Catalog Proiecte Investitionale 2013

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Moldovan Investment and Export Promotion Organization (MIEPO)


Moldovan Investment and Export Promotion Organization (MIEPO) is a public non-profit institution coordinated by the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Moldova. MIEPO can be considered as the reliable partner for all potential investors and importers of Moldovan products. MIEPO was created under the Government Decision no. 105 on 02.02.1999 and its services are free of charge. Its main objectives are: Export Promotion; Foreign Direct Investment Attraction. In order to realize these objectives MIEPO collaborates with local and foreign public and private institutions, associations, international organizations, etc. MIEPO is member of the World Association of Investment Promotion Agencies (WAIPA). As an implementer of the Government investment attraction and export promotion policy, MIEPO uses different tools as follows: Support in identification of partners and investment site locations in Moldova. Organization of local and foreign Business Missions, Forums, B2B Meetings, Matchmaking, Trainings for local business, participation of local companies in international trade fairs. Moldovan investment climate promotion. Elaboration of promotional materials. Identification of constraints faced by investors/ 1

Investment Projects Catalogue

exporters in setting up their business in Moldova, by means of questioning companies, with further development and submission of relevant proposals to the Government in order to overcome the problems. Coordinates elaboration of feasibility studies for investment projects to be implemented in the Republic of Moldova, marketing analysis on the national level. Elaborations of proposals for national programs/strategies/etc. according to its competencies. Etc.

Thus MIEPO is always available to assist potential investors and foreign importers of Moldovan products to examine business opportunities, establish and develop business in the Republic of Moldova. In this issues MIEPO uses modern tools of foreign investments attraction and export promotion.

MIEPO can be considered as One Stop Shop information point for investors in order to provide them with a broad spectrum of information at all stages of investment process: pre-investment (including organization of study visits for potential investors), investment and post-investment. Also, MIEPO identifies partners based on local companies request to promote their products on foreign markets and at the request of foreign companies that intend to buy Moldovan products.

For more details, please do not hesitate to contact us:

Moldovan Investment and Export Promotion Organization (MIEPO) Republic of Moldova, MD-2009, Chisinau, 65 A. Mateevici Str. Tel.: (+ 373 22) 27-36-54; Fax: (+373 22) 22-43-10 E-mail: | Web:

Investment Projects Catalogue

Benefits for investors.

Moldova has favorable geographic position and access to the market that counts more than 800 million people from EU, CEFTA, and CIS states. The Government provides equal rights for all investors (local and foreign). FDI from European countries predominate that demonstrates European investors trust in doing business in the Republic of Moldova. The Republic of Moldova always is interested in promoting its export and attracting more foreign investments as it is stipulated in the National Development Strategy Moldova: 2020, as well as in the Activity Program of the Government of the Republic of Moldova European Integration: Freedom, Democracy, Welfare for 2011 2014, the Investment Attraction and Export Promotion Strategy for 2006 2015, etc. Moldova provides an advantageous fiscal policy, VAT reimbursement on export activities, considerable network of Double Taxation Avoidance and Investment Protection Agreements. Moldova has multilingual well skilled workforce, relatively low employment costs, offers favorable investment opportunities through publicprivate partnerships, etc. The Republic of Moldova has created areas where investors can carry out entrepreneurial activities under preferential terms and conditions, like Free Economic Zones (FEZ) and Industrial Parks.

Coat of Arms

Brand Moldova


Moldova Administrative Map Raions (counties)


Name of the investment project Advanced processing of wheat Company AMG-KERNEL Ltd. Contacts Director: V. I. Gutu Tel.: 00373-230-3-12-59 Fax: 00373-69-14-34-52 E-mail: Address: 35 Cosauti Street, Soroca City Line of activity Agriculture, transportation services, walnut plantation. General overview of the company Date of incorporation 1999 Number of employees 186 The company grows on their own lands (more than 6000 hectares) wheat, corn, and sunflower. It also has its own transport, modern equipment for cultivation, garden nut (700 ha) and nursery for seedlings walnut. Capacity of production 50 thousand tons/year. Countries of exporrt: Romania, Russia, Ukraine, Italy. Required investment in the project 20 mil. EUR The companys inputs in the project 50%

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Project concept Retail of advanced processed wheat products: wheat starch; protein (dry gluten); fructose-glucose syrup; maltose syrup; crystalline fructose; alcohol; citric and lactic acid. Financial performance: IRR 16.4% Profitability 1.42 Recovery period of investment 6.06 years Market overview Suppliers prices: o dry gluten 1100 / ton, o maltose syrup 320 / ton, o feed pellets 100 / ton, o starch 350 / ton; purchase price of wheat: 145 / ton; Form collaboration joint venture



Name of the investment project Construction and operation of an industrial park: recycling of municipal, industrial and agricultural wastes, production of biomass fuels and the production of electricity from alternative sources. Company ARAL Ltd. (in partnership with the resident of the technological park of Academy of Science of Moldova Academica: Gherion Service) Contacts ARAL Ltd.: Director: A. D. Ciumac Tel.: 00373 53390652 Fax: 00373 53391248 E-mail: Address: 14 b, K-Tsetkin Street, Tiraspol City Gherion Service: Director: Ion Rata Tel.: 00373 697 26486, 00373 78370247 E-mail: Line of activity Agriculture, production of secondary energy General overview Date of incorporation 1993. Legal status Ltd. Number of employees 38. General overview of companys activity: construction, sales of construction materials, work in the field of disposal of liquid and solid waste, the production of solid granular pellets for burning in boilers, heating systems, alternative energy sources, consultancy services. 11

Investment Projects Catalogue

Overall cost of the project 20000 000 $ Companys input 1000000 $ (construction, utilities, driveways, land 15 hectares, intellectual property, equipment) Overview of the project Recovery period: 4-8 years. Amount of recycled waste: 130-140 thousand tons/year. Recycling and sorting: 240-260 tons/day. Source of raw materials Causeni City, Bender City, Stefan Voda District. Products: Biogas, methane; Electricity to the city network; Composite materials - a component for building materials (pallets, composite decking boards, edging, beams, wall panels, flooring, roofing, paving tiles) Waste paper; Metal; Polyethylene wastes. Direct cash flow to the company from local authorities for recycling of wastes. Ecology - currently in the country no one is engaged in the processing of household waste, that is creating huge problems for public health. Production of fuel from biomass is motivated by great demand, availability of raw materials and the complete lack of production of briquettes and pellets. Based on the above, we can safely say that the return on the project is under real conditions. Company already held workshops, roundtables and seminars for its staff. Market overview Currently there is no existing market for the services of any waste or bio fuels, not to mention the production of electricity from non-conventional sources. Independent examinations Available expertise acts from sanitary epidemiological station and environmental inspection. Form collaboration joint venture, direct investments, Greenfield, credits, grants. 12


Name of the investment project Establishment of a factory for ceramic tile production Company Astro-Optica International Ltd. Contacts Director: Serghei Marinov Tel/Fax: 00 373 22 72 72 65, 20 28 78 E-mail: Web: Address: 801, Muncesti Street, Chisinau City Line of activity Import and export of construction and finishing materials General overview of the company Date of incorporation 29.12.1997 The company was acquired by the group in 2006 in order to implement the project for the production of ceramic tiles on the territory of the free economic zone Expo Business Chisinau. As a resident of the free economic zone Astro-Optica International Ltd. enjoy significant benefits in the export-import operations (non-application of customs duties and VAT on goods, raw materials and equipment imported into the territory of free economic zone and beyond). The goal of the project is to establish a plant a plant for production of 3.6 million square meters of tiles per year. Overall cost of the project 17 mil Companys input 11 mil


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Project overview The main purpose of the proposed investment project is to build and manage a factory of ceramic tiles in Moldova, with a production capacity of 3.5 million meters of wall tiles per year. The tiles will be sold in Moldova, Romania, Ukraine and other neighboring markets. Market overview Moldova is located between two large external markets: Ukraine (population 45.9 million.) and Romania (22.2 million). Opportunities for intensified trade with these countries are a significant advantage. Moldova has a privileged trade status with Ukraine and other countries of the former CIS countries, including Russia, as well as with the European Union (Romania - now part of the EU). Based on the above, the financial projections of this memorandum are based on the assumption that the factory will sell its products in three markets listed below in the following proportions: Moldova - 20%, Ukraine - 40%, Romania - 40%. In the region, there are also other interesting markets - such as the Balkans. At the moment there is an agreement of intent signed by purchasing almost the entire volume of the annual production. Form of collaboration joint venture



Name of the investment project Processing of starch materials for bio fuels and others Company JS Avtomas Agro main stake holder JS Seminte Agro (processing plant of corn seeds). Contacts General Manager: Ghenadii Semercinskii Tel.: 00 373 69106759 -Mail: Address: 84/6, Albisoara Street, Chisinau City Line of activity: processing of agricultural raw materials and production of secondary energy General overview of the company 1. The strategic location of the enterprise: the southern part of the Republic of Moldova, with access to the sea port Giurgiulesti Reni, Odessa road and railway lines, as well as in the EU countries. 2. Energy: There are four substations, gas distribution point and a private petrol station filling for 6000 tones of fuel. 3. Own railway track with a ramp in the finished product warehouses, 12,500 m2 of warehouse space, and 16,000 tons of grain storage. 4. The factory is located on 15 hectares of land. The factory was put into operation in 1987, with the capacity of 10,000 tons of seed corn per year. - full name: JS Seminte-Agro - location: 17, Tighina Street, Causeni City For its activity, company is licensed by the Chamber of License of Moldova with license Series A MMII 034968 from July 2, 2010 with an application, valid until 02 July 2015.


