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ITIL Awareness

Authors Note : This is a set of flash-cards put to ether to help !ou stud! for the ITIL Certification e"a#$ The infor#ation was ta%en fro# e"istin #aterial& presentations and sa#ple tests$ 'lease use in con(unction with the attached slides$ )ope it helps*


ITIL Terms and Definitions ITIL , -est practices for IT /ana e#ent IT /ana e#ent #onitors the IT 'rocess 0escri1es oals& acti.ities& inputs and outputs of processes Not a +tandard 2 onl! 1est practices 2 Li1rar! of 1oo%s to hold these practices +tandards will .ar! fro# or ani3ation to or ani3ation to create -est 'ractices 4pen Approach fra#ewor% that pro.ides Guidance Allows for si nificant Cost Reduction ITIL Funda#entals deals with IT /ana e#ent IT /ana e#ent ali ns IT +er.ices with the needs of the 1usiness and its custo#ers& continuousl! the 5ualit! of IT +er.ices and reduces the lon ter# costs of IT +er.ices$ IT +er.ices are specific functions pro.ided such as e-#ail& printin & Internet& etc$ +!ste# /ana e#ent confi ures and #ana es co#puter resources

IT INFRA+TR6CT6R7: All co#ponents e#plo!ed to IT +er.ices 8)9& +9& people& docu#entation and ph!sical facilities IT /ana e#ent is di.ided into two 8:; #ain processes 2 +7R<IC7 +6''4RT 'R4C7++ and +7R<IC7 07LI<7R= 'R4C7++$ A third di.ision has now 1een created fro#! called +7C6RIT= /ANAG7/7NT 7ach process is su1-di.ided further into /ANAG7/7NT areas A C6+T4/7R is the person pa!in for the IT Custo#er Relationship /ana e#ent is the process to liaison with custo#ers 6sers are the persons usin the IT 'rocess 4wner 89)AT; responsi1le for the oals and results of the process 'rocess /ana er 8)49; responsi1le for the desi n and structure of the process 'rocess 89)4; responsi1le for conductin defined acti.ities in the process 07/ING >6ALIT= C=CL7: 'lan& 0o& Chec%& Act$ +'4C , +in le 'oint of Contact 2 function of the 0es% Confi uration Ite#s 2 8CIs; 2 An! co#ponent su1(ect to Chan e Control under the control of the C/0CI le.el: The de ree of detail that defines an indi.idual CI C/0- , Confi uration /ana e#ent 0ata1ase 2 Trac%s and records all CIs 2 Relationships +cope: The a#ount of CIs trac%ed in the C/00epth: Le.el of deco#position that will 1e done fro# a hi h le.el CI to its lowest le.el co#ponent CI$ 87"$ Record 'Cs .s$ recordin their co#ponents 2 results in a deeper C/0Attri1utes: The uni5ue details of a CI Relationships: 0escri1es the uni5ue details of a CI -aseline: A snapshot that allows for a re1uild or 1ac%-out procedure +7R<IC7 +6''4RT 'R4C7++: o 0es% 8a function not a process; o Incident /ana e#ent o 'ro1le# /ana e#ent o Confi uration /ana e#ent o Chan e /ana e#ent o Release /ana e#ent 0es%: is a F6NCTI4N not a process that acts as a +'4C to handle incidents and re5uests effecti.el! and efficientl!$ 'art of Confi uration /ana e#ent and is the liaison 1etween users and the pro.iders of the 0es% Acti.ities: Recei.e and record all calls fro# users& initial incident assess#ent& #onitors incidents to #eet e"pectations& %eeps users infor#ed& and pro.ides #ana e#ent infor#ation 0es% /odels: o Local: Located with the users that it in onl! one location o Central: +upports #ultiple eo raphic locations fro# a sin le point o <irtual: /a! 1e located at #ultiple eo raphic locations& 1ut appears to users as a sin le entit!$ All locations ha.e access to all infor#ation 2 :?@A 2 Follow the sun co.era e Re5uest: /IN4R re5uests that do N4T re5uire in.esti ation and where %nowled e en ineerin 8B7; is a.aila1le& e": re-settin passwords& creatin e#ail account& etc$ The chan e #ust 1e easil! #ade under pre.iousl!& welldefined& strict procedures$ C4NFIG6RATI4N /ANAG7/7NT: 'ro.ides a lo ical #odel of the IT Infrastructure& controls the IT Infrastructure 1! recordin relationships and attri1utes in the C/0-$ It is N4T Asset /ana e#ent$ It controls CIs& Incidents& 'ro1le#s& Chan e and Release /ana e#ent$ It is responsi1le for plannin & identification of CIs& Control of CIs& status accountin & .erification and audit of the C/0- records and ensures that the C/0- is alwa!s updated C4NFIG6RATI4N /ANAG7R: )as specific functions in C)ANG7 /ANAG7/7NT& which are: o Initial recordin of the RFC o 6pdates chan e record 2! step of pro ress o Infor#s users on a re ular 1asis o Issues new RFCs when necessar! o Closes RFC and updates final record 8'IR; Incident: an!thin that causes or #a! cause interruption in and is not a part of the operation of a Incident /ana e#ent: 'ro.ide continuit! 1! restorin nor#al ser.ices as soon as possi1le and accu#ulate #eanin ful infor#ation related to the incident I#pact: 0e ree to which ser.ices are interrupted 6r enc!: )ow ur ent nor#al operation #ust 1e restored 'rioriti3ation: A .alue i.en to an incident to indicate its relati.e i#portance to other incidents$ 0eter#ined 1! loo%in at i#pact and ur enc! 7"pected 7ffort: A#ount of resources& ti#e and cost needed to restore nor#al operation 7scalation: /echanis# to facilitate ti#el! resolution of interruptions Functional 7scalation: 7scalation within the technical arena )ierarchical 7scalation: 7scalation throu h #ana e#ent The role of +7R<IC7 07+B in INCI07NT /ANAG7/7NT: o 'ri#ar! role& records and updates incidents& %eeps users infor#ed and updated and is the +'4C o 4wns& #onitors& trac%s and co##unicates incidents o 0etection and Recordin 2 issues incident trac%in nu#1er o Classification and +upport 2 cate ori3ation and prioriti3ation 1ased on i#pact and ur enc! o In.esti ation and 0ia nosis 2 anal!3e and atte#pt resolution o Resolution and! o Closure 2 confir#s and records resolution with user 'ro1le#: un%nown root cause of an issue with #ultiple incidents Bnown error: 9hen the root cause of an incident has 1een deter#ined 9or% around: Te#porar! solution Bnown error data1ase: 0ata1ase in which solutions to %nown errors are %ept 'R4-L7/ /ANAG7/7NT: Anal!3es all incidents& 1ut does N4T in.esti ates all incidents$ 0esi ned to reduce the ad.erse i#pact of incidents and pro1le#s on

