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FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION FOT/PA DELETED PAGE INFORMATION SHEST FOI/PAH 1243693-0 Total Deleted Page(s) = 27 Page 34 ~ Referral/Direct; Page 35 ~ Referral/Direct; Page 36 ~ Referral/Direct; Page 37 ~ Referral/Direct; Page 38 ~ Referral/Direct; Page 39 ~ Referral/Direct; Page 40 ~ Referral/Direct; Page 41 ~ Referral/Direct; Bage 42 ~ Referral/Direct; Page 45 ~ Referral/Direct; Page 46 ~ Referral/Direct; Page 47 ~ Referral/Direct; Page 48 ~ Referral/Direct; Page 49 ~ Referral/Direct; Page 50 ~ Referral/Direct; Page 51 ~ Referral/Direct; Page 52 ~ Referral/Direct; Page 53 ~ Referral/Direct; Page 54 ~ Referral/Direct; Page 55 ~ Referral/Direct; Page 57 ~ Referral/Direct; Page 88 ~ Referral/Direct; Page 89 ~ Referral/Direct; Page 166 ~ b3 - FRCP Rule 6(e); Page 180 ~ Referral/Direct; Page 181 ~ Referral/Direct; Page 182 ~ Referral/Direct; KX X Deleted Page(s) x X No Duplication Fee x X For this Page x XXXKK KKK HX KRKKKKARKRERR, sederal Bureau of Investigation Rnited States Department of Justice Washinaton, A.¢. May 23, 1940 ALL cot wend veo ic Walle BY HEMORANDUN FOR MR. E. A. Tait Vidlou Whtrneg neh OD Beck Taylomawas referr fron the Director's office. He had bith hin one who had sone information concerning a Philip%Johnsonf- who ts alleged to be engaged in certain Nazi avtturties tn New York City. Johnson resides at 751 Third Avenue rear, New York City. He ts the son of a prominent citizen who formerly lived at Cleveland, Ohio, and [who was at one time President of the White Sebing Machine | company. He is believed to be of the Tom L.fJohnson fanily ‘ Philip Johnson is presently living on an income which has been left to him. He has had various Gernan friends who have evidenced a strong interest in the Nazi form of Government. Johnson was formerly in Gernany, is a graduate of the 1938 class of Harvard University, speaks an excellent Gernan, is hi. excitable and of a nervous temperament and according to 48 @ hono~sezual type. He at one time was interested in the Museun of Modern Art, Sard Streety New York City, and has as one of his closest friends a in fbrackourn, who at one tine was manager of the aforementioned wiseum. Johnson, it is alleged, had becone interested in nodern architecture ond at one tine arranged and was responsible for the international architectural exhibits, the first that was held in this country. He is alleged to be friendly with a Dr.JMurphy, Park Avenue, 63rd Street, New York City. He has offen in his conversations since 1932 expressed his interest in’ the coning Revolution and has stated that things will be different "when the revolution comes". A close friend of his’ is Lawrence¢Dennis, who is alleged to be an excelicnt speaker and publicist. An organization, according to vas formed in 1934 by Johnson known as the/@rey Shirts, believes. RECORDED & INDEXED /, ;~ jog “FIA BY ~ sutifferri1l, who is now an ezecutive w aan Hone Journal, RKO Building, Radio City, was REALE NESTS tary to Johnson, who it 1s alleged has an indome of apppezigatel; a ie COPIES DESTROYED. “Neel go BS, 96 sustie ° \ 6 Meno for B. A. Tanm $5,000.00 a month. She is in a position to obtain additional nanes § who have been associated with Johnson. Accord- ing to| f Blackburn and Johnson worked with Huey bong in G. They also lived here at that tine, Washing Respectfully, fern As Rosen ANONYMOUS COMMUNIVATION Cleveland, Ohio, SREP ENVELOPE ATTACHED = Jume 1, 1940. Mr. J. Edgar Hoover, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Washington, D. C+ Dear Sir: vish to report PhilipWolmson, son of Homer He ohnson who is a lawyer in Cleveland, Ohio, Tor being disloyal to the United States, because for years he has been working for Communism and all the other "isms", and has been to Europe several times for this purpose. — When Germany conquered Norway he jumped up and down saying, "Hurrah, Hurrah for the