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Overall cost of the project 15 225 000 EUR Companys input 7 250 000 EUR Concept of the project There is a cooperation agreement with a company that own 10 hectares of land to grow necessary goods for investment projects. Consumers of bio fuels are private sector, legal entities firms, and government agencies. 95% of Moldovas fuel and electricity are imported. Produced bio fuel in the frame of the investment project, in comparison with the prices of the imported forms of energy, is very attractive. Name of the product Bio ethanol Carbon dioxide Mixed Feed Solid bio fuels Total Market overview Regarding the Resolution of Government of the Republic of Moldova 833 of 10.11.2011 it is set a quota of 20% of energy efficiency, 20% renewable energy, and 10% of bio fuel for cars of the total consumption of energy and fuel by 2020. Law of the Republic of Moldova 160 of 12.07.2007 On renewable energy established: Article 6. Public policy objectives in the field of renewable energy. The objectives of the state policy in the field of renewable energy are: a) increase the diversity of local primary energy resources; 16 Unit ton ton ton ton Quantity 15 120 10 584 5000 2500 Sell price, EUR/ton 500 50 300 130 Revenues, EUR 7 560 000 529 200 1 500 000 325 000 9 914 200

b) Ensure by 2010 that the production of energy from renewable sources in the amount of 6 per cent of energy from traditional sources, and in 2020 - in the amount of 20 percent. In 2010, a mixture of ethanol with gasoline should be 6 percent of the volume of gasoline sold and the amount of biodiesel blends with diesel fuel - 5 per cent of the diesel fuel sold. In 2020, the volume of the mixture of gasoline and ethanol volume of biodiesel blends with diesel fuel should be at 20 per cent, respectively, of the volume of gasoline sold and the amount of diesel fuel sold. Form of collaboration joint venture General plan of the fatory:


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Name of the investment project Mining of diatomite in Rybnitsa and Kamensky districts of Moldova and the production of construction materials and mixtures, soil additives, conditioners and filtering powders based on diatomite (mold). Company Fecla Ltd supported and consulted by NGO The European Agency for Economic Research, reconstruction and development. Contacts Andrei Crapivka, commercial director; Nicolay Malyshev, develop strategy consultant Tel: +373-777-91000, +373-60191662, +373-68449557, +373-778-19998 -mail:, Address: 68, Odesskaia Street, Tiraspol City Line of activity Production of construction materials, production of soil additives for agriculture General overview of the company Fecla Ltd. (incorporated in 2003) Domains of activity: Construction, insulation work, finishing work. Manufacture of coating materials, paving tiles (with the innovative strength of more than 800 units), small architectural forms branded ArtStone (expensive products, a segment of Premium). Commerce Brokering. Availability of credentials: Yes on request. The average rate of growth in production and sales of construction materials for the 2010-12 year is 154.2%. 18

Overall cost of the project 5,7 mil USD Companys input 0,7. mil USD Project Concept The operational and financial performance The project is consisted of 2 levels: 1. Creation, equipment of diatomite quarry (development of own raw materials). Explored reserves of 10 million cubic meters; 2. The creation and development of production, sales of products from diatomite. The financial plan for the project, thousands of U.S. dollars:
Indicators Investments Expenditures Sales excluding VAT Current costs with taxes Balance sheet profit Income taxes Net profit Profitability (%) 2013 5666,7 5666,7 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 2014 0,0 0,0 4166,7 2324,4 1842,3 368,5 1473,8 35,3 2015 0,0 0,0 8333,3 4208,7 4124,6 824,9 3299,7 39,5 2016 0,0 0,0 16666,7 6357,3 10309,4 2061,9 8247,5 49,4 2017 0,0 0,0 16666,7 6357,3 10309,4 2061,9 8247,5 49,4

Incoming cash flow during operations will be financed through the sale of finished products to reach full capacity within two years from the start of production. Cash inflow will be sent to the current activities of the company, depreciation, and taxes. The remaining net income will be distributed to investors in proportion to investment between the IV quarter of the first year up to the first quarter of the third year after the commissioning of company. Recovery period of the investment 3.2 years.


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Project management The highest governing body is the Board of Founders of the newly created company. Operational management will be carried out by the project team (Board of Directors), headed by the Director of the joint venture, which includes representatives from each of the investors with the right to collective decision-making on an equal basis representation.. Description of the Project and the environment. 1. Opencast mining deposits of diatomite in Kamenka and Rybnitsa areas of Transnistria. 2. Processing plant with a capacity of diatomite 1,7-3,6 million bricks and 20 tons of mixes / powders year; 3. Production and sales at home and abroad (Ukraine, Belarus, Russia): foamed ceramic plates and diatom (foam diatomite) brick with high insulation (up to the insulation of industrial equipment and piping at the insulated surface to 900 0C), zero hygroscopic, high surface quality, which does not require additional processing and filler construction and finishing materials; soil mixtures and additives for agriculture; filtering powders for the food, wine, textiles. Investment plan All investments are considered to be achieved in 2013, in specific activities, thousands of U.S. dollars:
Quarrying Construction engineering Process equipment Design estimates 373,3 723,7 2089,0 550,0 Construction, installation and commissioning Transportation services Marketing and promotion Gasification, etc. 777,3 94,4 250,0 700,0

Net profit and return of investment, thousands of U.S. dollars:

2013 Income Investment recovery 0,0 0,0 2014 1473,8 1400,0 2015 3299,6 3200,0 2016 8247,5 1000,0


Market overview Determination of the potential market size Block products / brick diatomite, building mixtures / filtering powders / additives for soil of diatomite in Moldova are not present. Determination of the market share 15-20% of the market brick and block products, 8-12% of the market of non-metallic materials and mixes in the country. Existing market growth by product will make entering the market without having to make an explicit competition with volume production of substitutes. Identifying promising market share The market share of products based on diatomite is 100% of the market of the country. Based on the high technology, the market share of bricks will be up to 30%, non-metallic materials and mixtures up to 20% of the countrys products. The analysis of consumer behavior In general, competent marketing policy and recruiting project organizations considering efficiency of the proposed materials, consumer, especially the big construction companies will be interested in these materials due to lower labor finishing and tiling efforts. Based on the regional feature of the dry summer, the demand for soil additives by farmers will be high. The need for filtering powder in the region with a lot of wine, vegetable oil and textile industries is high and is not satisfied with the existing supply. Analysis of the state and behavior of competitors Competitors in the production and marketing of products based on diatomite may make two companies that are very far from promising markets: Inzensky diatom Plant, Ulyanovsk region., Russia, which supplies the Russian market; Diatomite plant in Belarus, which supplies the market of Belarus, Ukraine and Russia. Domestic interior designers at the local and Ukrainian markets do not specialize in production of diatomite, and companies in the industry of construction materials do not produce products based on diatomite.


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Analysis of distribution channels, promotion In the region there is a broad marketing distribution network of companies specializing in the sale of building materials, practices, and direct delivery when you order from the factory. Requires a series of training workshops for the disclosure of the features of the products and its innovative perspectives to reduce costs, and reduce the time to build, motivate designers. Additional impetus to the recognition and promotion of products should provide integration technologies for insulating materials based on diatomite into development of nano-technology materials to the Russian corporation ROSNANO. Determination of important competitive advantages Novelty and innovation of products (no hygroscopic (it is important for building) in combination with high absorbent properties (important for soil additives), high heat capacity, ease of sufficient strength for the individual products can achieve the quality of building materials for the construction, which does not require fillers and cladding). An important advantage is the uniqueness of the surface of diatomite output within 1500 km and close proximity to potential customers, reducing transport costs. The presence of independent examinations Expertise and resource determination of diatomite Exploration (Dubossary, Moldova). Form of collaboration joint venture. Samples of the products:



Name of the investment project Modernization of refrigerating equipment and packaging plant Company Jancom JSC Contact Tel.: +373 22 32 24 18; + 373 797 79 080; + 373 799 47006 Fax: +373 22 32 24 18 E-mail: Address: 2A, Matei Basarb Street, Chisinau Line of activity Cold storage and packaging of agricultural products General overview of the company Jancom JSC is a company for the collection and storage of agricultural products in cold rooms. The company specializes in the storage of grapes, apples, potatoes and can also provide storage of other types of fruit and vegetables. Services are available for the storage of agricultural products in cold storage, weighing up to 450 tons. The main assets of the company are located in the south of the Republic of Moldova, in the village Zyrneshty, Cahul district, and consist of a land area of 0.65 ha, where the refrigeration warehouse is located with a total area of 942.6 m2. The total capacity of the refrigerator is 4500 m3. Jancom JSC owns the trademar k Mos Ion, registered by A g ency of Intellectual Property in Moldova. This brand is used fo r supply and canned fruits a n d vegetables to supermarkets. Required volume of investments in the project 800,000 EUR 23

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The Companys Inputs in the Project 320,000 EUR (40% of the required volume of investments in the project) Anticipated Investors Inputs in the Project 480,000 EUR (60% of the required volume of investments in the project) Project concept Investment is needed for modern refrigeration and packaging equipment, modernization of the entire premises, where the cold storage is situated. Installation of new modern refrigeration will increase energy efficiency and reduce business energy costs, reducing the cost of products and services. It will be also provided with the conditions for the selection and sale of fruits and vegetables in the package, in accordance with European standards. As a result of modernization, it is planned to obtain revenues from the following activities: 1) Storage of own products (grapes, apples, potatoes, berries, etc.), with further distribution in packages under its own brand in the Republic of Moldova and other countries; 2) Provision of services for the storage of agricultural products. A significant increase in value-added products, stored on Jancom JSC, will be provided through the sale of products in the cold period of the year (season), when the market price for 1 kg, such as grapes, are to 0,30-0,50 EUR higher than the price at harvest. The companys products will be sold at the local market and the markets of the EU and the CIS. It is forecasted that during the nine years since the beginning of the project the average annual net sales will reach 6.7 million MDL (400 000 EUR), and the annual profit before tax will increase from 1.4 million MDL (88 000 EUR) to 4.1 million MDL (256 000 EUR). Payback period of the project is 9 years. The refund of the investment will be through the payment of dividends or in the form of investment interest (bonus), according to the agreement. In order to achieve best efficiency, it will be created a team consisting of experts in the field of 24

agriculture and technology industrial freezing, with the support of the Association of producers and exporters of fruits Moldova Fruct. Market overview Grapes are highly quoted product on the market, which are always in demand, especially in the winter. At the same time, most of the products of the Moldovan graperies come in a poorly pack and does not comply with any standards. Demand for grapes in neighboring countries remains on the rise. Export of table grapes from Moldova increased by 2.5 times from 2006 to 2010, from 8 000 tones to 20 000 tones. Thus, the availability of quality products in the cold period of the year (season) will provide Jancom JSC stable sales revenue and will be a major competitive advantage. According to the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry of Moldova, currently operating chillers cover only 50% of the market for agricultural products storage. In this connection, the services provided by the company Jancom JSC, will be needed in long term. Form of collaboration Joint venture, private equity, partnership


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Name of the investment project Modernization of warehouses in order to create a modern logistics system to improve the quality and quantity of services. Company Universcom JSC Contacts Tel: + 373 22 29 48 80 Fax: + 373 22 31 20 01 E-mail: Web: Address: 21/3, Petricani Street, Chisinau Line of activity Wholesale and retail trade, services, warehousing General overview of the company Joint Stock Company Universcom - was established in December 1993 through the merger of distribution centers of the Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Moldova (to date - without the states share in the authorized capital), with a total area of 11 thousand m2. Controlling stake in the company is owned by the Investment Company Interpares Prim JSC and its strategic partners. On the wholesale market Universcom JSC has more than 60 years. Main activities of the company: - wholesale and retail trade in textile products of all kinds, clothing, footwear; - provision of tenancy; - warehousing services; - provide services for the storage of goods and the organization of goods movement; - providing services for electricity, water supply. The total area Universcom JSC is 10,436 m2, of which 7500 m2 is given in rent, 1763 m2 is used for your own business needs and overall technical support, and other common areas - 1052 m2. All the premises are owned by the company. 26

