Contract Law - Classification of Goods

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Art. 535 The notion Goods represent real things, tangible or intangible, which are the subject of a property right. Art. 536 Movable / immovable Goods are movable or immovable. Art. 537 - Real estate Are immobile lands, springs and streams, caught in roots plantations, buildings and other works set in the ground with permanent platforms and operating systems other than underwater resources located on the continental shelf and everything naturally or artificial, is incorporated into this permanently. Art. 538 - Goods which remain or become immovable (1) Remain real estate provisional materials in a separate building to be used again as long as they are kept in the same form and integral part of a building that are temporarily detached from it, if they are intended for reinstated. (2) The materials to be used instead to old ones become real property once they have gained this destination. Art. 539 Movable goods (1) Goods that law are not considered movable property. (2) Are movable and assimilated to these electromagnetic waves and energy of any kind, captured and sent, under the law, any person, or placed in service, regardless of its source movable or immovable.

Art. 540 - Movables by anticipation (1) Riches of any kind of soil and subsoil, the fruits not picked yet, plantations and construction incorporated into the soil become mobile anticipation when, by the will of the parties, are seen in their individual nature of their deployment requirements. (2) For enforceability against third parties, it is necessary notation in the land registry. Art. 541 - Universality in fact (1) It is an universal fact that all goods belong to the same people and have a common destination determined by its will or by law. (2) The goods which form the universality of fact may, together or separately, undergo distinct legal acts or reports. Art. 542 - Bearing on property rights rules (1) Unless otherwise provided, are subject to the rules relating to immovable property and real rights. (2) Other property rights are subject to limitations prescribed by law, rules relating to movables. Art. 543 - Fungible goods and non-fungible goods (1) The goods are fungible or non-fungible. 1

(2) Are fungible goods as determined by number, measure or weight, so that some can be replaced by others in the performance of any obligation. (3) The legal act, a fungible good by nature can be considered as non fungible. Art. 544 - Consumable goods and non-consumable goods (1) The goods are consumable or non-consumable. (2) Are movable consumable goods whose use usually involves alienation or consuming the substance. (3) A good consumable in nature can become non-consumable if, by legal act, its use is changed. Art. 545 - Divisible goods and indivisible goods (1) The goods are divisible or indivisible. (2) Goods that cannot be divided in kind without changing the destination are goods are indivisible. (3) The legal act, a good divisible by nature can be considered indivisible. Art. 546 - The main goods and accessory goods (1) The good that was intended, in a stable and exclusive economic utilization of another good is accessory use as long as it satisfies. (2) Common destination can be determined only by the owner of both goods. (3) Unless otherwise specified, asset enhancement mainly follows the legal status of the property, including in cases of alienation or encumbrance of the property mainly. (4) Termination of good accessory but cannot be invoked against a third party who has previously acquired rights relating to the mainly good. (5) Temporary separation of an accessory good mainly good quality does not remove it. (6) The rights of a third party relating to an asset cannot be broken by turning it in accessory good.

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