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Retaining Wall

INTRODUCTION Retaining Walls, including shoring structures, are structural systems that provide lateral support for vertical or near-vertical slopes of soil. Several common types of Retaining Walls include: gravity, semigravity, cantilever, soldier pile, sheet pile, proprietary modular block, mechanically stabilized earth, and soil nail retaining walls. he !ity of West Richland does not consider rockeries "walls constructed of rock from the earth# to be Retaining Walls. DEFINITIONS Wall Height. $or permitting purposes, Retaining Wall height is defined as the height measured vertically from the finished grade at the e%posed toe of the Retaining Wall to the highest point of the finished wall. Setback Area Height. $or setback purposes, Retaining Wall Setback &rea 'eight is defined as the height measured vertically from the original grade to the highest point of the Retaining Wall supporting soil. EXEMPTIONS FROM PERMIT RE UIREMENTS & Retaining Wall permit is not re(uired for the following conditions: however retaining walls must also meet the )eneral Re(uirements listed within this handout: Retaining Walls four "*# feet or less in height, provided that none of the conditions below "numbers +-, under )eneral permit re(uirements# apply. "See Wall 'eight definition above.# $or Retaining Walls proposed for construction in con-unction with an approved subdivision or short plat, a separate retaining wall permit is not re(uired. 'owever, wall details shall be included on the subdivision.short plat civil drawings, the submittal re(uirements listed on page + of this handout shall be submitted with the plans, and plan approval signed by the !ity /ngineer will constitute Retaining Wall approval. Retaining Walls shall be designed, reviewed and approved based on the re(uirements of this handout. Retaining Walls four "*# feet or less in height proposed on an individual lot with a !ritical &reas determination of /rosion 'azard &rea only. 0ther !ritical &reas determinations do not apply to this e%emption. !ENERA" PERMIT RE UIREMENTS & Retaining Wall permit shall be re(uired when any of the following conditions apply: +. Retaining Walls greater than four "*# feet in height to eight "1# feet in height, "see Wall 'eight definition above.# 2lans must be designed and stamped by a W& State licensed /ngineer

3esign !alculations shall be submitted with the plans, stamped by the /ngineer of record 2eer review and special inspection are not re(uired for Retaining Walls 1 feet or less in height unless a special environmental or potentially hazardous conditions e%ists

4. Retaining Walls greater than eight "1# feet in height, "see Wall 'eight definition above.# 2lans must be designed and stamped by a W& State licensed /ngineer 3esign calculations shall be submitted with the plans, stamped by the /ngineer of record 2eer review and special inspection are re(uired 5. Retaining Walls of any height located in a designated !ritical &rea other than /rosion 'azard area. 2lans must be designed and stamped by a W& State licensed /ngineer and comply with WR6! !hapter 7777 3esign calculations shall be submitted with the plans, stamped by the /ngineer of record 2eer review and special inspection are re(uired for all Retaining Walls located in designated )eologically 'azardous !ritical &reas *. Retaining Walls of any height supporting a surcharge from a street, road, alley, driveway, parking, building, structure or other surcharge or Retaining Walls that impound flammable li(uids or hazardous materials. 2lans must be designed and stamped by a W& State licensed /ngineer 3esign calculations shall be submitted with the plans stamped by the /ngineer or record 2eer review and special inspections are re(uired for Retaining Walls grater than 8 feet in height ,. erraced Retaining Walls are sub-ect to the noted conditions above for permit re(uirements and e%emptions9 the following conditions also apply: /ach tier is considered to be a separate Retaining Wall "if any individual tier e%ceeds the threshold for a permit then a permit shall be re(uired for the entire terraced structure# he upper tier shall be setback from the lower tier a distance e(ual to, or greater than, the height of the lower Retaining Wall tier. :f the distance between the upper tier and the lower tier is less than the height of the lower tier then the lower tier shall be considered to support a surcharge from the upper tier and a permit shall be re(uired and be sub-ect to the re(uirements of this handout