Net sales for the period 2008-2012 are: 2008 year 13921163 MDL (880000 EUR); 2009 year 11217239 MDL (710000 EUR); 2010 year 13885941 MDL (880000 EUR); 2011 year 14302341 MDL (905000 EUR); 9 months 2012 year 9491733 MDL (600700 EUR). The whole range of products of the company Universcom JSC from manufacturers of different countries, are confirmed by certificates of quality and relevant hygiene certificates. Tenancy Services, Warehousing and storage of goods. The company Universcom SA provides a wide range of warehouse logistics: Granting in rent of office space equipped with electronic means; Organization of cargo delivery at the request of customers; Preparation and sorting of goods under the special requirements of the customer; Parking services. Since 2007, Universcom JSC is successfully cooperating with Metro Cash & Carry in Moldova in the field of warehouse logistics services. The company is the holder of the authorization to the customs warehouse type C, offering to companies importing in Moldova mutually beneficial trilateral cooperation on placement of imported goods in customs warehouses under customs control. The company has a high-quality technical infrastructure. Overall cost of the project 1000000 EUR. Recovery period of the investment up to 3 years Companys input To be decided during negociations


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Project concept The project involves the modernization and technical re-equipment of the object in order to create a modern logistics system. Provision of advanced logistics will allow: 1. By upgrading storage facilities to reduce the cost of services and thereby increase the profits of the enterprise. 2. Increase the profit of the company thanks to the delivery of vacant space to rent, due to the increase of quality warehousing services and, therefore, attractive offers for customers. It is also proposed the development direction of wholesale trade (cash & carry). Development of a hypermarket and its subsequent sale to international or local network operator. Form of collaboration joint venture


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Reconstruction of the existing irrigation line on 4000 hectares (150.0 thousand ) Acquisition of land irrigation system - drip irrigation fluid (1500.0 thousand ) Construction of the fridge for 10 thousand ton (3800,0 thousand ) Acquisition of lines of packaging vegetables (750.0 thousand ) Construction of the cannery (2300.0 thousand ) The implementation of the investment project will produce an annual income that could cover the needs of the enterprise (restoration repair) and the ability to pay back investors within 3 years. Revenue (estimated) from the sale of fresh vegetables produced in the area of 4.0 hectares - 25.0 million , with the planned costs (1,000 / 1 hectare) - 4.0 million. If we apply the conservation, revenue can be increased to 80,0-100,0 million (respectively increased costs). Market overview Proposed to manufacture products is 100% in demand. According to the preliminary investigation conducted by the employees of the company, affordable markets include the domestic market and export to Russia. Form of collaboration joint venture, implementation of contracted work together to produce products with a partner in profit, credits, private equity, other forms of cooperation.



Name of the investment project Intensification of agricultural production and introduction of resource-saving technologies Company Group of companies K.W.B. GROUP Contacts General Manager Vladimir Pirojcov Tel/fax: 00 373 (265) 48-3-66, +373 69 200012 E-mail: Address: Cucorilor Street, Bulboaca village, Anenii Noi District General overview of the company Date of incorporation: 2006. Total number of employees: 140. Group KWB GROUP operates in the production of agricultural products and is one of the largest agricultural producers in Moldova. The main crops that are involved in the rotation are canola, wheat, sunflower, corn. The total area of cultivated agricultural land in 2012 is - 20,000 hectares. Overall cost of the project 19,167,000 , including 9,667,000 - purchase of machinery and equipment, 9.5 million - working capital. Return on capital invested is estimated at 6 years. Companys input 18000 000 (including equipment, real estate, work in process, technology). Project concept Through modernization of production is planned to improve product quality, reduce overall costs, so that production will be more profitable. It is estimated to begin the use of liquid nitrogen fertilizer, in order to improve the overall condition of land that in the future will also have a positive effect. The implementation of the investment project will increase annual profits by 20-25% without the introduction of intensification of production. Reference (targets, calculated on the basis that the company itself has already begun a program of intensification of production): the expected revenue 31


Name of the investment project Production of biogas and electricity Company JSC Leggorn Contacts Director: Todorrov Nicolai Tel.: 00 373 69136118 E-mail: Address: Valea Perjei village, District of Taraclia Line of activity Poultry factory General overview of the company The company is located in the south of Moldova, 50 km from the district center Taraclia, 15 km from railway station Ciadir-Lunga and 165 km from the capital Chisinau. Highway ensures the connection of the company with capital where the main clients are located. Marketing takes place throughout Moldova, especially in Chisinau, Comrat, Ciadir-Lunga, Vulcanesti and others. The production structure of the company: the main unit on the outskirts of Valea Perjei village; hatchery in Chadyr-Lunga; duck farm in Corteni village. The main unit is producing eggs and poultry meat and daily output chicks for the farm. It consists of nine poultry for egg-laying hens and chicks. On the territory of the basic units are also: administrative building, an incubator, a veterinary unit, garage, warehouse, machine shop, boiler, electrical workshops, food shop. JSC LEGGORN is located on a plot size of 24.08 hectares, the entire territory of the enterprise is under the buildings and facilities for the conduction of poultry. The total building area is 30.8 thousand meters on the premises. Also there are three boreholes. 33

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Overall cost of the project From 800000 up to 1500000 EUR. Project concept Raw material consists of chicken manure and slaughterhouse waste. Recycling provides at the same time: 1. Biogas 2. Electricity 3. Heat 4. Fertilizers Factory collects annually from 8000 to 10 000 tones of poultry manure from which you can get more than 1 million m3 of biogas, or 2 million kWh of electricity. Biogas can be collected, piped and the surplus sold. The company will use its own power, which will significantly reduce costs. All poultry waste will be processed. There will be no pollution. A pipeline is scheduled to the nearest town - Valya Perjei. It is also planned to install a biogas filling station, as the JSC LEGGORN is located 450 meters from the international highway Bolgrad-Tarutino. Key financial indicators
Indicators Revenues Expenditures Profit / loss Credits Currency MDL MDL MDL MDL 2010 21209429 19859315 1350114 9511049 2011 24887010 28779876 (3892866) 7877198 2012 I semester

2054000 246400

Form of collaboration joint venture



Name of the investment project Reconstruction of International airport Balti Company State owned company Moldaeroservice Contacts Director: Aleona Clapatiuc Tel: 00 373231 4 42 40, 00 373231 4 42 30, +37379933330 Fax: 00 373231 4 38 19 E-mail: Address: 12, Aerodromnaia Street, Balti City General overview of the company Main types of activities of the company: administration and operation of airports Balti; implementation of ground handling of aircraft. Economic management of the company is certified by regulations and documents: certificate of aerodrome operator from 14.06.2005., certificate for ground handling from 07.10.2011, title for the right of use of land 0300112012 with area of 12.97 hectares, issued by the State Enterprise IROT of 2012 and the act of the right to use the land 009005 from 1989 for the area of 146 hectares. Airport Balti was commissioned and received the first technical flight in 01.07.1988. The best year in transport operations was 1991. During that year Airport of Balti provided passenger flights to 14 cities, including Moscow, Kiev, Rostov-on-Don, Riga, Saratov, Simferopol and other. From 1992 scheduled flights were gradually diminished, and in 1993 stopped all. During th e period of 1993-2012, the airport had done very rare occasional flights of different categories, such as charter passenger and cargo charter business charter flights from CIS and Western Europe, trainings, aerial photography, technical, etc. Geographical location, Free Sky agreement, the need of low cost air services is a premise for its


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development. Overall cost of the project 20 mil EUR Companys input 1 mil EUR Project concept The purpose of the project is the reconstruction of Balti International Airport to attract low cost airlines and the opening of regular flights. Reconstruction of the airport involves reconstruction of the runway and raise the level of hardness ratio of bearing surfaces, as well as the construction of airport infrastructure - terminals, consisting of the arrival and departure halls, purchase specialized equipment, training of staff, to ensure the full cycle of providing airport services. The state, represented by the State Enterprise Moldaeroservice, provides the investor with all available airport infrastructure, located on 146 hectares, and it ensures uninterrupted supply of the latest air navigation services. The project is a long-term: with the period of reconstruction and commissioning - up to 2 years and the payback period 10 years. Reconstruction of the airport will affect the economic development of the northern region of the country. As a result, in addition to passenger traffic, a real opportunity to provide services for freight will appear. Market overview In Moldova the only valid airport is International Airport Chisinau with an annual traffic of 1 mil passengers. On average, over the past 10 years, annual growth in passenger traffic amounted from 10 to 25% (the average global rate of 8%). If the 1990-2000s of aviation could benefit only citizens with a high level of income, at the moment it is the norm for people of middle and even lower middle class. With a population in the Republic of 3.5 million people, 1.1 million 36

people live in the northern region of the country, therefore, the approximate level of passenger traffic will be initially 300 thousand passengers a year. The opening of the new airport will demonopolize the market of airport services, and will cause an outflow of passengers from International Airport Chisinau and could as well attract passengers from the border areas of Ukraine (Chernivtsi, Vinnytsia region). An important aspect for the future, is the rapid increase of foreign investments over the past two years in the free economic zone Balti directed into production. At the moment, the finished products are taken by road, but with an increase in production, there is a real need for air freight. The main type of income will be received from the provision of airport services, the cost of which should be competitive with the cost of airport charges at Chisinau International Airport (much lower). Regarding the large area of 146 hectares of the airport, it is necessary and possible to provide additional services for the storage and parking of aircraft. Form of collaboration Private Public Partnership


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Name of the investment project Republican arena/stadium complex Company Ministry of Youth and Sports of Republic of Moldova Contacts Tel: 00 373 22 820-860 Tel/fax: 00 373 22 820-861 E-mail: General overview The task of the Ministry is to develop and implement national policies in the field of youth and sports, provide guidelines for the development and continuous modernization of the institutional system in this field, enabling the participation of youth in political, economic, social and cultural activities of the country, promotion of physical education and sport, training and human resource development of youth and sports. Overall cost of the project To be decided depending of the project concept Ministrys input Providing the land for the project Project concept The project is based on the principle of synergy, a harmonious combination of sports, entertainment, commercial and residential properties. Innovative arena will be designed for 30000 seats. The area of the complex is about 20 hectares. Multifunctional complex will combine modern hotel, residential, office and retail space, which will create the conditions for a harmonious and comfortable life, human development and recreation, as well as provide a high commercial appeal of the project. 38

