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Reverend James A.

Radloff 2660 NE Hwy 20 Suite 610-406 Bend, OR 97701 Dear Friend,

April 22, 2014

Easter is a season of resurrection and hope. After struggling for months with the lack of transparency and the internal workings of the Diocese of Baker, I have experienced my own professional resurrection of sorts. I have resigned as a priest in good standing of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Baker. Though I have ended my 20-year employment with the Diocese, I have not ended my calling to serve as a priest. The special charism I received through the sacrament of Holy Orders lives on. I plan to continue my journey as a priest ministering at Holy Communion Evangelical Catholic Church in Bend, Oregon. Holy Communion Church, which is now in the process of being formed, will be affiliated with the Evangelical Catholic Diocese of the Northwest. For more information, this website is informative: My priesthood is more than a job that provides food for my table and a roof over my head. It is a calling. Politics cannot overcome that calling. Central Oregon needs a forum to provide sacramental grace to the Christian Faithful whose needs are no longer being fulfilled by the Roman Catholic Church. I am honored and humbled to be asked to serve as a priest for Holy Communion Evangelical Catholic Church. Holy Communion Evangelical Catholic Church is a home where ALL are welcome. It has been created to heal wounds and warm the hearts of ALL people, like a field hospital after a battle. Holy Communion Church will not be a Church stuck in a perpetual Lent with no Easter. It will be an engaged Church that will offer people new life with a purpose by creating a place that will identify and encourage each persons unique God-given talents and strengths. The Evangelical Catholic Church is a consecrated Catholic Church with verifiable apostolic succession that most especially shares with the faithful valid sacraments. Jesus will be present, Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity, in the Eucharist offered at Holy Communion Church. There will also be a very important difference that we hope you will notice, and that is in the people gathered. Jesus will be found in ALL the people gathered in His name at Holy Communion Church. It will be a dignity of life church where ALL people are treated with the same respect as the Eucharist reserved in the Tabernacle. Holy Communion Church will not only celebrate in the Holy Eucharist, but it will also celebrate in the Holy Communion of Saints professed in the Apostles Creed. It is a church where the Saints Militant (saints here on earth) worship with the Saints Triumphant (Saints in Heaven), the common goal being to get ALL people from earth to Heaven. We will be the Body of Christ in Bend. So celebrate with me the new life that Easter offers ALL people. As I keep you in my prayers please keep me and the parishioners at Holy Communion Evangelical Catholic Church in yours. God Bless,

Rev. James A. Radloff

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