Nazis. We won". Since the latest developments of the war, this, I believe, should be reported. At the present time he is at their summer home in New London, Ohio, and I just learned that he intends going to” Germany around June 1st. His people are good citizens of the United States and his sister is helping the refugees in France and Belgium, but he is mesmerized by this evil that is trying to overpower the good in the world. His people feel very bad, but cannot say anything. If I give my name und it 1s known, it will cause Several people the loss of their positions and a " great deal of trouble, therefore, T am withholding, it. However, I am a loyal American citizen. rd RECORDED & se “JUN & 1948 |. oepparwent oF ste (oPowwti.. COuTAnE ee Ihe TE ylb- lr. J. Edgar Hoover, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Washington, D. Ce RECORDED, INDEXED 00 - 3273 -X/ 3297S, June 2b, 2940 NDWiPA Special Agent in Charge Sleveland, Ubio Ret Philip Johnson ‘ESPIOKAQK Dear Siri For your information, I am tranenitting here— vith copies of an ancnyacts commmication dated June 1, 1940, received at the Bureau in an envelope postmarked at Cleveland, Ohio Very truly youre, John Bégar Hoover Director ate Sor Big 6 Addka ' COPiES DESTROYED. a CBs Pat Wer York, N. Yo : 62-6772 September 20, 1940. “ t FESO CPE: : MEMORANDUM FOR THE SPECIAL AGH, Dy Ee et “Infornant, ‘On August 8, 2940 & UR. BRUCE SDAONS of 137 East 3eth Street, New York City, telephonically contacted the New York Field Office at which time he advised that certain information had cone to his attention which he thought should be furnished to this offices However, he stated that the information concerned an indi~ vidual whose name he did not care to give over the telephone, and that if the writer could mect hin on the following day he would be glad to furnish the information in person. WR. STANDS was contacted on the Ioltowing day day at which time he explained that he was en interior decorator usually employed by people in the, highest social bracket of the Metropolitan oe ob. tard Frames tor ork ad bagn hired e Year! BITS: of “ha wi. sTunions “then tad i ii a ISVESTISA PHILIP JOHNSOW for a number of years and that Sala enrolled at Harvard University” ‘aking an 5 archi teeturan: XQ NR Dy. 1% AY ae” as references appear in the files of Babeau SS confletaae ie. ‘there ie attached hereto. wi copftof « SQ) menor, 2, which sete forth S with t te-this whe full is a x respect ose full name 7 ; mages Coy 4 - BB y . information, a being made to Mr, Johneon to more and to ascertain if he hay be engaged, in activities interests of this Government. wore COMMUNICATIONS SF 4005 " ei Pigg . pe eile Bf Har MAY 6 1942 BM. aoay re macs tenn Po 2 ne 4. 1. §. DEPARTMENT OF wusTice - Reo Philap Gortelyan Johnson A nose punttane wy the arantaasee of 3607 tor Se ee conivoresry, set forth the following autobiography furnished by Philip Sotmeone °On Leaving Harveri an 1920 2 spent a great deal of tine in Zarope. J studied architestare es an austeur and later gota job ss the head of the Arobitestarel Departwent of the Hassun of Hodern Arte. In 1934 ft worked with Father Coughlin and Dlaekburn. #laskburn ané I sire now independent politically and eotive in cur own orgemizetion, "Youth and ‘tae Nation, which sponsors us in veskly brontcaste over Station WSPD," (100-32734-7) Phdltp Johnson wou reperted to have been in Durope in the summer cf 1939 at the tiwe the Zuropean var broke out, and to have bean able to obteda -assage for the return trip through the efforte of sn Andividns] described av being © igh xenking officiel in the Silver Shirt Organization in the Untted States. Ziis-person is reported to De naghiy reger@g. Xe. high Nast and Fuseiot Officials. (100-75141-2) 7 sg — has a peasrort tor a Tatlin in Burope. Baet Bnd Avenue, Jew Zork Sonia 3909, on tsitetdunt suspected * Sovernaent lef$ for Senmay oad + ot fiovers from Geinath of the me “Jobnson and others, (65-2067-116) nya On mage 219 BF #1 peg ms Shirer, be ashe reiintes that-on. September 18, 190%, fron Borlia to 7 foe bore. H8-" (100-32784-2X1) ower a6 PTES. DESTROYED. 