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Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies: Quest Guide by Zaraf Version 1.

2, Last Updated 2010-08-20 View/Download Original ile !osted by "a#e $%s &et'rn to Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies (DS) FAQs & Guides Li(ed t)is $%* +li,( )ere to re,o##end t)is ite# to ot)er 'sers.
/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ \/\/\/\ | Dragon Quest IX | | | | Quest Guide | \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ /\/\/\/ Author: Roto Arel & Zaraf Email: roto.arel gmail.!om Email: f"ureshi.#araf gmail.!om $%.& Aug '( &)%) *a+le of ,ontents %. Introdu!tion &. Quest -ist .. Grotto Info /. ,onta!t Info 0. ,o12right 343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343 4343434343 434343434343434343434343434343434Introdu!tion3434343434343434343434343 434343434 343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343 4343434343 *he list 1ro$ided here !ontains data on the "uests that are a$aila+le to +e underta5en in Dragon Quest IX. *he list goes in order of "uest num+er( 6hi!h is rarel2 the order in 6hi!h 2ou a!tuall2 en!ounter the "uest in3game. *he list !ontains the follo6ing data: Quest 7: *his is the num+er of the "uest related to the in3game se"uen!e. 8e9t to the "uest num+er is the "uest name. -o!ation: *he !it2 in 6hi!h 2ou 6ill find the "uest starting 1la!e( and the s1e!ifi! 8:, or o+;e!t that 2ou re!ei$e the "uest from. Re"uest: *he tas5 re"uired to !om1lete the "uest.

<olution: Ad$i!e( suggestions and hel1 on ho6 to !om1lete the $arious "uests. Re6ard: Re6ard that is re!ei$ed for !om1leting the "uest. :re3re": If the "uest has an2 1re3re"uisites that need to +e met +efore 2ou are a+le to re!ei$e this "uest. Re1eat: =es means that this "uest is re1eata+le( and no means that it is not re1eata+le. 8otes: An2 additional notes regarding the "uest. 343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343 4343434343 4343434343434343434343434343434343Quest -ist43434343434343434343434343 434343434 343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343 4343434343 Quest 7))% 3 >ne Good *urn -o!ation: Angel ?alls@ Girl in front of the !hur!h Re"uest: Aring her a *angle6e+. <olution: Get it from the other side of the ri$er near Angel ?alls. Re6ard: <lee1ing Bi+is!us@ same for re1eat :re3re": 8one Re1eat: =es 8otes: ,an +e also +e +ought from Aatsureg. Quest 7))& 3 :leased As :un!h -o!ation: <torn6a2@ Girl in !hur!h Re"uest: Do the Air :un!h :art2 *ri!5 <olution: Assign Air :un!h as 2our :art2 *ri!5 and 1erform it in front of the girl +2 holding A and sele!ting the assigned +utton. Re6ard: :irouette :art2 *ri!5 :re3re": 8one Re1eat: 8o 8otes: 8one Quest 7)). 3 Ce -i5e *o :art2 -o!ation: <torn6a2@ Girl in !hur!h Re"uest: Do the :irouette( ,la1( Dum1 and Air :un!h !onse!uti$el2. <olution: Assign these :art2 *ri!5s and ma1 them to the Do6n +utton. Bold A and 1ress do6n to 1erform them in front of the girl. Re6ard: :ra2 :art2 *ri!5 :re3re": ?inish Quest &. Re1eat: 8o 8otes: 8one Quest 7))/ 3 :i!5 Ee F1 a :ana!ea -o!ation: <torn6a2@ Ean near the +ill+oard Re"uest: Aring him a :ana!ea. <olution: Fse the Al!hem2 :ot. Re6ard: Glee+an Guinea :re3re": 8one Re1eat: 8o 8otes: Refer to Al!hem2 Re!i1e Guide. Quest 7))0 3 Ber+Glist -o!ation: <torn6a2@ <oldier inside the 8C to6er

Re"uest: Aul+. <olution: Re6ard: :re3re": Re1eat: 8otes:

Aring him an Eedi!inal Ber+( Antidotal Ber+( and a Eoon6ort ,ommon items in most item sho1s. Glee+an Groat 8one 8o 8one

Quest 7))H 3 Get Cell Cater -o!ation: <torn6a2@ <oldier inside the 8C to6er Re"uest: Aring him an AngelGs *ear. <olution: Get ?resh Cater +2 the 6aterfall north of <lurr2 Qua2 and tal5 to the man on the +ridge in Angel ?alls t6i!e for the AngelGs *ear. Re6ard: <eed of -ife :re3re": ?inish Quest 0. Re1eat: 8o 8otes: 8one Quest 7))I 3 ,urious ,re$i!e -o!ation: <torn6a2@ Ean inside the <torn6a2 ,astleGs 6ell Re"uest: Aring him a <limedro1. <olution: Eost <limes dro1 this item. Re6ard: <eed of <trength. :re3re": 8one Re1eat: 8o 8otes: 8one Quest 7))J 3 DonGt ,r2 >$er <1ilt In5 -o!ation: <torn6a2@ >ld Ean inside <torn6a2 ,astleGs li+rar2 Re"uest: Aring him Eagi! Cater. <olution: Au2 in :orth -laffanGs item sho1 or later sho1s. Re6ard: <eed of Eagi! :re3re": 8one Re1eat: 8o 8otes: Alternate: Refer to Aestiar2 for item dro1. Quest 7))' 3 -a+our >f -o$e -o!ation: <torn6a2@ Coman inside armour sho1 Re"uest: Aring her an E$en!loth. <olution: <teal from Ragged Rea1er K7)&)L. Re6ard: :rett2 Aets2 :re3re": 8one Re1eat: 8o 8otes: Alternate: Refer to Eaterials Ea1 for s1a6n 1oints. Quest 7)%) 3 Cings of -o$e -o!ation: <torn6a2 ,he!51oint@ <oldier inside the house Re"uest: Aring him a Cing of Aat. <olution: Item dro1 from Dra!5mage K7)&)L. Re6ard: &)) gold :re3re": 8one Re1eat: 8o 8otes: 8one Quest 7)%% 3 *he 8ot3<o3Great Es!a1e -o!ation: ,offin6ell@ Ean inside the 6ell Re"uest: Aring him Bammer Bandrills. <olution: Fse the Al!hem2 :ot. Re6ard: Fnha112 hat

:re3re": Fltimate Me2 Re1eat: 8o 8otes: Refer to Al!hem2 Re!i1e Guide. Quest 7)%& 3 :utting on the Glit# -o!ation: :orth -lafan@ Aunn2 Girl inside the inn Re"uest: E"ui1 2ourself 6ith attire that raises 2our ,harm 1ast &.). <olution: E"ui1 :latinum gear K<6ord( <hield( Beadgear( EailL( <il$er Ara!elets( Red *ights( A!ro+oots and Ao6 *ie. Re6ard: Ea;esti! Eantle :re3re": Defeat -le$iathan. Re1eat: 8o 8otes: Ean2 !om+inations 1ossi+le to !om1lete this "uest. Quest 7)%. 3 All ?ired F1 -o!ation: Dour+ridge@ >ld man near +onfire Re"uest: Aring him something to +urn. <olution: Gi$e him an2 item. Re6ard: % gold@ same for re1eat :re3re": 8one Re1eat: =es 8otes: Be 6ill not +urn a rare item. Quest 7)%/ 3 <nug as a *hug -o!ation: Dour+ridge@ Ean in northern house Re"uest: Aring him something fluff2. <olution: Gi$e him -am+s6ool 6hi!h !an +e +ought in AatsuregGs item sho1. Re6ard: Ftilit2 Aelt :re3re": 8one Re1eat: 8o 8otes: Alternate: Refer to Aestiar2 for item dro1. Quest 7)%0 3 ,olla1susGs ,all -o!ation: Zere Ro!5s@ Ean l2ing doing +efore 2ou enter the stone $illage Re"uest: Aring him a <1e!ial Eedi!ine. <olution: Fse the Al!hem2 :ot. Re6ard: Granite *unnel of Coe -$. % *reasure Ea1 :re3re": 8one Re1eat: 8o 8otes: Refer to Al!hem2 Re!i1e Guide. Quest 7)%H 3 Bel1 Eeo6t BereN -o!ation: Aloomingdale@ ,at on the &? of the inn Re"uest: Eeo6O <olution: Au2 ,at Ears in Aloomingdale( e"ui1 them and tal5 to the !at. Re6ard: Mitt2 <hield :re3re": 8one Re1eat: 8o 8otes: 8one Quest 7)%I 3 =ou <houldnGt Ba$e... Reall2 -o!ation: Angel ?alls@ Girl inside house near the entran!e Re"uest: Aring her 0 Aelle ,a1s and 0 ?isti!u1s. <olution: ?ind the mushrooms at their res1e!ti$e s1a6n 1oints and +ring them to the girl to re!ei$e the :a!5ed -un!h. Aring the :a!5ed -un!h to

her father 6ho is near the entran!e of Be9agon and then re1ort +a!5 to the girl in Angel ?alls. Re6ard: :ra2er Ring :re3re": 8one Re1eat: 8o 8otes: Refer to the Eaterials Ea1 for the s1a6n 1oints. Quest 7)%J 3 >ur :re!ious :re!ious -o!ation: Eountain :ass@ Coman at the north Re"uest: ?ind the famil2Gs 1et slime. <olution: Fse the Al!hem2 :ot to !reate a <lood and Gooe2 Gear. >nl2 ha$e the hero in 2our 1art2 and onl2 e"ui1 those t6o items on him or her. Defeat a <lime K7))%L in +attle and on!e it ;oins 2ou re1ort +a!5 to the 6oman. Re6ard: <eed of <5ill :re3re": 8one Re1eat: 8o 8otes: Refer to Al!hem2 Re!i1e Guide. Quest 7)%' 3 Eo$ing Bouse -o!ation: <torn6a2@ >ld man at 6est of the to6n Re"uest: Aring him a Raging Ru+2. <olution: Be gi$es 2ou a <trength Ring and all 2ou need is a ,orundum to al!hemi#e a Raging Ru+2. Re6ard: -ife Ring :re3re": 8one Re1eat: 8o 8otes: Refer to Eaterials Ea1 for s1a6n 1oint for the ,orundum. Quest 7)&) 3 A Eas52 *as5 -o!ation: <torn6a2@ <lim 6oman inside a house in the 6estern 1art of to6n Re"uest: Ea5e a :a1illon Eas5. <olution: Fse the Al!hem2 :ot. Re6ard: <tiletto heels for sho6ing her the mas5 and a Daguarment if 2ou de!ide to gi$e her the mas5. :re3re": 8one Re1eat: 8o 8otes: Refer to Al!hem2 Re!i1e Guide. Quest 7)&% 3 <1ud3<he3-i5e -o!ation: <torn6a2@ Bea$2 6oman inside a house in the 6est of to6n Re"uest: Aring her a <unstone. <olution: Fse the Al!hem2 :ot. Re6ard: <aintGs Ashes :re3re": 8one Re1eat: 8o 8otes: Refer to the Eaterials Ea1 for the s1a6n 1oints and the Al!hem2 Re!i1e Guide. Quest 7)&& 3 Eantle a la Eode -o!ation: <torn6a2@ Ean inside the armour sho1 Re"uest: Aring him a Ea!a+re Eantle. <olution: Fse the Al!hem2 :ot.

Re6ard: <eed of Deftness for sho6ing him the ro+e and a -unar ?an if 2ou de!ide to gi$e him the ro+e. :re3re": 8one Re1eat: 8o 8otes: Refer to the Al!hem2 Re!i1e Guide. Quest 7)&. 3 Resear!h Assistant -o!ation: <torn6a2@ >ld Ean inside <torn6a2 ,astleGs li+rar2 Re"uest: ?ind information a+out Arigadoom inside the !astle. <olution: >+tain three Eagi! Caters and !he!5 the o1ened red !hest in the middle of <torn6a2 ,astleGs treasure room for a ,rum1led 8ote. Re6ard: . <eeds of <or!er2 :re3re": ?inish Quest J. Re1eat: 8o 8otes: Au2 Eagi! Caters in :orth -laffan. Quest 7)&/ 3 Aattering Aatterflies -o!ation: Zere@ Ean outside of the !hur!h Re"uest: <!are %) Aatterflies. <olution: Ba$e someone at a high enough le$el to ma5e the Aatterflies flee from 2ou in +attle. -e$el &0 is suffi!ient. Re6ard: <eed of Defen!e@ *oad >il for re1eat :re3re": 8eed a !hara!ter that has a high enough le$el to s!are a Aatterfl2. Re1eat: =es 8otes: 8one Quest 7)&0 3 Car+ling Cellard -o!ation: Zere@ *hug outside !hur!h Re"uest: Aring him a Airdsong 8e!tar. <olution: Fse the Al!hem2 :ot. Re6ard: Glee+an Gold@ same for re1eat :re3re": 8one Re1eat: =es 8otes: Refer to Al!hem2 Re!i1e Guide. Quest 7)&H 3 Doug and the <luggers -o!ation: ,offin6ell@ >ld man near the northern house Re"uest: Defeat %) <luggers K7).0L. <olution: <luggers are found near ,offin6ell. Re6ard: Eini3Eedal@ <na5es5in for re1eat :re3re": 8one Re1eat: =es 8otes: 8one Quest 7)&I 3 Aig headed +ard -o!ation: ,offin6ell@ Aard on the east of to6n Re"uest: Aring a *e!hni!olour Dream!loth to the nun in the !hur!h and re1ort +a!5 to the +ard. <olution: Fse the Al!hem2 :ot. Re6ard: Elfin ,harm :re3re": 8one Re1eat: 8o 8otes: 8one Quest 7)&J 3 Desert ?o9es

