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Vocabulary Lesson 4A( pages 52 and page 150) EI4204 - Subject: An area of knowledge studied in a school, college, etc.

- To behave: To do things in a particular way. - To cheat: To act in a dishonest way in order to gain an advantage, especially in a game, a competition, an exam, etc. - To fail: To not be successful in achieving something. - To hope: To want something to happen and think that it is possible. - Senior: Superior in rank. Older. - Degree: The qualification obtained by students who successfully complete a university or college course. - Bachelor: The first university degree. - Schedule: A plan that lists all the work that you have to do and when you must do each thing. - Spreadsheet: A computer program with rows and columns to enter data. t calculates costs. - In return: n response to. As a compensation for. - To hand in: To give something to a person in authority, especially a piece of work or something that is lost. - Cross-legged: Sitting on the floor with your legs pulled up in front of you and with one leg or foot over the other. - To fill: To make something full of something. - Blackness: !othing. - Slightly dazed: A bit unable to think clearly, especially because of shock. - Bell: An electrical device which makes a ringing sound when a button on it is pushed. - ight: A situation in which you hit somebody and you are hit by somebody. - School gates: "ntrance. - To retire: To stop doing your #ob, especially because you have reached a particular age or because you are ill. - !nnoyed$ %ery angry. - ! year off: A year away. A year in which you don&t have to work. - To hurry: To move quickly. - "aycheck: The amount of money that you earn. - To button all the #ay up: To 'asten using all the buttons. - To park: To leave a vehicle you are driving in a particular place for a period of time. - Spicy: (aving a strong taste because spices have been used to flavour it. )spice$ one of the various types of powder or seed that come from plants and are used in cooking, e.g. pepper*. - Boarding School: A school where children can live during the term. - $rounds: Areas Vocabulary pages 4B (56, 57, 5 , 5! and 151"EI4204) - To ban: To forbid )prohibit* something officially. - Striped: +ith long narrow lines of colour, which are different colour from the areas next to it. - Corset: A piece of woman&s underwear, fitting the body tightly, worn especially in the past to make the waist look smaller. - Contest: A competition in which people try to win something. - %earby: !ot far away. - &akeover: The process of improving the appearance of a person or a place. - Budget: The money that is available to a person or an organi,ation and a plan of how it will be spent over a period of time. - eatures: Something important, interesting or typical of a place or thing. - urniture: Ob#ects that can be moved, such as tables, chairs and beds, that are put into a house or an office to make it suitable for living or working in. - 'ung )past tense of hang*: Attached from a top. - Bright: 'ull of light. - Surrounded: "ncircled.

- $uarded: -rotected. - ountain: An ornament in parks and gardens.yards from which water is pumped up into the air. - Beloved: /oved very much. - Trick: Something you do to annoy somebody as a #oke. - "alette: A thin board with a hole in it used by an artist for mixing colours on when painting. - Stetson: A tall hat with a wide brim, worn especially by American 0owboys. )1rim$ The top edge of a cup, bowl, glass, etc.* - Cottage: A small house especially in the country. - To#nhouse: A terraced house. A house that is one of a row of houses that are #oined together on each side. - ield: An area of land in the country used for growing crops or keeping animals in, usually surrounded by a fence. )0rop$ A plant that is grown in large quantities, especially as food.* - Stove: A large piece of equipment for cooking food, containing an oven and gas or electric rings on top. - Dish#asher: machine for washing plates, cups, etc. - Dresser: A large piece of wooden furniture with shelves in the top part and cupboards below, used for displaying and storing cups, plates, etc. Vocabulary Lesson 4#, pages 60, 61 and $ra%%ar Ban& on page 1'6 EI4204 - To get along #ell: To have a good relationship with somebody else. - To keep in touch: To communicate with somebody, especially by writing to them or phoning them. - To lose touch: To no longer have any contact with somebody. - To stay friends: To continue to be friends. - To reunite: To bring two or more people together again after they have been separated for a long time. - To post: To pit a notice etc. in a public place so that people can see it. - or#ards: Toward the front. - (ong-haired: (aving long hair. - To break up: To finish a relationship or an association. - To #onder: To think about something, to ask oneself. - Crash: An accident in which a vehicle hits something. - Search: An attempt to find something. somebody, especially by looking carefully for them. it. - Shy: Timid. - Skirt: A piece of clothing for a girl or a woman that hangs from the waist. - &ustache )*&oustache+ in British ,nglish-: A line of hair that a man allows to grow on his upper lip. - .ver#eight: 'at, obese )opposite$ underweight*. Vocabulary pages 62,6',64 and (e)*e+ and #,ec& (pages 66 and 67) EI4204 - To edit: To correct - To get rid of: To make yourself free of something.somebody that is annoying you or that you do not want. to throw away. - To take up: To feel or use an amount of space or time. - Charade: A situation in which people pretend that something is true when it clearly is not. - To hang on: To wait for a short time. - To cheat: To act in a dishonest way in order to gain an advantage, especially in a game, a competition, an exam, etc. - To change tune: To do something different. )tune2melody* - /oyalties: A sum of money that is paid to somebody who has written a book, piece of music, etc. each time that it is sold or performed. - Chorus: -art of a song that is sung after each verse.

- Thought: dea. - To clai0: To demand legal right. - To deserve: (aving the right to have something. - To regret: To feel sorry about something you have done or about something that you have not been able to do. - Degree: The qualification obtained by students who successfully a university or college course. To get in the #ay$ To go across. Vocabulary -n*.s 2A/ 01a2c,*ng3(page 21) and 2B / 0#,ang*ng your l*4e3 (page 24 and $ra%%ar Ban&) EI4204 - Bill: A piece of paper that shows how much you owe somebody for goods or services. - To take back: To return something that you have bought. - To #aste: To use more of something than is necessary or useful. - To save: To keep money instead of spending it, especially in order to buy a particular thing. - !T&: Automated Teller 3achine )a cash machine*. - ! year off: A year in which you are away from work or duty. - To bark: The short loud sound a dog makes.

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