National Stadium - a modern sports training complex, satisfying the most demanding requirements and needs, both professional athletes and amateurs. It will make available sports schools and wellness centers. Construction of the National Stadium, will promote the development and adaptation of the national sports to international standards, and optimal logistics for receiving national and international sports events. The goal of construction of the Republican Arena: Create optimal conditions for sports development; Sharing of best practices; Integration into the international sport life. Market overview This is a unique project in Moldova, which will make a significant economic and political contribution to the support and development of the sport, for the young generation and for pensioners. This project will help to attract new investment into the country. National Stadium will be a strategic point for the development of cultural, economic, sporting, moral and spiritual values. There is a need to take a fresh look to a healthier life. Construction of the National Stadium in Chisinau was planned in accordance with the Governmental Action Plan for 2011-2014. In Moldova, there is currently no national stadium, where the younger generation could train and hold competitions in various sports. At the moment there are not enough sports training complex, which has a negative impact on this sector. List of existing sports facilities in the country: Field House (official); Sport center for the national team trainings; The presence of about 20 national sports schools in the country; 3 private stadiums (capacity of each: 15 thousand people) with disabilities to engage in different kinds of sports schools in the country. Form of collaboration Public Private Partnership


Investment Projects Catalogue

Name of the investment project Development of a electrochemical processing complex for medium sized two-way sizing blades for gas turbine engines, including the preparation and submission of the electrolyte, the controller complex and processing technology Company JSC Joint venture Factory Topaz Contacts Tel: +373 22/ 876 104 Fax: +373 22/58 24 00 -mail: Web: Line of activity Design and production: machine tools, instrumentation, mechanical engineering. General overview of the company The company is subordinated to the Ministry of Economy of the republic of Moldova. Domain of activity: High-tech development and production of unique systems and products for the manufacture of blades for gas turbine engines for different purposes and sizes with the technology of electrochemical double-sided sizing; Pulse generators of technological current capacity of 8 kW to 10.8 MW; Automated control systems of gas turbine plants and other production processes; Products including precision mechanics molds, foundry, dies, components and parts; Multilayered and flex-rigid printed circuit boards. Main products: research, development, design and manufacture of electrochemical systems for twoway special processing turbine blades ranging in size from 20 cm2 to 500 cm2, pulse generators of technological current with modular design capacity of 8 kW to 10.8 MW; molds, foundry, dies, components and parts for precision mechanics. 40

Sales The average annual sales ranges between 30 and 40 million MDL. Overall cost of the project This project aims to develop and manufacture a prototype complex EHRO, for 4 years with a total investment of U.S. $ 1 million. Companys input 200000 USD Project concept During the project implementation it will be developed and put into production electrochemical complex consisting of: Electrochemical Machine (EHS) based on high-frequency generator of technological current average power (300 ... 500 kW) and the familiarization of technology, surround processing blades of various sizes, the station preparation and filing of the electrolyte, the controller with the control program and the organization of its commercialization. Funds allocated for the project, will be used in accordance with a phased investment plan. Market overview This product / complex with its technical and economic characteristics is missing in the post-Soviet space. In 2011, company manufactured and supplied to Russia 8 machines such as EHS-5000. The need for machines of this class and of the next generation class increases from year to year. Great interest in next generation complex manifests GasProm, Russia. Company has frequent demands from Belarus, Russia, Uzbekistan for the development and delivery of machines and systems with specified requirements. Needs of enterprises of the Russian aircraft and gas tur bine industry in a special electrochemical machines for processing blades of turbine is currently estimated at 10-12 per year and will increase with the expansion of production of aircraft engines, gas compressor units, development of the technology and improving of EHRO machines. Implementation of this project will go out and gain a foothold in the market for the next 5-10 years, with an annual production of at least 10 million EUR.


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Among the most important competitive advantage, it should be noted: - flexible transition to any modifications requested by the customer; - the price of the products is much lower compared to other competitors. Availability of independent examinations A committee will be named in order to conduct an internal examination, which will bring together experts on the evaluation of the project in the following areas: financial, tax, technical, legal. In 2012 company obtained two patents on the electrochemical machining (EHRO). The company is certified according to ISO 9001 - 2008. Form of collaboration Foreign investment, joint (with us and other investors) investment, participation in joint projects, production. The main assets and future product designs: Components of the prototype - the machine type EHS-5000 (machine, remote control, power supply cabinets and control)



Name of the investment project Walnut orchard plantation on 100 ha and full-cycle processing of nuts Company VTB & Iakovlev farm under the guidance and consultancy of NGO Europeen agency for economical researches, reconstructions and development (ERRD) Contacts VTB LTD: Iakovleva Nelea, Chief agronomist consultant Tel: +373-68449557, +373-778-19998? +373-777-11660 -mail:, Director: Nicolay Malyshev Address: 8, Peron vokzalinii Street, Tiraspol City. Line of activity Agriculture General overview of the company VTB & Iakovlev farm are in consortium from 2010. Domain of activities: Growing of cereals and oilseeds for pasta and cereal products. Trade-intermediary and consulting activities. Real estates: 186 hectares of land in long term rent (99 years). Expandable land: YEs, up to 1500 ha.


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Overall cost of the project 707500 EUR Companys input 37500 EUR Project concept The operational and financial performance Project consists from 3 phases: Planting and maintenance of walnut garden with an area of 100 hectares in the village Shipka Walnut processing (shelling, sizing, pre-sales activities). Manufacture of walnut butter and grinding walnut shells for later use. Products: Environmentally friendly walnut, calibrated and packed for sale on the Moldovan and EU markets. Environmentally clean kernel of walnut, calibrated depending on quality and vacuum-packed. Environmentally friendly walnut oil for the food, cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries; The first 4 years after planting a garden - pumpkin intercrop to pay current costs out of the sale of pumpkins. A potential customer offers 1.2 EUR / kg of raw nuts. Price prior to the crisis was 1.6-1.8 EUR / kg. Yields walnut garden from 1 hectare (from 4-5 years of age) is calculated from 3 ton / ha (depending on the variety and intensity of crown formation - to 4 ton / ha). So that from 100 ha a harvest of 300 tons can be obtained, this is equal to 150 ton of walnut kernels. Wholesale price of kernels is about 4 EUR / kg. Price prior to the crisis was 6-8 EUR / kg. The minimum sales revenue only from kernels is 600-750 thousand EUR per year. Walnut snacks and oil pressed shells and orchard cleaning services to other organizations will increase the income of the company by 2.5-4 times. Green manure in the garden before closing nut trees can serve pumpkins. According to the adopted scheme of sowing, total pumpkin harvest from 50 hectares (the area between the rows of walnut orchard) will be 750 ton with a minimum yield of 15 ton / ha. The market value of pumpkin is 200-250 EUR / ton, in the calculation laid 200 EUR / ton. 44

Finanacial forecasts of the projects, thousands EUR:

Indicators Investments Investment (capital) costs Sales excluding VAT Current costs of growing pumpkins Ongoing costs of maintaining the garden and processing fees Balance sheet profit Income taxes Net profit Profitability of current operations (%) 2013 60,2 60,2 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 2014 271,3 271,3 150,0 26,0 54,0 70,0 7,0 63,0 78% 2015 26,0 0,0 150,0 26,0 54,0 70,0 7,0 63,0 78% 2016 0,0 0,0 150,0 26,0 54,0 70,0 7,0 63,0 78% 2017 0,0 0,0 150,0 26,0 54,0 70,0 7,0 63,0 78% 2018 350,0 324,0 700,0 0,0 80,0 620,0 62,0 558,0 698% 2019 0,0 0,0 900,0 0,0 120,0 780,0 78,0 702,0 585% 2020 0,0 0,0 1200,0 0,0 120,0 1080,0 108,0 972,0 810%

Incoming cash flow during operations will be financed through the sale of finished products to reach full capacity within 7 years from the start of production. Cash inflow will be sent to the current activities of the company, depreciation, and taxes. The remaining net income will be distributed to investors in proportion to investment between the IV quarter of the first year up to the first quarter of the sixth year after the commissioning of company.. Return on the project will be achieved in 5.5-6 years after the beginning of investment or within 1 year from the beginning of the first fruiting garden and industrial processing. Project Management Operational management will be carried out by the project team (Board of Directors), headed by the Director of the joint venture, which includes representatives from each of the investors with the right to collective decision-making on an equal basis of representation.. Investment plan The investment will be utilized in the years 2013-2014 on the establishment and operation of the garden in 2018 for equipment for harvesting nuts, the creation and start-up of production for processing nuts. 45

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Net profit and return on investment plan, thousands of EUR:

2013 Investments Investment (capital) costs Investment costs for current operations Profit Return of investment 60,2 60,2 0,0 0,0 0,0 2014 271,3 271,3 0,0 63,0 0,0 2015 26,0 0,0 0,0 63,0 0,0 2016 0,0 0,0 0,0 63,0 0,0 2017 0,0 0,0 0,0 63,0 0,0 2018 350,0 324,0 26,0 558,0 507,5 2019 0,0 0,0 0,0 702,0 200,0 2020 0,0 0,0 0,0 972,0 0,0

Market overview Determination of the potential market size Annual food shortage in Europe is 100,000 tons. Identifying promising market share The market share of kernels produced in Moldova is 2-3%, the share of the final snack products made of walnut - 8-15%, the market share of walnut butter in Moldova - 15-20%. The analysis of consumer behavior Demand for products from walnuts as snacks, and kernels and walnut oil for food companies is high, and is not fully satisfied in the market of Europe and Turkey. It is considered that the taste and quality of the product (Moldovan walnut) exceed existing except the USA (California). Analysis of the state and behavior of competitors There a re 300 competitors in the form of limited liability companies and individual farms, and individuals who specialize in collecting nuts on the plantations and gardens, with dimensions that generally do not exceed 20 ha. The largest gardens of 50 hectares and 350 hectares belong to the LLC Prometeu-T (Chisinau) and Ltd AMG-Kernel (Soroca). Separation of kernels mainly by hand Samples of the products and techniques used 46

is labor intensive process. Production of cleaning nut and walnut butter production are not available in Moldova. The proposed project will offer products that are not active on the market of Moldova. Orchards of the largest exporters of walnut in Moldova - Prometeu-T & AMG-Kernel has not entered into fertile period. Analysis of distribution channels, promotion The region has a network of companies and representatives, purchasing unpeeled walnut and walnut kernel. However, the proposed production will allow company to enter into agreements with companies in need of the product, and the full production cycle of a nut processing will in future aggregate materials from the region, both for their own production, and for the subsequent implementation of kernels in bulk. Determination of important competitive advantages The potential customer is an urgent need in the product and above all environmentally friendly; Waste-free production business (wood, leaves, branches, roots are the raw materials for light industry, food, chemical and pharmaceutical industry); Because of long-term functioning of the garden (to 100 years) a stable income will be provided with for at least 40 years of operation of the garden; Long shelf life of the product, no special conditions for storage and easy transport conditions. Availability of independent examinations Examination of soil. Additional examination will be made by an international organization to demonstrate compliance with the standards and the recognition of soil and environmental cleanliness of nuts. Form of collaboration Joint venture

