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Year 7 Puzzle

Problem Context
The latest published red list from the IUCN lists over 1000 animals worldwide as endangered. This means that their numbers are in decline and could become extinct in the future. Their decline can be attributed to various factors, including human development and climate change. Each of which could be minimised by raising awareness amongst humans on the plight of these animals.

Problem Relevance
Explain why you think this problem is an important problem to solve?

Human brains are naturally wired for problem solving activities, hence the popularity of solving puzzles.

This is a very important problem as our daily lives are constantly relying on these endangered animals. If these endangered animals go extinct, our daily lives could greatly change. For example, we humans like to eat beef/steak. However, that means that if cows go extinct, we will not have any beef to eat, making the population unhappy. Not only that, but there are much more serious effects to think about. For instance, if even just a few animals that go extinct, their prey would overbreed and there would be an uneven balance in the food system. This unbalance will lead to more and more animals/plants dying and the earths ecosystem would be ruined. This is why it is so important to solve this problem.

DESIGN BRIEF: Write a clear design brief that explains what you will
be making, who it is for, how you are making it and where it is going?

Unit Question How can we raise awareness of endangered animals in an interactive way

I will create a jigsaw puzzle that will promote awareness of endangered animals. This jigsaw puzzle will be made up of MDF wood (Medium density fiberwood). I will use the tools available in the DT department to create this jigsaw puzzle. The jigsaw puzzle will have a maximum size of 115mm x 114mm x 6mm. I know that within our busy lives, we are constantly forgetting about these endangered animals. This applies especially to my parents, so I think that I will make this jigsaw puzzle for them, so they would be more aware of endangered animals.

Year 7 Puzzle Investigate

Assessment Criteria Student Grade Teacher grade

I have briefly considered the problem and wrote a simple design brief from it I have collected and organised some research data

I have acknowledged some of my sources of research data

With a lot of guidance I have written a brief list of specifications I have considered the problem and written a design brief from it I have written some guiding questions and identified some sources that will help me collect research data to solve my problem I have collected, organised and discussed some of my research data I have acknowledged my sources of research data With guidance I have written a list of specifications I have considered the problem and written a clear design brief from it I have written guiding questions and identified some sources that will help me collect research data to solve my problem I have collected, organised and discussed my research data in a clear way I have acknowledged my sources of research data in a recognisable way (APA) With guidance I have written a list of specifications and developed some tests


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Year 7 Puzzle Investigate

Research Plan
What do you need to find out? I need to find out how to use the tools and materials available to me

Why do you need to know this? Because this is the manufacturing method that I am going to use

Where are you going to get the answers My own experiences My teacher DT books DT workshop

What methods are you going to use to get the answers

I am going practice using some tools and machines and reflect on how they work and what I can do with them.I am going to ask my teachers advice on the best tools and materials to use.I am going to read some DT books and look at the tools and materials in the workshop.I am going to watch demonstrations on how to use tools and materials

I need to know who my target market is and their likes and dislikes

Because I will be manufacturing the product for them and the product will only be successful if they are happy with it. Because I will be manufacturing a puzzle

Surveys Observation

I am going to conduct surveys or questionnaires for the target market to get info on their likes and interests. Using this info, I would take it into consideration when I manufacture my product.

I need to know about how puzzles are made

My teacher DT books Internet

I will do research, and part of my research will be to actually try to use the tools and materials required to manufacture a jigsaw, as well as looking on the internet on how they work, or through my DT teachers lessons.

I need to know about endangered animals

Because I will be promoting endangered animals with my product

Internet Books

I will do some research, find a picture on several endangered animals so that I will then know more things about the types of endangered animals and how they are endangered. This will help me create my puzzle.