29 mn 0 Soligsh Corridor, cok thas the sie theres for the aight ot Tieton, nee Daasig. the pertioent ‘follovap-—~ “Sy, Boehner, Tress Chief charge Yaselet, who soya he represents Yother destios, (5 spying on us for the Heats. soem here be has been posing o& ontt—Hinad ja penp mefor ay attitude. heve given hin ho Ber Philip Cortelyan Johuson = -2- april 27, 19: 2 It fe reported that Philip Johason has been closely ae- sosiated vith Lavrenge Dennis, Demais ia turn is reported to have deen very friendly vith Dr, Friedrich Auk-gen, convicted German propegandiat and vith Manfred Japp. A letter dated October 21, 1939, to Philip Johnson from Deanis, 1s as fellower "420 Varviok Avenue, West Englewood, 8. J. Cetover 21, 1939 “Dear Philipi= *I enclose letter from Paci and my reply. 1 don't send on his os, largely from ay etuff, as you already saw much of 18, though 10 18 now Greatly improved dus to my second re-write, It still laske oomph, be- cause you cannot write good pamphlets objectively, I thiak he wante to preserve ancayaity, at least until the thing has got a reepeatable fol- lowing. Well that eould be arranged, Ye could write most of the first drafte, lot hin edit and tone 1% dowa, and then circulate 1% under any formula considered prwetion] and expedient. I am convineed we could rapidly build up a folleving if the stuff provided the teolationists vith aa armory of ideologies] weapons. By following, 1m this connection, I merely mean readere who would accept cur Liged and seen will be dish- tag it out ae their ows, his sort of Jed, hovever, ean be well done only by a group in harmony. I% must be definite’ and affiraative and Give the readers something to delieve anf a pet theory of what 10 hap- pening, People want certainty and they eaanet cet it from supposedly edjective writings, What makes Dorothy Thompson o nighty influence aly her certainty and passion. Hundreds of neve-aper Journeynen would write just ae vell if only they expensed passionately soue af- firmative th Like that of getting us into var, {I think getting out a dook by Kareh or just before we go te var a major mast. #1 have been playing aleng with Palaer feeling that the loager he re- maine idle and uandjasted the stronger vill be hie urge to do something. Bitter experience ie going to drive him to us, I caloulate, He must to something, ——*Ae soon as you get bask, we should go down to see hin. As I say in ‘ny letter to Palser I have an introduction to Senator Reynelde from a Ys P. of the Manufacturers Trust who is one of ay eudseriters. I Shink our strategy should de to turn out something vhich eeuld be read ter and used by men like Senator Reynolds, Beanet Clark, Yaadeabargh, crm ___Idndbergh, etc. ¥riting for » emall iafluestial publie and having no ——argenisation of duabbells to embarrass us, we might be adle to go venee___zight through © var, Wy observing ® little osution and inuendo. The ‘imem Mook from London hae been going anf succeeding for iz yeare by writing wore Agtelligent and informed taterpretation of foreten affaire, but alvays ————-Tale necting vas addressed by Dr. Frederic Ret Philip Cortelyan Johnson - Aveil 27, 1942 true te the Koscew line, vithout, of course, overtly indicating the line, The nost indicative fast about the Week since the Hoscer- Berlin hook-up ie that whereas they forerly passed the Hasis, sow they say nasy an unfavorable word against Berlin but they subtly undermine Haugland, This ecasietensy vith sone theory, even though the theory may change, gives intelligibility to writing and interpre~ tation. Ve must have that, That te the one thing we ean give vhich the reader can't get outside the communist writings. Regards from us all,® (97-715-24) A progran for a nesting sponsored by the Springfield Branch of the Aserioaa Fellowship Porue scheduled for January 26, 1940, in the Anditoriun of the Springfield Tara Verein, Springfield, Massa- chusette, lists Philip Johnsen es the anin speaker of the evesing, hie tepie deing “America and the War.