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Rewriting Frankenstein

Why are we the way we are and how can we be responsible for ourselves?

Pick one of the following scenes from the play. Think about how the situation affected the Monster. Think about how if the scene unfolded differently, the Monster may have changed.

When Felix shoots the monster

Which scene will you rewrite? When Felix shoots the monster What is the situation in the scene? What do others do to the Monster? In the current scene when Felix shoots the Monster, Agathe is trying to convince Felix that the Monster is a good person. During this time the Agathe clings onto the Monster trying to shield him, but the Monster uses his strength, pushes her away and she falls. As soon as Agathe falls onto ground Felix shoots the Monster with a musket. The Monster screams holding his arm and clings onto the frame. Felix pulls Agathe up and asks her if she is okay, but Agathe ignores what he says, asks him why he shot the Monster. Agathe goes to the monster in worry, but the Monster pushes her away. The Monster shows his strong emotions towards the hatred of humans and runs of howling in anger saying, Revenge, revenge!. Felix tries to explain Agathe that all the villagers have been hunting for him, but Agathe replies saying that they (Agathe and Felix) should have understood him and that they made the Monster EVIL forever. How will you change the situation? How might things happen differently during the scene? Instead of Felix shooting the Monster he ends up shooting Agatha in the heart. All the villagers trys to save her, but at the Monster save her. This causes the Monster to live with Felix and Agathe. How does this affect the Monster? What impact does it have on his life? What choices does he make as a result? As written in table beside, the Monster runs away in hatred. The bullet shot didnt just affect him psychically, but also psychologically and emotionally. His hatred towards humans increases even more and he wants to take revenge. He wants to do something for all he got from humans, hate. He has major hatred towards Frankenstein. This later on causes the Monster to commit crimes. In the story the Monster kills William and does other murders as well.

How will this affect the Monster? What impact will it have on his life? What choices will he make as a result? This will cause another chapter of the Monsters life to begin and he becomes a very nice person. Once he lives with Felix and Agathe he becomes a great

person since he has someone to live with him. He also feels very happy and proud about saving someone and he starts to feel very happy.

Note on Staging

Set Design
A small oak wood made simple cottage is placed in a forest. There is a fairly rough stone made grey table with a well ironed blue cloth and a yellow lit up candle, wooden rough chairs lined across the table, a lit up simple stone fireplace, a window overlooking a beautiful array of trees, a crystal clear river flowing with a stone bridge and big mountains reflecting in the water. The table has finely baked bread, a fruit basket, one-person meal plate and piece of cheese. There is a handsome old mans photo hung on the brown wall who is wearing an expensive suit. There is a upper shelf placed on the left side (upper stage) of the room holding a traditional instrument, a walking stick and a lantern. There is a door placed down stage and a window placed on the right with sunlight streaming through.

Felix- A musket and 2 rabbits Josef- Scissors, cloth and sharp stick Agathe- Instrument


Felix- Felix is wearing a black old styled coat (till upper neck), a black waist coat, a white undershirt, a black neck tie and black pants. He has curly blond hair, a major styled beard, a wooden handmade shoe and a pair of black gloves. Joseph- Dressed up similar to Felix. Agathe- Agathe is wearing a finely stitched white dress with flower bits attached. She is wearing a white cap and has a French hairstyle (blond hair). She has a black strip on her neck, is wearing handmade wooden shoes and is wearing a pair of black gloves. Monster- The Monster is wearing a black coat and shirt, which is full of blood and is torn. He has a mushroom cut to his upper forehead and is extremely muscular. There are major stitches around his whole body and face, he has many wrinkles and has a metal rod sticking out from both sides of his neck. Bright light mostly all the time (sunlight through the window) Spotlight on Agathe when she gets shots and falls on the ground A strong musket sound when Felix shoots the bullet

Lighting/Sound/ Sound effects

I have chosen a very simple set to show to explain Agathe and Felix's lifestyle and the fact that they are poor. I have tried to explain the surrounding forest as well. I have given the character specific props, which can reflect their responsibility throughout the play. I gave Felix props that would show that he protects the family and hunts, Agathe an instrument to show that she mostly stays at home and collects the food, and Josef doctor equipment to show his involvement in certain situations. I have given each character specific props since it also reflects their jobs and activities. I specially decided to give the Monster bloody and torn clothes to show how much humans hate him and what other living things do to him. I decided to give bright light to show that the scene occurs in daytime (the bright light is the sun). It is very important to make a strong musket sound when Felix shoots the bullet so that the audience can see how important that moment it is. There will specifically be a spotlight on Agathe when she is shot since the spotlight emphasizes her sacrifice.