Samples of promising ecological products 47

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Name of the investment project Waste treatment plant Name of company VIVATBIOCOM LLC Contact details Director: Valeriu Iachim Tel.: +373 69001909 E-mail: MD-3501, Tamara Ciobanu Str., 12, Orhei General information about the company Creation year 2010; legal status Limited Liability Company. The company was established with the aim of upgrading the existing plant and the creation of a modern ecological complex for production of poultry and pork, eggs and chickens on seasonal basis, and for recycling of wastes and household garbage. Required investment in the project 7030000 $ The companys participation in the investment Technological equipment development, production and installation. The project concept Recycling of household waste, sewage sludge, waste tires, wood wastes, oil, agricultural and medical waste is a daunting problem of our time. The methods that are still being used in wastes recycling such as dumping and incineration have shown their nonviability and led some countries to the verge of ecological disaster. However, the essential property of these materials is carbon content which is the main source of energy for modern civilization. And it clearly defines an acceptable method of processing. Over the past 20 years, simultaneously with the growth of prices for fossil


hydrocarbons, the gasification technology has got a rapid development, allowing producing from waste the synthetic or producer gas - a mixture of CO and H2 with a calorific value consisting of 1200 kcal. This is an alternative to natural gas, oil and coal in steam boilers, diesel fuel in diesel generators and a universal raw material for the production of organic chemicals, including motor fuel of the next generation. This technology represents the idea of a balanced interaction with nature in the recycling of wastes and the exploitation of mineral resources, as well as a way of combining several plants in a highly efficient production line with fully wasteless cycle, in accordance with the existing requirements of environmental legislation - Local Energy Complex (LEC). The use of unique technical solutions had made possible the creation of a production line with zero emission, which is able to process a wide range of materials. Self-contained, modular, mobile, 6 and 12-meter size of shipping container these plants do not require connection to u t ility networks, complex preparations for construction and adjustment. Modularity of waste treatment plants allows changing the properties of the product according to the customers preferences at the time of purchase and to upgrade or change its capabilities in service. The difference between waste treatment complexes and similar installations is in the fact that these complexes are fully construction programmes but not just project designs. Design solutions allowed to reduce the size and weight significantly and thus lowered the cost of standard setting. These waste treatment complexes are made on a complete technology as a factory product, are tested in manufactures workshops, have registration certificate and operating instructions that are subjects of some simplified procedures to be approved by the engineering supervision authority. LEC construction provides a triple guarantee for uninterrupted services of the Complex through 24 hours fuel availability, doubling the ability of basic units with the possibility alternate disconnection for preventive measures and a gasholder or consumable receiver to store the backup fuel. This equipment is intended for environmental solid waste management in each regional center of Moldova, for the republics sugar mills waste processing beet (pulp), to synthesis gas and electricity, livestock facilities for processing waste (chicken manure, all fikaly animal slaughter waste). Period for starting the plants operational activities at full capacities from the beginning of financing would consist of 12 months. The investment return according to a credit line form is 5 years.


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The market situation In the market of the Republic of Moldova there are no complexes for full environmental recycling solid household waste (MSW) and animal wastes, the resulting ash from MSW is a building material , ash from animal husbandry -nitrogen containing fertilizer. Form of cooperation Joint venture, private equity, loans and grants. Fig.1. Local energy complex (model)



Name of the investment project Construction and operation of ecological breeding complex Name of company VIVATBIOCOM LLC Contact details Director: Iachim Valeriu Tel: +373 69001909 E-mail: MD-3501,Tamara Ciobanu Str., 12, Orhei General information about the company Creation Year 2010; Legal status - Limited Liability Company The company was established with the aim of modernizing the existing plant and the creation of the modern ecological complex for production of poultry and pork, eggs and chickens on seasonal basis. Required investment in the project 22513400 $ The companys participation in the investment 2000000 $ (existing buildings and land 1000000 $ and 1000000 $ - companys own contribution). The project concept A Fattening pigs for the production of biologically pure meat (closed production cycle). In order to implement the project we should: 1. Build and purchase equipment for a plant that will ecologically produce organic feed. 51

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2. Build and purchase equipment for pig fattening. 3. Build meat processing plant with meat canning and sausage production. 4. Buy equipment for recycling and production of the gas to produce heat and electricity. B Poultry meat (broiler), production of commodity and hatching eggs, incubation and distribution of chickens in various stages of their growth (closed production cycle). Stages of the project. 1. Biomixed feed line for production of granulated feed. Ecologic production complete absence of specific smells. These combined feeds have successfully passed tests by the Kurgan State Agricultural Academy TS Maltsev (from 07.04.2008). Biomixed feed production line is designed to produce high-protein and balanced feed. In the process of enrichment of feed protein (protein biomass), as a result of enzymatic processing of raw materials, by-products of the production - bioethanol, which can be mixed in a single technological cycle, with any vegetable oil (rapeseed, sunflower, soybean, etc.) with obtaining commercial product - biodiesel (EURO). The line Universal consists of sets of hydrodynamic and enzymatic processing of raw materials and pasteurization evaporator BEU. Corn, potatoes, grinding flour, waste flour-milling, molasses (molasses) and others can serve as raw materials. Pasteurization is used to increase the storage time Emerging from the evaporator feed supply (its analog - Cereal grains), which has a temperature of 100 degrees Celsius can be used directly for fattening (after cooling), but the most effective results are given when mixing hot fodder and straw, chaff, flour-milling waste (steaming method). The resulting food product can have the consistency of the so-called mash or a thick porridge, and when using the dryer it turns into a dry product. After being added to the mixture of calcium (chalk) it becomes a high-protein and balanced animal feed - 1kg (for dw) corresponds to 1.03 KE (Fodder units) - according to a study conducted by the Kurgan State Agricultural Academy. Received feed directly used for fattening - in farming, pig, poultry, etc. As an additive in ready for use forage it is required to add sugar that is produced in the same setting - this increases the energy value of feed. In our country, given the specificity of our facilities, you can use the waste pulp beets, apples, grapes, tomatoes to improve feed and the end result is to get eco-friendly food for cattle, pigs and poultry to produce high palatability and biological qualities of meat. 52

Using the line Universal makes it possible to significantly reduce the cost of food (almost 70%), reduce the time of feeding and still have a by-product - bioethanol, which you can use as fuel for the boiler room of the enterprise, or mixing it up in a single technological cycle with any vegetable oil (rapeseed, sunflower, soybean, etc.) to get a commodity product - biodiesel (EURO). Since production is environmentally friendly and any smells are completely absent, the use of the equipment is possible in any available space. 2. Building pig fattening farms. Growing pigs for meat involves the construction of premises, purchase and installation of modern equipment, the import of hybrid pigs for fattening on clean technology for the production of organic meat. 3. Building a meat processing plant. For a more stable income it is possible to process the meat and preserve it for export sales, and production of smoked meat products from biologically pure meat without additives using our own technology. 4. Recycling. We understand the importance of environmentally friendly production and this is why all the waste is recycled by the energy complex BioReks. In this complex all the wastes are going through the thermal processing with the production of gas, heat and electricity for the needs of the enterprise and for partial distribution. The resulting ash is used as a nitrogen-based fertilizer or as a building material (cement, sand). The treated water is returned to the filtration process needs. B Poultry provides the same stages of development as in A. The period of the production launch before reaching the project expected capacity from the funding start is 15 months. Sales volume in terms of money will be about 18.7 million USD Expenses, excluding loan repayment (in the case of investment credit) - 12.4 million USD. Estimated profit per year - about 6.3 million USD. Thus the expected return on investment is within 3 years. The market situation Imports of pork to the Republic of Moldova per year is about 1,500 tons, poultry about 11.6 thousand tons / year, and this is not the best quality. Rates of consumption of meat per capita - 80 kg / year (for normal life). For example, in Moldova, meat consumption per person is 37 kg/year, i.e. two times less than in the other European countries, in the Russian Federation the consumption of meat is - 34,4-40 kg/year. Thus, for the sale of finished products there is a free market in the country as 53

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being the same in the Russian Federation market. Given the fact that the produced pork, poultry and eggs are organic food, sale on the domestic market does not meet obstacles, and products can be certified and exported to Russia and EU. Form of cooperation Joint venture, private equity, loans and grants. The overall plan (model diagram)


Name of the investment project Metallurgical plant Name of company Tintoreto Ltd. Contact details Contact name: Iachim Valeriu Tel: + 373 69001909 E-mail: 271/4 Muncesti Str, Chisinau General information about the company Year of establishment - 1998; legal status - LTD. Has a license for the collection and processing of scrap ferrous and non-ferrous metals. Required investment in the project 3238000 $ The companys participation in the investment The raw materials, their own space, the necessary facilities, infrastructure, intellectual property The project concept In Moldova all waste produced by the metal industry and other industries are collected and exported as scrap abroad. This projects goal is to reprocess the scrap and the waste of ferrous metals by melting and creating a new product, standard steel billets and synthetic iron. This technology is based on the introduction and launching of Universal DC arc furnaces of the new


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generation, Scientific-technical firm , Moscow. This will allow the production of: - Different types of steels, including carbon steel, high-alloy, tool, die, nitrogen-based, structural and other alloys of high value; - Any brand irons (including synthetic) with the processing of slag for refining and desulfurization, alloys based on aluminum, copper, nickel, cobalt, lead, titanium and other metals; - Remelting the waste of the listed metals, any complex composition metals, the types of alloys, ferro alloys, de-oxidants and other materials. With the use of - quality castings and alloys can be produced, secondary ferrous and nonferrous metals could be recycled. They provide: - Ecology of metallurgical processes (low dust and gas formation); - A new principle of MHD melt mixing; - New electric melting batch mode, heating and refining the melt; - Energy savings; - A significant increase in the quality of manufactured metals and alloys, as compared with other types of furnaces, without additional burden preparation and equipment for secondary treatment, using low-cost charge materials; - A wide range of range of smelted metals, alloys, ferro alloys, deoxidizing and ligatures; - The ability to keep any active metallurgical processes; - High reliability of equipment; - High performance; - Low intoxication charge materials, graphite electrodes. In most cases, theres no need for additional introduction of the powder-gas cleaning for , an intrashop ventilation is enough. The high temperature of the gas inside the furnace, the suppression of gas exchange with the environment, the high monoxide concentration, low intoxication charge, lack of nitrogen and oxygen in the furnace space eliminates the possibility of the formation of dioxins, furans, nitrogen oxides and cyanides. Upon leaving the furnace through the ventilation system hot furnace gases ignite and burn down to simple oxides, CO2, H2O. This allows us not to clean the charge before melting. To implement the project a design work should be carried out and equipment purchased for the amount of 3,238,000 USD and raw materials in the form of scrap for the first phase of production for the amount of 590,000 USD. Investment will enable the production of 39,360 tons of steel billets and artificial iron every year. 56

The starting period of production (from the beginning of financing) will last 6 months. The return on investment is expected in 2.5 years. The market situation On the market of the republic there is no such production. This is a ready product and is designed for steel mills producing steel, i. e. for export. Form of cooperation Joint venture, private equity, loans and grants. Fig.1.Universal DC arc furnaces of the new generation (-).