RETAININ! WA"" CONSTRUCTION $or gravity block and modular block retaining walls, the contractor shall follow the manufacturer;s recommended installation procedure. $or all other types of retaining walls, the contractor shall follow the plans and specifications prepared by the /ngineer of Record. #e$%a$ he /ngineer of Record shall determine the minimum embedment for all walls in accordance with the manufacturer;s recommendations or as re(uired by the :nternational <uilding !ode. Wall &ack'ill $or gravity and modular block retaining walls, the backfill material shall be placed in lifts to an elevation appro%imately si% "8# inches below the top of each course of blocks, until the uppermost course is placed. &ny backfill material on the bearing surface of one block course shall be removed before setting the ne%t course. $or all other types of retaining walls, the contractor shall follow the approved plans and specifications prepared by the /ngineer of Record. &ack'illing When fill is placed behind a Retaining Wall, the soil parameters for design are based on the knowledge of the proposed fill soils and the anticipated control of the compaction. Special inspection by a licensed geotechnical engineer is re(uired to verify that the soils and compaction procedures are proper and the compacted soils properties achieve the design parameters. Un(er(rain & minimum si% "8# inch diameter rigid perforated or slotted drainpipe shall be placed in a shallow e%cavated trench located along the backside of the Retaining Wall. he pipe shall be placed on the surrounded by =)ravel <ackfill for 3rains> to a minimum height of +;-8> above the bottom of the pipe. & filter fabric shall surround the gravel backfill and shall have a minimum +;-?> overlap along the top surface of the gravel. his re(uirement for fabric may be waived by the /ngineer of Record if soils and water conditions make it unnecessary. he perforated drainpipe shall be connected to the storm drainage system "other than detention# or an approved outfall. Terrace( Retaining Wall) /ach tier of the terraced Retaining Wall shall be installed in accordance with the prescriptive installation design standards described herein and reflected in the diagrams on the pro-ect specific plans and specifications prepared by the /ngineer of Record. $or gravity block and modular block retaining wall installed in accordance with the prescriptive design standards described herein, the upper Retaining Wall tier shall not be located within a horizontal distance from the lower Retaining Wall tier e(ual to the height of the lower Retaining Wall.


)eneral here are two types of Retaining Walls9 one type is protecting, typically used for soils that are capable of standing by themselves without support and the other type is retaining or supporting, for soils that are not capable of standing or remaining at the e%isting slope. Retaining Walls shall be designed based on standard engineering methods provided by the :nternational <uilding !ode "current adopted edition# and WS30 .&2W& Standard specifications for Road, <ridge, and 6unicipal !onstruction "current edition#. Width and height of footings and walls shall be provided, including a reinforcing steel schedule and design calculations. he submitted plans, specifications, engineering calculations, diagrams soils report, and other data shall conform to the re(uirements of the current adopted edition of the :nternational <uilding !ode but not be limited to, the re(uirements of :<! !hapter +1?8. )ravity block and modular block walls shall meet the re(uirements of the !ity /ngineering installation design standards described herein and reflected in the attached diagrams. &ll other types of Retaining Walls not described within this document shall conform to the re(uirements of the :nternational <uilding !ode. Wall &ack'ill

,4 min. $or gravity and modular block retaining walls, the material located directly behind the wall shall conform to the manufacturer;s recommendations or plans and specifications prepared by the /ngineer of Record. :f there is no manufacturer;s recommendation or plans and specifications prepared by the engineer of record, the wall backfill shall consist of well draining granular material in conformance with WS30 .&2W& @-?5.+4"4# !ra*el &ack'ill '+r Drain)

Sieve Size *> S(uare 4> S(uare CS Ao. * CS Ao. 4?? 3ust Ratio: D 2assing CS Ao. 4?? D 2assing CS Ao. *? Sand /(uivalent

2ercent 2assing +?? B,-+?? 44-88 ,.? ma%

Sieve Size +> S(uare E> S(uare 5.1> S(uare CS Ao.* CS Ao. 4??