-o!ation: Glee+a@ Read the sign <C of Glee+a in the desert. ,he!5 it from +ehind to a!!e1t the "uest. Re"uest: Defeat :ar!hed :e!5erels K7)'/L until 2ou o+tain %) Dune+erries. <olution: Defeat them around Glee+a and on!e 2ou are done re1ort to one of the dan!ers in the dan!ehall. Re6ard: :latinum >re@ <il$er :latter for re1eat :re3re": 8one Re1eat: =es 8otes: *his is a s1e!ial item dro1 so the "uest must +e a!!e1ted in order for this item to dro1. Quest 7)&' 3 ?oolGs Gold -o!ation: Glee+a@ <oldier in <C Bouse in Glee+a Re"uest: Defeat a fa5e Gold Golem. <olution: Defeat Gold Golems K7)'HL in the southern 1it of the D;ust Desert until the fa5e Golem Golem re$eals himself. Re6ard: %))) gold@ 0)) gold for re1eat :re3re": 8one Re1eat: =es 8otes: 8one Quest 7).) 3 Cra11erGs Delight -o!ation: Glee+a@ <oldier in <C Bouse in Glee+a Re"uest: Aring him 0 Gru++2 Aandages. <olution: *he2 !an +e stolen from Eumm2 Ao2s K7)//L in the :lum+ed De1ths in Glee+a. Re6ard: Ru+2 of :rote!tion@ ,orundum for re1eat :re3re": 8one Re1eat: =es 8otes: Refer to the Aeastiar2 for other monsters than !an dro1 this item. Quest 7).% 3 ?eather for a ?an -o!ation: Glee+a@ Ean inside the dan!ehall Re"uest: Aring him . Bo!us ,himera ?eathers. <olution: Defeat Bo!us ,himera K7)IHL until the2 dro1 the items. *he2 are !ommon en!ounters in Zere Ro!5s. Re6ard: Eagi!al <5irt :re3re": 8one Re1eat: 8o 8otes: *his is a s1e!ial item dro1 so the "uest must +e a!!e1ted in order for this item to dro1. Quest 7).& 3 >il Get It -o!ation: Glee+a@ Eer!hant in !enter of to6n Re"uest: Aring him *ur+o *oad >il. <olution: Defeat E91load K7)'IL 6ith a ,riti!al Bit. *he2 !an +e found near the oasis in the D;ust Desert. *hunder *hrust and Bat!het Ean usa+le. Re6ard: &))) gold@ %))) gold for re1eat :re3re": 8one Re1eat: =es

8otes: *his is a s1e!ial item dro1 so the "uest must +e a!!e1ted in order for this item to dro1. Quest 7).. 3 -ad2 of the Dan!e -o!ation: Glee+a@ Aoo5 in the 8C room of the !astle Re"uest: ?ind the -ad2 of the Dan!e. <olution: Defeat Good2+ag K7%0%L around Aatsureg until she tea!hes 2ou the dan!e. Re6ard: Aell2 Dan!e :art2 *ri!5 :re3re": 8one Re1eat: 8o 8otes: 8one Quest 7)./ 3 A <im1le Re"uest -o!ation: Aatsureg@ Girl in the !enter of the $illage Re"uest: Get the G<im1le <imonG or G<im1le <imoneG A!!olade. <olution: If 2our Bero Is ?emale( as a Ranger e"ui1: Inferno Alade( Raging Aull Belm( Gigant Armour( EatadorPs Glo$es( *rans1arent *ights( Dragon CarriorGs Aoots. If 2our Bero is a male( then as a :riest e"ui1: <adisti!5( Dragon <hield( Bermeti! Bat( Dar5 Ro+e( Bea$2 Band6ear( Alue Deans( ,lass2 ,logs( and Ftilit2 Aelt. Re6ard: QeteranGs Belm :re3re": :ost3game a!!ess to <torn6a2Gs u1graded sho1 ma2 +e ne!essar2. Re1eat: 8o 8otes: Refer to a sho1 list and the Al!hem2 Re!i1e Guide. >ther !om+inations are 1ossi+le. Quest 7).0 3 All Dolled F1 -o!ation: Aatsureg@ Ean in the <C tent Re"uest: Retrie$e the Ragdoll from the Arain2 Aad+oon K7%%IL. <olution: Arain2 Aad+oon must +e 1ut to slee1 6ith either <noo#e or Masnoo#e +efore 2ou use Balf3In!h to steal from him. Re6ard: Einhander :re3re": 8one Re1eat: 8o 8otes: *his is a s1e!ial item dro1 so the "uest must +e a!!e1ted in order for this item to dro1. Quest 7).H 3 -ittle Eiss Aoss2 Aoots -o!ation: <6inedim1les A!adem2@ Girl inside the s!hool( near the !hur!h Re"uest: Aring her Bol2 Cater and & Ro2al <oils. <olution: Au2 the Bol2 Cater and get the Ro2al <oil from the s1a6n 1oints. Re6ard: <alute :art2 *ri!5@ *hunder+all for re1eat :re3re": 8one Re1eat: =es 8otes: Refer to the Eaterials Ea1 for the s1a6n 1oint lo!ations. Quest 7).I 3 ?unghi for a ?un Gu2 -o!ation: :lu$i Island@ small island southeast of Glee+a( Ean inside a 6ell

Re"uest: <olution: Re6ard: :re3re": Re1eat: 8otes:

Aring him . Aelle ,a1s. ?ind them at s1a6n 1oints. ?inessen!e@ Eagi! Aeast Born for re1eat 8one =es Refer to the Eaterials Ea1 for the s1a6n 1oints.

Quest 7).J 3 Euffled Admiration -o!ation: Corm6ood ,ree5@ Ean inside 6ea1ons sho1 Re"uest: Gi$e a s!arf to . t21es of <anguini. <olution: Defeat ea!h <anguini until the2 a!!e1t the s!arf. *een2 <anguini K7)).L is +2 Angel ?alls( :in5 <anguini K7)J)L is +2 Aloomingdale and the Genie <anguini K7%J'L is on a small island north of the la5e +2 <torn6a2. Re6ard: Elfin Eli9ir@ E2stif2ing Ei9ture for re1eat :re3re": 8one Re1eat: =es 8otes: <tor2 Quest 7).' 3 ?ollo6 *hat ?ish -o!ation: :orth -lafan@ DonaGs Bouse in the <E of the $illage Re"uest: <ummon -le$iathan and defeat him. <olution: *al5 to the ghost in :orth -laffan at night. Au2 or al!hemi#e a Catermaul Cand( ?lo6ing Dress and <il$er <hield. *al5 to Donah on!e 2ou ha$e them and go to the summit of *26ll ,a$e and e"ui1 the gear. *al5 to Donah again( defeat -le$iathan and eat the ?2gg. Re6ard: <terlingGs Chistle 6hi!h !an summon the <tarflight E91ress :re3re": :ost3game Re1eat: 8o 8otes: ,he!5 sho1 list or Al!hem2 Re!i1e Guide for the re"uired e"ui1ment. Quest 7)/) 3 Ean Eating Qegeta+les -o!ation: Angel ?alls@ Coman inside the item sho1 Re"uest: Get *he GBer+alistG A!!olade. <olution: Fse her+ items %)) times to earn the a!!olade. ,he!5 2our Aattle Re!ords to ma5e sure 2ou get it and assign it in 2our 1rofile. Re6ard: . =ggdrasil De6 :re3re": :ost3game Re1eat: 8o 8otes: 8one Quest 7)/% 3 <t2le Gooru -o!ation: Angel ?alls@ :rofessor +2 the 6ell Re"uest: Aring him a Goododendron 6hi!h is dro11ed +2 <lime K7))%L. <olution: Defeat <limes until 2ou get the flo6er Re6ard: <eed of Agilit2@ 8e!tar for re1eat :re3re": :ost3game Re1eat: =es 8otes: *his is a s1e!ial item dro1 so the "uest must +e a!!e1ted in order for this item to dro1.

Quest 7)/& 3 -etter Getter -o!ation: <torn6a2@ Ean l2ing do6n near the !hur!h Re"uest: Aring him a ,rum1led -etter 6hi!h is dro11ed +2 Aling Aadger K7&0%L <olution: Aling Aadgers !an +e found in high le$el Cater grottos. Mee1 defeating them until 2ou re!ei$e the letter. Re6ard: Glom+olero :re3re": :ost3game@ A!!ess to high le$el Cater grottos Re1eat: 8o 8otes: *his is a s1e!ial item dro1 so the "uest must +e a!!e1ted in order for this item to dro1. Quest 7)/. 3 Eaid *o Cait -o!ation: <torn6a2@ >ld man inside southern house Re"uest: Be 6ants to tal5 to his maid. <olution: Au2 a EaidGs Eo1 and EaidGs >utfit and e"ui1 2our !hara!ter 6ith +oth item and tal5 to the man. *he maid e"ui1ment !an +e +ought from the se!ret sho1 in Dour+ridge. Re6ard: Balo :re3re": :ost3game@ Fltimate Me2 Re1eat: 8o 8otes: Aoth genders !an e"ui1 the maid e"ui1ment. Quest 7)// 3 A ,lim+er for a ,lim+er -o!ation: ,offin6ell@ Coman near the northern house Re"uest: >+tain a %)) !m Aeard2 Ceird2 from a *ree$il. <olution: Defeat *ree$ils K7%%)L in Frdus Earshland 6ith the ?isti!uff <toneGs *hro6 a+ilit2. =ou 6ill automati!all2 5ee1 thro6ing a6a2 the Aeard2 Ceirdies 2ou 6in if it is lo6er than %)) !m. Re6ard: Eini Eedal@ same for re1eat :re3re": :ost3game@ ?isti!uff <toneGs *hro6 a+ilit2 Re1eat: =es 8otes: 8one Quest 7)/0 3 *ale of the :a1er *rail -o!ation: ,offin6ell@ Coman near the <E house Re"uest: Retrie$e . 1ie!es of the *orn E9am :a1er. <olution: ?ight random monsters around ,offin6ell until 2ou o+tain all three 1ie!es. Re6ard: Arain2 Ara!er :re3re": :ost3game Re1eat: 8o 8otes: 8one Quest 7)/H 3 :uttinGem In :latinum -o!ation: ,offin6ell@ Coman inside 6estern house Re"uest: Gi$e her all of the :latinum gear K<6ord( <hield( Beadgear( ArmourL. <olution: Au2 the s6ord and headgear in Glee+a( +u2 the shield in Aloomingdale and al!hemi#e the armour. Re6ard: Di$ine Dress :re3re": :ost3game Re1eat: 8o 8otes: Refer to the Al!hem2 Re!i1e Guide

Quest 7)/I 3 Do#2 Ea2or -o!ation: :orth -lafan@ *he man inside the ma2orGs house Re"uest: Ca5e u1 the ma2or. <olution: >+tain some ?resh6ater from s1a6n 1oint at <lurr2 Qua2 and return to Angel ?alls and s1ea5 to the man +2 the +ridge so he !an gi$e 2ou the AngelGs *ear. Re1ort +a!5 to the man in the ma2orGs house. Re6ard: <eed of Eagi! :re3re": :ost3game Re1eat: =es 8otes: Alternate: Refer to Eaterials Ea1 for other s1a6n 1oints. Quest 7)/J 3 A *as5 for a ,as5 -o!ation: <lurr2 Qua2@ Aarrel at the do!5 Re"uest: Aring it Bol2 Cater( ?resh6ater and Eagi! Cater. <olution: Au2 the Bol2 Cater and Eagi! Cater from item sho1s and get ?resh Cater from the s1a6n 1oints. Re6ard: <eed of Defen!e :re3re": :ost3game Re1eat: =es 8otes: Refer to Eaterials Ea1 and sho1 list for lo!ation of the items. Glee+an Guinea is the re6ard for re1eating this re"uest. Quest 7)/' 3 Ro!5 >nN -o!ation: Zere Ro!5s@ Ao2 near the !hur!h Re"uest: <ho6 him a Resurro!5( an En!hanted <tone and an Agate of E$olution. <olution: Resurro!5 a11ears at s1a6n 1oints. Fse the Al!hem2 :ot to !reat an En!hanted <tone and an Agate of E$olution. Re6ard: Rust2 <hield :re3re": :ost3game Re1eat: 8o 8otes: Refer to the Eaterials Ea1 and Al!hem2 Re!i1e Guide. Quest 7)0) 3 ,onfession of ,inG -o!ation: Aloomingdale@ 8un in the !hur!h Re"uest: Aring her a Dead EanGs Dagger from the Alood2 Eumm2 K7%/HL in Ao6hole. <olution: Mee1 5illing Alood2 Eummies until the item dro1s. Re6ard: <eed of *hera1eusis :re3re": :ost3game Re1eat: =es 8otes: *his is a s1e!ial item dro1 so the "uest must +e a!!e1ted in order for this item to dro1. Quest 7)0% 3 A Eart2r to Bis Ea -o!ation: Glee+a@ <oldier in <C house in Glee+a Re"uest: Aring him a <ainted <oma and ta5e it to his mother in Corm6ood ,ree5s item sho1. <heGll gi$e 2ou a :a!5age from Ea to return to him. <olution: Fse the Al!hem2 :ot. Re6ard: Ethereal <tone@ same for re1eat