* The program indicates that Friedrich 3, aubagen, Direstor of the American Fellowship Forum at Baitor of "Today's Challeage", vas alec a speaker. The felloving ap- peare on the preqras concerning Johasom: ‘hr. Johnsen in well equipped to answer these questions. Ke belongs to that courageous minority of Asericane which imeiete that American's foreign policy should at aii tines de guided by Amerien's true iater~ te. Moreover, during the three neathe preceding the var, Kr. Jobe son visited Eagland, France, Polasd, and toured the Dalimas as far south as Turkey. The outbreak of the war found him in Muaieh. As correspondent of Today's Challenge, the official ergen of the Aneri- ean Fellowship Forus, Mr. Johnson accompanied the Gepman arny on Ate Polish compaign.| A keen odserver aad o Drilliaat epeaker, Mr. Johnsen vill give you doth a vivid pieture and an entirely nev per- spective of the great struggle in Burepe.* (61-7560-! Oste Dunilier whe was active in the organisation of the American Fellevehip Foren, Springfield, Nassashusette, 12 1939 ta cooperation vith Dr. Frits Auhagen aad Raa Getthelf reported that Johnson ws brought to Srringfield, Macenchusetts ia 1940 ty Ian Getthelf, Jehasen is reported to have addressed a necting of the American Fellowship Fores, It ves said that his speseh dealt on “—“Varely vith eriticion of the Aneriean press, and thet he stated "that be personally kaw that Anerioan nevepapers published nothing ‘Wat lies eonceraing Gesmeay, that the truth vas sever revealed, The informant stated that the impression wae created vith his that ~-duhagen, Gotthelf and Jehasen and the Aserican Fellowship Forus vere voreivly euployed Wy the Froyagaata Misistey of the Hast Covernecat, —(100-88301-2 Conoeraing the meoting in toringfield, Kascachuse! Y, Aubegen of Sev Tork, and Patlip Johason. Jehasen wes described 2s an auther aad lecturer who had just returned from a two month trip on the ebatineat and ves Ret Philip Cortelyan Johnson a april 27, 1942 writing for © magasine. Jehason charged that America was little sore thea a "British Coleay*, Much of his tine vas spent in eriticising aovepapers, and he said there wae no fruth in Germans uprising againet Hitler, ae Germans vere not going to fall a second tine for the Xng- ‘Meh "line". (100-41647-3) In Yebroary 1940, an tnforsant mentioned that one Philip Johnecn, 751-354 Avenue, New York City, « writer for Sesial Justice, hae been aotive in the Anti-Jevish Kovenent. Johnsen was reported to de an ardent Masi and to greet his friends vith a rigit Hitler salute, He ie alleged to have given $60 te Peter Stahreaberg of the Nationalist Prose Association, 206-Baet 13th Street, Nev York City, for propaganéa purposes. Johason 1s supposed to receive an incose from an extremely vealthy slater vho 1s said te ovn © vel knownbetel to Frange. (61~7850-32) A confidential informant reported that on April 29, 1940, Philip Johason, Lawrence Dennis, and othere attended a mesting of a group which met weekly, the meeting being held in # omall Italian resteurcat ia New York Gity. ‘The informeat stated thet Deanis pro- Maself aso Revolutiontet, and subscribes to the National at vay of life. (61-9879-1) In May 1940, 18 wae reported that Philip Johasea, 751- (02 SEEVELARD.. G20, 10 davestigatios 4s based on o teletype (SY @rom the Boston Field Divicion requesting Ky, ‘Ghat the subject's account ct the Union Bank at 4 of Gommerce be examined and the identity of ‘He He JOHNSOU, the agent of subject's specie), aggommt, be ascertained. Tnfommant G2 cdviced thot eho subject to 6 Reavy stogkolder in the bank and has @ Aalaebourt in vhich hie fether, HOMER ) end Bis uncle, Ne B» JOHNSON, yor ether oad ancie cleo