Monster- A kind- hearted person who is lost and wants a companion. He saves Agathe during the play. Felix- At the beginning he thinks that the monster is a cruel person. But, later he after the monster saves Agathe, Felix becomes good friends. Agathe- A kind hearted blind person who knows her way around and thinks of the person as good person right from the start. Josef- A very good friend of Felix and Agathe who is always there for them.

In a simple old wooden cottage Agathe is playing a song on a folk instrument. Felix comes into the house with two dead rabbits since he is the one who protects the family and collects the meat. Agathe is a blind person. She skilfully knowing her surroundings puts her folk instrument on the shelf and comes towards the table. Felix: Hey Agathe, come to the table quickly! Look at these 2 delicious rabbits I have brought! I cant wait till we eat these! Agathe comes to the table and touches the 2 rabbits. Agathe: Wonderful! Felix, they feel so good that I cant even wait till I eat them! I guess well be calling Herr Josef over today? Felix clings his old rusty coat on the wooden chair. And puts his musket on the shelf. Felix: Josef is our only friend in this town! He is the only person who cares about us All the other people hate us here. Before we were had everything we needed: friends, family, fortune, servants and anything else we wanted. And now, we have nothing!

Agathe sighs. Felix: Anyway, Josef went hunting with me today and I had called him over for supper. Agathe: When will Josef be coming? Felix: He should be coming in an hour or so. The Monster comes around the cottage and peeks through the window. He sees himself in a mirror placed in the room and screams. Seeing how he looks like in the mirror astonishment. Felix and Agathe hear his scream. Agathe: Felix, did you hear someone? Was it Josef? Felix: (Whispering) Josef cant come so early. It has to be someone else! Felix walks towards the window picking up his musket from the shelf. He sees the Monster in shock and points the gun towards him. The Monster raises his hand up and climbs into the cottage. Felix: Stand right there! Dont move a step forward or I will shoot you! Agathe runs towards Felix. Agathe: Felix who is this? Felix: He is a cruel Monster! Move away, Agathe, you might get hurt! Monster: Listen to me. Good. Good. I no bad. I help. I work. I get food. I safe. I do everything you say. Felix: Stay back you direful Monster! Agathe go away! Dont get close to that Monster! Agathe: Felix, no, at least listen to what hes saying! He is agreeing to do anything. He might be a great person. You cant decide whom he is by how he looks. You need to understand Felix. Please dont shoot him! Felix: (Angry) No Agathe! Move back. You dont know what this Monster really looks! Felix pulls the triggers and shoots the bullet of the musket. Agathe runs in front of the Monster and the bullet hits Agathes heart. Blood splatters and Agathe becomes unconscious. Felix starts to shiver in ferar and the Monster remains quite. Josef hears this noise coming from Felixs cottage and runs in surprised seeing Agathe lying on the floor. Josef: Felix! What did you do to Frau Agathe? Felix: I I didnt do anything. I was trying to shoot that hideous looking Monster and Agathe came in the middle. I didnt even realize when I shot Agathe. Oh goodness lord, did this scrape have to arrive.

Josef runs towards Agathe checking her pulse and trying to figure out what to do. Josef: Felix, forget about the Monster! Now try to save Agathe, her heart is still beating! Its still possible to save her! Help me set up all the equipment Felix! Go get a cloth, pair of scissors and a sharp stick. Come on, weve got to move faster! Felix sprints across the room and goes to get the equipment from the table. They start their attempt to save Agathe and Joseph tries his best to take out the bullet from Agathes heart. Felix: How is Agathe, Josef! I wont be able to live without her! Josef sighs. Josef: I am sorry Felix. Its just not possible to save Agathe with all the equipment we have. The bullet has gone very inside Agathes body and its very stiff. Someone very muscular will be needed to take the bullet out of Agathes. Its not possible for us to do anything now. Only a miracle can save her now. Felix: Cry. No! No! Josef, you cant just give up! Josef: Im sorry Felix. I cant do anything. Monster: Me try! I do! I can! Felix: No, you dreadful Monster! If you do anything, you will make things even worse. I will never trust you and especially with Agathe. Monsters are cruel and all you will do to her is kill her. So, stay in your limits Monster! Monster: I try! I do something! You do nothing! I strong! Josef: Felix try to understand Now the only hope we have is the Monster doing something! There is no way Agathe can survive if we dont do anything now! In this crucial moment, this Monster is the only person who can help us! He has the ability and strength to take the bullet out of Agathes body! Agathe may be saved Felix! Please Felix, please! Felix: Okay, Monster, try to save Agathe! But, remember, if anything wrong happens with Agathe, I will kill you! I am only letting you do something because Josef said so! Monster: Thank you! Good! I do! I do! I save Agathe! The Monster sprints to Agathe as fast as he can and begins his approach of taking the bullet out of Agathes heart. Felix: Cry. Oh goodness lord, please save Agathe. Except of Josef, she is the only person I know and care about. I wont be able to live without her. Please let a miracle happen and save Agathe... Please.