:re3re": :ost3game Re1eat: 8o 8otes: Refer to the Al!hem2 Re!i1e Guide. Quest 7)0& 3 *all >rder ,oo5 -o!ation: Glee+a@ ,oo5 inside the !astle Re"uest: Aring him $egeta+les from Zere. <olution: *al5 to the farmer outside the !hur!h in Zere and heGll as5 for Borse Eanure 9. and ,o61at 9I. >+tain them from their res1e!ti$e s1a6n 1oints and gi$e them to the farmer. Re1ort to the !hef in Glee+a. Re6ard: Glee+an Gold :ie!e :re3re": :ost3game Re1eat: =es 8otes: Refer to Eaterials Ea1 for s1a6n 1oints. Quest 7)0. 3 Eagmali!e Eania -o!ation: Corm6ood !ree5@ Ao2 in item sho1 Re"uest: Get a Eagmali!e Band1rint. <olution: Defeat Eagmali!e K7%HJL in Eagmaroo until the2 dro1 the item. Re6ard: :rin!eGs :ea ,oat :re3re": :ost3game Re1eat: =es 8otes: *his is a s1e!ial item dro1 so the "uest must +e a!!e1ted in order for this item to dro1. Quest 7)0/ 3 Eoai Eemora+ilia -o!ation: Corm6ood !ree5@ Girl inside the inn Re"uest: Get a Eega Eoai Bead1rint. <olution: Defeat mega moai K7%HIL in Eagmaroo until the2 dro1 the item. Re6ard: :rin!essGs Ro+e :re3re": :ost3game Re1eat: =es 8otes: *his is a s1e!ial item dro1 so the "uest must +e a!!e1ted in order for this item to dro1. Quest 7)00 3 Eumm2Gs -ittle Bero -o!ation: :ool of <1irits ,a$e K8E of Angel ?allsL@ Ao2 in !a$e Re"uest: Aring him a Ca5ero+in. <olution: Au2 it in Aloomingdale. Re6ard: Ro!5+om+ <hard :re3re": :ost3game@ <terlingGs Chistle Re1eat: 8o 8otes: *his is a s1e!ial item dro1 so the "uest must +e a!!e1ted in order for this item to dro1. Quest 7)0H 3 8i!holasGs 8e!5la!e -o!ation: Island at eastern <torn6a2@ Ean in southern house Re"uest: Retrie$e the Eemento 8e!5la!e. <olution: After a!!e1ting the re"uest( s1ea5 the man in the northern house at night to dis!o$er that the ne!5la!e 6as stolen +2 an A+2ss Di$er

K7%I)L. Mee1 fighting this monster near the four !orners of the sea until it dro1s the item. Re6ard: <eed of Defen!e@ <trength Ring for re1eat :re3re": :ost3game@ <terlingGs Chistle( ?inish Quest 0I to re1eat this "uest Re1eat: =es 8otes: *his is a s1e!ial item dro1 so the "uest must +e a!!e1ted in order for this item to dro1. Quest 7)0I 3 8ot 8i!holasGs 8e!5la!e -o!ation: Island at eastern <torn6a2@ Ean in northern house Re"uest: Retrie$e the Eemento 8e!5la!e. <olution: At night s1ea5 to the man in the southern house to find out that a :in5 <anguini K7)J)L stole the ne!5la!e. Defeat them in Aloomingdale until the item dro1s. Re6ard: <eed of Agilit2@ Agilit2 Ring for re1eat :re3re": :ost3game@ ?inish Quest 0H Re1eat: =es 8otes: *his is a s1e!ial item dro1 so the "uest must +e a!!e1ted in order for this item to dro1. Quest 7)0J 3 ?i9ing the <i!5lo1s -o!ation: 8e6id Isle K*ree on !liff near Alltrades A++e2L@ Ao2 on the !liff Re"uest: <teal a *itani! *in!ture from Atlas 6hen his life is +elo6 I)) B:. <olution: Atlas K7&J'L is a mid to high le$el grotto +oss de1ending on ho6 man2 times 2our Bero has re$o!ated. Do H))) damage to him and then +egin to use Balf3In!h to steal the *itani! *in!ture. Re6ard: Random Grotto *reasure Ea1 :re3re": :ost3game( <terlingGs Chistle( Balf3In!h( mid to high le$el grottos Re1eat: 8o 8otes: 8one Quest 7)0' 3 Runn2 Aunn2 -o!ation: Bill east of Corm6ood ,ree5@ Aunn2 Girl inside northern 6ell Re"uest: Aring her Eetal <lime <ollerets. <olution: =ou ha$e a %R !han!e to find these in a Ran5 A +lue treasure !hest 6hi!h are found in high le$el grottos. Re6ard: QenusGs *ear@ same for re1eat :re3re": :ost3game@ <terlingGs Chistle( a!!ess to high le$el grottos Re1eat: =es 8otes: 8one Quest 7)H) 3 *hat Ea5es <!ents -o!ation: Eountains east of Corm6ood !ree5@ Girl inside southern 6ell Re"uest: Gi$e her ingredients for her in!ense. <olution: <he re"uires 8e!tar( 8ars1i!ious( and *hin5in!ense. =ou !an get them from their s1a6n 1oints. Re6ard: En!hanted <tone@ same for re1eat :re3re": :ost3game@ <terlingGs Chistle

Re1eat: =es 8otes: Refer to the Eaterials Ea1 for s1a6n 1oint lo!ations. Quest 7)H% 3 Eager Eigraine -o!ation: Cell on a hill( north of F1o$er@ Ean inside the 6ell Re"uest: Aring him Be9ite from <hogum. <olution: ?ight <hogum K7&J0L 6ho is a +oss in the lo6 le$el grottos until he dro1s the item. Re6ard: -u!ida <hard@ same for re1eat :re3re": :ost3game@ <terlingGs Chistle Re1eat: =es 8otes: *his is a s1e!ial item dro1 so the "uest must +e a!!e1ted in order for this item to dro1. Quest 7)H& 3 ArianGs D2inG Cish -o!ation: ,ringle ,oast( most 8E island@ <5eleton in !a$e Re"uest: Get the -arrrst -etter. <olution: Defeat <alamarauder K7)H)L in *26ll ,a$e until the2 dro1 the item and re1ort +a!5 to the s5eleton. Re6ard: Aaramos Ea1 :re3re": :ost3game@ <terlingGs Chistle Re1eat: 8o 8otes: *his is a s1e!ial item dro1 so the "uest must +e a!!e1ted in order for this item to dro1. Quest 7)H. 3 Mee1 =our E2es :eeled -o!ation: <6inedim1les A!adem2@ Ean inside the !hur!h Re"uest: ?ind the red 1ostsign. <olution: >n the island east of the Ao6hole( read the red sign from the +a!5 and re1ort +a!5 to the man. Re6ard: CarriorGs <6ord :re3re": <6ord <5ill at le$el .) Re1eat: 8o 8otes: 8one Quest 7)H/ 3 *urn In =our Aadges -o!ation: <6inedim1les A!adem2@ Ean inside the !hur!h Re"uest: >+tain the 0 +adges. <olution: ?ight the enemies outside the follo6ing lo!ations in this order: Aloomingdale( Glee+a( Angel ?alls( ,offin6ell and <6inedim1les A!adem2. >n!e 2ou get a +adge from an area( mo$e on to the ne9t one. Re6ard: S<6ord!raft in <ummar2S: Gigagash a+ilit2 :re3re": ?inish Quest H.( <6ord <5ill at %)) Re1eat: 8o 8otes: *his is a s1e!ial item dro1 so the "uest must +e a!!e1ted in order for this item to dro1. Quest 7)H0 3 >1eration Eer!ur2 -o!ation: <6inedim1les A!adem2@ Ean in the 6estern hall6a2 in the s!hool Re"uest: Defeat . Eetal Eedle2s K7)J'L 6ith :ressure :oint.

<olution: ?ight them in +ad !a$e 6ith this s5ill. E"ui1ing Demon <1ear 6ill in!rase 2our !han!es of getting an instant 5ill. Re6ard: Bal+erd :re3re": <1ear <5ill at .) Re1eat: 8o 8otes: 8one Quest 7)HH 3 >1eration Eultithrust -o!ation: <6inedim1les A!adem2@ Ean in the 6estern hall6a2 in the s!hool Re"uest: Defeat & Gloom2 Gastro1ogs K7%I&L at the same time 6ith Eultithrust. Do this 0 times. <olution: *he2 !an +e found around the Gittish Em1ire. >om1h and Egg >n 2our <1ear user. Re6ard: S,lear <1ear *heor2S: -ightning <torm a+ilit2 :re3re": ?inish Quest H0( <1ear <5ill at %)) Re1eat: 8o 8otes: 8one Quest 7)HI 3 8a+ the Mnife38i!5er -o!ation: <6inedim1les A!adem2@ Coman in the %? of the dormitor2 Re"uest: Defeat <hi$er2 <hru++er2 KEonster %&0L 6ith *o9i! Dagger 6hile it is aslee1 until it dro1s the Aro5en Alade. <olution: ?ight near <6inedim1les and 1ut them to slee1 6ith <noo#e or Masnoo#e then use *o9i! Dagger to 5ill them until the item is dro11ed. Re6ard: I!i!le Dir5 :re3re": Mnife <5ill .) Re1eat: 8o 8otes: *his is a s1e!ial item dro1 so the "uest must +e a!!e1ted in order for this item to dro1. Quest 7)HJ 3 <1i!e u1 =our Mnife -o!ation: <6inedim1les A!adem2@ Coman in the %? of the dormitor2 Re"uest: Defeat %) 1oisoned Aad Marmours K7%JHL 6ith Qi!timiser. <olution: Defeat them in this manner in >u+liette. Re6ard: SMnifing Mno63Bo6S: :erese!utter a+ilit2 :re3re": ?inish Quest HI( Mnife <5ill %)) Re1eat: 8o 8otes: 8one Quest 7)H' 3 =ou <!rat!h E2 Aa!5... -o!ation: <6inedim1les A!adem2@ >ld man on the 6estern 1art of !am1us Re"uest: Retrie$e his Aa!5strat!her. <olution: *al5 to the hea$2 man +2 the item sho1 in <lurr2 Qua2. Defeat <alamarauders K7)H)L in *26ll !a$e until the2 dro1 the item. Re6ard: Arouhaha Aoomsti!5 :re3re": Cand <5ill .) Re1eat: 8o 8otes: *his is a s1e!ial item dro1 so the "uest must +e a!!e1ted in order for this item to dro1. Quest 7)I) 3 -oo5( Aa!5 in Anger

-o!ation: <6inedim1les A!adem2@ >ld man on the 6estern 1art of !am1us Re"uest: Get medi!ine for his shoulders. <olution: <1ea5 6ith the 6oman on the &? of the s!hool. Get Eolten Eagma +2 defeating -i$e -a$as K7%H0L from Eagmaroo and *oad >il +2 defeating Gloom2 Gastro1ogs K7%I&L in the Gittish Em1ire. Aring them +a!5 to the old man. Re6ard: SCands and Ae2ondS: Zing <ti!5 a+ilit2 :re3re": ?inish Quest H'( Cand <5ill %))( Quests II or IJ 8>* in 1rogress Re1eat: 8o 8otes: *his is a s1e!ial item dro1 so the "uest must +e a!!e1ted in order for this item to dro1. Quest 7)I% 3 <taun!h the <ten!h -o!ation: <6inedim1les A!adem2@ Alond man in 6estern hall6a2 in the s!hool Re"uest: Defeat <ten!hurion K7%I%L found in the sea north of Glee+a 6ith Deli$eran!e until 2ou re!ei$e the Eirror of Refle!tion. <olution: *he <ten!hurion 2ou defeat must +e found in the sea north of Glee+a. >ther <ten!hurions 6ill not dro1 the item. Re6ard: Miller :illar :re3re": <taff <5ill .) Re1eat: 8o 8otes: 8one Quest 7)I& 3 Dum1 for Do2 -o!ation: <6inedim1les A!adem2@ Alond man in 6estern hall6a2 in the s!hool Re"uest: Defeat 8emean 6ith a normal atta!5 6hile e"ui11ed 6ith a -aundr2 :ole to re!ei$e the <taff <!roll. <olution: Au2 the 6ea1on in <torn6a2 and 8emean K7&J/L is a lo6 le$el grotto +oss. Do a+out &0)) damage to him until 2ou start hitting him 6ith the -aundr2 :ole. Re6ard: S<taff <tudiesS: ,ounter Cait a+ilit2 :re3re": ?inish Quest I%( <taff <5ill %))( A!!ess to lo6 le$el grottos Re1eat: 8o 8otes: *his is a s1e!ial item dro1 so the "uest must +e a!!e1ted in order for this item to dro1. Quest 7)I. 3 Chi11ing Ao2Gs Cish -o!ation: <6inedim1les A!adem2@ Ao2 on &? of s!hool Re"uest: Get Er. Chi112 a ne6 6hi1. <olution: *al5 to the Aunn2 Girl outside the -ighthouse and +ring her a Bammer ?ang. :o6er Bammers K7)'0L dro1 them near Glee+a. Aring it +a!5 to the Aunn2 Girl then re1ort +a!5 to the +o2. Re6ard: <1i5ed <teel Chi1 :re3re": Chi1 <5ill .) Re1eat: 8o

