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Rubric for Conducive Classroom Environment Below Average 1-3 Visual is vague and unconnected.

Some components are missing.Plan includes basic use of classroom space and materials. The physical arrangement does not support learning of all students. Some aspects of the classroom may be physically inaccessible for some students Above Average 4-7 Visual descriptions may be incomplete or unclear. Plan allows students to find, use, and return classroom materials. Very few components are missing. Most aspects of the classroom are physically accessible for all students Excellent 8-10 The visual is clear and components are present and easily identifiable. Plan reflects organization of classroom space and materials that will allow students to find, use, and return to classroom materials respectfully and efficiently. All aspects of the classroom are physically accessible for all students

Physical Arrangement Floor space Work and activity areas Traffic Patterns Wall space Bulletin Boards Displays of student Work Shelf, Counter Top, Cupboard


A few classroom procedures or routines for efficient use of instructional time are included. Plan gives minimal attention to specific strategies for managing student behavior. Plan includes some attention to appropriate interventions for instances when targeted behaviors are not met. Rules related to student behavior reflect lack of clear expectations .

Classroom procedures or routines for efficient use of classroom time, Including transitions, are included. Plan includes specific strategies for managing student behavior with dignity and respect. Plan includes specific and appropriate interventions for instances when targeted behaviors are not met. Rules related to student behavior reflect clear expectations .

Classroom procedures or routines for optimal use of instructional time, including transitions and cooperative student work, are included. Plan includes specific and creative strategies for managing student behavior with dignity and respect. Plan includes specific, appropriate and creative interventions for instances when target behaviors are not met. Rules related to student behavior reflect clear expectations .


Given methods for responding to student behavior are inappropriate.

Given methods for responding to student behavior are appropriate.

Given methods for responding to student behavior are appropriate. Plan includes both short-term strategies for managing student behavior and long range plans for strategies for developing healthy relationships.

Psychosocial environment Student-Student Teacher-Student Teacher-Teacher Teacher-Parents

Descriptions of relationships are vague and unconnected. Description regarding classroom structure, routines or regulation to promote and ensures polite, respecful and cooperative interactions are limited. Provides little or no information about plan for communication with families . Delivery not smooth and audience attention lost.

Descriptions of relationships may be wordy or vague. Description regarding classroom structure, routines or regulation to promote and ensures polite, respecful and cooperative interactions are appropriate. Provides adequate information about plan for communication with families . Relatively interesting, rehearsed with a fairly smooth delivery that usually holds audience attention.

Clear succinct descriptions are given. Description regarding classroom structure, routines or regulation to promote and ensures polite, respecful and cooperative interactions are appropriate, creative and explicit. Provides explicit information about plan for communication with families .

Oral Presentation

Interesting, well-rehearsed with smooth delivery that holds audience attention.

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