the 1usiness and to pre.ent recurrence of incidents related to errors within the IT Infrastructure$ o Controls 'ro1le#s and 7rrors o Assists in the handlin of #a(or incidents o 'erfor#s Root-cause anal!sis o pro1le#s effecti.el! o 'roacti.e in the pre.ention of pro1le#s o Co#pletes #a(or pro1le# re.iews o 6ses lessons learned o Identif!& record& classif!Ccate ori3e& dia nosisCin.esti ate& resol.eCclose pro1le#s o Record& cate ori3e& de.elop solution& su1#it RFC& confir# solutions 'ro1le# Control: Identification& recordin & classification& dia nosis& resolution and closure 7rror Control: Identification& recordin & assess#ent& resolution& recordin & RFC& closure Interrelationships within 'ro1le# /ana e#ent: Incident& pro1le#& %nown error& RFC& closure Chan e: An! action that results in the chan e in status of a CI Re5uest for Chan e 8RFC;: 0etails a re5uested chan e +tandard Chan e: 're-appro.ed& recurrin and well %nown chan e /inor Chan e: /ini#al i#pact and re5uires few resources +i nificant Chan e: +i nificant i#pact andCor re5uires si nificant resources /a(or Chan e: /a(or i#pact andCor re5uires #a(or resources 2 t!picall! i#pacts #ultiple parts of the or ani3ation 6r ent chan e: I##ediate chan e re5uired 2 testin is optional CA- 2 Chan e Ad.isor! -oard: Group of IT with decision authorit! responsi1le for re.iewin the technical and 1usiness aspects of proposed chan es 8hi h i#pact RFCs; CA- 7#er enc! Co##ittee: Also %nown as IT 7#er enc! Co##ittee 8IT7C; +u1set of CA- in an e#er enc! #eetin to re.iew ur ent& hi h i#pact chan es /ana e#ent -oard: /ana e#ent roup that #a(or chan es Forward +chedule of Chan es: +chedule of appro.ed chan es C)ANG7 /ANAG7/7NT: To #ini#i3e the occurrence of chan e-related incidents o Acceptance and filterin of RFCs 2 Appro.e C Re(ect o Classification 2 Assi ns priorities 1ased on I#pact and 6r enc! o Chan e 2 Chan e /ana er C CA- C /ana e#ent -oard o Chan e 1uildin & testin & i#ple#entation o 'ost i#ple#entation re.iew 2 +olution Confir#ation C)ANG7 /ANAG7R: Coordinates i#ple#entation of Chan es 8RFCs; and issues the final 'IR$ Release: Collection of authori3ed chan es that are tested and introduced into production to ether$ I#ple#entation of RFCs 8Fi"es C7nhance#ents; Release 'olic!: Rules for release i#ple#entation