8otes: *his is a s1e!ial item dro1 so the "uest must +e a!!e1ted in order for this item to dro1. Quest 7)I/ 3 Er Chi112 Cish -o!ation: <6inedim1les A!adem2@ Ean on %? of dormitor2 Re"uest: Run an errand for Er. Chi112. <olution: *al5 to the Aunn2 Girl outside the -ighthouse and defeat Dreadful Dra!5al KEonster %I0L 6hi!h !an +e found around the Gittish Em1ire and Drasti! Dra!5al KEonster %00L 6hi!h !an +e found around C2rmtail 6ith the -eather Chi1. Au2 the -eather Chi1 from <torn6a2. Re1ort +a!5 to the girl to re!ei$e ,at6rightGs :ar!el and gi$e the :ar!el to the man in the dormitor2. Re6ard: SCor5ing 6ith Chi1sS: <er1entGs Aite a+ilit2 :re3re": ?inish Quest I.( Chi1 <5ill %)) Re1eat: 8o 8otes: 8one Quest 7)I0 3 Ra5e a *ail ?eather -o!ation: <6inedim1les A!adem2@ Ean in the eastern room on the %? of the s!hool Re"uest: Get %) *inn2 *ail ?eathers +2 defeating Ro+o3ro+in K7%%&L 6ith ,an >1ener. <olution: Defeat them around Aatsureg until 2ou get %) feathers. *he2 are %))R dro1s if 2ou defeat them 6ith ,an >1ener. Re6ard: Mestrel ,la6s :re3re": ,la6 <5ill .) Re1eat: 8o 8otes: *his is a s1e!ial item dro1 so the "uest must +e a!!e1ted in order for this item to dro1. Quest 7)IH 3 *he *alonted *rio -o!ation: <6inedim1les A!adem2@ Ean in eastern room on the %? of the s!hool Re"uest: Defeat his three a11renti!es 6ith ,la6s e"ui11ed. <olution: Defeat *ear6olf K7%&HL at the south of <6inedim1les A!adem2@ re1ort +a!5 and go to the Gittish Em1ire and 6ithin >u+liette A.( defeat ,la6s K7%J.L@ re1ort +a!5 and defeat Ming ,ra+ K7 %JJL at the four !orners of the o!ean. Be must +e defeated there in order to get the s!ene. Re6ard: S*he ,ore of the ,la6S: Band of God a+ilit2 :re3re": ?inish Quest I0( ,la6 <5ill %)) Re1eat: 8o 8otes: 8one Quest 7)II 3 ,ool3?anned Moo5 -o!ation: <6inedim1les A!adem2@ Coman in the eastern hall6a2 on the &? of the s!hool

Re"uest: <olution: dro1 it. Re6ard: :re3re": Re1eat: 8otes: order

Aring her a ?ree#ing ?eather. Defeat A1e!5al21se K7%&JL outside of <6inedim1les until the2 Chite *iger ?an ?an <5ill .) 8o *his is a s1e!ial item dro1 so the "uest must +e a!!e1ted in for this item to dro1.

Quest 7)IJ 3 >h *he Indignit2 -o!ation: <6inedim1les A!adem2@ Coman in the eastern hall6a2 on the &? of the s!hool Re"uest: Defeat a -i"uid Eetal <lime K7%0.L 6ith ?andango 6hile 6earing the Aunn2 Ears and the Aunn2 *ail. <olution: Au2 the Aunn2 *ail in Zere and either +u2 the Aunn2 Ears in the se!ret sho1 in Dour+ridge or use the Al!hem2 :ot to !reate them. -i"uid Eetal <limes !an +e en!ountered in the Ao6hole. Re6ard: S?urther ?anmanshi1S: Bustle Dan!e a+ilit2 :re3re": ?inish Quest II( ?an <5ill %)) Re1eat: 8o 8otes: 8one Quest 7)I' 3 Aring >i Aa!5 Ee A9e -o!ation: <6inedim1les A!adem2@ Ean near the fountain Re"uest: Aring him +a!5 his a9e +a!5 from the *ree$il that too5 it K7%%)L. <olution: Defeat *ree$ils in Frdus Earshland until the dro1 Ea9Gs a9e. Re6ard: :roGs A9e :re3re": A9e <5ill .) Re1eat: 8o 8otes: *his is a s1e!ial item dro1 so the "uest must +e a!!e1ted in order for this item to dro1. Quest 7)J) 3 GAt!het Do+ -o!ation: <6inedim1les A!adem2@ Ean near the fountain Re"uest: Defeat . Eagmali!es K7%HJL( . <tone Guardians K7%IJL and . Aad Marmours K7%JHL 6ith Bat!het Ean. <olution: Eagmali!e are found in Eagmaroo and +oth the <tone Guardians and Aad Marmours !an +e found in >u+liette. Re6ard: SAd$an!ed A9e!raftS: Cho11er ,ho1 a+ilit2 :re3re": ?inish Quest I'( A9e <5ill %)) Re1eat: 8o 8otes: 8one Quest 7)J% 3 EalletGs Eallet -o!ation: <6inedim1les A!adem2@ ?emale student in the middle room on the &? of the s!hool Re"uest: Re1air her hammer. <olution: Go to the li+rar2 on the %? and read Eallet Eonthl2. Go to the :lum+ed De1ths of Glee+a and defeat Admirer K7)''L until 2ou get the

Re6ard: :re3re": Re1eat: 8otes: order

Co++l2 Dell2. *erra ?irmer Bammer <5ill .) 8o *his is a s1e!ial item dro1 so the "uest must +e a!!e1ted in for this item to dro1.

Quest 7)J& 3 *o <hell and Aa!5 -o!ation: <6inedim1les A!adem2@ Coman in the 6est room near the entran!e of the s!hool Re"uest: Defeat a -i"uid Eetal <lime K7%0.L 6ith Aags2 -ast 6hile e"ui11ed 6ith a *ortoise <hell. <olution: Au2 the *ortoise <hell at :orth -laffan. Mno!5 off 0 to H B: on the -i"uid Eetal <lime +efore 2ou use Aags2 -ast. Re6ard: SBard!ore BammeringS: Aig Aanga a+ilit2 :re3re": ?inish Quest J%( Bammer <5ill %)) Re1eat: 8o 8otes: 8one Quest 7)J. 3 Aeautiful Ao6ginnings -o!ation: <6inedim1les A!adem2@ *hug inside the theatre Re"uest: Defeat %) :e!5erels KEonster %%/L 6ith ?lutter Disaster. <olution: ?ight them around Aatsureg. Re6ard: Aillo6ing Ao6 :re3re": Ao6 <5ill .) Re1eat: 8o 8otes: 8one Quest 7)J/ 3 Aeaut2 and Ae2ond -o!ation: <6inedim1les A!adem2@ *hug inside the theatre Re"uest: Defeat %) Aoss *rolls KEonster %I'L 6ith Rain of :ain. <olution: Aefore 2ou fight the Aoss *rolls in >u+liette( !reate the Conder :ants 6ith the Al!hem2 :ot. >n!e 2ou are done defeating %) Aoss *rolls 6ith Rain of :ain( re1ort +a!5 to the thug. Re6ard: SAr!her2 for the Ade1tS: <hining <hot a+ilit2 :re3re": ?inish Quest J.( Ao6 <5ill %)) Re1eat: 8o 8otes: 8one Quest 7)J0 3 ,ome+a!5 Mid -o!ation: <6inedim1les A!adem2@ Ao2 outside of theatre Re"uest: Defeat a Eetal <lime K7)/HL 6ith :o6er *hro6. <olution: ?ight them in Quarantom+ or <lime Bill near Angel ?alls if 2ou ha$e <terlingGs Chistle. Re1ort +a!5 to the +o2 on!e 2ou ha$e done this( then 6al5 o$er to the +ridge that is to the 6est of <6inedim1les to see a s!ene. Re1ort +a!5 to the +o2 in <6inedim1les after the s!ene is o$er. Re6ard: Eagle6ing :re3re": Aoomerang <5ill .) Re1eat: 8o 8otes: 8one

Quest 7)JH 3 Ara$e the ,a$es -o!ation: <6inedim1les A!adem2@ Girl outside of the dormitor2 Re"uest: ,om1lete the Aoomerang Easter E9am. <olution: Go to the art room on the &? of the s!hool and !he!5 the glo6ing s1ot. Defeat the follo6ing monsters 6ith the Aoomerang until the2 ea!h dro1 an item: Eortoad K7)H&L in *26ll ,a$e( Bunter Ee!h K7)JIL in the Aad ,a$e( -i$ing <tatue K7%0)L in the Ao6hole. =ou should re!ei$e SAasi! AoomerangingS( SAetter AoomerangingS( and SAon#er AoomerangingS. Re6ard: S*he Aoomerang Ai+leS: Gigathro6 a+ilit2 :re3re": ?inish Quest J0( Aoomerang <5ill %)) Re1eat: 8o 8otes: *his is a s1e!ial item dro1 so the "uest must +e a!!e1ted in order for this item to dro1. Quest 7)JI 3 <u!5ing F1 to Au!5ler -o!ation: <6inedim1les A!adem2@ Ean in the 6est room near the s!hool entran!e Re"uest: Alo!5 %) atta!5s 6ith 2our shield. <olution: Go into +attle and the +lo!5ing 6ill ha11en automati!all2. If 2ou ha$e more s5ill 1oints in 2our <hield <5ill and a +etter shield then 2our !han!e to +lo!5 a hit in!reases. Re6ard: Chite <hield :re3re": <hield <5ill .) Re1eat: 8o 8otes: 8one Quest 7)JJ 3 Au!5lerGs Au!5ler -o!ation: <6inedim1les A!adem2@ Ean in the 6est room near the s!hool entran!e Re"uest: Defeat %) Milling Ea!hines K7%I/L using Alo!5ens1iel. <olution: *he2 !an +e found around the Gittish Em1ire. Re6ard: S<e!rets of the <hieldS: :re$ents !riti!al atta!5s :re3re": ?inish Quest JI( <hield <5ill %)) Re1eat: 8o 8otes: 8one Quest 7)J' 3 Ca2 of the ?itht -o!ation: <6inedim1les A!adem2@ Eartial artist inside the theatre Re"uest: Defeat %) C2rtles K7%)HL 6ith Mnu!5le <and6i!h. <olution: ?ight them around Frdus Earshland or Berman2. Re6ard: *ough Gu2 *attoo :re3re": ?isti!uff <5ill .) Re1eat: 8o 8otes: 8one Quest 7)') 3 >ne -atht *ehth -o!ation: <6inedim1les A!adem2@ Eartial artist inside the theatre Re"uest: Defeat 0) enemies on the %)? or dee1er of an2 grotto 6hile 6earing no e"ui1ment.

<olution: *his re"uires a high le$el grotto in order to !om1lete. =our le$el for 2our !hara!ter should also +e high. =ou ma2 also 6ant a :aladin or Carrior to al6a2s 1rote!t 2our une"ui11ed !hara!ter if their le$el is too lo6. Re6ard: S?earsome ?isti!uffingS: Eira!le Eoon a+ilit2 :re3re": ?inish Quest J'( ?isti!uff <5ill %))( A!!ess to a high le$el grotto Re1eat: 8o 8otes: 8one Quest 7)'% 3 ,riti!al A11raisal -o!ation: Corm6ood ,ree5@ ?armer to the south of the $illage Re"uest: Defeat & enraged enemies 6ith normal !riti!al hits. *hunder *hrust and Bat!het Ean donGt !ount. <olution: Fse the CarriorGs Chistle a+ilit2 to enrage the monsters and 5ee1 tr2ing until 2ou defeat t6o enraged monsters 6ith !riti!al hits. Re6ard: CarriorGs Armour :re3re": -$ %0 Carrior Re1eat: 8o 8otes: 8one Quest 7)'& 3 Carriors *hree -o!ation: Corm6ood !ree5@ ?armer to the south of the $illage Re"uest: Defeat %) enraged Eandra5e Earauders K7%HHL. <olution: ?ight them in Eagamaroo and use Chistle to enrage them. Re6ard: SCarriorGs Cor5+oo5S: ,ounteratta!5 a+ilit2( 0))) G :re3re": ?inish Quest '%( -$ /) Carrior Re1eat: 8o 8otes: 8one Quest 7)'. 3 Egg!lesiasti! -o!ation: Corm6ood ,ree5@ >ld man inside 6ell Re"uest: Defend against enem2 atta!5s .) times. If 2ou run a6a2 from +attle( the times 2ou defended 6ill not !ount. <olution: =ou !an defend 6ith e$er2one( not ;ust the :riest. Re6ard: As!eti! Ro+e and :riestess :inafore :re3re": -$ %0 :riest Re1eat: 8o 8otes: 8one Quest 7)'/ 3 8urtural <ele!tion -o!ation: Corm6ood ,ree5@ >ld man inside 6ell Re"uest: Beal a !hara!ter 6ith !riti!al B: KorangeL 6ith Eoreheal &) times. <olution: Eust +e done in +attle. Damage floors !an hel1 2ou lo6er 2our B:. Re6ard: S:riestGs :rimerS: Ca$e of Relief a+ilit2 :re3re": ?inish Quest '.( -$ /) :riest Re1eat: 8o 8otes: 8one Quest 7)'0 3 ?ree the ?aerie *6o -o!ation: Alltrades A++e2@ <lee1 at the inn 6ith a -$ %0 Eage in 2our 1art2

Re"uest: <taff. <olution: Re6ard: :re3re": Re1eat: 8otes:

Defeat %) enemies 6ith ?ri## 6hile e"ui11ed 6ith the ?aerie An2 enemies 6ill do. ?i##le3Retardant <uit and ?i##le3Retardant Alouse -$ %0 Eage 8o 8one