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Name of the investment project Construction of the industrial complex for growing geese, meat and meat production with the capacity of 704 tons per year Name of company VIVATBIOCOM LLC Contact details Director: Valeriu Iachim Tel.: +373 69001909 E-mail: MD-3501, Tamara Ciobanu Str., 12, Orhei General information about the company Creation Year 2010; Legal status - Limited Liability Company The company was established with the aim of modernizing the existing plant and the creation of the modern ecological complex for production of poultry and pork, eggs and chickens on seasonal basis. Required investment in the project The total cost of the project makes 10 290 000 euro; the discounted time of recovery of outlay of the project makes 4 years; the pure discounted income - 4882540 euro; the internal norm of profitableness - is 21 %; the profitableness index - is 0,61; the profitability of investments - is 49 %. 58

The companys participation in the investment Financial support of the project consists of own means of the enterprise at a rate of 375 000 euro in the form of territory, lakes, buildings and constructions Sources of financing for the project Table 1
Name of source 1. 2. 3. Own funds Foreign loans Total 2013 /EURO 375 000 9 915 000 10 290 000

Baseline data on the project

1 2 Horizon calculation, years Step calculation: for the first year for the second and subsequent years Discount rate,% Date of start of the project The type of the unit of account

Table 2
6 Year 4 January 2013 Euro 40.00 October 2012

4 5 6 7

The rate of national currency - rubles. for 1 euro at the time of writing the business plan The estimations are made in

The project concept To join in completion of the big shortage of non-polluting foodstuff from geese leaning against the National program for the Development of the Agricultural Sector in Republic Moldova, using alternative power resources, processing own production wastes, thereby improving ecological conditions as a whole. The purposes: 59

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To achieve the goal it is necessary to execute: Building of a new modern poultry farm on manufacture of goose meat and foodstuff from it, productivity of 700 tons a year. Mixed fodder shop Shop on manufacture of canned meat, pastes and foie gras(goose liver) Biological station (electric power, gas-methane, bio fertilizers) Hothouse complex (fresh vegetables) Auxiliaries and structures (Refrigerators and refrigerating chambers, a boilerhouse, garages for agricultural machines and motor transport, etc.) Performing the project on building of a poultry-farming complex, LLC VIVATBIOCOM brings the contribution to realization of the National program for the Development of the Agricultural Sector in Republic Moldova. Expected results of the project: The organization and building of a modern goose farm during the period January 2013 - September 2013 with the capacity of 700 tons of meat and non-polluting meat products a year with an infrastructure, allowing to lower risks of dependence on raw materials and energy carriers and to increase the added cost, being at the command of the enterprise, by additional processing of bird, including: Manufacture of canned meat Manufacture of pastes Manufacture foie gras (goose liver) Manufacture of fluff and feather raw materials Manufacture of vegetable production (a hothouse complex) Manufacture of mixed fodders Manufacture of bio fertilizers Novelty of the project consists in introduction of a complex of modern non-polluting production technologies of foodstuff, processing of production wastes with development of power resources, own raw-material base, for manufacture of forages. All aforesaid gives the chance to lower considerably the finished products cost price, and, hence, to raise competitiveness and to improve a recoupment of investments. Form of cooperation Joint venture, private equity, loans and grants. 60


Name of the investment project Organization of a modern high-tech dairy farm Name of the company GRILDOSAGRO SRL Contacts Director: Gregory Lupashku Tel.: +373 75 800 251, + 12 527 373 691, + 373 608 04 450 Fax: +373 251 75 800. Drochia district, village Mindic, MD 5126 Moldova e-mail: Company Description Sosdaniya Year - 2003 Chilennost staff - 527 people. The Company operates in the production of agricultural products. The main crops are involved in the rotation - wheat, sunflower, corn, canola, barley and sugar beets. Enterprise has: - Innovative technology for Surfacing land; - Warehouses; - Fleet of trucks; - The old dairy farm Required investment in the project $ 1 million The companys participation in the investment 300 000 U.S. dollars, 30% of the required investment in the project. 61

the prospects do dairy farming business more than attractive. (Ministry of Agriculture subsidizes the purchase of breeding animals primiparous cows, bulls and heifers at the age of 12 months - 60 lei per kg). Moldovan enterprises that process milk, collect it from the farmers who raise the animals in the home. These enterprises can become our customers. Form of cooperation 1) Establishing a joint venture; 2) Provide funding on favorable terms; 3) Partnership; 4) Direct Investment; 5) Is defined in the process of negotiations. Availability of business plan: Yes


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Name of the investment project Creation of a cross-border commercial centre and a modern logistics centre Company name Consator JSC Companys contact details, contact person 2A Matei Basarab Street, Chisinau city, MD-2068 Republic of Moldova Telephone: +373 22 32 24 18; + 373 797 79 080; + 373 799 47006 Fax: +373 22 32 24 18 E-mail: Contact persons: Ina Nituleac, Eugeniu Zolotco General information about the Company Organizational-legal form: Joint-Stock Company Identification number: 1003609150052 Type of activity (pursuant to the Classifier of Economic Activities in Moldova): renting out of the owned real estate. The Company was privatized in 1995 and at the present moment, it is itemized as construction in progress, the readiness of buildings and facilities makes 75%. Earlier, the enterprise was designated for repair and maintenance of agricultural equipment and vehicles. The enterprise is located in the zone bordering Romania (the European Union), not far from railroad and Sculeni customs point. On the Companys territory with the area of 3.03 hectares there are situated buildings and facilities with the total area of 7700 m2, of which 5000 m2 are production areas that may be used both as warehouse premises and premises for arrangement of production equipment. Among others, the following objects are of particular value: - A production building with the area of 3405.8 m2 having sufficient space for storing tangible assets, as well as for reception of large vehicles; - Two warehouse premises with the area of 737.0 m2 and 1075.5 m2 respectively, suitable for storage of trading stock; 64

- A four-storey administrative and on-site building with the area of 1553.3 m2, in good conditions, wherein office premises may be located. Required volume of investments in the project 1,000,000 EUR The Companys Inputs in the Project 200,000 EUR (20% of the required volume of investments in the project) Anticipated Investors Inputs in the Project 800,000 EUR (80% of the required volume of investments in the project) Project concept We propose a project on organization of cross-border trade by creating a cross-border commercial centre and a modern logistics centre. The Company owns necessary fixed assets (a land lot, buildings and facilities) that will serve as a base for erection of a modern commercial object. Project development in the direction of mega-market organization and its further sale to an international network operator are possible. Market situation At the present time, there is traced a tendency of step-by-step expansion of existing commercial networks to the regions of the Republic, also due to existence of consumers demand in the regions and redundant concentration of commercial objects in the capital, Chisinau city. At the same time, the major world and European network operators have not opened yet their branches on the territory of Moldova this niche is slightly occupied. Consumer needs qualitative goods in a large variety and at favorable (real) prices that commercial networks existing nowadays in Moldova not always can assure, i.e. there are considerable reserves for development. Availability of independent examinations An independent examination of the project may be realized according to the results of the agreement with the investor. Form of cooperation Joint-Venture / credit on advantageous terms / grant / partnership


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Name of investment project Organization of a modern weaving manufacturing of natural knitted fabrics and tailoring upto-date garments out of these fabrics. Company name Galanta JSC Contact details Legal address: 171 Vasile Lupu Street, Orhei city, MD-3505 Republic of Moldova Telephone: +373 22 40 42 13, + 373 22 32 24 18 Fax: +373 22 32 24 18 E-mail: Contact persons: Natalia Crapivca Chairman of the Board, Ina Nituleac Director. General information about the Company Galanta Joint-Stock Company (identification number 1003606006239) is an enterprise that has been dealing with haberdashery manufacturing for more than 60 years. At the present moment, it is the unique producer of a wide range of ribbons, cords, lacings, and Jacquard ribbons in Moldova. There is a small (with 40 work places) sewing subdivision affiliated to the Company. The Company is located in the central street of Orhei town, near to a motor road of republican and international importance. Galanta JSC is a well-designed object being an optimal variant of location of manufacture and administrative premises, this allowing organizing complete manufacturing cycle, as well as independent and/or auxiliary manufacturing sectors and warehouse premises for storing raw materials base and end products. Amongst factorys advantages, there should be mentioned the formed team of the Company that may act as a starting point for creation of effective team of managers and workers, availability of vast space and developed infrastructure for expansion of manufacture, up and running output of quality products. The main factor of success in struggle with competitors is high quality of products, use of a flexible price system, increase of products range for different market segments and its constant renewal. 66

The Company possesses, by the ownership right, a land lot with the area of 4.46 hectares, of which more than 3 hectares make free spaces; it also disposes of unused manufacturing areas for expansion of manufacture for intended use or implementation of new kinds of manufacture, namely: The total area of buildings and facilities makes 26,418.1 m2, including: - Main building (weaving room) 12,656 m2; - Dyeing and finishing room 6,130.9 m2; - Administrative and on-site building 4,711.3 m2; - Boiler house 1,386.6 m2; - Auxiliary complex 1,106.4 m2; - Garages 324 m2, etc. At the present time, the main types of Companys activity (pursuant to the Classifier of Economic Activities in Moldova) are: - Haberdashery manufacture; - Manufacture of finished textiles, except for garments; - Manufacture of garments of textile fabrics; - Retail trade in textiles; - Wholesale trade in textiles; - Other retail trade in non-specialized shops; - Wholesale trade in garments, except for knitwear and hosiery; - Retail trade in garments. Net sales of Galanta JSC: 2010 92,000 euros 2011 101,000 euros 2012 125,000 euros Required volume of investments in the project 4,500,000 (four million five hundred thousand) EUR The Companys Inputs in the Project 900,000 EUR (20% or will be determined in the course of negotiations). Allocation of a land lot and real estate objects for project implementation. Anticipated Investors Inputs in the Project 3,600,000 EUR (80% of the required volume of investments in the project). 67