mre stock> 1, and tho anele So a member ef tho B eters. Both aro prominent o¢ ma om old ond wealthy OLeyeiatiél' lf en were TRONS ey 65= Th, The father of the subject has an office in the Union Commerce Building. Only two checks have passed this month, one to the Curtis Publish- ing Company, Both cheoka were signed by N. B. JOHNSON. The balance of the account always is approximately twenty-five hundred dollars, The subject has no commercial or savings account and no safety deposit box. Further information concerning the subject's family is contained An the report of Special Agent G. E, IRWIN, Cleveland, Ohio, dated January 12, 192 REFERRED UPON COMPLETION TO THE OFFICE OF ORIGIN THPORMNT Tl Mies vanaf Union Bank of Commerce, 2@ PRRIR, - FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION om Ko. » FCASEORIGINATEDAT BOSTON, MASSACHUSET7S muzno. 109-80 Yat BOSTON, MAB. e-areaz | 77%, 29/0 3. A BREAN me O coumennercqe ss OO TASES PHILIP CORTELYAN JOYNSCN, aI'so known as ‘Feaene sec eal Pail {Tohnaon iW Te SAD TY \ Subjeobrattindrew from Karvard University sonetine during latter pert of February, claiming-to have obtained a position ia Tiashingten. with « Goverment propaganda agency. Xeturned to Canbridge two days later, having been the victim of gome mis- urderstéhding or misinformation. Examination made of Subject's banic account at the Cambridge Trust Company, Cesbridgo. among tributions were noted two of $100 ouch to the Anerican farverd Club, and also of the sanc amount to the Ass ciated Jewieh Philanthropies. Subject unknown to the Treasurer of the Harvard Defense Club, end recalled by the head of the Associated Jewish Philanthropies as being a class mate of his eon at Harvard University, aa bee RR. REC 2 REPS Popa Sa Me Report of Special Agent J, A, BRENNAN, at en eer 3-5-42. Lotter from Bureau to Boston Field Division dated 4-29-42. Letter from Washington Field Division to Bureau dated 5-1-2, ft cuore, was wass. 3 fn being re-contacted telephenically} j hur. cuAUNCET DEPEM PERLE, IR., Manager of tho Sentinncte Hotel, advised that ind been mis-inforned relative to Skbject's connsetion “wie Office of Facts and Figures ih Washingtony D. Cy cy be septie jiat ab tho tine he originelty informed Arent, ay Ipro3 pclared that he was leaving.for sugh @ poeition vi cata he a goturned two or three dayt-later and resuned saps at tho Hotel. Yo reason was given by him for hie a Pgeig returd. Mra, SALLY RAABE, Seoretary at the Harvard Graduate School of Architecture was telephonically contacted end advised that PHILIP JOHNSON, several months previous, had given written notice of his withdrawal from the School of Architecture, claiming to have accepted a position with some Government Ag- ency, the exact title of which she could not recall, but believed it to be either the Office of Facts end Figures or the Coordinator of Information, Subject went to Washington by plane, and returned to school, resuming at- tendance two days later, No explanation was given to the school authoriti according to lire, RAADE, but the rumor was thet Subject had sometime ago applied for a position with this particular Government agency and hed re- coived a telegram to report innediately Sor employment, An exanination wag made of the Subject's disbursements, since Septenber 1, 1941, from his bank account at the Cambridge Trust Company, through inspec- tion of canceled checks, by means of the recordak, as this bank merely photographs the face of the canceled checks it was impossible to develop any information concerning endorsers, Among the diebursenente during this period were noted the following: Neon town, of Fenama $1500 9/27/41 American DEFSNSE- HARVARD CLUB $100 10/2/48 INS TITUS OF MODERN ART $250 10/29/41 LIONEL C. PERERA $1500 jo/2o/4l 8, CLE $50 11/21/41 ASSOCTT JEWISH PHTLANTEROPTES fico 11/21/41 UNITED CHINA RELIEF $25 12/1/41 LIONEL C. PERERA $500 12/1/42 8, CLEMENT HORSLEY $500 12/9/41 BU WAR