Quest 7)'H 3 ?aerie 8earl2 *here -o!ation: Alltrades A++e2@ <lee1 at the inn 6ith a -$ /) Eage in 2our 1art2 Re"uest: Defeat %) Cight :riests K7%.0L 6ith normal atta!5s 6hile e"ui11ed 6ith the ?aerie <taff. <olution: ?ight them in the >ld <!hool at <6inedim1les. =ou !an use >om1h and raise the tension of 2our mage to atta!5 the Cight :riests. Re6ard: SEageGs EanualS: Cea5ening Ca$e a+ilit2 :re3re": ?inish Quest '0( -$ /) Eage Re1eat: 8o 8otes: 8one Quest 7)'I 3 ,r2 Colf -o!ation: Alltrades A++e2@ Eartial Artist at the entran!e Re"uest: Defeat 0 <!are6ol$es K7)J%L 6hile the2 are s!ared 6ith the Eartial ArtistGs Car ,r2 s5ill. <olution: ?ight them around Aloomingdale. *he2 must +e defeated in the same round the2 are stri!5en 6ith fear. Re6ard: <li!5 <la!5s :re3re": -$ %0 Eartial Artist Re1eat: 8o 8otes: 8one Quest 7)'J 3 <lo6l2( <lo6l2( ,ritt2 Golem -o!ation: Alltrades A++e2@ >ld man at the entran!e Re"uest: Defeat three Golems K7%H%L 6ith normal !riti!al hits. *hunder *hrust and Bat!het Ean do not !ount. <olution: ?ight them around the -onle2 ,oast or near F1o$er. Re6ard: SEartial ArtistGs EanualS: *ension <a$er a+ilit2 :re3re": ?inish Quest 'I( -$ /) Eartial Artist Re1eat: 8o 8otes: 8one Quest 7)'' 3 A3,oming one of the A3*eam -o!ation: Dour+ridge@ *hief inside the +ar Re"uest: <teal a *2!oonGs *ro$e from Bunter Ee!h K7)JIL. <olution: =ou !an find them inside the Aad ,a$e. Fse the Balf3In!h a+ilit2 to steal the item from them. Re6ard: Rogue Ro+e( Roguess Ro+e and %))) gold :re3re": -$ %0 *hief Re1eat: 8o 8otes: =ou must a!!e1t this "uest in order to steal this s1e!ial item. Quest 7%)) 3 Austed -o!ation: Dour+ridge@ *hief inside the +ar Re"uest: <teal a -unar Diamond from a <or!erer K7%&)L.

<olution: ?ind the monster in Ger#uunGs +asement. =ou must steal from the one in the +asement. Re6ard: S*hiefGs *heor2S: a+ilit2 to steal after +attle( %)())) gold :re3re": ?inish Quest ''( -$ /) *hief Re1eat: 8o 8otes: =ou must a!!e1t this "uest in order to steal this s1e!ial item. Quest 7%)% 3 Eggstreme <1ort -o!ation: Alltrades A++e2@ Ghost in the +ar Re"uest: Fse the BeroGs a+ilit2 Egg >n to rea!h a state of su1er tension K%))L 0 times. <olution: =ou donGt need to defeat an2 enemies 6ith su1er high tension. Re6ard: ?lamen!o <hirt and Dan!er Dress :re3re": -$ %0 Einstrel Re1eat: 8o 8otes: 8one Quest 7%)& 3 :ratGs the 6a2 to do itN -o!ation: Alltrades A++e2@ Ghost in the +ar Re"uest: Do a !riti!al :ratfall t6i!e. <olution: =ou 6ill re!ei$e a message in +attle 6hen 2ou ha$e done a !riti!al :ratfall. Re6ard: SEinstrelGs EanualS: Gritt2 Ditt2 a+ilit2 :re3re": ?inish Quest %)%( -$ /) Einstrel Re1eat: 8o 8otes: 8one Quest 7%). 3 Gladiator Graduator -o!ation: Alltrades A++e2@ :riest near the inn Re"uest: Defeat . <limes K7))%L 6ith Dragon <lash 6hile in a state of su1er high tension K%))L. <olution: <limes near Alltrades A++e2 donGt es!a1e +ut the2 do fuse. Re6ard: Gladiator Qo!ation Fnlo!5ed :re3re": Dragon <lash Re1eat: 8o 8otes: 8one Quest 7%)/ 3 Glad to +e of ser$i!e -o!ation: Island east of Berman2@ Ean on the island Re"uest: Defeat %) Dra!5als K7%%JL 6hile under the effe!t of Dou+le F1. <olution: =ou !an find them outside of Ger#uun. Re6ard: *a!ti!al Qest and Ara6ling Ar2nie :re3re": -$ %0 Gladiator Re1eat: 8o 8otes: 8one Quest 7%)0 3 ,hallengus Ea9imus -o!ation: Island east of Berman2@ Ean on the island Re"uest: Defeat . Green Dragons 6ith Dou+le3Edged <lash 6hile en$enomated and under the effe!t of Dou+le F1. <olution: If 2our le$els are too high( ta5e off some armour so 2ou ha$e a

+etter !han!e of getting 1oisoned. =ou !an also use the CarriorGs !an Re6ard: :re3re": Re1eat: 8otes: a+ilit2 Chi11ing Ao2 to 1rote!t another 1erson so that 2ou in!rease 2our !han!es of getting 1oisoned. SGladiatorGs GuideS: >!!asionall2 atta!5 t6i!e ?inish Quest %)/( -$ /) Gladiator 8o 8one

Quest 7%)H 3 *a5ing <oul ,ontrol -o!ation: Glee+a@ :aladin on Glee+aGs roof Re"uest: Fse the CarriorGs a+ilit2 Chi11ing Ao2 %) times. <olution: Eulti1le 1eo1le !an use the s5ill if the2 ha$e learned it. Re6ard: :aladin Qo!ation Fnlo!5ed :re3re": Chi11ing Ao2 Re1eat: 8o 8otes: 8one Quest 7%)I 3 >ff the Re!ord -o!ation: Glee+a@ :aladin on Glee+aGs roof Re"uest: Defeat . Infernal Armours K7%&.L 6ith :in!ushion. <olution: ?ight them in Ger#uun. Mno!5 off a+out %)) B: and then start using :in!ushion. It 6ould +e +etter if 2our 6hole 1art2 5ne6 this a+ilit2. If 2ou le$els are too high and 2ou arenGt doing an2 damage to the Infernal Armours( then une"ui1 all 2our e"ui1ment e9!e1t for a 6ea5 6ea1on and !hange to a $er2 lo6 le$elled $o!ation. Re6ard: Bol2 Eail and Bol2 ?email :re3re": -$ %0 :aladin Re1eat: 8o 8otes: 8one Quest 7%)J 3 *o13?light Mnight ?ight -o!ation: Glee+a@ :aladin on Glee+aGs roof Re"uest: Fse B3:ath2 on a !hara!ter 6ith onl2 % B: 0 times in +attle. <olution: Ba$e t6o 1eo1le 6ho 5no6 B3:ath2 in 2our 1art2. Ba$e one !hara!ter 5ee1 gi$ing B: to another !hara!ter until his B: dro1s to %. *hen ha$e the other !hara!ter 6ho 5no6s B3:ath2 use the s5ill on him. =ou !an onl2 do this on!e 1er +attle so finish that +attle and do it four more times. Alternati$el2( 2ou !an go to a dungeon area that has damaging tiles Kli5e 1oison( ele!tri!it2( la$a( et!L and 6al5 until 2ou ha$e a a !hara!ter at % B:. *hen go into a +attle and use B3:ath2. Re6ard: S:aladinGs :rimerS: <olar ?lair :re3re": ?inish Quest %)I( -$ /) :aladin Re1eat: 8o 8otes: 8one Quest 7%)' 3 Elementar2 *raining -o!ation: Alltrades A++e2@ Ean in red inside Alltrades A++e2 Re"uest: Defeat & Eetal <limes K7)/HL 6hile under the effe!t of the EageGs

a+ilit2( Ci#ard Card. <olution: *he 1erson 6ho !ast Ci#ard Card must deal the finishing +lo6. Mno!5 of & to . B: and ha$e the other Ci#ard Card !hara!ter defeat the Eetal <lime. =ou !an fight them in Quarantom+. Re6ard: Armamentalist Qo!ation Fnlo!5ed :re3re": Ci#ard Card Re1eat: 8o 8otes: 8one Quest 7%%) 3 ?or!e in the ?ield -o!ation: Alltrades A++e2@ Ean in red inside Alltrades A++e2 Re"uest: Defeat %) Chite *igertaurs K7%J.L +2 su!!essfull2 !asting the ArmamentalistGs <a1 s1ell on them t6i!e and +2 defeating them 6hile under the effe!t of ?ire ?our!e. <olution: =ou !an find them north of <6inedim1les. Re6ard: ?en!ing Da!5et and ?en!ing ?ro!5 :re3re": -$ %0 Armamentalist Re1eat: 8o 8otes: 8one Quest 7%%% 3 *he ?our!e...?ore$er -o!ation: Alltrades A++e2@ Ean in red inside Alltrades A++e2 Re"uest: Defeat $arious monsters 6ith ea!h ?our!e effe!t. <olution: In Eagmaroo use the te!hni"ue ?ire ?our!e to defeat Eagmali!e K7%HJL( around <6inedim1les use I!e ?our!e to defeat Great Gruffon K7%&'L( around F1o$er use Gale ?our!e to defeat ,umulus Re9( around Aloomingdale let J <limes !om+ine into Ming <lime K7)J)L and use -ife ?our!e to defeat it. ?inall2 use ?unereal ?our!e to defeat Ra$ing Rea1er K7%./L in the >ld <!hool in <6inedim1les. Re1ort +a!5 to the man in the A++e2. Re6ard: SArmamentalist Al+umS: ?our!e a+ilities !an effe!t the 6hole 1art2 :re3re": ?inish Quest %%)( -$ /) Armamentalist Re1eat: 8o 8otes: 8one Quest 7%%& 3 Ranger ,hanger -o!ation: Beights of -onlieness Entran!e@ *he man at the entran!e Re"uest: Defeat . Bo!us ,himaerae 6ith Mnife <5ill( *o9i! Dagger. *he2 must die 6ith 1oison damage. <olution: :oison the enem2 as soon as 2ou !an. Atta!5 6ith a 6ea5 !hara!ter and do a+out 0) damage to them. *he2 6ill use Eidheal so 2ou ma2 ha$e to 6ait until the2 run out of E: +efore the2 finall2 die from 1oison damage. Re6ard: Ranger Qo!ation Fnlo!5ed :re3re": *o9i! Dagger Re1eat: 8o

8otes: 8one Quest 7%%. 3 Boarse Chis1erer -o!ation: Beights of -onlieness Entran!e@ *he man at the entran!e Re"uest: Fse <oothe <a2er &) times on an enraged enem2. <olution: Enrage an enem2 6ith the CarriorGs Chistle a+ilit2 and then use the+ RangerGs <oothe <a2er a+ilit2 to !alm them do6n. =ou !an do this multi1le times in a +attle. Re6ard: 8omadi! Deel :re3re": -$ %0 Ranger Re1eat: 8o 8otes: 8one Quest 7%%/ 3 >ne3*urn Conder -o!ation: Beights of -onlieness Entran!e@ *he man at the entran!e Re"uest: Defeat Dra5ularge K7%0&L in one turn 0 times. <olution: ?ind them in the Ao6hole. Re6ard: SRangerGs Re$elationsS: ,han!e for !riti!al in!reases 6hen B: is lo6 :re3re": ?inish Quest %%.( -$ /) Ranger Re1eat: 8o 8otes: 8one Quest 7%%0 3 <ages in the :ages -o!ation: Gittingham :ala!e @ Aoo5shelf on &? Re"uest: Defeat 0 Great *rolls K7%'HL 6ith the EageGs s1ell( ?ri##. <olution: =ou !an find them in the Realm of the Eight2. Do a+out I)) damage to them +efore 2ou start using ?ri##. Re6ard: <age Qo!ation Fnlo!5ed :re3re": ?ri## Re1eat: 8o 8otes: 8one Quest 7%%H 3 <agier and :agier -o!ation: Gittingham :ala!e @ Aoo5shelf on &? Re"uest: Defeat E"uino9 K7&J.L 6ith the EageGs or <ageGs Aang s1ell. <olution: E"uino9 is the first grotto +oss and he !an also +e found in other lo6 le$el grottos. Do a+out %H)) damage to it +efore 2ou start atta!5ing 6ith Aang. Re6ard: <ageGs Ro+e :re3re": -$ %0 <age( A!!ess to a lo6 le$el grotto Re1eat: 8o 8otes: 8one Quest 7%%I 3 Engaging the <age -o!ation: Gittingham :ala!e @ Aoo5shelf on &? Re"uest: Defeat Atlas K7&J'L 6ith the <ageGs Zam s1ell. <olution: Atlas is a mid to high le$el grotto +oss de1ending on ho6 man2 re$o!ations 2ou ha$e done. Do a+out H.)) damage to him +efore 2ou start using Zam. In!rease the 1o6er of Zam 6ith the EageGs ,hannel Anger a+ilit2. Re6ard: S<ageGs <!ri1tureS: *6o!us :o!us a+ilit2