2ercent 2assing +?? 1? +?? +? *? ? * ? 4

& system shall be designed to intercept ground water behind the retaining wall in order to prevent hydrostatic pressure on the wall. he intercepted groundwater shall be channeled to an approved drainage system. Specify all drainage materials "piping, type of backfill, etc.# on the drainage plan. Aote, the backfill that surrounds the drainage pipe shall conform to WS30 .&2W& @?5.+4"*# outlined in the ad-acent chart. his material shall be placed to a twelve "+4># inch minimum width between the entire block facing and the cut slope.

!ENERA" RE UIREMENTS +. &ll Retaining Wall designs that re(uire a permit shall have plans and details stamped and signed by a W& State Ficensed 2rofessional /ngineer, including the design calculations when re(uired. 4. & soils is re(uired to determine the classification of soil design parameters and soil design bearing capacity. &ll report recommendations shall be incorporated into the Retaining Wall design including drainage considerations. 5. Retaining Walls shall not e%ceed there "5# feet in height, above original grade, when located in setback areas. "See Setback &rea 'eight definition above# *. Retaining Walls of any height shall not be constructed over public utility easements, or be constructed to adversely affect drainage, or create a sight distance hazard. ,. he slope behind the top of a Retaining Wall shall be no steeper than 4:+ "horizontal:vertical# unless specifically approved by the applicant;s )eotechnical /ngineer. 8. Retaining Walls of any height shall not be constructed in, on, or over "developed or undeveloped# !ity right-of-way, unless specifically approved by the !ity /ngineer. 2er WR6! !hapter 777 approval of an /ncroachment 2ermit may be granted to locate a Retaining Wall within the !ity right-of-way if it does not interfere with the public;s use of the right-of-way and.or if the proposal benefits the public interest, safety or convenience. B. & two "4# foot minimum shy distance shall be maintained from Retaining Walls to the edge of roads "including private access roads serving 5 or more lots#, streets and alleys. 1. emporary Spoil. Cnless substantiated by the applicant;s )eotechnical /ngineer, temporary spoil or stockpiling shall be placed no closer than two "4# feet from the surface edge of the e%cavating, measured from the nearest base of the spoil to the cut. Spoil should be placed so that it channels rainwater and other run-off water away from the e%cavation. 2ermanent spoils are considered to be fill and are sub-ect to :<! permitting and fill re(uirements "a separate fill.grading permit may be re(uired. 9. General Requirements apply even if a retaining wall is exempt from permitting requirements. !ENERA" INSPECTION RE UIREMENTS +. :f the Retaining Wall is located on private property and is permitted as part of a building permit or as a separate Retaining Wall permit, the property owner is responsible to call the !ity <uilding :nspection line ",?@-@8B-5,+1# for the following inspections, including but not limited to: Focation and Setbacks Gerification of <earing Soil 2lacement of Reinforcement Wall 3rainage "behind wall and to a point one foot away from wall# 3rainage dispersal inspection "inspected by !ity /ngineer for drainage on foot away from wall to approved dispersal area# $inal :nspection and 'eight


:f the Retaining Wall is constructed as part of a subdivision or short plat site improvement, the property owner is responsible to call the !ity /ngineer at ,?@@8B-,*5* for the noted inspections above.

SPECIA" INSPECTION RE UIREMENTS $or poured concrete Retaining Walls, if the design /ngineer specifies a concrete design strength greater than 4,??psi, a special inspection is re(uired by either the /ngineer of Record or a Special :nspector approved by the <uilding 0fficial who is certified by the Washington &ssociation of <uilding 0fficials "W&<0# for reinforced concrete. he )eotechnical /ngineer of record shall verify conformance with the pro-ect specific Retaining Wall design including but not limited to: soil bearing conditions and capacity, groundwater conditions, verification of backfill material, compaction methods, drainage, and retaining wall placement procedures, etc. $ield reports by the )eotechnical /ngineer of record shall be submitted in a timely manner to the <uilding 3ivision for review and approval for private individual lot development and to the /ngineering 3ivision for subdivision.short plat and right-ofway development.

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