RELIEF, IPC. $50 12/20/41 BS-BONER so 2ft/s2 LIONEL PERERA $500 2/20/42 LIONEL PERERA. $1000 3/21/42 RALPH BARTON/PERRY $50 8/28/42 SARGE! ', Treasurer AMERICA! DEFENSE - VARVARD CLUB #100 As an efficient and thorough Fecord of all disbursements is not made by the Cambridge Trust Company, there were also e number of other disbursements appearing on the bank ledger for Subject, but the checks for which could not be located on the recordak for the respective dates. However, a record of these disbursements was made by Agent, end this record, as woll as the com- plete record of disbursements during the period from September 1, 1941 tc April 27, 1942, are being retained in the files of the Boston Field Division. -2- y average balance hes been maintained by the Subject at Sept., 1940 $600 oct., 1940 pale Hov., 1940 $1570 eo. 1940 $253 Jar., 1941 4772 Feb. 1941 $185 1941 $702 Apr. 1941 $466 Mey, 1942 9318 dun, 1941 $2000 dul., 1941 31400 Ang. 1941 9677 Sept. ,1941 $2608 oct, 1941 $2200 Yov., 1941 $2805 Dec, 1941 $2000 dan., 1942 34400 Feb, 1942 $3000 Mer., 1942 $1500 Subject's account ac of April 27, 1942, at the time the above examination and audit was made, stood at $857.53. Deposits to Subject's account were nade on September 8, 1941, October 10, 1941 and December 26, 1941. Each of those do- posits were in tho form of a check, totaling $5000, end drawn on the account of PHILIP C, JOHNSON, Special Account, et the Union Bank of Cormerce Company, Steveland, Ohio, Those checks vero draws by a, Ha JOMSOM. cent. Tt wes aleo noted that the Subject had en account at the Chase ational Bank, Rockefeller Center Brandh, New York City. Relative to Sudject's disbursements, it in to be noted that he har been con- structing @ modernistic one story house at the corner of Ash and Acaua Streets, Cambridge, Macsachusetts, An oranination of the records of the Building De~ partment of tho City of Cambridge revealed that a permit for the construction of this dwelling had been granted on September 24, 1941. ‘Subject estimated the cost as $8000; gave his own name as architect, and thet of HOWARD CUSTANCE es mechanic. Ur, SARGENT KXNEDY, Assistant Doen of Harvard University, end Treasurer of 19 Harvard Defense Group, did not know Subject personally, but had re~ called some rumor concerning his pro Nazi tendencies, but knew nothing defi- nite concerning these tendencies. He did not recall any contributions from Subject, but upon reviewing his records, verified two separate contributions by PETLIP JOHNSON, each of $100, These, he stated, were svbetantial oontri- butions, as viewed in the light of other cuch contributions rece‘ved by Group. Mr, LOUIS KIRSTEIN, Prosidont of Willian Filene's Sons Company, Boson, and President of Associated Jewish Philenthropies, recalled Subject ay having come inte his office one day with a contribution of $100 for # Philenthropies, Inc. After JOHNSON loft, he stated to hic secrétery that he did not recall JOIISON, and could not recall why euch a contribution had been made, Eowerer, after contecting his son, the latter recelled that NILIP JOHNSON was e clesemete of his at Harvard University. The son fur- ther recalled that JOHUSOY had, at one tine, been connected with another Harvard student nared/BLACKBURN 1 8160 alleged to be Fascist, snd also to be connected ith LAWRENGE DEMIS, another alleged Americar. Fascist. bo UNDEVELOPED LEADS TELD DIVISION AT NEY YoRK CITY Will interview RU ILL, who according to letter from Buresi to Boston Field Divieidn, dated January 2, 1942, @ copy of which was also forwarded to the New York Field Division, She is an executive with the Ladies Home Journal, RKO Building, Radio City. She was for- merly a secretary to PHILIP JOHNSON, This letter further stated that Miss WRPRILL is in @ position to obtain additional nemes of persons who have been asgociated with JOHSON. CLEVELAND FIELD DIVISTON AT CLEVELAND, OBTO Will, in accordance with teletype from the Boston Field Division dated May 14, 1942, make an exeninetion of Subjeot's account at the Union Bank of Conmerco Compeny, in order to ascertain sources of such account, such as disbursements *s might reflect on Subject's activities end loyalty. 