:re3re": ?inish Quest %%H( -$ /) <age( A!!ess to a mid to high le$el grotto Re1eat: 8o 8otes: 8one Quest 7%%J 3 A <tar is Aorn -o!ation: Glee+a@ :in5 haired girl inside dan!ehall Re"uest: Defeat a Eoai Einstrel K7&/JL 6ith the Einstrel a+ilit2( Bot -i!5. <olution: Eoai Einistrels !an +e found in mid to high le$el Cater and 8ature grottos. Ae !areful 6hen fighting it as it !an use Mami5a#e 6hen its B: gets lo6. Mno!5 off 0)) B: +efore 2ou start using Bot -i!5. Re6ard: -uminar2 Qo!ation Fnlo!5ed :re3re": :ost3game( A!!ess to mid to high le$el Cater or 8ature grottos Re1eat: 8o 8otes: 8one Quest 7%%' 3 <ign for =our <u11er -o!ation: Glee+a@ :in5 haired girl inside dan!ehall Re"uest: Defeat an enem2 6ith the -uminar2Gs Autogra1h a+ilit2. It must +e a !riti!al hit. <olution: =ou 6ill re!ei$e a message in +attle 6hen 2ou ha$e done a !riti!al Autogra1h. Re6ard: <tar <uit :re3re": -$ %0 -uminar2 Re1eat: 8o 8otes: 8one Quest 7%&) 3 =our *ime to <hine -o!ation: Glee+a@ :in5 haired girl inside dan!ehall Re"uest: Defeat %) Eoai Einstrels K7&/JL. =ou must do the -uminar2Gs E9treme Ea5eo$er and then enrage it 6ith E2es on Ee. Choe$er used these s5ills must deal the death+lo6. <olution: Eaoi Einistrels !an +e found in mid to high le$el Cater and 8ature grottos. Mno!5 off a !hun5 of its B: +efore 2ou do 2our E9treme Ea5eo$er and E2es on Ee !om+o. Dis!o <te6 is a good s5ill for 2our -uminar2 to use to 5ill it if 2our other s5ills are too 6ea5. Re6ard: S-uminar2Gs -oreS: Gold Rush a+ilit2 :re3re": ?inish Quest %%'( -$ /) -uminar2( A!!ess to mid to high le$el Cater or 8ature grottos Re1eat: 8o 8otes: 8one Quest 7%&% 3 A ,loudless <52e -o!ation: F1o$er@ Girl on the stairs Re"uest: Aring her a ,lum1 of ,loud. <olution: Defeat ,umulus Re9 K7%0JL around F1o$er 6ith the Eira!le <6ord K.&

mini medals or +u2 from Ci?i sho1L e"ui11ed until it dro1s the item. Re6ard: :re3re": Re1eat: 8otes: Astral :lume@ same for re1eat D-,( Es!a1e from Goretress =es 8one

Quest 7%&& 3 AertGs Aerfda2 -o!ation: Aloomingdale@ *hug on &? of Inn Re"uest: Aring him a Airthda2 ,a5e and :art2 :o11er. <olution: Aoth !an +e +ought in the Ci?i sho1. Re6ard: ?ingerless Glo$es :re3re": D-, Re1eat: 8o 8otes: 8one Quest 7%&. 3 A :resent ?rom the :ast -o!ation: <torn6a2@ *al5 to Erinn from +ehind the !ounter in the inn Re"uest: Retrie$e a gift. <olution: Go to a grotto that has Sof DoulourS in its title and defeat the +oss in that grotto to re!ei$e a s!ene 6ith Erinn. Re6ard: =ggdrasil De6 and =ggdrasil -eaf :re3re": D-,( A!!ess to a Dolour grotto Re1eat: 8o 8otes: <tor2 Quest 7%&/ 3 Ris"ue Res1e!ts -o!ation: <torn6a2@ Grann2 to the east of the to6n Re"uest: Aring her a Dangerous Austier. <olution: =ou !an find one in a ran5 0 Alue *reasure ,hest in the grottos or use the Al!hem2 :ot if 2ou ha$e a <il5 or Di$ine Auster. Re6ard: Gloom2 Glo$es( re!i1es :re3re": D-,( A!!ess to mid to high le$el grottos Re1eat: 8o 8otes: 8one Quest 7%&0 3 :er5 F1( :att2N -o!ation: <torn6a2@ *al5 to Erinn from +ehind the !ounter in the inn Re"uest: ,heer :att2 u1. <olution: *al5 to :att2 from +ehind the !ounter then Zoom to Aatsureg and tal5 to the !hiefGs father( Aat5haan. After6ards( go +a!5 to <torn6a2 and tal5 to :att2 again. At night( tal5 to the ghost in Aatsureg and sail to Mhalaag !oast 6hi!h is north of Aatsureg. If 2ou use the <tarflight E91ress to get there then 2ou 6ill not get the s!ene. E9amine the gra$estone to the east to re!ei$e the ?riendant. Re1ort +a!5 to :att2. Re6ard: :att2 ;oins 2our 1art2 :re3re": D-,( ?inish Quest %&. Re1eat: 8o 8otes: <tor2 Quest 7%&H 3 :uff3:uff :erforman!e -o!ation: BunterGs =urts@ Girl to the 6est

Re"uest: Aring her a ,heer3me3u1 her+. <olution: Fse Balf3In!h to steal from Aoss *roll K7%I'L in >u+liette until 2ou get the item. Re6ard: -am+s6ool@ same for re1eat :re3re": D-, Re1eat: =es 8otes: =ou must a!!e1t this "uest in order to steal this s1e!ial item. Quest 7%&I 3 A Right Ro2al 8ightmare -o!ation: <torn6a2@ *al5 to the 5ing Re"uest: ,ure him of his nightmares. <olution: *al5 to the 6oman in the east side of Corm6ood ,ree5Gs !hur!h. Gather Eali!itie( Ean52 Eud( and a <ageGs Eli9er for her. Aring her the ingredients and she 6ill gi$e 2ou the 8ightmare 8urse. Re1ort +a!5 to the 5ing. Re6ard: EinisterGs Eittens and Alessed Aoots :re3re": D-,( ?inish Quest H Re1eat: 8o 8otes: <tor2( Refer to the Eaterials Ea1 for the Ean52 Eud and the Al!hem2 Re!i1e Guide for the rest. Quest 7%&J 3 :3:3:i!5 F1 a :i!5a9e -o!ation: <torn6a2@ *hug inside <torn6a2 ,astleGs 6ell Re"uest: Aring him a :latinum :i!5. <olution: Defeat a Dar5onium <lime in a mid to high le$el Ruins grotto until it dro1s the item. Re6ard: Eight2 Armlet :re3re": D-,( ?inish Quest I( A!!ess to mid to high le$el Ruins grottos Re1eat: 8o 8otes: <tor2 Quest 7%&' 3 A <1ot of Aoo53Me21ing -o!ation: <torn6a2@ *al5 to the 1rin!ess Re"uest: Bel1 her unlo!5 the +oo5. <olution: *al5 to the old man in <torn6a2Gs item sho1. ,lear a grotto 6ith S<il$erS in its title for the -ittle Me2. Re1ort +a!5 to the 1rin!ess 6ho is no6 in her room. Re6ard: Ro2al Regards :art2 *ri!5 :re3re": D-,( ?inish Quests &. and %&I( A!!ess to a <il$er grotto Re1eat: 8o 8otes: <tor2 Quest 7%.) 3 E9hume the Beirloom -o!ation: D;ust Desert@ *al5 to the ghost in the 1oison s6am1 at night( the s6am1 is to the 6est of Glee+a Re"uest: Retrie$e the >ld Ring. <olution: ?ind the >ld Ring +2 !learing a Cater grotto. Re6ard: ?ull Eoon Ring :re3re": D-,( <terlingGs Chistle( A!!ess to a Cater grotto Re1eat: 8o 8otes: 8one

Quest 7%.% 3 Ea5ing Room in Arigadoom -o!ation: <torn6a2@ Coman outside the !hur!h Re"uest: Attend a meeting in Arigadoom. <olution: Eeet in the Arigadoom throne room and defeat . <!arlet ?e$ers K7&/&L. Re6ard: En!hantress Glo$es :re3re": D-,( ?inish Quest %&' Re1eat: 8o 8otes: <tor2 Quest 7%.& 3 *ree3Bugging *itan -o!ation: 8e6id Isle K*ree on !liff near Alltrades A++e2L@ *al5 to the ,2!lo1s Re"uest: <!are off a Gigantes K7%'.L in the *o6er of 8od. <olution: Do a+out 0)) damage to the Gigantes and use the Ranger s5ill( Eer!2 to s!are him a6a2. Re6ard: <eed of -ife@ A!e of ,lu+s for re1eat :re3re": D-,( <terlingGs Chistle Re1eat: =es 8otes: 8one Quest 7%.. 3 Re!ruitment Dri$e -o!ation: <torn6a2@ Ean +2 the !hur!h Re"uest: ,on$in!e the maid to ;oin the +rigade. <olution: Fse the Al!hem2 :ot to !reate a ?ull Eoon A9e and tal5 to the Eaid on the %? of <torn6a2 !astle. Re1ort +a!5 to the man. Re6ard: ,om+at Aoots :re3re": D-,( ?inish Quest %.% Re1eat: 8o 8otes: <tor2 Quest 7%./ 3 Chen *a9 Atta!5s -o!ation: Berman2@ Ean inside the house on the hill Re"uest: Eeet the ta9 !olle!tor. <olution: At night( defeat a Bunter Ee!h K7)JIL outside of the house. Re6ard: Ci#ardGs Bat :re3re": D-,( <terlingGs Chistle Re1eat: 8o 8otes: 8one Quest 7%.0 3 *o ArigadoomN -o!ation: <torn6a2@ *al5 to 6oman outside of !hur!h Re"uest: Attend an inauguration at Arigadoom. <olution: Go to the Aridgadoom throne room and defeat <!arlet ?e$er K7&/&L. Re6ard: Cit!hGs Bat :re3re": D-,( ?inish Quest %.. Re1eat: 8o 8otes: <tor2 Quest 7%.H 3 EX*EREI8A*EN -o!ation: Berman2@ Aoo5shelf in the house on the hill Re"uest: Defeat . Eetal <limes K7)/HL in the same +attle. Do this . times. <olution: Aattle them on <lime Bill 6hi!h is north of Angel ?alls. Re6ard: Eetal <lime <hield@ Eini Eedal for re1eat :re3re": D-,( <terlingGs Chistle Re1eat: =es

8otes: 8one Quest 7%.I 3 =ore ?or It no6N -o!ation: <torn6a2@ *al5 to the 5ing Re"uest: E9amine the !offin at the end of the tunnel inside the 6ell in <torn6a2 !astle. <olution: Defeat =ore K7&IJL. Re6ard: C2rm6and( re!i1es :re3re": D-,( ?inish Quests %&J and %.0 Re1eat: 8o 8otes: <tor2 Quest 7%.J 3 <haman =ouN -o!ation: <mall Island +2 la5e near <torn6a2@ *al5 to the shaman Re"uest: E"ui1 . 1ie!es of !ursed e"ui1ment. <olution: If all of 2our !ursed e"ui1ment is no longer !ursed( 2ou !an use Eali!ites to !urse them again. Re6ard: Eitre :re3re": D-, Re1eat: 8o 8otes: 8one Quest 7%.' 3 Bas <ellma <old >utO -o!ation: <torn6a2@ *al5 to Erinn from +ehind the !ounter in the inn Re"uest: Bel1 <ellma. <olution: *al5 to <ellma( then the +an5er from +ehind the !ounter. =ou should get the Guest+oo5. 8o6 tal5 to Erinn and <ellma and lea$e for Glee+a. At Glee+a go into the :lum+ed De1ths and go through the magi! door. Ea5e 2our 6a2 to the gra$e2ard and a!!ess the se!ret stairs to A. to fight Ro$er K7&I'L. Re1ort +a!5 to Erinn. Re6ard: <ellma ;oins 2our 1art2 :re3re": D-,( ?inish Quest %&0 Re1eat: 8o 8otes: <tor2 Quest 7%/) 3 A1t :u1il -o!ation: <6inedim1les A!adem2@ *al5 to <6indim1leGs ghost in the >ld <!hool at night Re"uest: Fse the <alute :art2 *ri!5 to tal5 to him then a!!e1t the "uest. <olution: Dress e$er2one in the <6inedim1le Ala#ers Khe gi$es them to 2ouL and defeat <ir <anguinus K7&JJL in a mid to high le$el grotto. Re1ort +a!5 to <6inedim1les and use the <alute again. Re6ard: Alessed Aindings( *antri! *rousers and Arahman Aoots@ Arain2 Ara!er for re1eat :re3re": D-,( ?inish Quest .H( A!!ess to mid to high le$el grottos Re1eat: =es 8otes: 8one Quest 7%/% 3 ,offin6ell ,onundrum -o!ation: ,offin6ell@ *al5 to Dr. :hlegming in his la+ at night

Re"uest: <olution: Re6ard: :re3re": Re1eat: 8otes:

Aring him the En!2lo1aedia Gittani!a. It !an +e found on A.? in >u+liette. :rofessor :ose :art2 *ri!5 D-,( ?inish Quest /H 8o <tor2

