Cleaning With Essential Oils

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Cleaning With Essential Oils

Tired of all those harsh cleaning chemicals? You don't have to put up with them! Try using essential oils to clean with instead, they wor great and smell nice, too! "i# any of these oils together to ma e your own cleaning spray! $%prays & '( drops essential oil to ) o* purified water+
Category -nti. /acterial ,efinition prevents the growth of, or destroys 0acteria prevents 7 com0ats fungal infection prevents 7 com0ats the spread of germs resists or destroys pathogenic micro.organisms prevents 7 destroys parasites destroys 7 prevents the development of micro0es inhi0its the growth of a virus stimulates the natural defense mechanism of the 0ody Oils /asil, Clove, Eucalyptus, 1eranium, 1rapefruit, 2elichrysum, 2yssop, 3emon, 3ime, "elaleuca $Tea.tree+, "ountain %avory, Orange, Oregano, 4osewood, 5daho Tansy Clove, 1eranium, "elaleuca $Tea.tree+, Oregano, 4osewood, %age, %pearmint, Thyme Eucalyptus, "ountain %avory, Oregano, 8ine, 4ose, %pi enard, 5daho Tansy Cinnamon /ar , 2elichrysum, 9asmine, 3emon, "elaleuca $Tea.tree+, "ountain %avory, "yrrh, 4osemary, %age, Thyme 4oman Chamomile, Clove, "ountain %avory, Oregano, %pi enard Cinnamon /ar , Citronella, 6ir, 1inger, 1rapefruit, 3emon, 3ime, 4ed "andarin, "ar:oram, ;eroli, Orange, 4avensara, %andalwood Clove, Eucalyptus, 2elichrysum, 2yssop, "elaleuca $Tea.tree+, "ountain %avory, "yrrh, Oregano, 4avensara, 4osewood, %age, 5daho Tansy 6ran incense, 3emon, "elaleuca $Tea.tree+, "ountain %avory, Oregano, Thyme

-nti.6ungal -nti. 5nfectious -nti. "icro0ial -nti. 8arasitic -nti.%eptic


5mmune. %timulant

Recipes Room Disinfectants = drops 3emon > drops 8ine ;eedle ) drops Wild Oregano $%ofter floral aroma+ = drops 3avender 6ine > drops Thyme 3inalol ) drops Wild Oregano "i# with = fl! o*! purified water in a spray 0ottle $sha e 0efore using+! "ist into air as needed or spray on counters or other non.wood surfaces and wipe clean! Cutting board disinfectant ? /lend ) ta0lespoons of salt with ) ta0lespoons of 0a ing soda! -dd water until paste forms, and then mi# in ) drops of thyme oil! 4u0 into cutting 0oard and let sit one hour! 4inse well! Polish, mirrors @ cup of water @ cup of white vinegar @ tsp! of ru00ing alcohol )( drops of clove oil, or tea tree oil! "i# together! -pplicationA -pply on damp cloth, wipe mirrors with damp cloth, and then wipe mirror dry! Get Rid of Cockroaches @( drops 8eppermint oil > drops Cypress oil @B) cup water "i# in a spray 0ottle, and spray! Hand Sanitizer '( drops Young 3iving Thieves Oil ) o* -loe <era gel "i# together in a ) o* lotion 0ottle! oilet Cleaner C T/%8 0a ing soda CT/%8 vinegar ) tsp orange oil ) tsp grapefruit oil C cups water "i# all ingredients in a C.cup measuring cup or a 0owl! When you mi# the vinegar and 0a ing soda, it will foam! 3et stand for @( minutes 0efore pouring into a spray 0ottle! %prit* and scru0 with a 0rush! Shoe Deodorizer D measuring T/%8 cornstarch ) E measuring T/%8 0a ing soda @= drops tea tree oil )@ drops rosemary oil F drops lemon oil D drops clove oil

!ritten b"# Rashell $% Dibble &&&%scented-touch%com

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