Josef: Calm down Felix everything will be all right. I told you before, the Monster has the strength to take the bullet out of Agathes heart. Moments later the Monster yells in excitement. He pulls out the bullet using his strength and shows the bullet to Felix and Josef in delight. Felix and Josef come towards the Monster looking at the Monster in joy. Felix: He did it! The Monster took out the bullet from Agathes heart! Thank you my lord for saving Agatha! Josef, you were right, the Monster can save Agathe! Josef: Yes! Now just in a couple of minutes Agathe will be conscious. Good job Monster! Josef taps the Monsters shoulder. Felix hugs the Monster thanking him. Felix: Monster, all because of you my Agathe is alive. If you wouldnt save her, I dont know what would have happened. A few moments later Agathe starts to gain conscious and begins to sit up. The Monster, Felix and Josef are surrounding Agathe. They silently look at Agathe with a smile on their face. Agathe: Felix, what happened... How I am here, wasnt I shot? Felix: Sorry Agathe... I had shot you by mistake. But, the Monster saved you! If he were not here, you wouldn't be alive. Because of the Monster the bullet that was stuck in your heart came out. Agathe: I honor you Monster for saving my life! And Felix, I had reminded you before that the Monster was good! Felix: We should now consider that the Monster is living with us. Monster: For all I know, you people will be my companionship. I help you, I work for you and I try my best to do everything I be good man! You prove to me that all human no bad. You show me lord there and he help. Now, I can live for something! Today, I no bad man! I do things for the people and be happy! Agathe: It will be a pleasure for us to live with you and I know that you will always be a good and respectful Herr. Josef: Anyways, we need to teach his Monster how to speak in German and surely give him some good clothes! The curtains close with Agathe, Josef, Felix and the Monster laughing in joy!
Criterion A: You compose a script that shows how a situation impacts the Monsters life Criterion B: You write in the form of a script, using the appropriate structures expected in a play Criterion C: Your write your characters to reflect their personalities and tone. Your script is free

using a lot of details (dialogue and stage directions).

You do not reach the standard described below. Your script reflects very limited imagination and creativity. It does not show the situation and how it impacted the Monsters life. Your script has no details (dialogue, stage directions) to show how the Monster develops through the scene. Your script reflects limited imagination and creativity. It attempts to show the situation and how it impacted the Monsters life. Your script has insufficient details (dialogue, stage directions) to show how the Monster develops through the scene. Your script reflects some imagination and creativity. It somewhat shows the situation and how it impacted the Monsters life. Your script has adequate details (dialogue, stage directions) to show how the Monster develops through the scene. Your script reflects imagination and creativity. It shows the situation and how it impacted the Monsters life. Your script has substantial details (dialogue, stage directions) to show how the Monster develops through the scene. Your script reflects a lot of imagination and creativity. It clearly shows the situation and how it impacted the Monsters life. Your script has illustrative details (dialogue, stage directions) to show how the Monster develops through the scene.

script. Your scene builds appropriately.

Your script does not use the organizational structures of a script. Your script is generally disorganized.

of grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors.

Your script does not reflect the voice of the characters. Your script has very frequent errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling.


Your script sometimes uses the organizational structures of a script. Your script is beginning to be organized but lacks coherence.

Your script sometimes reflects the voice of the characters. Your script has frequent errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling.


Your script usually uses the organizational structures of a script. Your script is generally wellorganized.

Your script often reflects the voice of the characters. Your script uses generally accurate grammar, punctuation, and spelling.


Your script consistently uses the organizational structures of a script. Your script is usually wellorganized. The ideas build on each other.

Your script often reflects the voice of the characters. Your script consistently uses a formal tone to explain. Your grammar, punctuation, and spelling are accurate. Your script masterfully reflects the voice of the characters. Your script shows a mastery of formal tone to explain. Your grammar, punctuation, and spelling are completely accurate.


Your script uses the organizational structures of a script in a sophisticated manner. Your script is consistently wellorganized. The ideas build on each other in a sophisticated manner.


In order to succeed you need to:

Include a title Describe each character Include a note on staging to explain how your staging choices (set design, costumes/props, effects) show the situation and its impact on the Monster Employ dialogue to show how the scene develops Include stage directions to show the action Use details to show the actions and emotions of the characters involved

Use the format of a script Skip a line each time a new character speaks Italicize the stage directions Write dialogue by bolding character names Build the dialogue and action to first show what the situation is, then how the Monster is affected

Edit for spelling, punctuation, and grammar Use first person when writing the dialogue Use the type of language that the character would use when writing the dialogue

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