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Yasmin Reynoso Name ______________________________

ACT Template for Gettysburg

Five Vocabulary Terms: Definition 1. Conceived

to form (a notion, opinion, purpose, etc.)

Antonym (words that mean the opposite) 1.



Consecrate to make or declare sacred; set apart or dedicate to the service of a deity



Hallow to honor as holy; consider sacred; venerate


without effect or avail; to no purpose: lives lost in vain; to apologize in vain.


5. Perish
to die or be destroyed through violence, privation, etc.


Synonym (similar terms) 1.

Write a sentence using the vocabulary term. 1.

Josh and Elizabeth will conceive a baby. Formulate

2. 2.

A king and his family are consecrate. Sanctify, bless

3. 3.


A holiday can be hallow.



In vain I have struggled.

To no purpose
5. 5.


The berries will perish soon if you do not eat them.

Main Idea: Decide which of the following Main Ideas is perfect(M), too broad(B) and too narrow(N).

M A. The sacrifices made by all soldiers during the Civil War are being honored. _____ _____ B. The sacrifice of the soldiers cannot be in vain, it must be used to redefine the meaning of liberty and B expand the concept of democracy and equality to all. N C. This battle field is being honored due to the great loss of the soldiers lives. _____
For Specific details: Write down 5 important details in your own words (paraphrased) /facts/data from the reading that support the main idea. For each of the details you stated, explain why you believe it is important. Supporting Detail 1. Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth
on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.

This is important because it is visiting a time from the past when it mentions that it happened four score and seven years ago. It is important became it is an introduction to the speech.

2. We have come to dedicate a potion of that field, as a final

resting place for those who gave their lives that that nation might live.

It states whether the nation can endure what has happened. It is important because those who died on the battlefield gave their lives in order for the nation to live.

The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. It is sacred. Those who fought and died and those who fought and were injured, were fighting for the same cause and so what happened has been declared as sacred.


It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us-- that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion...

This is important because it is talking about how those who fought did not die in vain . They did not fight without a purpose.

That this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom-- and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth. This is important because it states that the government must take into consideration the nation and its people. There will be a new birth of freedom when they choose to work together.

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