Year 7 Puzzle Investigate

This jigsaw puzzle is one taken from the internet. I think that it looks visually engaging as it is a picture of a dollar bill. As well as that, the whole jigsaw looks pretty whacked as normally, you wouldnt see ripped dollar bills. However, now, it is right in front of your eyes: a broken dollar bill.
I think what the manufacturer of this creative jigsaw wants to represent is that money isnt everything, that life isnt about money. As a result, this represents his thoughts in the form of a jigsaw puzzle, and when broken up it symbolizes his thoughts clearly. However, I think that as this Jigsaw only has eight pieces, it might be a bit too easy for older ages.This Jigsaw puzzle is quite probably fully functional, though I cannot confirm as this image was from the internet. I am also unable to comment on the material they made, though it looks like it was made from wood. As well as that, I cannot comment on the size, stability manufacturing process and sustainability.

Investigate the properties of two existing puzzles that could be used as inspiration One should be from an existing real product and the other can be from the internet Properties could include, function, materials, size, stability manufacturing process, sustainability, aesthetics.

This jigsaw puzzle is from a primary resource, I took this from my Aunt. Its a very simple puzzle meant for toddlers and you nger children. I think that this puzzle isnt suitable for my target market (my parents). However, it does give me a chance to ana lyze a similar product I will be making. The size of this jigsaw is a normal sized jigsaw, though pretty thin. Its around 140mm by 100mm in terms of width and length, and its only around 5mm thick. This makes the puzzle the correct size so that it looks aesthetically pleasing, as well as having the mobility to move the jigsaw around. When trying to fit the puzzle pieces together, the pieces fit quite perfectly, into a tight fit so that there wont be any awkward lose fittings, resulting in the user to be more engaged. However, I cannot comment much on the manufacturing process, though there is one interesting fact about this puzzle that would be very useful when I create my product. The color that goes on the top of the wood to render the picture is actually not painted on. Rather, its a very thin piece of plastic stuck on top of the wood. This is a great way to reproduce the image on wood, though there is a problem where the plastic piece on the top might come off.
My sources The top left jigsaw puzzle is from the internet. I took it from a website. However, the other one is a jigsaw which belongs to my aunt. Because it is from a primary source, I can comment more about the materials, size, stabillity and function.

Year 7 Puzzle Investigate

Tools and Materials Describe the tools and materials you could
use in the workshop to help you develop a solution for the puzzle, including the vacuum former Resistant materials second edition (Collins) page 84

Drilling machine This machine is used for drilling holes in the wood. You can change the drill head as well to accommodate different sizes. The way it works is that it is basically a drill, though it is fixed to maintain accuracy when drilling the hole, unlike a hand-held electric drill. The rotating handle moves the drill up and down and when the drill rotates, it will drill a hole with the size of the drillhead. htm

Coping saw This is just like a tenon saw, except that it is used for cutting curved lines. Unlike the tenon saw, this saw cuts vertically downwards so that it could cut those curves. The blade is flexible so that it can cut curves. how-to-properly-operate-atenon-saw#b

Resistant material Collins pg 80

Safety goggles You must where these to work with the equipment in the DT department, so your eyes will be safe, just in case wood residue flies around. /design/textiles/consumersmaintenancehe

Tenon saw A tenon saw is used to cut a straight line. In this picture, I am using it to cut a straight line for my wood. Use a try square to help you get the 90 cut on the wood. You cut it horizontally across the wood, and you must keep your whole arm rigid to get a clean, straight cut. Also, one hand needs to be holding the bench hook to maintain stability.

Year 7 Puzzle Investigate

Tools and Materials Describe the tools and materials you could
use in the workshop to help you develop a solution for the puzzle, including the vacuum former
Source: http://www.rjhfini ds/images/gallery /Gerbil-Flangecutting.jpg

My sources I tested and observed these machines so that I know how they work and I have tested all these out so my information here is based on primary sources. However, some of the pictures are from the internet, but they are very similar, sometimes exactly the same, to the real life version. I also checked how the machines operate and how to use them with secondary sources to verify if the information I received was correct.

http://en.wikip Vacuum_for ming http://www.wi e-a-VacuumFormer

Vacuum former This vacuum former works by heating plastic so that it becomes flexible. Under the plastic is a mold that would be molded into the plastic when a powerful vacuum sucks all the air out from under the plastic. What that does is that it sucks out all the air from underneath the plastic so that the mould would form the plastic to the desired shape. After that, a gerbil cutter is used to cut out the residue plastic on the sides. That means that you could get a clean cut and a clean plastic case by using a combination of the vacuum former and the gerbil.