Release 6nit: 'ortion of the IT Infrastructure nor#all! released to ether 8Fi"'ac% for e"a#ple; Full Release: All 8CIs; co#ponents updated 0elta Release: 4nl! #a%es chan es to certain 8CIs; co#ponents 'ac%a e Release: Co#1ination of full and delta releases& or a set of )9 andCor +9 release units introduced into production to ether 2 Reduces fre5uenc! of chan es 0+L 2 0efiniti.e +oftware Li1rar!: +ecured ph!sical li1rar! where 5ualit! controlled .ersions of all software CIs are stored 2 Trac%ed in the C/00)+ 2 0efiniti.e )ardware +tore: 'h!sical stora e for hardware spare parts whih are e5ui.alent to those currentl! in production R7L7A+7 /ANAG7/7NT: 7nsures success of lar e scale chan es and wor%s closel! with the chan e #ana er to #aintain C/0- accurac!$ o Interacts with C/0- and 0+L o 6pdates Confi uration /ana e#ent with details o Functions in three distinct en.iron#ents: 0e.elop#ent 7n.iron#ent: Appl! release polic!& plan for release& de.elop or 1u! software 8confir#& plan& desi n& de.elop; Control and Test 7n.iron#ent: -uild and confi ure& test release& release acceptance& plan for roll-out& co##unicate& train& and prepare for roll-out 81uild& confi ure& test& plan& co##unicate e"pectations; 'roduction 8Li.e; 7n.iron#ent: 0istri1ute and install release! 'rocess: o Le.el /ana e#ent A.aila1ilit! /ana e#ent 2 A.aila1ilit! /ana e#ent Capacit! /ana e#ent 2 Capacit! /ana e#ent Continuit! 2 IT Continuit! /ana e#ent Cost 2 Financial /ana e#ent of IT +er.ices o 'ri#ar! interface 1etween! 'rocess and the custo#er 2 ne otiates with the custo#er o /easures and reports o -alances custo#er re5uire#ents with the capa1ilities and cost constrains of the pro.ider o 'roacti.el! IT +er.ices within i#posed cost constrains o Ali ns IT +er.ices with 1usiness o1( o /aintains and IT 5ualit! trou h a constant c!cle of a reein & #onitorin & reportin and re.iewin IT achie.e#ents o 'roduces& #aintains and re.iews the Catalo 8+LA; - Le.el A ree#ent: -etween the IT pro.ider and custo#er that defines e"pectations and re5uire#ents 1! 1oth parties: o Custo#er-1ased: 4ne custo#er& #ultiple ser.ices o /ultiple custo#ers& one +LA +tructures: t!pes of +LAs that e"ists 84LA; 2 4perational Le.el A ree#ent: 1etween the IT +er.ices pro.ider and an INT7RNAL depart#ent that supports the#

86C; 2 6nderpinnin Contract: with and 7@T7RNAL or ani3ation who pla!s a role in! of IT +er.ices to the IT pro.iders custo#er Le.el Re5uire#ents: List of specific re5uire#ents fro# the custo#er that oes into the +LA Catalo : A #enu of the ser.ices pro.ided 1! an IT pro.ider I#pro.e#ent 'ro ra#: 'ro(ect underta%en 1! the le.el #ana e#ent that focuses on custo#er satisfaction in IT! /ulti-le.el +LA structure: o Corporate le.el 2 eneric issues that appl! to! custo#er within the or ani3ation o Custo#er le.el 2 all issues that relate to a specific custo#er roup o le.el 2 all issues that relate to a specific 1ein used 1! a custo#er Co#ponents of a +LA: o 0eli.era1les o Response ti#es o Tar ets o )ours of o Critical 1usiness periods and e"ceptions o Custo#er responsi1ilities o 'ro.ider responsi1ilities o Re.iew dates o Results re.iew A.aila1ilit! /ana e#ent: 4pti#i3e the capa1ilit! of the IT infrastructure and supportin or ani3ations to a cost effecti.e and sustained le.el of a.aila1ilit! to satisf! 1usiness o1( o sustained& cost-effecti.e ser.ices o Collect& anal!3e& and report a.aila1ilit! data o 'roacti.el! de.elop strate ies for future re5uire#ents o 0eter#ine re5uire#ents o Create a plan o I#ple#ent and #onitor the plan o /onitor e"ternal suppliers a ainst the +LA and 6C o /ini#i3in un-a.aila1ilit! o I#ple#ents securit! policies de.eloped 1! +ecurit! /ana e#ent A.aila1ilit!: D of the hours that a is a.aila1le Relia1ilit!: Freedo# fro# operational failure /aintaina1ilit!: A1ilit! to 1e restored to an operational state o Correcti.e: Repair AFT7R disruption o 're.enti.e: Repair or #aintenance to 'R7<7NT disruption o Inspecti.e: 're.ention of disruption +er.icea1ilit!: A1ilit! to et when needed& e.en when third part! is in.ol.ed to pro.ide Resilience: A1ilit! for to function e.en thou h not all co#ponents are functionin correctl! +ecurit!: 7nsures that ser.ices are used 1! the proper people in the proper wa!