Quest 7%/& 3 :ra2ermongering -o!ation: :ool of <1irits ,a$e K8E of Angel ?allsL@ Ghost in !a$e Re"uest: ?ill a Gratite. <olution: ,om1lete 0 more "uests. =ou !an redo the re1eata+le "uests too. Re6ard: Eetal <lime Belmet@ Arighten Ro!5 for re1eat :re3re": D-,( ?inish Quest 00 Re1eat: =es 8otes: 8one Quest 7%/. 3 *hing2( Ming of( erT -o!ation: Quarantom+@ Ghost in A%? Re"uest: Retrie$e the Ro2al <eal. <olution: Fse Balf3In!h to steal the item from *rauminator K7&JHL. Be is a +oss that !an +e found in lo6 to mid le$el grottos. Re6ard: ,atholi!on Ring :re3re": D-,( ?inish Quest %/% Re1eat: 8o 8otes: <tor2 Quest 7%// 3 ,la6s for *hought -o!ation: <torn6a2@ Ghost in 6ea1on sho1 at night Re"uest: <ho6 him some Aeastmaster ,la6s. <olution: Fse the Al!hem2 :ot. Re6ard: >ri!hal!um( re!i1es :re3re": D-, Re1eat: 8o 8otes: Refer to the Al!hem2 Re!i1e Guide. Quest 7%/0 3 E2sterious Eonar!h -o!ation: Gittingham :ala!e@ *al5 to ghost of Gores+23:urr$is near the entran!e Re"uest: Defeat Ming Godfre2 K7&J)L. <olution: ?ind him on the /? of Gittingham :ala!e and re1ort +a!5 to Gores+23:urr$is on!e he is defeated. Re6ard: :allium Regale( re!i1es :re3re": D-,( ?inish Quest %/. Re1eat: 8o 8otes: <tor2 Quest 7%/H 3 Bail to the Queen -o!ation: Inside the <tarflight E91ress@ *al5 to <tella Re"uest: Ea5e her a ne6 outfit. <olution: Aring her a Autterfl2 Cing( *e!hni!olour *utu( <lee1ing Bi+is!us and E2thril >re. Re6ard: <tellar <uit :re3re": D-,( <terlingGs Chistle Re1eat: 8o 8otes: <tor2( Refer to Eaterials Ea1 and Al!hem2 Re!i1e Guide. Quest 7%/I 3 -i!ensed to Dri$e -o!ation: Inside the <tarflight E91ress@ *al5 to <terling

Re"uest: ,olle!t ' Goretress Guerilla <tam1s. Restri!tions are that 2ou !an onl2 land the <tarflight E91ress H times & 2ou !anGt use Zoom or E$a! <olution: <terling 6ill gi$e 2ou the first stam1. ?l2 to Aatsureg and tal5 to ,onner +ehind a tent to get 2our ne9t stam1. ?l2 to the Beights of -onlieness and tal5 to Qi!tor at the entran!e. Cal5 to Aloomingdale and go to the !hur!hGs roofto1 to find Dust2. ?l2 to Angel ?alls and to the 6est of the 6aterfall 2ou 6ill find Godfre2. Cal5 to ,offin6ell and to the north 6est 2ou 6ill find Dodger. ?l2 to Alltrades A++e2 and ,ri++er 6ill +e +2 the %? stairs. ?l2 to Corm6ood ,ree5 to find ?orger inside the 6ea1on sho1. ?l2 to the Goretress and the last mem+er( Dig+2( 6ill +e at the to1 of the to6er. Aoard the <tarflight and use the inside $ie6 to tal5 to <terling. Go to the lo!5ed door at the $er2 +a!5. Re6ard: Dri$erGs -i!en!e :re3re": D-,( ?inish Quest %/H Re1eat: 8o 8otes: <tor2 Quest 7%/J 3 ?la1tri!ide -o!ation: Inside the <tarflight E91ress@ *al5 to <tella Re"uest: Bel1 a girl in the inn at Dour+ridge +2 gi$ing her <tellar Eedi!ine. <olution: Aring <tella an Elfin Eli9er( :erfe!t :ana!ea( <1e!ial Eedi!ine and a =ggdrasil Aud. ?l2 to the =ggrdrasil s1a6n 1oint to re!ei$e the Aud and use the Al!hem2 :ot to get the rest. *al5 to <tella in the <tarflight 6hen 2ou ha$e e$er2thing. Aring the <tellar Eedi!ine to the girl and re1ort +a!5 to <tella in the <tarflight. Re6ard: <tellar <to!5ings and Alahnolo Eani5s :re3re": D-,( ?inish Quest %/I Re1eat: 8o 8otes: <tor2( Refer to Eaterials Ea1 and Al!hem2 Re!i1e Guide. Quest 7%/' 3 Intreeguing E2ster2 -o!ation: Aloomingdale@ <!holar in the !enter of to6n Re"uest: ?ind 1roof of the :hantom *ree. <olution: Go to the tree on :lu$i Isle and !he!5 the shining s1ot. Go to Glee+a and tal5 to the 1riest in the !hur!h and then tal5 to the s!holar in Aloomingdale. Bead for the >ndor ,liffs to the 6est of Aatsureg and read the three shining gra$es and re1ort +a!5 to the s!holar. Re6ard: <u1ernatural <1e!s :re3re": D-,( ?inish Quest %/J Re1eat: 8o 8otes: <tor2

Quest 7%0) 3 Annihilimo+literationNO -o!ation: Inside the <tarflight E91ress@ *al5 to <tella +2 the +a!5 Re"uest: Defeat *2rannosaura Cre!5s K7&J%L in the lo!5ed room. <olution: After defeating the enem2( enter the 1ortal for a s!ene and re1ort to <tella after6ards. Re6ard: <tellar <tarflo6er :re3re": D-,( ?inish Quest %/' Re1eat: 8o 8otes: <tor2 Quest 7%0% 3 :ush2 :eddler -o!ation: -onle2 ,oast( east of Zere Ro!5s@ Ean in !a$e Re"uest: Aring him an Ethereal <tone. <olution: Fse the Al!hem2 :ot. Re6ard: Ealroth Ea1@ E2thril >re for re1eat :re3re": D-,( <terlingGs Chistle Re1eat: =es 8otes: Refer to Al!hem2 Re!i1e Guide. Quest 7%0& 3 Eare2 Questmas -o!ation: ,ringle ,oast( most 8E island@ *al5 to ,hris ,ringle in the house Re"uest: Aring him J Bea$enl2 Borseshoes. <olution: Defeat *antamount K7&.'L in a mid to high le$el Qol!ano grotto in 0 turns to get a Bea$enl2 Borseshoe. Do this J times and re1ort +a!5 to ,ringle. Re6ard: Estar5 Ea1@ *e!hni!olour Dream!loth for re1eat :re3re": D-,( a!!ess to a mid or high le$el Qol!ano grotto Re1eat: =es 8otes: *his is a s1e!ial item dro1 so the "uest must +e a!!e1ted in order for this item to dro1. Quest 7%0. 3 8ot3<o3Doll2 Roger -o!ation: C2rmtail@ <5eleton in !a$e Re"uest: Defeat ?o6le2e K7&'%L 6ithin %0 turns. <olution: Be is a grotto +oss that !an +e found in a mid to high le$el grotto. Re6ard: <il$er >r+ :re3re": D-,( A!!ess to mid to high le$el grottos Re1eat: 8o 8otes: 8one Quest 7%0/ 3 8ightmare2 Questmas -o!ation: ,ringle ,oast( most 8E island@ Aoo5shelf in the house Re"uest: Defeat 8ight Mnight K7%''L 6ith a Bol2 Cater. <olution: =ou !an fight them in the Realm of the Eight2. *he2 ha$e &0H B:. Remem+er to 1ut a fe6 Bol2 Caters in 2our item in$entor2. Re6ard: ,a1e of Good Marma@ Eer!ur2Gs Aandana for re1eat :re3re": D-, Re1eat: =es 8otes: 8one Quest 7%00 3 ,hristinamas ,a5e -o!ation: Aloomingdale@ Girl +2 the item sho1 Re"uest: Gi$e a ,hristmas ,a5e to <anta.

<olution: Au2 the ,hristmas ,a5e from the Ci3?i sho1 and gi$e it to ,hris ,ringle at ,ringle ,oast and re1ort +a!5 to the girl. Re6ard: <1irit Ara!er and :art2 :o11er :re3re": D-, Re1eat: 8o 8otes: 8one Quest 7%0H 3 Inn <ear!h of an Inn2 -o!ation: <torn6a2@ *al5 to :att2 from +ehind the !ounter in the inn Re"uest: Gi$e her Airdsong 8e!tar( Astral :lume( *e!hni!olour Dream!loth and a Glee+an Gold. <olution: Get a Glee+an Gold :ie!e from Quest &0 and use the Al!hem2 :ot for the rest. *al5 to :att2( then <elma( then :att2 on!e more. Re6ard: QeteranGs Armour :re3re": D-,( ?inish Quest %.I and %.' Re1eat: 8o 8otes: <tor2( Refer to Al!hem2 Re!i1e Guide. Quest 7%0I 3 Inn for a :enn2( Inn for an Inn2 -o!ation: <torn6a2@ *al5 to Erinn from +ehind the !ounter in the inn Re"uest: Defeat >!tagoon K7&%'L &) times. <olution: It !an +e found on mid to high le$el Ruin grottos. Re1ort to the 5ing on!e !om1lete and then to Erinn. Re6ard: Erinn ;oins 2our 1art2 :re3re": D-,( ?inish Quest %0H( a!!ess to mid to high le$el Ruin grottos Re1eat: 8o 8otes: <tor2( *al5 to the <1e!ial Guests in the Inn for their last 1ie!e of e"ui1ment Quest 7%0J 3 Aattle Auff -o!ation: Beights of -onlieness Entran!e@ *al5 to the man on the left Re"uest: Defeat *rauminator K7&JHL 6ithout an2thing e"ui11ed. <olution: Be is a grotto +oss that !an +e found in mid le$el grottos. Re6ard: Eortamor Ea1@ Raging Ru+2 for re1eat :re3re": D-,( A!!ess to mid le$el grottos Re1eat: =es 8otes: 8one Quest 7%0' 3 Ba$e =ou <een ,harleneO -o!ation: Corm6ood ,ree5@ Ea2or in his house Re"uest: Aring 0 <lee1ing Bi+is!us and & =ggdrasil De6 to the girl in the !a$e north of Corm6ood ,ree5. <olution: Au2 the <lee1ing Bi+is!us in Aloomingdale & use the Al!hem2 :ot for the =ggdrasil De6. Aring these to the girl and re1ort to the ma2or. Re6ard: . Eini Eedals :re3re": D-, Re1eat: 8o 8otes: <tor2( Refer to the Al!hem2 Re!i1e Guide. Quest 7%H) 3 ,hroni! Dela2 -o!ation: Corm6ood ,ree5@ Ea2or in his house Re"uest: Aring the dragon !hroni!ler to Corm6ood ,ree5.

<olution: *al5 to the man in F1o$erGs Inn. Aring him a -unaria( Aggressen!e and *rail+la#ing Aandana. Fse the Al!hem2 :ot to ma5e them. *hen meet him on the summit of Eagmaroo and re1ort +a!5 to the ma2or in Corm6ood ,ree5. Re6ard: =ggdrasil -eaf :re3re": D-,( ?inish Quest %0' Re1eat: 8o 8otes: <tor2 Quest 7%H% 3 Bere Cith 8odGs *ear -o!ation: Aloomingdale@ Ea2oress in her house Re"uest: Aring a DragonGs *ear to the ma2oress of Aloomingdale. <olution: *al5 to the man +2 the item sho1 and heGll tell 2ou that he 6ill trade 2ou his DragonGs *ear for a ,ro6n De6el. =ou !an find a ,ro6n De6el +2 !learing a grotto that has more than J floors and also has Sof ?earS in its title. After 2ou ma5e the trade re1ort +a!5 to the ma2oress in Aloomingdale. Re6ard: Gold Aar :re3re": D-,( ?inish Quest %H) Re1eat: 8o 8otes: <tor2 Quest 7%H& 3 Do 8od Distur+ -o!ation: *o6er of 8od( north of ,offin6ell@ <lime +2 the entran!e Re"uest: Re!o$er 8odGs *ear. <olution: Go to the to1 of the to6er and e9amine 8odo1h. *hen go to A/ of >u+liette and e9amine the shin2 s1ot for 8odGs tear. Aattle 8odo1h at the to1 of the *o6er of 8od. Re6ard: >ri!hal!um :re3re": D-,( ?inish Quest %H% Re1eat: 8o 8otes: <tor2 Quest 7%H. 3 Chen a <tar Cishes F1on =ou -o!ation: <torn6a2@ *al5 to :a$o from +ehind the !ounter at the inn Re"uest: Defeat E9!ali1urr K7&'&L for the :ra2er :earl. <olution: Be is a grotto +oss that !an +e found in a high le$el grotto and re1ort +a!5 to :a$o on!e !om1leted. *hen go to the Realm of the Almight2 and s1ea5 6ith ,elestria. *al5 to :a$o again then go to Angel ?alls and tal5 to A"uila. Go +a!5 and tal5 to :a$o one last time. Re6ard: A"uila ;oins 2our 1art2 :re3re": D-,( ?inish Quest %0I( a!!ess to high le$el grotto Re1eat: 8o 8otes: <tor2 Quest 7%H/ 3 ?i9ing ?i!5serGs ?i9 -o!ation: Corm6ood ,ree5@ Ean in the 6ell Re"uest: Aring him a -u!52 :endant. <olution: Fse the Al!hem2 :ot. Re6ard: ,ro6n of ,larit2@ <or!ererGs Ring for re1eat

