer who won the lowball 0oker hand@ goes first, followed by the 0layer to his or her left and continuing clockwise.*o see what ha00ens, take another look at the te:t of the two cards Nice ,oots (hief Reaction- lay when an o%%osing Dude is aced in a shootout. Ta.e a Goods from that Dude and attach it to one of your Dudes that was in the shootout. Only !inged $)m Reaction- lay when a Dude is aced. The Dude is not aced* but is discarded instead. If you were the Winner, you 0lay your card first, so you take the chosen -oods card and attach it to your ,ude. *hen I 0lay mine, and my ,ude is discarded instead of aced, going to my discard 0ile instead of )oot Hill. (o far so good, but the situation changes significantly if I was the winner. In that case, I 0lay my card first, which changes the status of the ,ude to not aced. *hat means that when it%s your turn to 0lay your reaction, you can no longer 0lay it because the trigger no longer e:ists ?there is no longer an aced ,ude@. *hat%s why winning lowball is so im0ortantC For more info on Reactions, see "Fou can%t do that yetC" A guide to reactions and shootouts *o0

(kill Ratin% (kill +heck

Q# If I ha/e to make skill check, say for a s0ell, but I%/e com0letely run out of cards in both my deck and discard 0ile, what ha00ens> ,oes the s0ell automatically fail> A# 5o. For a s0ell to succeed, the skill 0lus 0ull must be greater than the difficulty. If there%s no 0ull, Aust com0are skill /s difficulty. Q# Is booting considered to be 0art of the cost to build a gadget>

A# Fes. *o0

(tatistics 6odifications
Q# +ard (tats. If a card effect reduces influence or bullets below K, it Aust reduces them to K right> A# 4nless s0ecified, a stat can go below K, but whene/er you check the stat, it is counted as a K.

*argeting *oken ,udes

Q# If I ha/e a card effect that re3uires me to boot a ,ude, can I select one of my token ,udes to %boot%> A# Fes. While a token ,ude is in 0lay, it%s treated Aust like any other ,ude. It can boot, unboot, be targeted with actions, and anything else that can ha00en to a normal ,ude during a shootout. Q# (o does that mean they can become wanted> A# (ure, if they Aoin a 0osse on someone else%s 1ri/ate land. Q# And when e:actly do these token ,udes lea/e 0lay> A# As soon as the shootout in which they were generated ends. (o if the shootout lasts for three rounds, and a token ,ude is aced in the first round, the ,ude goes to )oot Hill until the end of the third round at which 0oint it disa00ears from 0lay. Q# If I want to bring a *oken ,ude into a shootout at a location with mo/ement restrictions, can I do that> A# Fes. )ringing a ,ude into 0lay at a location is not the same as mo/ing a ,ude to that location, which means you can ignore any mo/ement restrictions. Q# What about if I%m in a shootout that no other ,udes can Aoin can I bring a token ,ude in> A# 5o. *hey are treated like normal ,udes, and cannot Aoin the 0osse. Q# If I bring a *oken ,ude into 0lay, does he belong to my outfit> A# 5o0e. All *oken ,udes are drifters. Q# Aren%t all token dudes uni3ue> ,oesn%t this mean I can%t create more than one at the same time> A# 5o0e. *his rules is slightly confusing, but ")uckets", etc can create as many dudes as you wishL each is a se0arate, uni3ue dude. Fou can ha/e more than one in 0lay at once. *o0

Wanted ,udes
Q# When e:actly does a ,ude become Wanted in a shootout> A# Assuming the shootout%s on someone else%s 1ri/ate land, the ,ude becomes wanted the

moment he or she forms or Aoins the 0osse.

Q# If my o00onent only has unready wea0ons in his 0osse, does he count as ha/ing wea0ons for other card effects> A# 5o. 4nready wea0ons ha/e no effect on 0lay, so you can use actions such as *+%s shootout action. Q# If a ready wea0on is remo/ed from a dude, when does that dude ready a different wea0on> A# Automatically. If the dude has more than one unready wea0on, choose one. *his does not re3uire an action. Q# What if it%s during a shootout A# As long as the wea0on has not been used during that shootout, ready a new wea0on immediately. If the dude has used a wea0on this shootout, then you need another card effect to ready a different wea0on. eg. 9ust What I need.

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