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Project concept In the process of its development, Galanta JSC needs additional investments for Companys reequipping, as well as for organization of a modern weaving manufacturing of natural knitted fabrics and tailoring up-to-date garments (including underwear and jersey) out of these fabrics, with their promotion to the target markets in Moldova, CIS and EU countries. The tendency of development of narrow fabrics and garments market will allow increasing the volumes of manufacturing and selling on the account of traditional assortment, also the implementation of new production resources for manufacturing of articles from new kinds of raw materials in compliance with new technologies and creation of goods with new characteristics (for instance, manufacturing of highquality knit fabric), as well as further development of garments manufacture. This concept presupposes renewal of the technical base: acquisition of new equipment and software. Galanta JSC is able to organize manufacturing of narrow fabrics from customer-supplied raw materials and to render tailoring services with customer-supplied raw materials, beginning its work from customer-supplied raw materials and then transferring its work on a by-order basis and thereafter proposing its own articles under its own brand. Market situation The share of Galanta JSC in the haberdashery market of the Republic of Moldova makes circa 30%. Form of cooperation Partnership. Joint and mutually beneficial cooperation and development in the following directions: Promotion of the Companys products and entering of new markets in the EU and CIS countries; Technical and technological cooperation; Work in the form of subcontracting, according to the lohn system, including orders of the companies from Poland and other EU countries.


Name of the investment project Modernization of refrigerating equipment and vineyards planting, as well as creation of a packing house Company name Jancom JSC Companys contact details, contact person 2A, Matei Basarab Street, Chisinau municipality, MD-2068, Republic of Moldova Telephone: +373 22 32 24 18; + 373 797 79 080; + 373 799 47006 Fax: +373 22 32 24 18 E-mail: Contact persons: Ina Nituleac, Eugeniu Zolotco General information about the Company Organizational-legal form: Joint-Stock Company Identification number: 1003603004164 Type of activity (pursuant to the Classifier of Economic Activities in Moldova): storage and depositing (of agricultural products). Jancom JSC is registered as a Joint-Stock Company (JSC), the number of shareholders is less than 50 (non-public JSC). Jancom JSC is an enterprise for ingathering and storage of agricultural products in refrigerating chambers. The Company specializes in storage of grapes, apples, potatoes and it also can assure storage of other kinds of vegetables and fruit. There are rendered services for storage of agricultural products in refrigerating chambers, with the total weight up to 450 ton. The fixed assets of the Company are located in the south of the Republic of Moldova, in Zirnesti village from Cahul district and consist of a land lot with an area of 0.65 ha, whereon warehouse 69

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refrigerating premises with the total area of 942.6 m2 are situated. The total capacity of the refrigerator is 4500 m3. Jancom JSC is the owner of the Mos Ion trade mark registered by the Agency for Intellectual Property of Moldova. This trade mark is used for supply of pre-packed fruit and vegetables to supermarkets. Required volume of investments in the project 800,000 EUR The Companys Inputs in the Project 320,000 EUR (40% of the required volume of investments in the project) Anticipated Investors Inputs in the Project 480,000 EUR (60% of the required volume of investments in the project) Project concept Investments are necessary for purchase of modern refrigerating and packaging equipment and modernization of all premises, wherein refrigerating chambers are located. Installation of new modern refrigerating equipment will allow increasing Companys energetic efficiency and reducing expenses for electrical energy, thus lowering cost of products and services rendered. There will be also provided conditions for selection and commercialization of packaged fruit and vegetables in compliance with European standards. As a result of Company modernization, revenues from the following types of activity are planned: Storage of own products (grapes, apples, potatoes, berries, etc.) with their further commercialization in packages under the Companys own brand name on the market of the Republic of Moldova and other countries; Rendering services for agricultural products storage. Significant increment of the added value of products stored at the Jancom JCS will be provided due to products sale in the cold period of year when market prices per 1 kg, e.g., of grapes are up by 0.30-0.50 euros than prices in the cropping period. Companys products will be sold both at the local market and at the markets of the EU and CIS countries. The project also foresees planting and culture of own vineyards on the land lot with the area of 50 70

hectares and, as a result, the Company will be provided with its own products for storage. It is supposed that within 9 years from the moment of beginning of the project implementation, the annual average level of net sales will have achieved 6,700,000 lei (400,000 euros) and gross annual income will have increased from 1,400,000 lei (88,000 euros) to 4,100,000 lei (256,000 euros). Payback period is 9 years. Return of money to the investor will be realized either on the account of payment of dividends for shares, or as an investment award (bonus), as agreed. With regard to project implementation, a team will be formed composed of specialists in agriculture and industrial freezing technologies, with assistance of the Moldova Fruct Association of Fruit Producers and Exporters. Market situation Grapes are a product that is highly quoted in the world market and that is always in demand, especially in the winter period. At the same time, the major part of Moldavian fruit, including grapes, are supplied in bad package and do not comply with standards and requirements of target markets. Demand for grapes in the neighboring countries keeps the upward trend. Export of table grapes from Moldova had increased by 2.5 times from 2006 to 2010: from 8000 ton to circa 20000 ton. So, availability of quality products in the cold period of year will assure stable sales income for Jancom JSC and will be a significant competitive advantage. According to the data of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry of Moldova, at the present moment, working refrigerating units cover only 50% of market demands for agricultural products storage, due to which the services provided by Jancom JSC will be in demand in the long-term period. Availability of independent examinations An independent examination of the project may be realized according to the results of the agreement with the investor. Forms of cooperation Participation in the Companys authorized capital, or Granting of financial assets under favorable conditions, or Partnership Availability of a business-plan Available 71

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Name of the investment project Modernization and re-technologization of production process at the Moldavian Pipe Works Protos JSC Company name The Moldavian Pipe Works Protos JSC Companys contact details, contact person Address: Falestii Noi village, Falesti district, MD-5923 Republic of Moldova Telephone/fax: (+373) 022 542151 / (+373) 022 542152 E-mail: Director: Igor Crapivca General information about the Company Organizational-legal form: Joint-Stock Company Identification number: 1003602022729 Type of activity (pursuant to the Classifier of Economic Activities in Moldova): production of readymade or semi-finished metal products through hammering, compressing, stamping, and milling (metal pipes production). The Company specializes in production of steel water and gas pipes, longitudinal welded pipes and electric-welded shaped piped complying with world quality standards. At the moment, the Moldavian Pipe Works Protos JSC is the only branch-forming company of the tube-rolling industry in Moldova. The Company has organized manufacturing process for release of water and gas pipes, electric-welded pipes and longitudinal welded pipes in the volume of circa 6 000 tons per year. Being competitive both from the point of view of the price and quality, the production of the Works is successfully sold in the markets of Moldova, Romania, and Latvia through the official dealer of the Works the JV Orvento-Metall Trading Company LTD that is one of the largest metal trading and metal service enterprises in Moldova. The MPW Protos JSC and the JV Orvento-Metall Trading Company LTD have international quality certificate ISO 9001:2008. 72

Required volume of investments in the project 1,020,000 EUR The Companys Inputs in the Project 204,000 EUR (20% of the required volume of investments in the project) Anticipated Investors Inputs in the Project 816,000 EUR (80% of the required volume of investments in the project) Project concept To assure stable production of 30 000 tons of high-quality metalware yearly, the present Investment Project of the MPW Protos JSC stipulates attraction of investments for the following main directions: - For replacement and renewal of outdated equipment with realization of commissioning works; - For realization of preventative and current repair of the mills from the Pipe Works; - For training and improvement of qualification of principal vocational specialties (workers) of the Company, at the similar enterprises of Ukraine, Russia and Romania; - For organization at the Works of an accredited testing mechanical laboratory, with purchase of necessary testing equipment and modification or improvement of constructions of the existing equipment units; - For purchase of a defect detector, its mounting and realization of commissioning works, with automation in mill trains; - For overhaul repair of production and on-site spaces. Increase of volumes of yielded good-quality products will provide the prognosticated level of sales incomes that will make at least 100 million lei (6 million euros) per year and gross profit of 5-8 million lei (300,000-500,000 euros) per year. Return of money to the investor will be realized either on the account of payment of dividends for shares, or as an investment award (bonus). Market situation At the present time, products of the Moldavian Pipe Works Protos JSC are commercialized in


Name of the investment project Renewal of the fixed assets for considerable increase of the activity volume and passage to sustainable development Companys name Consam JSC Companys contact details, contact person Legal address: 75 Industriala Street, Chisinau city, MD-2023 Republic of Moldova Telephone: +(373022) 42 18 31; fax: +(373022) 47 27 67 E-mail: Contact persons: Nicolae Cuconescu Director. General information about the Company Organizational-legal form: Joint-Stock Company Identification number: 1002600012978 Type of activity (pursuant to the Classifier of Economic Activities in Moldova): complete or partial construction of buildings and facilities; their parts; civil constructions. Consam JSC was founded on the 16th of November, 1992, on the basis of Chisinau Integrated House Building Factory No.2 founded in 1961. The branch profile of the Company is construction. Besides construction of large-scale blocks of flats and office and administrative objects, there are rendered services for earthworks, repair, reconstruction and improvements. Production directions are developing successfully too: production of concrete and matrix, framing and metal ware, works on roads improvement and construction. The Company possesses its own production base with the total area of 1.583 ha, reinforcement shops and other manufacturing workshops, concrete batching plant, two-storey administrative building and plenty of construction machinery. Consam JSC is also completed with complex teams of qualified workers with different construction specialties and experienced engineering and technical managing staff, this allowing realization of high-quality 75

