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The Sequence of Tenses

Note: Remember that a present tense in the main clause allows the use of any tense that is logically conditioned (i.e. that makes sense) in the subordinate clause a past tense (!ast Tense" !ast !erfect" or #uture$in$the$!ast) in the main clause" howe%er" imposes the use of a past tense in the subordinate clause as well. Main clause & a present tense Subordinate clause Present Perfect/ Past Tense (prior action) Present Tense (simultaneous action) Future Tense (posterior action) (will ' %b) && Past Perfect (prior action) (had ' %b$(rd form) %b$ed) Past Tense (simultaneous action) %b (*nd form)) %b$ed Future-in-the-Past (posterior action) (would ' %b)

a past tense

&. !ut the %erbs in brackets into the correct tenses paying attention to the rules of the sequence of tenses translate these sentences into Romanian: +. & know that she (ha%e) a new car now. *. ,e are informed that your brother (to write) the letter tomorrow. (. They are aware of the way in which -ames (to lose) his .ob. /. They are aware of the way in which -ames (to lose) his .ob last week. 0. & hope that our partners (to come) back ne1t semester. 2. & understand that the policeman (to fine) the drunk dri%er by 2 o3clock. 4. The undertaker often e1plains to us why the prices of coffins (to e1plode) lately. 5. 6y grandparents ha%e read in the newspaper that some terrorists (to capture) the president of a bank in New 7ork last week. 8. 6ary will announce the day after tomorrow that she (to be) engaged. +9. :is parents knew that he (to be) ill. ++. The ;mperor threatened that he (to destroy) all the -edi knights. +*. They promised that they (to return) the following day. +(. The manager told me yesterday that the thie%es (to rob) him the night before. +/. The <hemistry teacher e1plained to us what we (to see) during his ne1t e1periment. +0. Roger said two weeks ago that we (to be) la=y. +2. ,e wondered why the little child (to run) away the week before. +4. & wanted to find out how the mechanic (to repair) my car so quickly. +5. ,e were told where the boss (to keep) his employees. +8. The scientist has re%ealed what (to destroy) that star millions of years ago. *9. The scientist re%ealed what (to destroy) that star millions of years before.

&&. Translate into ;nglish: +. >tim c? el nu are bani. *. ;i au anun@at c? ABi %or retrage to@i banii din aceast? banc?. (. Ccest soldat ne %a po%esti de ce s$a Anrolat An armat?. /. Ccest soldat ne %a po%esti de ce s$a Anrolat An armat? anul trecut. 0. Decinul meu continu? s? ne spun? ca este Bomer. 2. Crbitrul a recunoscut c? este obosit. 4. #ri=erul spune Antotdeauna c? nu are clien@i. 5. #ri=erul a spus c? nu are timp de tine. 8. Ccum trei s?pt?mEni ne$am dat seama c? aceasta este o capcan?. +9. ;le%ul a pretins c? un ho@ Ai furase to@i banii An acea diminea@?. ++. <ine%a a pretins c? publicul ABi bate .oc de actori Bi c? regi=orul nu ia m?suri. +*. 6inistrul de interne declFr? c? secretara lui l$a min@it. +(. 6inistrul de e1terne a declarat c? preBedintele rus l$a pro%ocat la un .oc de Bah. +/. -.R. a admis c? a distrus mul@i oameni pEn? atunci. +0. Cdolescentul a obiectat c? ABi face Antotdeauna tema" aBa c? nu e1ist? niciun moti% s? i se dea o not? mic?. +2. Gurlacul a men@ionat c? se %a Ansura mai de%reme sau mai tEr=iu. +4. <opilul a declarat c? nu Bi$a mai primit aloca@ia de dou? luni. +5. Soldatul a replicat c? nu se aBteapt? ca tu s? Ai faci %reo fa%oare. +8. <End i s$a cerut s? fac? curat An aceast? camer?" ma.ordomul a protestat c? este foarte ocupat. *9. Hmul de afaceri se plEnge c? nu are succes. *+. #emeia de afaceri s$a plEns c? banca Ai %a lua ambele case. **. Regina a amenin@at c? %a di=ol%a parlamentul. *(. <End a%eam =ece ani Ami pl?cea c? plou? toren@ial %ara. */. Turistul se laud? c? merge la schi iarna. *0. -uc?torul de fotbal a urlat c? antrenorul s$a strEmbat la el. *2. Decinii mei au amenin@at c? %or chema un instalator care %a t?ia @e%ile. *4. Dr?.itorul promite c? Ai %a da Ieului mult cura.. *5. Dr?.itoarea i$a spus lui Jorothy c? mai are pu@in? putere. *8. !apa a recunoscut ca Giserica <atolic? a comis multe crime de$a lungul istoriei ei. (9. ;u am confirmat c? !aul @i$a furat Bi cheile Bi banii. &&&. Translate into ;nglish: +. Ia proces" p?rin@ii au sus@inut c? An%?@?toarea le lo%ise copilul. *. Knainte s? plece din RomEnia" 6ichael -ackson a promis c? se %a Antoarce. (. Regele de <up? a amenin@at c? o %a decapita pe Clice. /. -udec?torul a afirmat c? Al %a Anchide pe a%ocatul ap?r?rii. 0. >eriful a men@ionat c? se %a implica An aceast? c?utare. 2. 6edicul a spus c? Ai este foame. 4. !acientul a protestat c? nu Ai este sete Bi a declarat c? nu %a lua acel medicament AntrucEt este periculos pentru s?n?tatea lui. 5. G?trEnul s$a plEns c? nepotul s?u i$a luat to@i banii Bi i$a cheltuit pe b?utur?. 8. !rofesorul uni%ersitar i$a picat pe to@i studen@ii" pretin=End c? aceBtia nu au participat la cursurile lui. +9. Noi ne$am Antrebat An ultima %reme dac? scla%ii fugari se %or Antoarce. ++. Noi ne$am Antrebat s?pt?mEna trecut? dac? Gobby %a pleca din Te1as. +*. ;ram con%ins c? %oi %e@i pleca la Gudapesta. +(. Nu am Btiut c? ei sunt %ino%a@i de acu=a@iile aduse Ampotri%a lor.

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