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Usually solid crystal

Not manmade Chemical Substances

What is Geology? Geology is the study of the Earth, its processes, its materials, its history, and its effect on humans and life in general. It is also known as Earth Science. Importance: Geologists perform a wide range of important services for our civilization: they determine the stability of building sites, find abundant supplies of clean water, search for valuable deposits of natural resources such as iron, coal, and oil, and they also try to minimize the threat to communities at risk from geologic hazards.

Igneous Rocks Basalt Obsidian Pumice Granite Gabbro


Sedimentary Rocks Conglomerate Sandstone Shale Limestone Dolomite Metamorphic Rocks Marble Quartzite Graphite Schist Gneiss



Minerals are single elements or compounds found naturally in the crust of the earth.


Universe Minerals
Life Oxygen-rich atmosphere Extensive continental structure Liquid water covering most of the surface Plate tectonic activity and volcanism Relatively strong magnetic field


Comet Planets



Universe is the totality of all matter and energy whose existence has been, will be, or could be made known to us. Continental Drift Theory was developed by Alfred Wegener, a German meteorologist in 1912. He claimed that all the continents were once joined together as one land mass, which he called this supercontinent--- Pangaea. It broke apart over millions of years and drifted to the present continental position. Plate Tectonic Theory claims that the outer shell of the earth is made up of thin, rigid plates that move relative to each other. Scientists have successfully used it to explain many geological events such as earthquakes, volcanic eruption, mountain building, and formation of the oceans and continents.

Amazing!! They fit together like a jigsaw puzzle!


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