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construction and assembling operations of any complexity. The Company has build hundreds of objects during last 48 years: dwelling houses, residential areas, administrative buildings, objects for social, cultural and household purposes and has performed their improvement. At the present moment, Consam JSC has been successfully carrying on traditions of multistory house building and building of objects for social purposes, realization of a complex of special and assembling operations, repair and construction works and reconstructions, including rendering of services: Capital construction of multistory dwelling and civil buildings in stone, stone-framed and monolithic form. Engineering networks; Construction of individual trailer houses; All kinds of finishing works, realization of a complex of earthworks; Machinery services: grader, bulldozer, excavator, and draglines; Transportation of heavy construction equipment. Delivery of sand and crushed stone. License with series A MMII and number 026971 dated on December 27, 2007. Required volume of investments in the project 1,500,000 (one million five hundred thousand) EUR The Companys Inputs in the Project 500,000 EUR (33.33% of the required volume of investments in the project). Anticipated Investors Inputs in the Project 1,000,000 EUR (66.67% of the required volume of investments in the project). Project concept It is planned to considerably increase the part of repair and finishing works and construction and assembling operations performed by Consam JSC, to develop them on a larger scale, this assuring continuity of the works producing process within the whole construction cycle. Investments are necessary for purchase of fixed assets assuring the process of realization of repair and finishing works and construction and assembling operations with regard to successful fulfillment of plans for Companys objects construction; there is also a necessity for purchase of labor saving tools and construction equipment and technologies, new motor vehicles and lifting devices. 76

Market situation The real estate market will be recovering in 2013 after stagnation observed in the course of the previous year, in the opinion of the real estate experts. According to their point of view, if economy begins growing again, it will also represent an impulse for development of the real estate market and, in such a way, this year there will appear the first signs of market recovery. The marketing directions of Consam JSC are focused nowadays on the main direction: maximum expansion of the services network on the market of construction and assembling operations in the Republic of Moldova. Form of cooperation Joint-Venture. Partnership. Credit. Grant. Availability of a business plan Available. Project at the finishing stage


Investment Projects Catalogue

Name of the investment project Replacement and renewal of outdated equipment with realization of commissioning works and organizing production of new types of modern competitive products Company name Fiting JSC Companys contact details, contact person Legal address: 31 Livezilor Street, Ocnita town, MD-7101 Republic of Moldova Telephone: +(373271) 2 32 08; fax: +(373271) 2 25 06 E-mail: Contact persons: Ilie Ceban Director. General information about the Company Fiting JSC Ocnita Stamping and Mechanical Plant (identification number 1003604005386), the former Ocnita Pilot Plant of Technological Equipment was constructed on the 1st of April, 1956. The main types of activity of Fiting JSC are production of furniture fittings and wire products, locksmith works and ironmongery, lawn and gardening tools and inventory, stove equipment and tools, as well as other types of metal ware, including industrial equipment and production tooling. Fiting JSC has high productive potential. The main types of products made at Fiting JSC: Production of locksmith works and ironmongery, lawn and gardening tools, household equipment, furniture fittings, wire products, etc.; Production of tools, special production equipment and tooling; Production of non-standard equipment and metal constructions; Production of other output. 78

Fiting JSC yields and sells more than 160 items of high-quality metal products grouped in the following way: Furniture fittings more than 60 items; Clips for pipe anchorage 10 items; Lawn and gardening tools 8 items; Locksmith works and ironmongery more than 50 items; Wire products 30 items; Special production equipment; Other output. It renders services for: Transportation of raw stock, materials, component parts, goods, and plant workers; Motor vehicle transportation for population; Mechanical processing of metals and different kinds of steel. The production areas of the plant make 22036 m. The area of the lands used constitutes 6.6 ha, of which 4.4 ha are in the Companys ownership. Each lot of the output yielded is accompanied by issuance of a corresponding certificate of quality if provided by technical standards of the Republic of Moldova, as well as by the Quality Management System ISO 9001:2008. Since Fiting JSC has been certified according to ISO 9001:2008 system, a group of internal audit of products quality always acts at the plant pursuant to the present Quality Management System. It is important to note that since 2012, Fiting JSC is executing a large order from IKEA International Corporation for production of metal ware for the furniture produced by this company. Required volume of investments in the project 2,000,000 (two million) EUR The Companys Inputs in the Project 400,000 EUR (20% of the required volume of investments in the project). Anticipated Investors Inputs in the Project 1,600,000 EUR (80% of the required volume of investments in the project). Project concept Additional investments for replacement and renewal of outdated equipment with realization of commissioning works, for organizing production of new types of modern competitive products, for training and upgrading of skills of Companys main vocational specialties. 79

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The Company possesses a great number of metal-working equipment units 179. There are 12 groups of metal-working equipment. However, the equipment is rather aged and, consequently, is worn out. The average equipment age is 31 years. This fact gives ground for necessity of investments in long-term (fixed) assets. Market situation Companys marketing strategy: Enhancing promotion of its products, increasing its share in the local market of lawn and gardening tools and furniture fittings (up to 40%) and acquiring initial experience in entry into similar target markets of neighboring countries and beyond. Form of cooperation Joint-Venture. Partnership. Credit. Grant. Availability of a business plan Available. Photos: Wheel blocks Mechanisms Angle bars and supporting arms


Name of the investment project Purchase of modern metal-working equipment and modernization of the production sector for the purpose of considerable increase of the activity volume and passage to sustainable development Company name Incomas JSC Companys contact details, contact person Address: 16/1 Transnistria Street, Chisinau city, MD-2023 Republic of Moldova Telephone: (+37322) 47 10 10; fax: (+37322) 47 02 73, Director: Nistor Andries Deputy Director for marketing and sales: Petru Svet General information about the Company Organizational-legal form: Joint-Stock Company Identification number: 1003600054157 Type of activity (pursuant to the Classifier of Economic Activities in Moldova): production of construction steel works. The Company is one of the largest and most successful metal-processing companies from the Republic of Moldova, specialized in construction industry and constructions materials production branch. The Company can produce everything, from original engineering ideas and on out to not only production, but also metal work assembling. Incomas JSC has available: Large production areas; Lifting devices; Slipways; Warehouse premises; 81

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Large vehicles park. The Company has a great park of unique equipment allowing the performing of any kinds of operations on mechanical processing of large-scale parts and units. Incomas JSC can process 2000-3000 tons of metal per year. The main types of products yielded by Incomas JSC: Production and assembly of metal works: for production and office buildings, warehouse premises, refrigerators, shops, galleries, storages, pavilions, welded girders, cross beams, pillars, bindings, arches, and advertising boards; Production and assembly of steel pedestrian and road bridges and overcrossings; Production and assembly of high-level metal works of construction and industrial destination; Non-standard equipment: transport platforms, vacuum chambers, silo towers, step-by-step pushers, vibro-bottoms, pyramids for glass keeping and feeding, aero-lanes, solar water heaters, washing sieves, and buckets; Production of equipment for construction materials industry: Farmer machines for wall blocks and walkway slabs production, mixers for dry and semidry compositions, bunkers for metal casting, and forms and accessories for concrete goods; Diagnostics and repair of lifting devices: gantry cranes, tower cranes, traveling bridge cranes, lift cranes, and truck cranes; Stone-cutting machines for natural stone excavation and spare parts for them: shafts, pinions, chocks, rolls, and cutters. The welding technology of Incomas JSC has been attested in compliance with European Norms EN 729/ISO3834; the Company possesses Certificate of Quality Management System ISO 9001:2000 and the principal specialists of the plant have European certificates for welding constructions production, this allowing Incomas JSC proceeding to export. Net sales (thousands EUR) Sales behavior for the last 12 years: Required volume of investments in the project 3,000,000 EUR The Companys Inputs in the Project 600,000 EUR (20% of the required volume of investments in the project) Anticipated Investors Inputs in the Project 82

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Name of the investment project Modernization of warehouse premises for the purpose of creation of a modern logistics system and improvement of quality and increase of volume of the services offered Company name Universcom JSC Companys contact details, contact person Address: 21/3 Petricani Street, Chisinau city, MD-2059 Republic of Moldova. Telephone: + 373 22 29 48 80 Fax: + 373 22 31 20 01 E-mail: Director: Sofia Sugac General information about the Company Organizational-legal form: Joint-Stock Company Identification number: 1002600037377 Type of activity (pursuant to the Classifier of Economic Activities in Moldova): wholesale trade in textiles. The Universcom Joint-Stock Company is a company created in December, 1993, on the basis of merger of wholesale depots from the system of the Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Moldova (presently without States share in the authorized capital), with the total area of 11 thousand m2. The Companys majority shareholding is owned by the Investment Company Interpares Prim JSC and its strategic partners. The Universcom JSC has been present in the wholesale trade market for more than 60 years and has a reputation of a reliable partner that fulfills its obligations in due time, exactly and in the full amount, both in the Companys relations with its suppliers and other counteragents and also with its labor collective and the public budget. 84

At the present time, the main types of Companys activity are: - Wholesale and retail trade in textiles of all kinds, garments, footwear; - Rendering services for property lease; - Rendering services for warehouse logistics; - Rendering services for storage of goods and organization of products distribution; - Provision with services for electrical energy and water supply. The total area of the Universcom JSC premises makes 10436 m2, of which 7500 m2 are used for property lease and logistics for the clients and 1763 m2 are used for Companys own needs and general maintenance; other premises of common use make 1052 m2. The Company owns all premises. Companys net sales for the period of 2008-2012 make: 2008 13,921,163 lei (880,000 euros); 2009 11,217,239 lei (710,000 euros); 2010 13,885,941 lei (880,000 euros); 2011 14,302,341 lei (905,000 euros); 9 months of 2012 9,491,733 lei (600,700 euros). All assortments of goods presented by Universcom JSC from manufacturers from different countries are confirmed by certificates of quality and respective hygienic certificates. Universcom JSC renders a wide range of services for warehouse logistics: Renting out of office premises provided with electronic communication devices; Organization of cargo delivery, upon clients request; Preparation and subgrading of goods in accordance with clients special requirements; Car parking in the secured territory. Since 2007, Universcom JSC has been successfully cooperating with the Metro Cash & Carry Company in Moldova, in the sphere of warehouse logistics services. The Company is a holder of an authorization for a customs warehouse of C type, offering mutually beneficial three-party cooperation for imported goods slotting at the customs warehouse, under customs control, to companies-importers in Moldova. The Company has good-quality technical platform. Required volume of investments in the project 2,000,000 EUR The Companys Inputs in the Project 400,000 EUR (20% of the required volume of investments in the project)


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Anticipated Investors Inputs in the Project 1,600,000 EUR (80% of the required volume of investments in the project) Project concept The project foresees modernization and technical reequipping of the enterprise for the purpose of creation of a modern logistics system. Rendering of modern logistic services will allow: Reducing cost of the services offered on the account of warehouse premises modernization, thus increasing Companys profit. Increasing Companys profit on the account of renting out of free spaces, as a consequence of improvement of quality of warehouse services and increase of attractiveness of offers for the clients. There are also presupposed development of the cash & carry trend. Project development in the direction of mega-market organization and its further sale to an international or local network operator are possible. Availability of independent examinations An independent examination of the project may be realized according to the results of the agreement with the investor. Form of cooperation Joint-Venture / credit on advantageous terms / grant / partnership Availability of a business plan Available


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