:re3re": D-,( ?inish Quest H% Re1eat: =es 8otes: Refer to Al!hem2 Re!i1e Guide. Quest 7%H0 3 <hame on Goo -o!ation: Angel ?alls@ <lime in the 6ell Re"uest: Defeat J different slimes. <olution: Defeat Eetal <lime Mnight K7I0L( Eetal Eedle2 K7J'L( -i"uid Eetal <lime K7%0.L( Gem Dam+oree K7&)IL( Eetal Ming <lime K7&%/L( <lionheart K7&%0L( :latinum Ming De6el K7&&'L and :rime <lime K7&0&L. Re6ard: Eetal <lime <6ord@ <lime ,ro6n for re1eat :re3re": D-,( a!!ess to man2 different grottos Re1eat: =es 8otes: Refer to the Aeastiar2 as there are man2 lo!ations for these enemies. Quest 7%HH 3 Resear!h and Destro2 -o!ation: Cell on a hill( Frdus Earshland@ Ean in the 6ell Re"uest: Defeat Elusid K7&JIL $er2 "ui!5l2. <olution: Be is a lo6 le$el grotto +oss. Aeating him in J turns is good enough. Re6ard: Red >r+@ <or!ererGs <tone for re1eat :re3re": D-,( a!!ess to lo6 le$el grottos Re1eat: =es 8otes: 8one Quest 7%HI 3 ChoGs a :rett2 Ao2O -o!ation: ,ringle ,oast( most 8E island@ Aird in the house Re"uest: Defeat Aird >f *errordise K7&/%L for the De6eller2 Ao9 and *errodise *ail ?eather. <olution: =ou !an find it in high le$el Qol!ano grottos. Re6ard: Zoma Ea1 :re3re": D-,( a!!ess to high le$el Qol!ano grottos Re1eat: 8o 8otes: 8one Quest 7%HJ 3 :ott2 A+out :ots -o!ation: Zere@ *al5 to the old man Re"uest: Get him some good earth from a 8ature grotto. <olution: ,om1lete a 8ature grotto to re!ei$e the Dirt+ag. And re1ort +a!5 to the old man. Re6ard: BelaGs Bammer@ Be1haestusGs ?lame for re1eat :re3re": D-,( a!!ess to a 8ature grotto Re1eat: =es 8otes: 8one Quest 7%H' 3 ,om1etition ,ommission -o!ation: <torn6a2@ Ean to the north of the !astle on %? Re"uest: Aring him a <ageGs <tone. <olution: Fse the Al!hem2 :ot. Re6ard: Green >r+ :re3re": D-, Re1eat: 8o 8otes: Refer to Al!hem2 Re!i1e Guide. Quest 7%I) 3 Eaiding and A+etting -o!ation: <torn6a2@ Eaid in !astleGs 5it!hen

Re"uest: Aring her a Bea$2 Bat!het. <olution: ItGs a rare dro1 from AF3%))) K7&&IL( a high le$el Ruins grotto monster. Also +e found in ran5 A treasure !hests in grottos. Re6ard: EaidGs >utfit and EaidGs Eo1 :re3re": D-,( a!!ess to high le$el Ruins grotto Re1eat: 8o 8otes: 8one Quest 7%I% 3 I Could Do An2fang for -o$e -o!ation: BunterGs =urts@ Ean at the 6est of the settlement Re"uest: Aring him a Dra5ulordGs *ooth. <olution: Defeat Dra5ulord in a high le$el Cater grotto until the item dro1s. Re6ard: Riotous Crist+ands :re3re": D-, Re1eat: 8o 8otes: *his is a s1e!ial item dro1 so the "uest must +e a!!e1ted in order for this item to dro1. Quest 7%I& 3 8amesa5e Ea5er -o!ation: <torn6a2@ Ean in the middle of to6n Re"uest: Aring him the ?lame *ang 5nife. <olution: Fse the Al!hem2 :ot. Re6ard: *rinit2 *ights :re3re": D-, Re1eat: 8o 8otes: Refer to Al!hem2 Re!i1e Guide. Quest 7%I. 3 :lum Duffer -o!ation: Glee+a@ Ean +2 the armour sho1 Re"uest: Aring him %) :lum <tones. <olution: Defeat <ea$erns K7&0HL in a high le$el Cater grotto until 2ou meet the "uota. Re6ard: ,hrono!r2stal@ same for re1eat :re3re": D-,( a!!ess to high le$el Cater grottos Re1eat: =es 8otes: *his is a s1e!ial item dro1 so the "uest must +e a!!e1ted in order for this item to dro1. Quest 7%I/ 3 Agates AinGt GreatTAre *he2O -o!ation: <torn6a2@ *al5 to the ghost at night on the .? of the !astle Re"uest: Aring it an Agate of E$olution. <olution: Fse the <alute :art2 *ri!5 to greet it +efore 2ou gi$e it the item. *he item !an +e made 6ith the Al!hem2 :ot. Re6ard: Bero <1ear :re3re": D-, Re1eat: 8o 8otes: Refer to Al!hem2 Re!i1e Guide. Quest 7%I0 3 If IGAd an GAmmer -o!ation: Be9agon@ Ean +2 the entran!e Re"uest: Aring him a Eegaton Bammer. <olution: Fse the Al!hem2 :ot. Re6ard: =ello6 >r+ :re3re": D-, Re1eat: 8o

8otes: Refer to Al!hem2 Re!i1e Guide. Quest 7%IH 3 Cell ?orgetful -o!ation: Cell on a hill( Frdus Earshland@ Ean in the 6ell Re"uest: Aring him some ,anni+elle rage. <olution: ?ight ,anni+elle K7&.)L in mid to high le$el I!e grotto. Fse the CarriorGs s5ill( Chistle to enrage her %) times. Re6ard: >rgodemir Ea1@ Resurro!5 for re1eat :re3re": D-,( a!!ess to mid to high le$el I!e grottos Re1eat: =es 8otes: 8one Quest 7%II 3 *ones of the Aones -o!ation: C2rmtail@ <5eleton in !a$e Re"uest: Aring him a Aone ,himer. <olution: Defeat Alight Mnight K7&.IL a the Bammer s5ill( Beart Area5er Re6ard: Rust2 Armour@ <aintGs Ashes :re3re": D-,( a!!ess to a high le$el Re1eat: =es 8otes: 8one

in a high le$el I!e grotto 6ith until he dro1s the item. for re1eat I!e grotto

Quest 7%IJ 3 ?rom Rust to Ri!hes -o!ation: Arigadoom@ Gra$e near entran!e Re"uest: E"ui1 all of the Erdri!5 e"ui1ment K<6ord( <hield( Belmet( Armour and GauntletsL. <olution: Fse the Al!hem2 :ot to ma5e them( e"ui1 them and e9amine the gra$e again. Re6ard: Agate of E$olution( re!i1es :re3re": D-,( ?inish Quest %H' Re1eat: 8o 8otes: Refer to Al!hem2 Re!i1e Guide. Quest 7%I' 3 :ants Ea!a+re -o!ation: C2rmtail@ <5eleton in !a$e Re"uest: Aring him some Grundies. <olution: *he item !an +e stolen from ,umulus Be9 K7&%&L and he !an +e found in a high le$el 8ature grotto. =ou must use the EinstrelGs :ratfall s5ill to ma5e him laugh and then use Balf3In!h to steal from him. Re6ard: Rha1thorne Ea1@ Conder :ants for re1eat :re3re": D-,( a!!ess to a high le$el 8ature grotto Re1eat: =es 8otes: 8one Quest 7%J) 3 Cre!5ing Cre!5s -o!ation: Gittingham :ala!e @ Aoo5shelf on &? Re"uest: Defeat *2rannosaurus Cre!5s K7&'.L. <olution: Be is a grotto +oss that !an +e found in high le$el grottos. >n!e he is defeated re1ort +a!5 to the +oo5. Re6ard: Alue >r+ :re3re": D-,( ?inish Quest %%I( -$ I) <age( a!!ess to high le$el grottos Re1eat: 8o

8otes: 8one Quest 7%J% 3 ,an Ce Aor2a for a <e!ondO -o!ation: *o6er of 8od( north of ,offin6ell@ Ean south of the to6er Re"uest: E"ui1 Aor2aGs Aouffant( Aor2aGs Ro+e and Aor2aGs Aoots. <olution: *al5 to Aor2a( ma5e 2our +irthda2 the same date as toda2 and tal5 to him again( and ma5e 2ou hero a mage and tal5 to him one more time for the last 1ie!e of e"ui1ment. Re6ard: De1ressing <hoes :re3re": D-, Re1eat: 8o 8otes: 8one Quest 7%J& 3 An Imma!ulate ,on!e1tion -o!ation: <torn6a2@ Ean to the north of the !astle on %? Re"uest: Aring him a Goddess <hield. <olution: Fse the Al!hem2 :ot. Re6ard: :ur1le >r+ :re3re": D-,( ?inish Quest %H' Re1eat: 8o 8otes: Refer to Al!hem2 Re!i1e Guide. Quest 7%J. 3 :oison 8eedle % >6 % -o!ation: <6inedim1les A!adem2@ ?emale ghost in the >ld <!hool at night Re"uest: Aring Easter EoosiferGs K7&/0L B: do6n to % and defeat him 6ith the :oison 8eedle. <olution: Be !an +e fought in high le$el Qol!ano grottos and he has %)0H B:. *he :oison 8eedle !an +e +ought in Aloomingdale. Re6ard: :runing Mnife@ same for re1eat :re3re": D-,( a!!ess to high le$el Qol!ano grottos Re1eat: =es 8otes: 8one Quest 7%J/ 3 Aleats Ee -o!ation: -onle2 ,oast( east of Zere Ro!5s@ <hee1 inside the !a$e Re"uest: Aring it a QenusGs *ear. <olution: =ou !an get one +2 !om1leting Quest 0'. Re6ard: 8o!turnus Ea1 :re3re": D-, Re1eat: 8o 8otes: 8one 343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343 4343434343 4343434343434343434343434343434343Grotto Info3434343434343434343434343 434343434 343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343 4343434343 ?or the "uests re"uiring a!!ess to grottoes 6e ha$e indi!ated 6hi!h grotto le$els 6ere suffi!ient for ea!h "uest. ?or the sa5e of +re$it2 and due to the fa!t that not e$er2one 6ill ha$e the same amount of re$o!ations for their

Bero( these are rough estimates. ?or the grotto e9!lusi$e enemies( it is not the le$el of grotto that is im1ortant +ut the "ualit2 of the grotto. ?or e9am1le( <ea$ern is an < ran5 monster that a11ears in a Cater grotto. In the guide( 6e ha$e indi!ated that it !an a11ear in a high le$el Cater grotto +ut a!tuall2 it !an a11ear in a Cater grotto as lo6 as -$ 00 1ro$ided that it is an < ran5 grotto. Fnfortunatel2( the in3game menu 6ill not tell 2ou the "ualit2 of the grotto unless 2ou a!tuall2 go through the grotto and ma5e notes of 6hi!h enemies a11ear on 6hi!h floors. A2 indi!ating that <ea$ern a11ears in a high le$el grotto( the reader should ta5e a hint that some re$o!ations 6ill +e ne!essar2 in order to ha$e good !han!e of o+taining an < ran5 Cater grotto. *here ha$e also +een entries 6here 6e ha$e left out other lo!ations for grotto enemies. If 2ou noti!e this( it is not a mista5e. Dar5onium <lime for e9am1le a11ears mostl2 in Ruins grottoes +ut there is a !han!e that it !an also a11ear in an I!e grotto. Bo6e$er( it onl2 a11ears in a fe6 ran5 , I!e ma1s. Due to the unli5eliness of 1eo1le o+taining these ma1s( 6e ha$e omitted mentioning that Dar5onium <lime also a11ears in an I!e grotto. If 2ou 6ant to 5no6 the e9a!t lo!ations of the grotto enemies then 1lease !onsult a +eastiar2. ?inall2( the grotto +osses ha$e also +een s1lit u1 into ran5s and this ma2 not ne!essaril2 +e true in e$er2 !ase. E"uino9 is a a lo6 le$el grotto +oss +ut letGs sa2 that 2ou dis!arded all of 2our lo6 le$el ma1s and sin!e 2ou ha$e re$o!ated %) times in one !lass no6 2ou onl2 get A and < ran5 ma1s. In ran5 A and ran5 < grottoes 2ou ha$e a !han!e of fighting an2 of the grotto +osses so 2ou !an still fight E"uino9 e$en if 2ou thre6 out all of 2our lo6 le$el ma1s. Aut 6e do suggest ma5ing notes on 6hi!h +osses a11ear in 6hi!h ma1s and there ma2 +e merit in 5ee1ing 2our old ma1s +e!ause if 2ou ha$e to fight a !ertain +oss re1eatedl2( it 6ill sa$e 2ou some time tra$ersing the grotto +e!ause lo6 le$el ma1s ha$e fe6er floors 343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343 4343434343 434343434343434343434343434343434,onta!t Info3434343434343434343434343 434343434

343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343 4343434343 E2 email address is Sf"ureshi.#araf gmail.!omS. If 2ou ha$e an2 "uestions( !omments( !on!erns( something to add( or if 2ou noti!e a mista5e or something( 1lease send me an email a+out it. Ea5e sure 2ou mention Quest IX in the su+;e!t heading so that I donGt delete it as s1am. *han5sN 343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343 4343434343 4343434343434343434343434343434343,o12right343434343434343434343434343 434343434 343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343 4343434343 *his do!ument is here+2 1la!ed into the :u+li! Domain.

Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies: Quest Guide by Zaraf Version 1.2, Last Updated 2010-08-20 View/Download Original ile !osted by "a#e $%s &et'rn to Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies (DS) FAQs & Guides

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