20STON FIELD DIVISION AT CAMBRIDGE, 4ASS. Will interview Dea@ODNUT of the Harvard School of Architect in order to develop further information concerning Subject's activities at Har- vard, and, more particu rly, to ascertain the nenes and reputations of any of the students with whom Subject associated, ‘Spectal Agent in Charge Boston, Maseachuestts to wy letter dated March 14, 1942, itten by the subject for the magasine 2% was suggested that-an undeveloped York Pield Division for an attempt to his publication. wabsequent: reports office attempt to locate such a file, 'e matter be given your early attention and be set out for the New York office in the Very truly yours, : q, "a oli BIZ BL | John Fdgar Hoover: ” Ane DESTIONTION a iL 10 19hg oh aRiRia! Suge McGuire] _FEDtA Bureau iF wurstisation Quinn ‘Tenby S. Beranracn Nease__ a2 Gandy, Special Agent in Charge Boston, Massachusetts Res INTERIAL SECURITY - G ‘RROISTRATION ACT Dear Sirs Your attention is directed to my letter dated July 9, 1942, conserning the location of articles written by the subject for the magasine "Today's Challenge," It 1s desired that this matter and the other outstanding investigation be given early attention, and that a report be sub- mitted to the Bure in the near futare. Very truly yours, FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION TMi casronicmarepar BOSTON, MASS. / a rucne, 100-867 FC x BOSTON, HASS. Stary “SIs, | PHILLIP My oO PHILIP-PORTELYAN JOHNSON, also known as PhilipJohnson eworewsorrscr RE MEY Subject reperted as having set up an aerial inside the, chimney in his new home, Cambridge, Mass. ‘The beck, — * “BERLIN DIARY®, by William ghirer spoke of Subject as a, suspected Nasi and as having known Subject in Berlin, burn in 193k, Washingten, D.C, Later worked with Blackburn and Father Coughlin. Subject, with Blaakburn{ oo 74. said to be active in their orgenization#Youth and the _Nation", aecerding to decennial report of class of 1927 of Harvard. "SNV Gre G.08y OB 3 e 2 R mn a S © 3 8 ae 2 Reference: Report of Special Agent J. A, BRENNAN, Boston, Mass., 6-17~1i2 Details: Colonel EBEM $. DRAPER, of the Massachusetts State Guard, on gune 12, 1912 reported to Special Agent G. V. DOHERTY that iB) information had beenzeceived that Subject had an aerial built sgeets, imside the chimmey of his new hone on'Ash St., Cambridge, Mass. ‘O}Ugger dete of duly 7, 19h2 a letter was received ’ persons who have been associated with JOHNSON. ‘HE CLEVELAND FIELD DIVISION q Vk AT CLEVELAND, OHIO 4 wWil1, in accordance with teletype from the Boston Field Division {ot dated May 1h, 1942, make an examination of Subject's account at the , Union Bank of Commerce Company, in order to ascertain sources of such account, such as disbursements as might reflect on Subject's activities and loyalty. THE BOSTON FIELD DIVISION AT CAMBRIDGE, MASS. /*HAL Anterview Dean HUDNUT of the Harvard School of Architecture in 44 order to develop further information concerning Subject's activities (V7.2? at Harvard, and, more perticularty, to ascertain the names and rep- utations of any of the students with whom Subject associated. PENDING le =e omwenmee | Gesece 4/25] ermernr NEW YORK CITY 9frsfez eprafe2 KENNETH M, BIERLY A o (\ H PATAIP CORTSLZAN JORNSON INTERNAL SECURITY ~'g & ¢ ig neon iss BUTER Secretary to subject from 1933 to 1934, '.. FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Fas casconianaren ar BOSTON,UASS, ! WY ruzwo. 100-6005 ITN stated tXat,about 300 names appeared on list of subject's Gray shart Organization althaugh only about 15 to 20 5 La, OSI Rarer ety attendedGray Shirt meetings, She recalled REC'D_4-

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