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Employer Contact Information Name Title Company Address City, State, Zip Code Date Dear Mr./Ms.

LastName, I am writin to apply for t!e position of Media "elations Mana er. A#CD is a fast$ mo%in lo&al instit'tion and an o'tstandin comm'nications pioneer, now poised to 'ide t!e direction of print (o'rnalism. As a recent rad'ate of t!e State )ni%ersity wit! si nificant e*perience in finance, administration and media, I &rin t!e ener y and commitment to e*cellence necessary to t!ri%e in A#CD+s inno%ati%e en%ironment. As t!e c'rrent Media "elations Coordinator of t!e ,-Z company, I am a practiced &'siness liaison and an a&le administrator. T!ese stren t!s, com&ined wit! deep and %aried employment and interns!ip e*perience as a (o'rnalist and media cons'ltant wit! ./0 and LMD, prepare me to ma1e a stron and immediate impact at A#CD. I am e*cited a&o't t!e opport'nity to (oin t!e A#CD team as it mo%es to t!e center of t!e print media con%ersation. T!an1 yo' for yo'r time and consideration. Sincerely, -o'r Si nat're -o'r Typed Name

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