Year 7 Puzzle Investigate

Endangered Species
Find out by reading books and websites about endangered species


Source: es/snow-leopard

Source: anica2.jpg

Whitefin Topeshark This shark lives around the Philippines and the population is unknown, though there is a fear that the population will never rise.

South China Tiger This tiger was once hunted as pests. In 1969, the Chinese government banned hunting, and in 1996, there were only 3080 in the wild. This species is important as it was once a famous tiger of the past.

Snow leopard Sounds familiar? Thats cause the Mac OS X 10.6 was named after this. It is still a highly-praised animal and lives in the eastern himalayas, under the harshest conditions on earth. Their population is dropping, and now there is estimated 4000-6500 of these leopards left.

http://images.nation https://worldwildlife.or g/species/giantpanda pf/medialive/photos/000/004/ cache/blackrhino_468_600x450 .jpg

Black Rhino European hunters are responsible for this critically endangered animal, who lives in South Africa. There are less than 4,800 of these Black Rhinos in the world.

My sources I took all these pictures from the internet as the primary sources were not available to me. However, a lot of the information I took was from a creditable source: the WWF website. As a result, many of the pictures were from that website as well.

Giant panda This panda is the species that the world is most familiar about. It is the logo of the WWF and is considered a treasure in China. There are less than 1,600 of these in the wild left.

Year 7 Puzzle Investigate

Research Summary What did you learn from your investigation that will help you develop a solution to the problem
Out of this investigation, I have analyzed a fews puzzles, learnt how to use the tools in the DT department, and did some brief research on endangered animals. I can use this knowledge to create the jigsaw puzzle targeted for my target market. This can make my product better as I now know how puzzles are made, while in the beginning I didnt know. apart from learning about the tools, I have also explored various endangered animals and I have an idea of how to get the drawings/images onto the puzzle. This will also be vital when creating the jigsaw. In summary, doing the investigation has really gave me the idea of what my jigsaw would look like, as well as how it could be manufactured.

Design Specification write a list of criteria that you expect your solution to perform like and look like
Specification Explanation Tests


The jigsaw puzzle needs to be manufactured with the tools and machinery available in the RCHK DT department
The jigsaw puzzle needs to be at the correct difficulty so it would not be too hard, nor too easy. This would engage the user and would help me to achieve my goal: awareness of endangered animals The puzzle needs to be strong enough to withstand normal usage, or bits of the jigsaw would not be usable and the product would become not as engaging to use, or broken.

If I can manufacture my jigsaw puzzle within the DT department, then this specification would be reached.
I can ask the user which level of difficulty he/she would like and show examples. The difficulty would depend on the number of pieces needed to be assembled together

Level of difficulty


Bend several jigsaw puzzles, as well as the case, with force, to test flexibility A small drop of the whole jigsaw, about 20cm

Year 7 Puzzle Investigate

Specification Relevance to chosen endangered animals

Explanation The product needs to promote endangered animal(s)

Tests There should at least be a drawing/picture of the chosen endangered animal(s), as well as maybe a small caption. I will observe from different perspectives and make a judgement based on my observations.

Visibility of the design

The message needs to be clear, simple and bold. For example, the colors need to be contrasted well (eg. background is different color than captions and pictures). Also, the design needs to be of a reasonable scale, to make the message bolder. This is ideal so the product would be usable. Try limiting sharp edges. Of course the corners of the jigsaw pieces might be sharp, but not the packaging.This will limit the number of cuts and such incidents that happen around sharp surfaces. The size needs to be at the most 115mm x 115mm 6mm

Jigsaw pieces fit together

Try fitting all the pieces together


I will touch around the packaging and observe.


I will observe and measure

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