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Media Contact: John Derry Director Serenity Vista Boquete, Panama 800-919-8023 info@serenity ista!com FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE

S"ecia# Discount $o% & ai#a'#e at Serenity Vista, a (u)ury Dru* +eha' ,aci#ity %ith -)c#usi e .on/itions
&"ri# 21, 2010 1 Boquete, .hiriqui, Panama 1 Serenty Vista is a %or#/-reno%ne/ center for /ru* an/ a#coho# a//iction treatment an/ reco ery! (ocate/ in 'eautifu# Boquete, .hiriqui, Panama, the #u)ury /ru* reha' center aims to assist a#coho#ics an/ a//icts in reco erin* from their a//iction in a serene settin* that offers se era# #eisure acti ities meant to he#" "atients focus on their %e## 'ein*! ,or e)am"#e, *uests of Serenity Vista are in ite/ to e)"#ore nature, their #ife an/ themse# es %hi#e sai#in*, snor2e#in*, %ha#e %atchin*, raftin*, *o#fin*, roc2 c#im'in*, 3i"-#inin*, %aterfa## ra""e##in*, horse'ac2 ri/in*, mountain c#im'in*, rain forest hi2in*, nature %a#2in* or tourin* a #oca# coffee farm! 4he area5s natura# 'eauty a#so offers *uests a "#ace of acce"tance, min/fu#ness, "eace an/ serenity in %hich they can ho#istica##y fu##y hea# their min/s, 'o/ies an/ s"irits! 4he quaint mountain hi*h#an/ to%n of Boquete is famous for it rain'o%s an/ f#o%ers6 t%o thin*s that ha e "ro en to "ro i/e a hea#in* ener*y, a i'rancy an/ an infusion of s"irit that are unmatche/ 'y any other "#ace in the %or#/! 4he Panamanian "eo"#e a#so faci#itate reco ery as they are amon* the most %e#comin*, hum'#e an/ 7oyous "eo"#e in the %or#/! 4heir acce"tance of a## "eo"#e %i## ma2e a## isitors fee# at home! .ei'a, the faci#ity5s "et choco#ate #a' a#so he#"s *uests fee# re#a)e/ an/ at home as they %or2 throu*h Serenity Vista5s ro'ust "ro*ram to%ar/s reco ery! 4he #u)urious accommo/ations inc#u/e *ui/e/ me/itations, yo*a, massa*e an/ s"a ser ices an/ outstan/in* mea#s! 4he faci#ity 'oasts a ho#istic a""roach that com'ines musica# an/ artistic e)"ression, sma## *rou" sharin* an/ s"iritua# e)"#oration to achie e the com"#ete reco ery of one5s min/, 'o/y an/ s"irit! 4he stan/ar/ an/ recommen/e/ stay is si) %ee2s %ith the o"tima# /uration 'ein* three months! Because this faci#ity is committe/ to he#"in* its "atients reco er fu##y, it offers in/i i/ua#i3e/ stays at any #en*th! &//itiona##y, this faci#ity 'oasts an affor/a'i#ity that is not ty"ica##y associate/ %ith such #u)ury /ru* reha' centers! Special Offer from a Luxury Drug Re a! Center 8n an effort to he#" as many "eo"#e as "ossi'#e isit this #u)ury /ru* reha', Serenity Vista is current#y offerin* a s"ecia# offer! ,or a #imite/ time on#y, Serenty Vista is offerin* fu## airfare reim'ursement to a## *uests %ho successfu##y com"#ete a 91-/ay ho#istic reha'i#itation "ro*ram! 4his offer is *oo/ for roun/ tri" airfare to an/ from -uro"e, .ana/a an/ the 9nite/ States u" to :1000 9SD! ;ou may #earn more a'out the /etai#s of this s"ecia# offer at htt"<==%%%!serenity ista!com="ro*rams-fees=free-airfare-offer= ,or more information on Serenity Vista, "#ease isit htt"<==%%%!serenity ista!com! 8ntereste/ "arties may a#so te#e"hone Serenity Vista5s to##-free num'er at 800-919-8023! >>>

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