o Confidentialit! o Inte rit! o A.aila1ilit! 8A/0-; 2 A.aila1ilit! /ana e#ent 0ata1ase: records a.aila1ilit! data and produces perfor#ance #etrics Incident Life C!cle: as it relates to a.aila1ilit! 2 o 049NTI/7: /eanti#e to repair o 6'TI/7: /eanti#e 1etween failures andCor #eanti#e 1etween s!ste# incidents o A.aila1ilit! is calculated a ainst unplanned outa es Capacit! /ana e#ent: 7nsures that IT resources #eet the needs of the 1usiness in a cost effecti.e #anner& understands the current capacit! perfor#ance and %nows the capacit! status of indi.idual co#ponents$ It has o.erall responsi1ilit! for perfor#ance& and is focal point for IT perfor#ance and capacit! issues o -usiness Capacit! /ana e#ent: Current and future needs of the 1usiness o Capacit! /ana e#ent: /onitors perfor#ance within the +LA uidelines o Resource Capacit! /ana e#ent: Focuses on indi.idual resources and e#er in technolo ies Capacit! 'lannin : Current and future needs of the 1usiness /odelin : 'redicts future consu#ption 8trend anal!sis; Application si3in : 7sti#ates re5uire#ents to support new and chan in applications 1efore the! are introduced into the en.iron#ent 0e#and /ana e#ent: Arran es with users to use certain ser.ices onl! outside pea% periods 'erfor#ance /ana e#ent: 7nsures the 1est use of current capacit! is 1ein utili3ed 9or%load /ana e#ent: /onitorin wor%loads Continuit! /ana e#ent: 7nsures that the re5uired IT technical and facilities can 1e reco.ered within re5uired and a reed upon 1usiness ti#e scales o Concerned with si nificant outa es o Reduce the i#pact of disaster or #a(or outa es o 're.ent loss of custo#er confidence -usiness Continuit! /ana e#ent: Anticipation and preparation for disaster! 81usiness function; IT Continuit!: Focused on continuit! of IT ser.ices Crisis: 9hen is una.aila1le for periods lon er than defined in the +LA Ris%: Li%elihood of 1usiness disruption and the loss fro# that disruption Ris% Anal!sis: Assets& threats& .ulnera1ilities Ris% /ana e#ent: Counter#easures 2 o 're.ention E 'rotection o! E Restoration! or Counter#easure options: o 0o nothin 8not ood for critical ser.ices; o /anual 1ac%-up or wor%around 8#ini#al use of technolo !;

o Reciprocal arran e#ent 8or ani3ations 1ac% each other up durin e#er encies; o Gradual! 2 Cold +tand1! 2 e#pt! roo# with power to install e5uip#ent o Inter#ediate! 2 9ar# +tand1! 2 :?-A: hours 2 e5uipped roo# 2 fre5uentl! outsourced o I##ediate! 2 )ot +tand1! 2 F-:? hours 2 #irrored data e5uip#ent 2 can 1e outsourced 0isaster! 'lan o +hould 1e tested initiall!& annuall! and each ti#e the plan chan es o In.o%ed 1! senior #ana e#ent o The 1i est challen e is that this t!pe of plan can 1e costl! for so#ethin that #a! happen IT Financial /ana e#ent: /onitor and full! account for all e"penditures& #a%e costs apparent& and ena1le allocation of costs 1! (ustif!in proper char es to custo#ers 0irect costs: Costs related to a specific roup or custo#er Indirect costs: Costs related to se.eral custo#ers Fi"ed costs: Costs that dont chan e <aria1le costs: Costs that do chan e dependin on situation andCor use Capital costs: 75uip#ent& ser.ers& routers& etc$ 4perational costs: 0a! to da! operations Cost #odel: Fra#ewor% for recordin costs of an IT pro.ision$ Allows specific char in -ud etin E Accountin : 7nsures that correct finance is a.aila1le and not o.erspent$ 'redicts costs& accounts for e"penditures Char in : costs fro# custo#er 2 re5uires cost #odel +ecurit! /ana e#ent: 'rotection of an! IT function or data fro# unauthori3ed access& #ini#i3e securit! e"posure or .ulnera1ilit!& reduce i#pact of securit! 1reaches& and de.elop securit! policies that can 1e i#ple#ented 1! A.aila1ilit! /ana e#ent$

For References 7#ail !our facilitator

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